
Chapter 568

hk557 Real Hacker, should be unknown!

San Diego, Naval Base, USS Nimitz Control Center.

Originally the entire Control Center personnel, up to Kevin Lieutenant General, down to the Ordinary duty officer, everyone’s face is very ugly.

After all, the human machine belonging to USS Nimitz, attacked a native manor.

This responsibility will fall on the relevant personnel of USS Nimitz, and almost everyone who controls in the heart can’t escape responsibility.

Even if some personnel will not be punished, their future promotion will be completely closed. [

When an information security personnel went into the Control Center and found out that the manor of the manor was found, Kevin Lieutenant General coldly snorted, “Which manor, who belongs to?”

At this moment, Kevin Lieutenant General can’t wait for the manor to belong to bmrlen. If so, this time the man-machine attack will not only be a mistake, but even a reward.

However, Kevin Lieutenant General knows for himself that the kind of “sex” is what he cares about. “kinky”. Only!

“Kevin Lieutenant General, when we were investigate the owner of the manor, there was no intention to investigate. The owner of the manor was just an ordinary San Diego citizen. But we don’t believe the result of investigate,” he said.

“Shut up! Directly focus!” Kevin, who was in a bad mood, shouted loudly.

The reporting information security personnel contracted, started talking: “Our external contact number, received an anonymous report information. Anonymous reporters said that the personnel in the manor is actually important to the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency Through the personnel, the famous network Hacker Raphael !”

“What?” Kevin’s winning face was “colorful”. “You mean, the Predator’s hovering manor hides the important Fugitive of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency?”

If this is the case, then there will be no discord in the action of Predator this time. Even the runaway Predator has just crashed into the manor.

The information security personnel responsible for investigate. Explain in detail about the gratitude and grudges between Raphael and fb, and then: “Kevin General, do we want to send someone to catch him?”

In the Control Center of USS Nimitz, everyone is sighed in relief.

Kevin Lieutenant General is even more hā hā laughed. “Of course we have to send people to the past, but not to send people to catch him in the past, but to send people to deal with the follow-up situation!”

The manor where Raphael is located has been hit by Haier Law and has been crashed by the Predator man-machine “suicide”. Where else do you need to catch him?

Send someone to collect the corpse!

Kevin Lieutenant General, who is in a good mood, immediately said: “Jimison, this thing, you go in person!”

Jimison nodded. “Good Kevin General, I will go right away!”

For Jimison, this news is better. Otherwise, he may have to go to the military court and be responsible for the loss of control of the Predator man-machine.

In the middle of the night, Jimison took a team of Navy Marines and flew to the Raphael estate with Helicopter. When they arrived at the Raphael estate, the local magistrate, as well as the police personnel, had arrived at the scene.

Jimison immediately said that this incident was taken over by Naval Base. Since San Diego is a powerful seaport city, Naval Base has a great influence on the city. Therefore, the local sheriff and Police, did not block any transfer of the site Controlling Right.

Got the scene Controlling Right, Jimison sighed in relief · Leading the members of the Navy Marines, carefully entering the Raphael estate, and quickly and cautiously looking for possible surviving personnel. [

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Near the noon 12, Shi Lei stood up and stretched out.

After cleaning up the accomplish all kinds of intrusion traces, he made a phone call over the anonymous contact number of San Diego’s Naval Base via the network anonymous call.

Using voice changing software to change the sound Shi Lei tells the opposite person about the Raphael in the manor, and also briefly introduces the Raphael is fb and common Fugitive.

This is not Shi Lei’s kindness, initiative to help San Diego Naval Base, but Shi Lei has his own plans.

From the outside to the San Diego Naval Base, controlling the Predator man-machine, and even “shooting” Haier’s law, this is definitely not a trivial matter.

Once San Diego Naval Base reports this matter, the security SpeCIA list of Lijian will definitely investigate this matter.

Even if the Predator man-machine, the deliberate crash crashed to eliminate the evidence, Li Jian Nation’s military Specialist may also find relevant evidence of the invasion from the wreckage of the crash.

If the Lijian ** Specialist, through these intrusion evidence, further find traces of the Global Positioning System, then Tao Wenxian must abandon the Global Positioning System’s Control Authority.

This is definitely a big loss!

Tao Wenxian has formed an alliance with Shi Lei and set up a bmkwth black “color” watch. Shi Lei naturally wants to help Tao Wenxian.

Raphael in the manor’s information, proactively told San Diego Naval Base, they will certainly use this information to hide the “human” machine is externally “fair”. !

