A person’s dungeon is undoubtedly full of loneliness.

After Pansy left with Elliott, there was only Muriel left in the Ministry of Magic’s dungeon.

Although after that, there were already two fixed-point guards and two patrols in the corridor outside the cell, but Muriel could not chat with them after all.

Fortunately, she was not a female child who was afraid of loneliness since she was a child.

Since the day of birth, Muriel has lost his mother. I once heard from Father that it was a rare dystocia in the magic circle. Although I asked St. Mungo’s healer to go home at home, it would not help.

Of course, since Mother is too early, Muriel doesn’t feel much about it. If you have to say something, that is, when you were a child, you have envied other children. Can you have a family of three to have Christmas together?

When Mulier was really sad for the first time, it should have been the accidental death of Father when he was still in Third Year at Hogwarts.

It was a work accident. The father, who was a potion teacher, got tired because of the long hours of work. As a result, I got the wrong direction of mixing cauldron. The sudden decomposition of certain components of the medicinal liquid caused a violent explosion that affected most of the potion preparations.

The hard-to-extinguish flame directly devours him with three other colleagues and two house elf, leaving only a few piles of crisp white bones.

I heard that the funeral of muggle began to bury the ashes, right? This time, the father, who has never been able to keep up with the trend, finally rushed back to fashion.

Thinking of this, Muriel’s nose is a bit sour.

And probably from the day of the father’s walk, Muriel began to learn from potion. After the funeral of Father, she quickly returned to Hogwarts and plunged into the library of books.

Serious study, good innate talent and seemingly hard-working self-study make Muriel complete the actual level beyond the upper limit of the NEWTspotion exam.

However, Muriel, who left Hogwarts, still did not stop her training on potion.

After returning to her home in Knockturn Alley, she was immersed in research and study until the legacy left to her parents was exhausted.

It must be said that the study of potion studies is indeed very hard-burning. Even though Muriel’s family has been a potion for several generations, her grandfather has earned a lot of gold galleons because of the development of several new potions, but still can’t afford the continued consumption of Mulier for years.

However, of course, it is not difficult for Muriel, who has already achieved something, to come to the money. Just at Knockturn Alley, she runs a small potion material store, selling some of the hard-to-find boutique potions, so she has enough gold galleon to continue her research.

But until now, no one seems to know what she is trying to do.

Until one day, when a male wizard named Martin came out with the introduction of a regular customer, and bought some not special potion. This man suddenly broke into the personal World that Muriel built with high walls.

It was the first time that Muriel discovered that there was a man who had neither or both of them, and he was always with him. It was also very good!

And one day after knowing Martin, when both of them sat in the corner of the potion preparation room for a simple dinner, Mulier first expressed the wish of her heart to someone other than herself.

“I want to develop a potion that will make people die and resurrected – it’s the kind of potion that even if one has already turned into ashes and can still resurrect him!”

Since ancient times, there are many people who are eager to live forever, and there are many who are eager to resurrect someone.

But is this possible?

To be honest, instead of believing that he can resurrect others, Martin personally believes that there is eternal life in this world. At the very least, there is a Nicholas Flamel in front of everyone, isn’t it?

But even if he didn’t believe it, he didn’t say anything to Mulier.

Perhaps it was Martin’s silent support. Muller, who was always alone, defaulted to his existence and even gradually gained trust in him.

Muriel remembers that whenever he had any difficulties, Martin was always the first, and only one after another, who would come in time to help himself.

She also remembers that Martin was the only one who, after entering her home, did not sneak a frown because of the stench in the house.

That’s right, Mulier knows the fact that his family smells bad. It was only because of the need of some research that she could not clean up the terrifying smell and could only listen to it.

Fortunately, at least one other Martin does not disappoint it, and even wants to sit in the past.

Muriel is not afraid of loneliness, but probably few people will like loneliness… If she can choose, she hopes that someone can accompany me occasionally when they are not busy, even if they only talk for a few days.

