
Chapter 1887

Final-088 Destroy the World: A defeat!


Shi Lei tampered with the Butler Core Source Code’s information to obtain Butler’s Super Administrator Authority, which removed Chaos Serpent’s Super Administrator Authority.

Through Butler, Shi Lei obtained the related data of unknown Gene Toxin, and even the antidote data, and passed the rough determination of Jian Wushuang, which was initially confirmed.

Now, Shi Lei only needs to determine one thing, and can order Jian Wushuang to invest in the manufacturing of the unknown Gene Toxin antidote. This one, precisely as stated Izual scans the Butler disk array group, thus cross-comparing the obtained data with the data provided by Butler.

As long as the data is consistent, you can start developing antidote to unknown Gene Toxin.

Izual’s scan is about to accomplish and has now scanned more than 90%. In less than a minute, Izual achieved a scan.

From the disk array group of the Butler Parent Server, the data directly extracted, combined with the data provided by Butler, for comprehensive comparison.

The agreement between the two data exceeds the 99% point. The only difference is that the data obtained by the Izual scan has an additional information.

That extra information, which is a Chaos Serpent, is reserved in the Butler Parent Server disk array group. Izual has automatically opened for Shi Lei.


Shi Lei, when you saw this message, I said that I was dead. Congratulations, you found Butler and got Butler’s Super Administrator Authority.

I believe that through Butler, you have obtained Gene Toxin’s related data, as well as antidote data, isn’t that right? By the way, tell you the name of the gene Virus. Called [Despair].

Shi Lei, are you full of Hope now? Identified that your women will not die? If you have that idea, I can only tell you, ready to bear the emotions of Despair!

As for the reason?

Unfortunately, I am not going to tell you!

Because, you will know the answer soon. I will soon understand why you are Despair.


Shi Lei watched the information reserved by Chaos Serpent and his face was quite unsightly. Not to mention, the information that Chaos Serpent reserved is really true, or Fake, just to say. Chaos Serpent unexpectedly expected such a distant thing, enough to make Shi Lei a headache.

The only thing to be thankful for, I am afraid that only the acquired Gene Toxin data and antidote data are true!

“Wushuang, Gene Toxin Antidote data determines the authenticity, and you immediately start making antidote,” Shi Lei told.

Jian Wushuang even connected points head. It is now one o’clock in the morning on the fifteenth, and there is a chance to avoid all the tragedies. Jian Wushuang read the antidote data of Despair Gene Toxin and recorded it by Izual, then began to configure the antidote.

When Jian Wushuang was deployed a little while. Jian Wushuang suddenly stopped and his brow wrinkled deeply.

“Boss. I am afraid we are in trouble!” Jian Wushuang informed Shi Lei through the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

Shi Lei immediately responded: “What trouble?”

“The manufacturing time of antidote may be long, and our time is not enough!” said Jian Wushuang with apology. “Before the preliminary review of the data, there was no detailed consideration of the issue of the production time. Now it is discovered that the time required to make an antidote is fifteen days!”

“There is no other way?” Shi Lei asked gloomyly. “I will come to Laboratory immediately!”

Two minutes later, Shi Lei came to the Laboratory where Jian Wushuang was, and looked at Jian Wushuang and asked, “What happened?”

“Despair Gene Toxin’s antidote, one of the artificial chemical materials, requires natural fermentation for fifteen days. There is no way to speed up this process. It is impossible to shorten this process by catalyst or other methods.” Jian Wushuang used Shi Lei understands the language and describes the current situation.

“There is no substitute material?” Shi Lei put forward her own opinion.

Jian Wushuang shook his head. “I don’t know if there is any substitute material. Even if there is, there is no time to test it one by one.”

“Can you not test it and use it directly?” Shi Lei put forward a risky proposal.

Jian Wushuang shook his head: “No! If you don’t test it, you can put it into use directly. No one knows what is likely to happen.”

Shi Lei snarls: “A bad issue, can it be bad now? They are going to die! Jian Wushuang, I tell you, no matter what test and no test, danger and no danger, I only want the final The result. The material of that material, you must find a substitute material. I don’t believe, is there any material that can replace it?”

Like cold medicines, different brands of cold medicines, although different ingredients, can all achieve the effect of curing colds.

Jian Wushuang but helplessly smiled, “Boss, you still kill me! You don’t understand Biological Gene Technology, I can’t tell you at a time. This time, Despair Gene Toxin lacks materials, not Ordinary materials. It is a special man-made chemical material. It is basically impossible to find alternative materials in a short time.”

