
Chapter 659

hk648 Hurricane Ignition Technology

Yasukuni Shrine of Wo Sang Nation was boycotted throughout Asia. In particular, the important member of Wo Sang Nation “Government”, during the annual festival of Yasukuni Shrine, the visit to Yasukuni Shrine is definitely an act of tempting Puling Hostility.

Xia Nation’s Hacker World, represented by Hacker Union, Organization formed the Hacker coalition, open to the public issued a warning to Wo Sang Nation, prohibiting Wo Sang Nation “Government” officials to pay homage to Yasukuni Shrine, otherwise Crazy’s revenge will be taken.

For the behavior of Hacker Union, Xia Nation’s Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Agency did not make any business, which is a default attitude, letting Hacker Union threaten Wo Sang Nation.

Woer World of Wo Sang Nation, on the issue of Yasukuni Shrine, is not a piece of iron. Some Hacker factions believe that they should visit Yasukuni Shrine; others believe that they should not pay homage and should respect history.

Wo Sang Nation Hacker World, which is not resolved by the internal issue, is also facing the threat of Xia Nation Hacker World. They are under great pressure! [

Nanchao Nation’s Hacker World, fearing that the world is not chaotic, followed by Xia Nation Hacker World’s warning, also issued an open to the public statement to Wo Sang Nation’s Hacker World, if Wo Sang Nation’s “Government” So, really want to visit Yasukuni Shrine, then Nanchao Nation’s Hacker World will work with Xia Nation Hacker World to attack Wo Sang Nation’s Internet World.

Wo Sang Nation’s domestic news media, for the Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation’s Hacker World statement, broadcast detailed news.

Nation, the most clear of Hacker’s destructive power in World, is suspected of Wo Sang Nation!

The people of Wo Sang Nation have already been deeply educated. Hacker is not only able to destroy the Internet, but can really affect Reality’s life.

The people of Wo Sang Nation do not all support Yasukuni Shrine. The public worried about the threat of the two countries Hacker World, worried that Hacker would disturb the normal life order, so they took to the streets to show the crowd. Hope Wo Sang Nation “Government” should not easily visit Yasukuni Shrine until it can completely defeat the Hacker.

Wo Sang Nation, Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency 路 Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department.

The Section Head of the Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department has become Oda Shizuna. The former Section Head Kurai Nipaku, who left the Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department for failing to deal with the all kinds of Hacker incidents, moved to other positions in the Intelligence Agency.

After Oda Shizuna took charge of the coveted Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department, Dadao immediately rectified it. 12 official Security SpeCIA list Little Group, first handled the change of member, and changed some personnel appointment changes, will belong to his own personnel, arranged for the position of Little Group Head.

As the new Section Head of the Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department, Oda Shizuna has no achievements yet. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. Oda Shizuna’s ambition is great, and his Hope has made a lot of achievements, thus promoted to a higher level, and even the authority of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group.

This time, Xia Nation Hacker World and Nanchao Nation Hacker World, open to the public, challenged the Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department of Wo Sang Nation, and Oda Shizuna was confidently prepared to give the two countries Hacker World some color.

The Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, although among the three major network authorities, Ranked is the last one. But compared to Hacker World’s Organization, as long as there is no First Generation Hacker Organization, they are far more powerful than Hacker World’s Second Generation and Third Generation Hacker Organization.

Oda Shizuna represents Wo Sang Nation’s Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity organization, and has published the official statement of Wo Sang Nation’s Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department with sufficient confidence to withstand the impact of Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation’s Hacker Organization. Expressing confidence in the network of Wo Sang Nation will not have much impact on the network of Wo Sang Nation.

Only such a statement, the fundamental law convinces the people of Wo Sang Nation.

If the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department is really so powerful, why both front time two times 路 Wo Sang Nation have suffered a lot?

Is it against Mr. M, or Earthquake Hacker EQ, and Cyber 鈥嬧€婼ecurity Department?

