“Every student, please pay attention!”

At the end of the dinner time on the same day, Professor McGonagall suddenly stood up and said, and most of the students’ attention was drawn to the past.

“I think everyone has learned a lot about the past activities of our school in the A History of Magic class. For example, the Triwizard Tournament held in the previous year is one of them. And everyone must be clear, no. Major-level events have been put on hold for a long time because of historical reasons…”

“To tell the truth, most of those activities will definitely help you in your study, but as a professor and headmaster of Hogwarts, I can’t let everyone experience the experience one by one, which makes me feel embarrassed. ”

“However, recently, with the help of Mr. Marx McLorne, our temporary departure from Professor Study of Ancient Runes, at the meeting of the International Wizard Federation… Finally, there is another dusty large school event that will open smoothly. !”

Before the professor McGonagall finished, the following young wizards began to boil.

For children, staying in the classroom and studying in writing every day is undoubtedly boring. At this point, even the most powerful professors are hard to change.

At this time, a special event will become the most appropriate way for these energetic girls to vent.

And if this activity does not have any educational significance, then it is a wonderful thing to learn and relax.

“Quiet! Quiet!”

Professor McGonagall’s majesty is still there. I saw her slamming her hand and pressing it up. The hall that suddenly became noisy was quiet again. The twin crystal eyes are full of expectations.

What is the activity?

Is the magic school potion tournament? Or is it the European Teen Wizard Duel Contest? Will it not be a minor group competition in the All England High School? If that’s the case, it would be too bad!

I don’t know if Professor McGonagall just used the Triwizard Tournament as an example, or because the young wizards are young and aggressive, and a race is constantly hovering in everyone’s mind.

“It’s impossible to be a potion tournament!” Hermione didn’t have much interest in this type of activity. She sipped cold water on the side. “Since the finals of the final session, there were contestants who made it because of a fryer. After a large vicious swamp that can’t be eliminated now, the potion tournament can no longer be restarted! You know, including the accidentally injured muggle, the number of deaths in that game has reached an unprecedented three digits! ”

“Oh! What kind of potion is it refining?” Ron immediately snorted and looked suspicious.

“Hey, is it terrifying to listen?” Hermione shrugged said. “As for why the potion fry will make a swamp… there is no detailed on-site record, because the people who know it have been sinking in the Nordic forever. In the swamp!”

Just as Hermione lowered his voice and told everyone about the sporadic record of the game, Professor McGonagall over the faculty side cleared the scorpion and immediately said:

“This upcoming event is a magic school study tour that was terminated due to war! Some people know that this is a very old school activity that has existed since the beginning of Hogwarts. Let the students look at the customs and scenery around the world, and let everyone see the local magic that is unheard of, and the magical creatures that have never been seen before…”

After mentioning the meaning of the event a little, McGonagall turned to:

“If it is customary, the study tour plan should be a teaching activity that can be attended by each student’s Sixth Year. However, considering that this activity has not been held for a long time, this time will be attended by all the teachers and students!”

“…After the International Wizard Federation Education Department issued the approval document, the specific announcement will be posted in the bulletin board of the foyer. If there are students who are unable to participate in the event, please remember to submit the application in advance! ”

McGonagall hasn’t finished talking yet, the following young wizards are noisy again – study tour? Isn’t that about traveling around the world? It sounds so cool!

And this time, even Hermione was a little excited. Because she liked to travel everywhere since she was a child, almost every few years, her parents will take her vacation to take her to a country and enjoy some foreign scenery.

What’s more, this study tour is a wizard tour… Needless to say, it must be more interesting than the trip of the muggle!

Professor McGonagall, who was interrupted by the last sentence, saw the scene more turbulent than before. This made her have to pull out the wand and waved it, giving a “pi pa” a harsh explosion.

After she finally made the big guys quieter and quieter, she added:

“…Because this study tour needs to travel around the world, Hogwarts will send a parental submission to all of your families. Only students who have the permission of their parents can participate in the event! Well, today’s dinner time is up. This is the end, now please each Prefect lead the students back to the common room! You student, good night!”

