
Chapter 441

hk430 Code: HellfIRE

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Angel Parliament, a total of four World Summit Grade Hacker. Among them, Blazing Sword Raphael, which was framed by Shi Lei and pxjzz, was caught by Li Jian Nation fb, but there was no news.

Shi Lei knows some backgrounds of Raphael, I am afraid that after being caught by fb, Raphael will not have much trouble. After all, the Angel Parliament is very energetic, and the Raphael family has the same enormous energy.

Shi Lei’s picture at eCompany OffiCIA l Website is another identity of the Angel Parliament, codenamed HellfIRE ‘s Uriel !

Uriel is a little better at the technical aspect than the Raphael, but not as powerful as Shi Lei. After all, Shi Lei has been a leader for six years. As a World Summit Grade Hacker, six years is not a small number. [

Below the picture of Hell Flame Angel, Shi Lei left a sinister text.

‘Li Jian Nation and fb, I am now officially issuing a warning. Limit your release of Raphael within 24 hours. Otherwise, next time, it’s not just blacking out 18 websites! ‘——HellfIRE Uriel

Li Jian Nation is the most powerful Nation in the world, and fb is one of the most powerful integrated intelligence agencies in the world. Li Jian Nation and fb have never been bullied by others. No one dares to bully Li Jian Nation and fb!

A Hacker in the district, even the World Summit Grade Hacker, can’t threaten Li Jian Nation and threaten fb.

What about World Summit Grade Hacker?

As long as you dare to play against Li Jian Nation and fb, World Summit Grade Hacker will also be caught, Raphael exactly as stated!

Shi Lei posing as the Uriel of the Angel Parliament, threatening Li Jian Nation and fb, will definitely make Li Jian Nation and fb hairy. How can a world leader, World First, bow to a Hacker?

Shi Lei has a lot of benefits. First, address the potential threat of Raphael. If the Raphael is ignored, the forces behind the Angel Parliament and the Raphael family may rescue the Raphael from fb.

Second, to trouble the Angel Parliament, let Angel Parliament appear in the eyes of Li Jian Nation in advance, causing Li Jian Nation to pay attention.

Third, start a big layout and be ready to clean up the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!

Li Jian Nation, the Cybercrime Unit of fb. Assistant DIRE ctor is Bruce Campbell and he has another identity, the Uriel of Angel Parliament!

Li Jian Nation was more than 12 in the early hours of the morning. When Bruce was at home, he received an urgent report from the subordinate. Click on OffiCIA l Website, where eCompany is grafted, to see the specific situation. He was almost mad!

‘fuk! This is what the scorpion dog is raising. Actually dare to pretend to be me, but also done so absolutely, this is to frame me to death! ‘Bruce in the heart’ is furious and depressed.

Originally, about the Raphael, under the negotiation of the Raphael family, plus Bruce to reconcile. I have to come to an end and release the Raphael.

But after such a trouble, even though fb wants to let go, under the opposition of the Li Jian Nation council. It is also absolutely impossible to let go of Raphael.

If you put Raphael, does it mean that Li Jian Nation and fb are bowing? Li Jian Nation has the pride of Li Jian Nation, how can I bow?

“dīng dīng dīng ~ ”

Bruce Campbell’s phone rang at home. He glanced at the Caller ID and his face was darker, but when he got on the phone, his tone was very respectful and in stark contrast to the gloomy expression.

“Bruce, come to Headquarters immediately, my Office glance!” The call is fbHead DIRE ctor Simon Baker, and apparently Simon also saw the threat of the eofficial website ‘Uriel’! [

Bruce’s eyes flashed and his mouth twitched. “Okay, DIRE ctor Simon!”

‘Damn imposter, I will make you die like death! ‘Bruce cursed Shi Lei in his heart Crazy.

Hanging up the phone, Bruce took a deep breath and took a deep breath, adjusted the mood of depression, and then rushed to the fb headquarters, Simon Head DIRE ctor Office.

Head DIRE ctor Office, in addition to Simon Head DIRE ctor, there is a blond middle-aged, Bruce knows this middle-aged, he is Li Jian Nation Presidential Office spokesperson, named Robin Dennis.

After seeing Robin Dennis, Bruce in the heart raised an ominous premonition.

“Hello, Mr. Robin, nice to meet you!” Bruce in the heart, though unhappy, but with a big smile on his face.

Robin Dennis responded with a smile. “Hello, Bruce Assistant DIRE ctor.”

Simon Baker Head DIRE ctor coughed. “Sit down, let’s talk about the hacking of eCompany.”

Bruce in the heart snorted and waited for Simon’s below.

“Bruce, your Supervisor Cybercrime Unit, about the eCompany Official home page being tampered with and posting comments that threaten us, what do you think?” Simon looked towards Bruce, and asked in a plain tone.

Recently, the Ministry of International Intelligence Agency secret investigation Bruce, Simon has received the information, but Bruce does not know. In addition, in dealing with the Raphael event, Bruce’s attentive attitude made Simon have begun to doubt Bruce.

