
Chapter 456

hk445 final trial, congratulations on promotion

The information retriever is a program similar to Search Engine, but the information retriever only retrieves the keyword information according to the rules set by Shi Lei.

Izual controls the information retriever, takes normal information access in the network, and filters the information within the rule.

“sr, Li Jian Nation released an information about Raphael, is it viewed?” Izual’s sound, which sounds in the online headset.

Shi Lei nodded. Izual used the high-definition camera to use the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, determine Shi Lei’s nod action, and then on the Monitor, showed the information that Li Jian Nation retrieved.

“Boss, please rest assured, I will hand it over to A’Feng, there will be no mistakes!” Zhou Cheng said solemnly.

Shi Lei looked towards Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang, the tone is serious: “Dazhuang, Wei Liang, you two, pay attention to protect the Military Instructor Zhou, I don’t have any accidents with Hope!”

Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang quickly made a promise: “Boss please rest assured that it is Military Instructor Zhou, or u disk, there will be no issue!”

Shi Lei pointed to the coffee table, a paper bag, and said to Zhou Cheng: “Zhou Cheng, there is a Hundred-thousand block, and the export pipe card can be used to clear the money, then dredge it. It is not good, it is not. Contact Ye Feng They, let them help! The truck that was parked downstairs, I have already paid the rent, the key is in the pocket of money, and it is used to transport Dawn to the border of Xiguang Province. The company’s Jinbei Car also follows. Be prepared for the loss. Well, let Dawn go!”

Shi Lei waved his hand and signaled that Zhou Cheng and Liu Dazhuang left.

The four Dawns carried a total of two rafts, loaded in trucks sealed in boxes, and driven by a member of Lin Dazhuang Squadron called Lin Jian.

Lin Jian has a driver’s license and is a license to drive a truck, eliminating the need for Zhou Cheng to play in person.

Zhou Cheng was sitting in the co-pilot of the truck. Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang were sitting in the Jinbei Car. Jinbei Car first set off, leading the road ahead, the truck was behind, and the two cars drove to Xiguang Province one after the other.

This trip, the big date took four or five days, Shi Lei in the heart secretly prayed together smoothly.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Shi Lei drove the Audi 4l and rushed to the Emerald Lake Building.

Today is Friday, Shi Lei has forgotten how long it has not been to school, but Li Zhiyue, or Shuangqing University, did not urge Shi Lei’s opinion.

After all, Shi Lei has become a Celebrity student at Shuangqing University and is the pride of Shuangqing University. Shuangqing University will give him a graduation certificate.

If the successful student like Shi Lei does not get the graduation certificate, isn’t that funny?

Came to Emerald Lake Building, Shi Lei first went to Immortal Picture Company, and in the General Manager Office, found Mu Shuang. Since Shi Lei did not knock on the door, he directly entered the General Manager Office and shocked Mu Shuang.

In the Immortal Picture Company General Manager Office, Mu Shuang glanced at Shi Lei and snorted: “Shi Lei, why don’t you knock on the door?”

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled and said with a scorn. “That’s because I want to see what you are doing!”

“You!” Mu Shuang stared at Shi Lei, his expression slightly pissed.

“Okay, Mu Shuang, I am looking for you today.” Shi Lei waved his hand and motioned that he was just joking.

Mu Shuang didn’t immediately deflate, but his voice was cold and cold: “What is the right thing? You are a leisurely Dispatched Supervisor. If you have anything, you will know to call me to do it. You will know how to play in one day!”

Shi Lei smiled a bit and grievances: “Mu Shuang, I know how to play one day! Right, Mu Shuang, tell you a good news.” Shi Lei deliberately opened the subject. [

“What good news?” Mu Shuang was a little curiously asked.

“The Mirror Science and Technology Parent Company has heard from you. You have been promoted to Mirror Science and Technology Xia Nation Region Deputy General Manager, Supervisor Immortal Picture Company, Yumo Medical, Fantasy Science and Technology, and Dream Entertainment. Also in other words, you are now full-time Supervisor Mirror Science and Technology, all the companies in the Xia Nation Region. How, this is a good news Right?” Shi Lei pleased’s smile.

In fact, Mu Shuang’s current work is almost the same. The affairs of several companies are basically all managed by Mu Shuang.

Mu Shuang like a smile yet not a smile. Look at Shi Lei, “Hey? Is this the decision of the Parent Company?”

Shi Lei nodded hard, “Yes, this is the decision of the Mirror Science and Technology Parent Company.”

“What should my annual salary be?” Mu Shuang looked at Shi Lei and showed a smile.

“Hey, I remember it should be 1 Million Xia Nation Yuan for a year. In the last two days, the Parent Company will send an email. You can see it yourself!” Shi Lei put on the glasses on his nose and almost said something.

Mu Shuang snorted and said, “That’s really thanks to the top management of the Mirror Science and Technology Parent Company!” When she said this, her eyes were on Shi Lei’s, and Shi Lei was faint.

“hā hā hā , Mu Shuang , Congratulations on your promotion!” Shi Lei is back in a complicated way, not entangled in the high-level issue of Mirror Science and Technology.

Mu Shuang complied, then lightly said with a smile : “I am promoted, then you Dispatched Supervisor, should you listen to me?”

Shi Lei shook his head. “You think the beauty! Mu Shuang, after the appreciation, the first thing is to build the basic framework of YuMo Medical Limited Company and Fantasy Science and Technology Company, and the office is still chosen in Emerald Lake Building. Let’s talk to the asset side of Emerald Lake Building, let them rent all the floors above the tenth floor to us.”

Mu Shuang frowned, “Shi Lei, this is probably not possible! The number of companies in the 11th floor, 12 floor and 103-Layer is quite large and it is not easy to move. If Yumo Medical and Fantasy Science and Technology need more spacious For office space, we can choose the Emerald Building opposite Emerald Lake. The Emerald Building will be completed next month, with a total of 38 layers, far more magnificent than our Emerald Lake Building. Is it better to have Yumo Medical and Fantasy Science and Technology there? ”

Located opposite the Emerald Lake Building, the Emerald Building is a new office building, but for now, the commercial atmosphere near the Emerald Building is not comparable to the Emerald Lake Building.

After Mu Shuang said this, Shi Lei really has a lot of movement. But Dream Entertainment and Immortal Picture Company are here, Yumo Medical and Fantasy Science and Technology are on the other side, which makes Shi Lei feel a bit uncomfortable.

‘Let’s move Dream Entertainment and Immortal Picture Company together? ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly thinking about this possibility, the subordinate company is grouped together, it will be more convenient to manage, and more convenient for resource integration.

“Mu Shuang, Emerald Building, what is the current rental price?” Shi Lei thought about it and asked

(To be continued. Please search, novel is better to update faster!)

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