Tough barely fell, Professor McGonagall left the teaching staff and left without returning.

“Oh – I know! Parental signature… Mother is not assured that I am going around the world!”

“Yeah! This is a bad thing, why is there such a thing?”

For a time, Hogwarts’s auditorium became a mess, yelling one after another. Students who have always been enlightened by their parents are cheering, and students who are consciously unable to participate are mourning all over the place. The chaos makes people feel like they are entering the bar at one or two in the morning.

“Professor McGonagall is really fast!”

Marx sat behind the teacher’s seat and looked at the back of the side door McGonagall’s back quickly disappeared, could not help but smile and spit.

No way, this activity really has to be approved by the parents first. If the students don’t know how to let the students run so far, no matter whether they can’t make an accident, it will be the fault of the school.

This time, if parents don’t agree with their child’s participation, then they have to give the part of the students a small vacation with homework.

Well, I hope those young wizards won’t complain too much!


On the morning of Professor McGonagall’s announcement of the study tour, a special interview with “Daily Prophet” was published on the front page, with a magic photo of Marx and Ministry of Magic’s long Scrimgeour interview.

In this interview, not only the important news of the restart of the Hogwarts study tour plan, but also some discussion content about the current situation are also included.

In particular, there is a part about Marx’s view of the ancient dark wizard that came back from the recovery of “Herpo the Foul”. “Daily Prophet” is not only a layout, but even the second page is occupied by one of the 5 points.

Undoubtedly, this is the first time Marx has publicly expressed his opinion on Herpo, including the difference between the ancient wizard and the modern wizard, and the similarities and differences between the ancient magic and the modern curse.

If you want to summarize these things, it is not complicated:

“The ancient magic is not terrifying and mysterious as you think. According to my research, modern magic is actually another form of ancient magic. Don’t think that ancient magic will be more modern than after seeing Herpo’s powerful. The curse is more brilliant, it’s just Herpo’s personal powerful…”

“And more importantly, even the Herpo is not a wizard standing at Magic Peak. I want to say that his level is actually similar to that of Professor Dumbledore, but the research directions of the two are different.’ All.”

This is the original words of Marx in the interview. The female reporter’s professional conduct is obviously much better than Rita Skeeter, and almost the words of Marx’s comments are put on the newspaper.

Marx would say that, naturally, it is to dispel the fear of Herpo, or the ancient wizard, in the hearts of ordinary wizard people. But from a certain point of view, what he said is actually the truth, but it has specifically omitted some of the necessary explanations.

For example, because the modern magic circle is seriously devoid of war urging, it is hard to say that it is difficult to create a modern wizard that is good at fighting.

Without years of accumulation, it is almost impossible to defeat Herpo by modern curses.

“Hey! Marx is very good! Hey, ‘The modern curse and the ancient magic don’t really matter. If you learn the depths, you can exert the power of power’… think about Marx himself. Is that the case? It’s just a Levitation charm, and in his hands he can hold up a huge monument like a hill!”

While the students are excited about the study tour, they don’t forget to express their surprise at Marx’s other interviews. But Hermione and the others are not as excited about other students as they look at these reports.

“I always think… Marx’s words are a bit evasive, aren’t they?” Neville asked softly as he flipped through the newspaper.

“Well,” Hermione couldn’t help but nodded. “I think anyone who has seen the major disasters with their own eyes will probably understand Herpo’s terrifying… but Marx is actually right, it should be just Herpo’s own powerful. However, this does not mean that the ancient magic is more powerful than the modern magic.”

It has not been dead since ancient times, and this is no longer something that ordinary people can do. It can be seen that Herpo was already a well-know figure in a wizard in ancient times.

However, the problem now is not the strength of the ancient and modern magic, but the success of Marx and Herpo.

Cold, from the beginning, staring at Ron, the newspaper did not speak, but suddenly said:

“At least what I can see in this interview is not just Marx’s discussion of ancient magic and ancient wizard… isn’t it?”

A group of small partners are hearing this and have seen him in the past.

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