Bruce was in a deep mood. “DIRE ctor Simon, the Urker’s Hacker, we must not let him go. I propose to mobilize the Cybercrime Unit, the joint information resources department, and the investigate Uriel. Since he dares to threaten us, let him and Like Raphael, accept our sanctions!”

Presidential Office spokesperson Robin Dennis commented: “DIRE ctor Simon, the opinion of our Presidential Office, too. We, America, don’t bow to evil!”

Simon inadvertently swept Bruce’s face, Bruce’s expression was natural, there was nothing wrong with it.

“In this case, Bruce, you lead the Cybercrime Unit, the joint information resources department, together with investigate Uriel!” Simon’s tone of mouth.

“Yes!” Bruce nodded.

“Okay, let’s go, do it all night!” Simon waved his hand and motioned Bruce and Robin down.

Bruce stood up with Robin and walked out of Simon’s Office. After they left, it was not a moment. Another white man with glasses and savvy eyes came in.

“William, how is the investigate?” The man who came in, named William Gray, Assistant DIRE ctor of the Criminal Investigative Division.

“Bureau Chief, the Ministry Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s personnel passed back the information, the “earthquake event” of Wo Sang Nation some time ago, and the final evidence points to the Bruce Campbell Bureau Chief of the Cybercrime Unit, so they only investigate Bruce.” William Gray did not Adding personal opinions, just explain the results of investigate.

“Earthquake Hacker EQ?” The net does not jump. Simon has a sharp look. “William, during this time, you closely monitor the investigate Bros. hēng hēng, I suspect Bruce has an issue!”

“Understood, Bureau Chief!” William Gray nodded. Without too much language, he knows what to do. [

The detention area of ​​fbHeadquarters. More than a little in the morning. Most of the guards patrol the personnel, has been lax. A guard patrol personnel, in the corner of the camera, stuffed a piece of paper into a guarded single room.

Inside the guard room, a blond young man looks at the note under the door. I quickly got up. This blond man is caught by the Raphael.

After he opened the note, he quickly read it.

‘plan has changed. Someone pretending to be Uriel, threatening Li Jian Nation and fb letting you go. Otherwise take responsibility of the consEQ uences. If someone interrogates, you make up an information. In addition, Simon has begun to suspect that I will not blatantly cover up for you. ‘

After reading the contents of the paper, Raphael immediately wets the paper in the water, and then repeatedly rubs the entire paper into pulp before it is washed away from the washing tank.

‘Pretending Uriel? Could it be Mr. M? No, how does Mr. M know about Uriel? If it is not Mr. M, who is it? ‘Raphael is thinking hard in my mind.

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei sits in front of the Number One Server and connects to the Supercomputer Swallow to view the mapgeneration Task of the Supercomputer Swallow implement.

For the mapof Brave’s World, Shi Lei uses Supercomputer Swallow to perform simulation calculations and automatically generate the original terrain.

From the Task list of the Supercomputer Swallow implement, the mapgeneration Task is extracted and found to be close to the degree of acceptance. However, according to the current situation, this maphas not met the requirements.

Shi Lei intends to recreate a mapbased on the Xia Nation Ancient Era map, and change it to select a few distinctive dynasties to make them exist together.

For example, Ming Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, let the three dynasties Three Parts Rule Under Heaven, and coexist all kinds of foreign countries, such as Ancient Era’s Wo Sang Nation, and Ancient Era’s Nanchao Nation and Beichao Nation.

It is not difficult to implement such a mapdesign. Mainly because of the existence of Izual’s, as long as Shi Lei specifies detailed conditions, Izual can be a good accomplish Task.

“Izual, retrieve Song Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty maps are all searched according to the minimum control area.” Shi Lei told Izual by voice.

A moment later, on the Monitor, the minimum control area of ​​the three dynasties was displayed and a comparison was made. Part of the area overlaps and is completely different from the current Xia Nation map.

“Based on the latest Xia Nation map, the control area of ​​the three dynasties is automatically assigned according to the ratio of the minimum control area of ​​the three dynasties.” Shi Lei again ordered the order.

A new change has taken place on the screen on the Monitor. The latest Xia Nation mapis divided into three different sizes from right to left.

The largest red area on the right side is the control area of ​​Tang Dynasty, the middle blue area is the area of ​​Song Dynasty, the left side of cyan is the area of ​​Ming Dynasty, and the area of ​​Ming Dynasty is the smallest.

Outside, there are Jin Nation, Yuan Nation, Qing Nation, Dali Nation and more.

Shi Lei commands the Izual to determine the details of the map. Finally, the Supercomputer Swallow, the rules for generating the map, is extracted into the Izual’s System, and then Izual is commanded to generate the map.

Near six o’clock in the afternoon, Shi Lei rushed to the Shuanghu District First General Hospital. At First General Hospital, there is now a good show at the moment.

(To be continued.)

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