
Chapter 1805

Final-006 bugs broke out!


Kruger National Park is 120 km west, and the battlefield of the final battle, the fifty Second Generation Raider of the Mirror Science and Technology Group, is almost in a desperate situation!

The white floc’s man-made reinforced spider silk, wrapped in the Second Generation Raider, even if the Second Generation Raider’s power is extremely strong, the toughness and strength of the artificially-reinforced spider silk is too high, and the Second Generation Raider can’t break free.

Shi Lei frowns, Second Generation Raider is controlled by man-made reinforced spider silk. Laser Weapon is blocked by unknown black fog. The only thing that can solve the artificial strengthening of spider silk is weapon, only the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery.

But the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery is very powerful, using the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, which can solve the artificially enhanced spider silk, but it also harms the Second Generation Raider.

Tao Wenxian suddenly ordered on the side: “Izual, use the Ultrasonic detector to draw the surrounding environment image information!”

Izual immediately implemented the order of Tao Wenxian, drawing the environmental image information around the Raider through the Ultrasonic detector.

Tao Wenxian pointed to the Virtual transparency screen of LIPLens-type Information Processor, started talking: “Big Brother Stone, look at this! I remember, there is nothing here, now there are more obstacles?”

Shi Lei also noticed the reminder of Tao Wenxian, the flash of his mind, and thought of a possibility.

“Izual, control Raider’s Electromagnetic Artillery, avoid the rest of the Raider, and randomly attack ten times!” Shi Lei ordered.

The attack intensity of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery is very scary. Think about the strength of the attack at the initial speed of 3000 meters and the weight of 50 grams.

There is absolutely no issue through the armor tank!

Coupled with the charging time of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, there is only 0.5 seconds and ten times of total attack time. It’s just five seconds.

“Yes, Sir!” Izual had launched an attack in response to Shi Lei’s.

In the battlefield of the final battle, fifty Second Generation Raiders quietly launched the attack of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery. A burst of ‘suo suo’ sound that was blown by the air at high speed, plus the sound that sounded from time to time. Shi Lei sneered at the heavy sound of the leather.

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen really sent an ambush force!

However, even if there is ambush power?

Shi Lei does not believe that the ambush force arranged by Chaos Serpent Shi Wen can resist the attack launched by Second Generation Raider. But in fact, the ambush power arranged by Chaos Serpent really resisted the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s attack.

A Nihilist Warrior that incorporates the octopus gene with a special constitution. It really resists the attack of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery.

However, Nihilist Warrior is not without loss!

At the Secret Underground Base, Nate, who was in charge of Demon Fog Warrior, was not maliciously responsible for Lyle, who was responsible for Nihilist Warrior. Instead, Nihilist Warrior really had a modulation hazard. Leading to a part of Nihilist Warrior, can not achieve the results of experimental predictions.

Now, some of Nihilist Warrior’s flaws are exposed and they can’t resist the fifth generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s bombardment!

Organization’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Butler. First time reported to Chaos Serpent Shi Wen, “Chaos Serpent. Six Nihilist Warriors were hit by Destroy, four Nihilist Warriors suffered irreversible damage, and a total of ten Nihilist Warrior exited the battle sequence.”

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen expression startled, “What is the specific situation?”

“Chaos Serpent. According to System’s extraction of the Biological Control Chip record, the ten Nihilist Warrior exiting the battle sequence, in the tolerance aspect, is only about the percent of Nitylist Warrior’s Sixty to 70%.” Butler reports.

Butler’s answer further illustrates that Nihilist Warrior’s Culture Modulation process has an issue and cannot achieve experimental data.

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen showed an indifferent look and told him directly: “Butler, tell the Security department to bring Lyle Supervisor!”

“Received!” Butler immediately implemented the order and then asked, “Chaos Serpent, what should I do in the final battle?”

On the battlefield of the final battle, although the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s fifty Second Generation Raiders were bound by artificially enhanced spider silk, they could still threaten Demon Fog Warrior and Nihilist Warrior.

In this case, Chaos Serpent Shi Wen picked up at a time.

Now that ten Nihilist Warriors have been lost, if you continue to implement the next step, no one knows if you will lose more!

On the other hand, the Virtual transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor worn by Shi Lei has shown more information.

For example, there were ten significant infrared heat sources in the picture that did not have an infrared heat source. Including six fatally wounded Nihilist Warrior and four seriously injured Nihilist Warrior.

In addition to ten significant sources of infrared heat radiation, there are more than fifty less obvious sources of infrared heat radiation. These infrared heat radiation sources, Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery hit Nihilist Warrior, but did not break the Nihilist Warrior’s defense, but broke the Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit worn by Nihilist Warrior.