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible. Are you telling me that they will die?” Shi Lei continued to growl.

Originally, I have captured Butler and discovered the data and antidote data of Despair Gene Toxin. Shi Lei also thought that Despair Gene Toxin can be solved. It is just a piece of cake issue, which can be easily solved anytime, anywhere.

But now, Shi Lei understands why Chaos Serpent has left an information, indicating that Shi Lei will taste the taste of Despair. Because Chaos Serpent knows that it takes fifteen days to make an antidote.

This is also the reason why Chaos Serpent gave Hewanqiu a fifteen-day time. Chaos Serpent knows that Shi Lei can’t catch Butler directly, it will definitely take some time.

When Shi Lei grabbed Butler, he was doomed, and grabbing Butler was useless. Even though Chaos Serpent is dead, Shi Lei is completely played by Chaos Serpent.

Shi Lei is defeated!

Shi Lei not only lost, but his confidante, he can only leave this world!

Don’t think that those women, Highly Principled, are all ready to die, but if there is a living Hope, how can they want to die?

Jian Wushuang didn’t know how to respond to Shi Lei, just shook his head in sigh.

“Is there really no way?” Shi Lei struggled weakly, and Hope got good news, but in fact, Jian Wushuang had made it very clear.

Jian Wushuang is silent.

Shi Lei no longer asked, turned and walked to the Laboratory door. When he came to the door, he was started talking: “Listen to the fate, do your best!”

“Boss, I will try my best to find an alternative.” Jian Wushuang made a promise without any persuasion, but Hope Shi Lei was a little better.

Jian Wushuang knows for himself that it is so difficult to find or develop an artificial chemical in such a short period of time that it has almost the same properties as another artificial chemical.

However, Jian Wushuang will not give up!

Although the probability is very small, but at least it is a Hope, what if you find a substitute? Just look for it, there is a trace of Hope. If you give up the search, even the trace of Hope will disappear completely.

Shi Lei nodded, did not speak, and left the Laboratory directly.

After leaving the Laboratory, Shi Lei locked himself in the lounge and communicated with Izual through the LIPLens-type Information Processor and Shi Lei in a silent way.

“Izual, World Destruction Plan, no change Right?” Originally, the 235 Second Generation Raider, which guards N12 Metal Bomb, was all transferred to Li Jian Nation by Shi Lei. N235 Metal Bomb, stored in a predetermined location, can’t be solved even if an accident occurs.

“The location of 12 N235 Metal Bomb has not changed, everything is fine!” Izual responded.

N235 Metal Bomb, dug up by the Second Generation Raider, buried a pit, if it wasn’t a painful egg, or just happened to be seen. Otherwise, N235 Metal Bomb is not prone to unexpected situations.

Shi Lei in the heart hesitates, whether or not to implement the World Destruction Plan.

Although she had been dissuaded by five women, Shi Lei had silently abandoned the World Destruction Plan. But the premise is that five confidantes, not all of them die, but have survivors.

From the current situation determinee, Shi Lei’s confidante, very likely to be a pot!

Therefore, Shi Lei’s in the heart, re-launched the World Destruction Plan.

“Izual, is there a way to solve Despair Gene Toxin?” Shi Lei asked Izual, Shi Lei knew that Izual was not Ordinary, but it was mysterious. And showed the attitude of not wanting to let him die.

Shi Lei did not consider it and infected himself with Despair Gene Toxin. However, the Gene Toxin infected by Ling Yumo is all genetically restricted and can only infect the corresponding target.

Also in other words, Ling Yumo’s Despair Gene Toxin can only infect Ling Yumo, and everyone else has an exemption.

Even if Shi Lei wants to infect Despair Gene Toxin, which is infected by five people, it is impossible!

Otherwise, is such a simple solution that Shi Lei can’t think of?

From the beginning of the plan, Chaos Serpent has calculated everything, whether it is the infection screening method of Despair Gene Toxin, the incubation period of Despair Gene Toxin, or Shi Lei will search for Butler’s actions, all under the control of Chaos Serpent. .

From the beginning, Shi Lei failed!

Shi Lei asked about the Izual solution, just asking it, because Shi Lei knew that it was impossible for Izual to know the solution.

Izual is just a Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. It doesn’t have the same human creativity. How can it solve the problem of Despair Gene Toxin?

However, accidents always happen inadvertently!

(To be continued~^~)

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