Only now, there is no Martin in this dungeon, and only she is left alone.

“ka-cha -“

It is the strange voice. If there is no sound when it is nowhere to be heard, it can only be heard after calming down.

Muriel sat in the corner of the door and reached for a dry straw from the ground. He was quite bored and twisted a few knots, then threw it in the direction she heard the sound.

In addition to the door, the other three directions of the cell are closed, not even a window. Therefore, the straw knot she throws can be thrown to the wall at most, but the sound is obviously from the multi-person cell next door.

Muriel snorted innocently, intending to continue to fight a child by the wall… I hope you don’t dream about father this time! After all, far from now, there is still no research on potion with resurrection effect. She can’t make herself cheeky to accept Father’s care.

But unfortunately, next, she is afraid that the chance of falling asleep will no longer exist.


Just as Mulier slightly closed his eyes, a shadow suddenly appeared in the corner opposite the cell, and she shrouded her face.

“what sound?”

Auror, who was in charge of standing outside, turned and looked around, but saw Mulier slightly lowering his head. The greasy and long hair of messy covered her face, which made it even difficult for her to see her as a dream. It is awake.

“Maybe it is a nightmare!”

The colleague standing on the other side also glanced back and shook his head.

“I have seen it once, she is dozing off.”

“is it?”

The first opening of the Auror was nodded, but still not at ease – now is a special period, the minister has already ordered the death, there must be no more accidents.

Although these Auror always feel that this minister is not reliable, if you have to say it, it is not a bad thing to be careful.


As he thought about it, he reached out and knocked on the iron bar of the door, and the sound of the slamming metal gradually reverberated in the dungeon.

“Wake up?”

When the voice did not fall, he saw Mulier in the cell squatting up, and a pair of ink-like scorpions appeared in the gap between the long hair.

“Isn’t this awake?”

“You are knocked on the side of your ear, you will wake up!” The colleague next to him couldn’t help but vomit.

He glanced at the other side with helplessness, and this time he looked at Muriel in the prison.

“Just wu wu, what to do!”

It can be seen that Muriel’s eyes seem to have some abnormal sluggishness at this time. But because her long hair with a slap in her face covered most of her face, she couldn’t see her expression.

After hearing the Auror’s stern inquiry, Muriel shook his head slightly. Although she shook her head a little too far, so close, the two Aurors saw it.

Although Muriel did not directly answer, but the first Auror saw her did not seem to be any strange, and immediately did not ask more.

Perhaps it’s just like the same thing that my colleagues just said, just a sleepy nightmare!

However, the two Auror, who were outside the prison, turned back and stood on both sides of the prison to continue to fight with drowsiness, but did not see Mulier’s eyeballs gradually occupied by black. At the end of the day, even with his white eyes, he turned into a deep and hollow black.

After a while, Mulier, who remained silent, finally reopened her eyes, leaving only the coldness of the mouth.


Ministry of Magic The changes in the dungeon are still unknown, let alone the shadow of the rush to Muriel.

At about the same time, Pansy of Hogwarts had already joined Draco and hurried to the latter’s home after a holiday.

This time, after hearing Marx’s approval, the two fake Snape were very refreshed. He didn’t even care about it and had another Draco to take time off.

In Snape’s view, this kind of breaking thing has nothing to do with him.

As long as Marx didn’t run to squint and ask him, he wouldn’t care, and he didn’t want to take care of it, because now he only hopes that he can calm down and live as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Like those annoying concealers, he has long been fed up.

To be honest, today’s Pansy actually has the same idea as Snape. It’s a pity that she didn’t get out of the game like Snape, and she is still far from the qualification to turn a blind eye to everything.

“Draco, your home… Is it not the same as before?”

When she was not enrolled in Hogwarts, the young Pansy had followed her parents to the Malfoy home – she still vaguely remembered that the mansion’s yard had a white peacock that looked both beautiful and noble.

But now, it seems that many places have changed… It has become more vibrant than before, full of flowers and greenery.

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