Shi Lei looked at the Virtual transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor, showing the image information and a pleased smile on his face.

“Izual, kill the target with infrared heat radiation source!” Shi Lei ordered.

With Shi Lei’s command, fifty Second Generation Raiders, each assigned a target, then started an attack. Although more than 50 anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit damaged Nihilist Warrior, the infrared heat radiation source is very weak, but it is enough to be Seize.

“suo suo suo ~ ”

The Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery gave a dull sound of fire, and the Nihilist Warrior suffered from the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery. However, Shi Lei found a weird anomaly!

The target of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery attack, which has been analyzed by infrared thermal radiation image, has been retracted by the projection of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, but after the target hit, it stands up again!

Shi Lei is very surprised!

The power of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, Shi Lei is too clear, he can not believe, Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery was actually resisted, and obviously the humanoid creature resisted!

“Damn!” Shi Lei is dark cursed.

Raphael is also started talking: “It should be the aging card of Organizationally Modified Fighter!”

Tao Wenxian is also more aware of the power of Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery. He exaggerated: “Damn, what is this ghost, but can’t stop Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery?”

Shi Lei was a little surprised, then calmed down and said: “Izual, saturated attack!”

The so-called saturated attack, exactly as stated using the Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, a fast continuous attack target. Izual got the Shi Lei’s command and immediately controlled fifty Second Generation Raiders, aiming at their respective targets and then firing quickly and continuously.

The Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery re-issued a dull firing sound, a projectile flying at 3000 meters per second, tearing the air and making a scream.

However, the ultra-high speed projectile has hit the target when the air screams are generated!

The fifth generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s attack speed reached two times per second, and Izual continued to attack for ten seconds, that is, the twenty bullet was fired before it stopped.

After stopping the attack, Izual immediately used the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector to perform an environmental scan again. By comparing the infrared heat radiation images, Izual analyzed the determine results.

“Sir, according to System’s analysis, this round of saturation hits, a total of twenty targets!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s dissatisfied nod, only killing the twenty target, he asked: “How long does it take for Raider to get rid of those disgusting spider silks?”

“About 120 seconds to 200 seconds, System cannot estimate accurately.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen’s secret Underground Base, Butler once again reported: “Chaos Serpent, Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Robot, once again launched the Electromagnetic Weapon attack. According to the feedback from the Biological Control Chip, the total loss of the name Nihilist Warrior Experimental Body.”

“Fuck!” Chaos Serpent Shi Wen’s right hand, slammed on the computer desk in front of him, roaring, “damn Lyle, I want you not to die!”

“Chaos Serpent, I am very sorry, System has checked the entire Underground Base and has not found Mr. Supervisor Lyle of the Nihilist Warrior project. According to Security Monitoring information and access control information determination, Mr. Lyle has left the Underground Base. Is it necessary to locate according to Mr. Lyle’s Biochip? ?” Butler asked Chaos Serpent Shi Wen.

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen’s face is very ugly, and the Supervisor Lyle of the Nihilist Warrior project has defected, and the blow to Shi Wen is very big!

This is not the case, Chaos Serpent Shi Wen is too proud to accept his betrayal, but because of the flaws in the Experimental Body of the Nihilist Warrior project, it is difficult for Nihilist Warrior and Demon Fog Warrior to fight against Second Generation Raider.

“Positioning query!” Chaos Serpent Shi Wen is angry with coldly snorted, but Shi Wen is also very clear. Although Lyle has made mistakes in the Nihilist Warrior project, Lyle’s technology in Biogenetics cannot be underestimated.

Biochip implanted in Lyle is probably taken down by Lyle. He wants to find Lyle in the sea otter. Especially Lyle is very familiar with Organization, it is almost impossible to accomplish the Task.

Sure enough, Butler’s answer proved Shi Wen’s guess.

“Chaos Serpent, System can’t find Mr. Lyle’s Biochip location,” Butler replied.

Chaos Serpent Shi Wen sighed, swinging his hand at random, indicating that Butler doesn’t need to pay attention to Lyle anymore. The most important thing now is the final battle with Shi Lei and Mirror Science and Technology Group.

Once you’ve defeated Shi Lei and Mirror Science and Technology and Group, you can pack Lyle anytime, anywhere.

Nihilist Warrior’s Experimental Body has a flaw, unable to achieve the expected experimental data, can not achieve the purpose of resisting Electromagnetic Weapon, Chaos Serpent Shi Wen needs to carefully consider how to proceed to the next plan.

(To be continued~^~)

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