The Hacker Union Inner Member District, Shi Lei’s Black Stone Sockpuppet, belongs to the Hacker Union’s Inner Member and can be opened inside and above the Hacker Union.

In the Inner Member area, the Inner Members discuss how to attack Wo Sang Nation.

Shi Lei took a certain amount of time. I checked the recent situation about Wo Sang Nation. He smiled on his face.

‘Heaven Help Me ! , Shi Lei is happy inside. [

At the annual festival of Yasukuni Shrine, Shi Lei arranged a big bang as a ceremony for his alliance with Tao Wenxian.

Originally, there is a certain danger coefficient.

If Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation’s Hacker World, Crazy’s impact on Wo Sang Nation’s net world, which originally belonged to Shi Lei’s danger, immediately moved to the two countries Hacker World.

The two countries Hacker World, the perfect distraction of the eyes of the Wo Sang Nation network authority!

Shi Lei stayed inside the Hacker Union’s area and told Izual to take a Wobang Nation Zombie Server. He is about to use Wo Sang Nation Zombie Server, invade Xia Nation’s OffiCIA l Website, and then blame Wo Sang Nation’s Hacker.

This hurricane is not very flamboyant, but for the tension between the two countries Hacker World, it is doubtful that it is a good provocation.

鈥淭he Zombie Server for srWo Sang Nation is ready for accomplish!鈥?Izual responded to Shi Lei’s command.

Shi Lei quickly took over the Wo Sang Nation Zombie Server, then controlled the Zombie Server, selected the Xia Nation weather forecast OffiCIA l Website, blacked out the wmbServer, and left a paragraph of text on the weather forecast page.

‘Xia Nation’s Hacker World? It鈥檚 just a big joke! We at Wo Sang Nation’s Hacker, you can kill your Nation’s Internet anytime, anywhere. What qualifications do you threaten us? I am now officially warning you to open to the public to apologize within three days, otherwise our Woer World of Wo Sang Nation will implement Destroy “sex” attack on Xia Nation Internet! ,

Shi Lei deliberately did not use Japanese messages, but used the Xia Nation message. If you use Japanese messages, you can use the Xia Nation language to be provocative.

Here is Xia Nation, but everyone knows that there are only a handful of people in Japanese who understand! !

The website of the weather forecast, the status of Xia Nation is not high, the Ordinary people are used to watching the weather forecast of TV, and do not like to watch the weather forecast of OffiCIA l Website.

Shi Lei uses Black Stone’s Sockpuppet, lurking inside Hacker Union, watching the progress of the weather forecast website hacked. Originally, he thought it would take at least a while to be discovered. But I didn’t expect it to be less than a minute. The weather forecast for OffiCIA l Website was circulated in the Hacker Union Inner Member area.

Hacker Union has a registered member of numerous, and the registered member is not powerful, but they have a number advantage. Hacker Union assigns a Task to monitor the OffiCIA l Website for registered members.

It is the sheer number of registered members that allows Hacker Union to keep abreast of the numerous OffiCIA l Website and important folk websites.

Once OffiCIA l Website has an issue, Hacker Union’s registered member, you need to report to Hacker Union immediately, let Hacker Union’s executives grasp the dynamics of Xia Nation Internet anytime, anywhere.

The Core Member of Hacker Union’s internal member area is Black Gun and Black Eagle. The Black Gun is the Core Member of the Little Group Head Level. It is quite good and has the same strength as the Black Blade.

“Inner Member number oqoq to oy20 to the weather forecast OffiCIA l Website, assist the weather forecast OffiCIA l Website defense. oq21 to oq40 ‘track the relevant personnel of the invasion website official website.” Black Gun calmly issued orders.

Hacker Union’s Inner Member, according to the order of entry time, the serial number. The serial number does not represent a symbol of strength, and perhaps the strength is far stronger than 1.

