Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 525: . You and I do not count (15)

Work needs to be carried out vigorously, Wang Bo said to do it.

He and Stoke talked for a morning first, learned some basic knowledge of the petrochemical industry, understood the advantages and disadvantages of each gas station, learned about the seagull's oil, and then went to the Mobil gas station after lunch.

Mobil is a habitual name. In fact, this company is now renamed Exxon Mobil and is the world's largest petrochemical plant. Its first generation was the well-known Rockefeller in the US financial circle.

The Mobil built in the town of Sunset is just a small gas station with only the station manager, finance and a dedicated gas stationer. When the work is not busy, the station manager and finance also have to do the gas station work.

Therefore, before Wang Bo went, he knew that he could not get any guarantees among these populations. They were just working babies.

However, it was so hard for the king to see the little ghost. When he walked to the gas station, there were two SUVs waiting for gas. The stationmaster and the gas station were working, so he said hello and wanted to wait: "Hi, No Mr. Mori, it's sunny today, isn't it? "

This is the standard New Zealand style greeting. Ask the weather, of course, Wang Bo can also ask how he ’s eating at lunch, but it will be tempted by people.

New Zealanders value privacy in a way that Chinese people cannot understand, and if it is their own lunch, it is also considered part of privacy. They will not mention it unless they are friends.

Webmaster Nordson glanced at him and nodded, but did not answer, and still cheering on the SUV.

Wang Bo leaned against the wall with his arms folded. He was a little sad. The mayor of New Zealand and the Chinese mayor could not compare. If he was a mayor in China and then greeted a gas worker, the other party would not even lick He, he will certainly be flattered to entertain him.

The premise of communication between New Zealanders is equality. Of course, the mayor and the fueller cannot be truly equal, but if the fueller does not care about the mayor, it is not difficult to understand.

The two SUVs left and were idle for a while. Northren came over and wiped his hands with a towel and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Wang Bo shrugged and said casually: "The weather is so good, can't I talk to you? We are neighbours now."

He was actively releasing a friendly signal, but unfortunately Northren did not appreciate it: "Forget it, Mr. Mayor, the weather is really good, but everyone is so busy, you have something to say. As for the neighbors? Sorry, I live in Dunedin , And you are not neighbors. "

This answer made Wang Bo frown. The buddies were very unfriendly. He had a hunch. Today ’s negotiations will not be smooth.

In this case, Wang Bo opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Yes, please contact your company's senior management. Seagull hopes to become a neighbor with you in the sunset town."

Northon laughed and said, "Seagull gas station wants to enter Sunset Town? Come on, this joke is not funny."

Wang Bo said: "Perhaps your managers like this joke, go, tell them and tell them I have something to talk to them."

Northon frowned: "Hey, mayor, do you really want to let those hunks come to Sunset Town?"

Wang Bo responded politely: "Please, man, this is a small town in the countryside, we are all hunks."

Northren was not purely mindless. When he saw that Wang Bo was angry, he relaxed his voice and said, "I don't know why you have such thoughts, but as a member of the town, I want to give you a friendly reminder."

"Mayor, ethanol gasoline is not a good thing! Its calorific value is only 60% of that of regular motor gasoline, and according to a fairly reliable report, if a car uses 10% ethanol blended gasoline without any changes, the engine ’s Fuel consumption will increase by 5%, so the only people who like this oil are poor ghosts, and poor ghosts will not come to the sunset town. "

Wang Bo waved his hand: "First of all, Stationmaster Northren, you are Dunedin, not a member of Sunset Town. Second, I know everything you know, but you do n’t know what I know, such as what you call 'reliance "Public Reporting" That was false news, and the publisher has apologized to the readers. "

The morning homework was not done in vain. He learned a lot about ethanol gasoline.

The low calorific value of ethanol gasoline is a fact, and its latent heat of vaporization is large. The evaporation temperature at the theoretical air-fuel ratio is higher than that of conventional gasoline, which affects the formation of the mixture and the combustion speed.

This may be a bit confusing. To put it plainly, ethanol gasoline is not conducive to the acceleration of the car and will reduce its explosive power. That is to say, the car will run small with this gasoline.

Northren also said: "If you know a lot, you must know that stuff will corrode the oil road. Only broken cars will use ethanol gasoline!"

Indeed, Seagull's gasoline can be corrosive to oil circuits, and ethanol can generate acetic acid during the combustion process, which has a corrosive effect on automotive metals, especially copper.

And ethanol is an excellent solvent, which will cause slight corrosion, swelling, softening or cracking of automotive sealing rubber and other synthetic non-metallic materials.

Wang Bo responded tit-for-tat: "Don't alarm your man, I read the official test data. When the ethanol content in gasoline is 0-10%, there is almost no corrosion on the metal. Besides, as far as I know, the seagull has also added effective corrosion. Suppressor ... "

At this point, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, we have nothing to say. Tell your managers, I want to talk to them."

He was determined to introduce seagulls into the town. Although ethanol gasoline has many disadvantages compared to traditional gasoline, it also has many advantages.

The first is that the price is more affordable, and the second is that this oil has a high octane number, good explosion resistance, and low risk.

The most important thing is that ethanol gasoline has little pollution to the environment after combustion. This is not a little less. Because the content of oxygen in ethanol is high, so people who have learned less chemistry after producing carbon monoxide know that carbon monoxide is the result of insufficient carbon combustion. product.

Northon stopped Wang Bo's thoughts to change, but as soon as he stopped, the strong man who was basking in the sun suddenly climbed up, then stared at him with fierce eyes.

Seeing this, the webmaster hurriedly raised his hand to make a non-threatening gesture, saying, "Mayor, you see, our gas station is a good fit with the town, we have not been complained, our oil quality is too good, you There is absolutely no need to introduce another gas station, right? "

Wang Bo said: "This is not something you and I can decide. The people in Dunedin, this is my voters. The townspeople hope that the seagulls can fly in."

When he was off work in the evening, he was practicing English with that Qingyang. An unexpected guest suddenly arrived. (To be continued.)

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