At that time, San Diego Naval Base, voluntarily admitted to control the Predator man-machine, attacked Raphael. Then the matter of controlling man-machines has never been related to Tao Wenxian and Shi Lei since then!

Shi Lei doesn’t have to be afraid of Li Jian Nation’s Security SpeCIA list special investigate!

Standing in front of Number One Server, Shi Lei muttered to himself, “When you go to the clothes, you will find your name and name!”

The real Hacker should be silent!

Only the low-key mysterious Hacker will live longer. If Shi Lei dares to scream at World, he is Mr. M, he is also Lucifer, he is still EQ, then Second Heavens, Shi Lei will never see the rising sun.

Even if it is suspected of being an identity, it is not Possible!

Therefore, Shi Lei created an identity for the Hacker Union Black Stone, which perfectly masks all other identities.

March 1st, afternoon.

Shi Lei inspected the various companies under Mirror Science and Technology. After the last data theft, Mirror Science and Technology’s various companies, Safety, have more stringent security.

But the last murder of the data theft case was still not found. Even a suspect did not. [

Shi Lei measured what forces were stealing Dream Entertainment’s data, but the suspicious staff was really too much and there was no way to determine.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the stolen sense of the “fighting” platform, all the Technical Information, all encrypted and packaged, want to decompile those Technical Information, it is impossible in a short time.

It can even be said that it is not very likely!

If decompile is so easy, is there a living system for software developers all over the world? Once the software is developed, it is decompile by others. Does anyone still develop software?

Immortal Picture Company, General Manager Office.

After Mu Shuang was promoted to Mirror Science and Technology Xia Nation Region Deputy General Manager, he did not change Office. He still works in the General Manager Office of Immortal Picture Company. After the Emerald Building decoration accent, Mirror Science and Technology all the Child Company relocated. Mu Shuang Will be independent of having a large Office.

Shi Lei sat in Mu Shuang’s Office and looked at the back of Mu Shuang. There was some sigh in the heart. Since the Spring Festival holiday, today is Shi Lei first time to see Mu Shuang.

“Mu Shuang, what happened to the Emerald Building? When can I move over?” Shi Lei asked.

Mu Shuang looks back at Shi Lei, looking for data on the current bookshelf. She did not turn her head and said: “It takes more than ten days. The office space of YuMo Medical Company has some troubles, mainly the installation facilities of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, which is relatively slow to build. At the same time, the newly renovated Office It will take some time to distribute the harmful gases left after the renovation. The final time of relocation is scheduled for March twenty day. A more auspicious day.”

March twenty day, that is, there are ten Nine Heavens.

The Child Company of Mirror Science and Technology was handed over to Mu Shuang. Shi Lei was very relieved, and Mu Shuang did not disappoint Shi Lei. All the companies, in an orderly manner, especially Immortal Picture Company, the current official Personnel has exceeded hundreds of people. The development strength of the entire Immortal Picture Company has increased tenfold!

After Mu Shuang finished speaking, she did not hear Shi Lei’s response. She looked at Shi Lei strangely and asked: “Shi Lei, when do you have time Right?”

“ke ke !” Shi Lei coughed twice and shouted a little: “Well, I am not sure.”

In fact, Shi Lei is really uncertain!

Tomorrow he will go to the Rongcheng Military District to deal with the Lion d Combat System. This matter has dragged on for nearly a month, and the Rongcheng Military District is more anxious, and Shi Lei is not ready to continue to drag on.

He Zhenbang gave Shi Lei a fifteen-day deadline, according to Shi Lei’s estimate, fifteen days should be able to accomplish.

However, whether it can be accomplish or not is really hard to say. After all, the Specialists of the Rongcheng Military District, if the accomplish reaches the requirements of Shi Lei, the Hardware System, the software system developed by Shi Lei, has no effect!

Mu Shuang light snorted, glaring at Shi Lei: “Don’t you think about it?”

“At the time, you call me and I will try to be there! I will go to the Rongcheng Military District tomorrow, and it will take half a month to get the accomplish. If you have a little issue, delay the time. Very likely. However, I will try to get back!” Shi Lei said.

In the evening, Shi Lei invited Mu Shuang to have dinner together, but Mu Shuang still refused Shi Lei’s invitation. Shi Lei would like to ask Mu Shuang why he didn’t have dinner with him, but he eventually suppressed it.

Sitting alone in a restaurant in the back street, Shi Lei took the phone and called Li Cai to let Li Cai come out to eat.

Li Cai was happy to agree that eagerly ran out of rice.

While waiting for the dish, a news was broadcast on the restaurant’s TV.

Ps: Blessing again, brothers, sisters, National Day, happy, thinking!

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