The Black Gun assigned the Forty Inner Member to handle the issue of the OffiCIA l Website, which is easy for him.

However, Shi Lei wants to blame, naturally it will do a little more. When Hacker Union’s member came to the weather forecast for anti-tracking, Shi Lei deliberately “shows out” the connection address of Wo Sang Nation Zombie Server. Hacker Union’s member found out that it was confirmed that he was a Wo Sang Nation force.

When Hacker Union’s member confirmed the connection address of Wo Sang Nation Zombie Server, Shi Lei immediately launched a counterattack. The member who connected to the pn address was queried, and Internet World was blasted to make the other party’s computer offline. [

At the time of the bombing offline, Shi Lei took over the connection within the Hacker Union, and sent a message directly through the connection in the Hacker Union Inner Member area.

‘There is no such thing as Hacker Union, the representative of Xia Nation Hacker World! Our Woer World of Wo Sang Nation will not be afraid of you at Xia Nation Hacker World. This time we will beat you down! ,

After sending a message, Shi Lei directly abandoned Wo Zang Nation’s Zombie Server and let Hacker Union’s Core Member find his Zombie Server.

In order not to be suspicious of the other party, Shi Lei still left a Honeypot Trapin the Zombie Server. If the other party cares, it is very likely that the Honeypot Server will catch the real paddress!

Black Gun and Black Eagle pursued the clues left by Shi Lei and found the abandoned Zombie Server.

Inside the Hacker Union Core Layer Voice Communication Channel, Black Gun started talking: “Black Eagle, the other party’s Wo Sang Nation Zombie Server, do you find more clues?”

“No, Black Gun, the situation is a bit wrong. It’s not like the provocative behavior of Wo Sang Nation, but it’s like someone igniting and wanting to provoke distraction.” Black Eagle analyzed the situation.

Black Gun responded: “Well, there is this possibility of sex.” Wait, bad! Black Gun, immediately defend! This is the other party’s Honeypot TrAP, our real pn address, has been tracked by secret!”

“What!” Black Eagle immediately defended his true paddress, and escaped the tracking and returned to the Hacker Union Internal Server.

“Black Eagle, are you gonna have a Right? Real paddress leaked?” Black Gun asked with some fear.

“Fortunately, you reminded early, if it is ten seconds later, I will plant it this time!” Black Eagle said angrily: “This guy is good cunning, deliberately made a illusion of hurricane, let us guess his identity. In fact, it was a Honeypot Trapthat wanted to cover our real paddress. It was a sinister ratio!”

Shi Lei set up the Honeypot TrAP, which played a role, instead of grabbing the real paddress of the two, but letting the two put down the guess and determined that the attack was done by Woer Sang Nation’s Hacker.

If there is no Honeypot TrAP, I am afraid that Shi Lei’s will be swayed by the Black Eagle!

Hacker Expert, no one is a fool, the igniting behavior, but also a technical job!

After Xia Nation’s hurricane accomplish, Shi Lei played the role of Wo Sang Nation. Just igniting on one side, isn’t it a busy job?

“Izual, in our hands, is there a Zombie Server for Xia Nation?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Shi Lei’s previous Zombie Server was handed over to Izual, and he rarely asked about Zombie Server. Izual would handle it very well.

鈥渟r we don’t have a Zombie Server for Xia Nation. Do you need a temporary Seize?鈥?Izual asked.

Black Magic Software has the ability to capture Zombie, and Izual also regularly scans and captures some Zombies, and then further screens the high quality Zombie.

“Catch one!” Shi Lei nodded and agreed, but immediately denied: “forget about it, no need!”

Although the Zombie is temporarily caught, the quality method is guaranteed, but if Shi Lei takes the shot, he can still get the high quality Zombie Server.

However, Shi Lei thought of a better way to let the two countries Hacker World, the method of avoiding!

銆栤埛update fast 鈭? pure text 鈭?銆?/p>

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