Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1438: .Single Night (510)

Motak soon brought a barrel of home-brewed beer, which was specially made for weddings, brewed by professional brewers, using farm beer malt and spiritual spring water as raw materials.

Wang Bo poured two large cups and sat on the chair and said, "Come, Dabao, toast."

Zhong Dabao raised his wine glass and his eyes lit up: "Well, your beer is very fragrant."

He didn't wait for Wang Bo, he took a big sip directly, and his eyes became brighter: "What kind of beer is this? Why is it so fragrant? The beer at home is comparable to this, that is horse urine."

Wang Bo teased, "Why, did you drink horse urine?"

Zhong Dabao hesitated with a smile: "Horse urine has not been drunk, whale urine has been drunk."

Drinking beer and looking at the beautiful scenery, Wang Bo said with emotion: "How, when I came to New Zealand, didn't I think I could become like this one day?"

Zhong Dabao tore a piece of dried fish into his mouth and chewed with interest, and said, "Well, to be honest, I still have something like that, like a dream."

"Imaginary, idioms work well." Wang Bo laughed.

Zhong Dabao blushed a little, he scratched his head and said, "Don't laugh at me, I don't have much culture, but you know it's not that I don't learn, it's because my brain is inflexible."

Wang Bo said: "You have a good brain, don't think about it."

Zhong Dabao shook his head and said, "You don't need to comfort me. I'm not upset. I have a good brother like you, and I have a good wife like Taotao. Don't say I'm just a little silly. I'm a pure pen, and I'm happy."

"However, I hope that my children will not be as stupid as me in the future." He added, "I will provide them with good school, let them learn as culturally as you, do n’t fish like me. Don't be like me , Such a beautiful scenery will only say that it is really good to step on horses, even an idiom and poetry cannot be said. "

Wang Bo patted him on the shoulder and said, "Drink, don't think about these messy things."

Zhong Dabao sighed with a sip of wine: "Okay, haha, in fact, I am not sad, I am happy now, very happy! I did not expect my brother to be so successful, you now say that you are a king and I believe it!"

The two drank beer and ate dried fish fillets. They remembered the past of their childhood, laughing and feeling from time to time. They talked for an afternoon, and the two of them were drunk.

This state of drunkenness is just the beginning. In the next few days, more guests came to the sunset town, and Wang Bo's wine bureau also had more.

On the last day of September, the craziest wine party in Sunset Town began, which was the bachelor party night.

The real name of this party should be farewell to a bachelor party. New Zealanders like to play. Before the men and women get married, their brothers and girlfriends will come out to organize a party, usually the night before the wedding, for the bride and groom to have an overnight carnival.

New Zealanders don't like getting married, but they have a very religious attitude towards marriage.

Before you get married, you can do whatever you want. Once you get married, it ’s the pillar of a family. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, you have to control yourself.

Therefore, the night before marriage, people tend to go crazy.

Sunset town often hosts parties. This party is specially prepared for Wang Bo and other newcomers, so there are more people participating and it is especially grand.

The party is divided into two venues, one is in the central square, which is full of men, is the main venue for men's bachelor parties, and the other is on the lakeside beach, which is full of women, is the main venue for women's bachelor parties.

There are bonfires on the square, and there are many banners hanging on the guardrail, which read the slogan about party:

"Youth is not always there, hurry up and fall in love" "Love, let us zero distance"

"Hold your hand and be with you forever", "Experience zero distance, love forever" and so on.

The combination of the sunsets in the American singing scene came back early, and the party began. On the stage of the square was an iron cage modeled after the iron cage fighting contest. Then Reddy and Lane suddenly appeared in the cage.

Tonight ’s theme is Crazy Night. Reddy shook her long hair and shouted with a loud voice: “Guys, move! Shake your head and shake your head! Raise your hand and yell at me! Hey, hey! Stand up together, hey, hey, hey! "

"Sunset combination! Oh yeah !!!" Seeing the four of them, a loud cheer sounded immediately.

Many young people rushed to the stage, but they were blocked by the iron cage. They could not meet the four of Reddy. This is the reason for setting up the iron cage. Not only can it increase the wild atmosphere of the scene, but also protect the band members inside.

Wang Bo was also in the crowd. He was with Charlie Bowen and others, raised the beer bottle and bumped it, then shook it hard.

As the beer bottle swayed and carbon dioxide impacted the beer and gushed out, Pharaoh carried Bowen over, shoved the bottle directly into his mouth, and then screamed, "Hey, hey! Hey, hey!"

Bowen opened his mouth and cursed: "Xuete ... oh oh!"

A bottle of beer was poured in, and Pharaoh threw away the beer bottle and got into the crowd. Bao Wen was desperate and wanted to find him, but he couldn't find it. He turned back and asked, "Who are you snow!"

Charlie grabbed Bowen and inserted the beer bottle in his mouth. The violence of the means is better than that of Pharaoh!

Bowen didn't dare to speak in the back, and hurried into the crowd holding his beer bottle.

As a result, the crowd dealt specifically with a few of them. Some people shouted, "Play games, play games, play games! Grab the groom, grab the groom!"

"Oh, catch the groom! Guys catch the groom!"

Wang Bozheng was glad that he had escaped from Bao Wen's revenge. As a result, everyone around him suddenly looked at him together, his eyes were extremely bad.

"Brothers listen to me, this kind of game cannot be played ..." Pharaoh said in panic.

Dozens of arms were grabbed at him. He tried to push away but there were too many arms. The scene was the same as the zombie group who found a living person. Everyone rushed to him, and then caught him in his hands. Raised overhead.

Just like the shipment, everyone lifted him to the center of the crowd. Pharaoh did not dare to struggle. Charlie beside him was a lesson from the past. As soon as he struggled, people could not support him, and they fell unhappily on the ground. .

Soon the Mexican pretty boy was found and lifted up. Pharaoh heard that he was screaming: "Snow catches whoever he catches. Does he touch my butt? Don't explode my chrysanthemum! All right, don't touch my butt!"

There is a large bucket in the center of the crowd, which is filled with beer. After Wang Bo was transported over, he felt awful when he saw this big bucket of beer!

But at this time it was too late to run. Everyone threw him into the beer barrel like throwing a sack ...

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