
Chapter 1774

HK1752 Goodwill from Duke?


The LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparent screen displays the E-mail that Shi Lei received in the Open to the public mailbox of the Dream Entertainment Company OffiCIA l Website.


Mr. Shi Lei of Esteemed:


Please forgive me for contacting you this way, I am Duke of Organization.

I have learned more about the differences between Mirror Science and Technology Group and Organization, and made my own choices.

I don’t mean to be against Mirror Science and Technology Group, and I don’t want to get involved in the fight between Mirror Science and Technology Group and Organization. I only have Hope out of the game.

If Mr. Shi Lei does not believe in his sincerity, in order to fully express his sincerity, I am willing to join the Mirror Science and Technology Group and I am willing to join the Organization.

Also, I am willing to personally arrive at Shuangqing City and accept the arrangement of Mirror Science and Technology Group.

I wonder if I am honored to join Mirror Science and Technology Group and Organization?


This e-mail was sent by the Organization Core Member Duke. Duke expressed Hope’s opinion by E-mail.

The Organization has lost four Core Members, three of which have died in the Core Member, with clear indications of the Black Hand under the Mirror Science and Technology Group.

Duke chose to surrender and was willing to come to Shuangqing City independently, accepting the ‘soft house’ of Mirror Science and Technology Group, expressing the greatest sincerity.

Tao Wenxian After reading the E-mail content, hā hā laughed, started talking: “Big Brother Stone. Duke surrendered, how do we accept?”

Raphael added: “Duke’s technical strength should be very strong, coupled with his willingness to come to Shuangqing City, accept the management of our single aspect, I think it is a good thing to accept Duke’s surrender.”

Shi Lei smiled. no answer.

Tao Wenxian looked at Shi Lei, “Big Brother Stone, is there any need to be scrupulous? As long as Duke comes to Shuangqing City, we arrange a Raider to protect him and limit his scope of activities. Can there be any accidents?”

Raphael sighed, “Stone. What do you think?”

“I think Duke’s investment has an issue!” Shi Lei pointed out directly that Duke could not surrender. The reason why he chose to surrender is that there should be crafty plots and machinations.

Raphael laughed. “Stone. Are you too cautious about Right? As Jazz said, we send a Second Generation Raider, twenty for four hours to protect Duke. So, no matter what crafty plots and machinations Duke has. It is impossible to bypass Raider.”

Shi Lei licked his temples. “In this case. We discuss the discussion, Duke’s sincerity, how much sincerity, and the associated consequences.”

Shi Lei likes to think before defeating.

First consider the worst case. Then, even though meets the worst case, it will not be self-disciplined. If the worst case does not occur, then other situations are more or less good news.

Raphael and Tao Wenxian remained silent, waiting for Shi Lei to continue speaking.

“First, let’s consider the First situation. If Duke is not really sincere, just to deceive us. This situation is not impossible, but quite likely.” Shi Lei explained the First situation.

Tao Wenxian immediately retorted: “Big Brother Stone, if Duke doesn’t really want to vote, why should he contact us? Why are you willing to come to Shuangqing City in person? Isn’t EQ ual to a lamb in a tiger’s den!”

Raphael added: “Jazz is right! If Duke doesn’t really want to surrender, why should he come to Shuangqing City in person? You know, once Duke enters Shuangqing City, his life and death will be thoroughly The bottom is in our hands.”

“That said, but have you ever thought about it, if all this is Duke’s plan? Duke’s original opinion is to enter Shuangqing City! If this is the case, what should we do?” Shi Lei Asked.

Tao Wenxian reluctantly continued to assume: “Why should Duke take the initiative to enter Shuangqing City?”

Shi Lei chuckled. “The possible answer is too much! We just used the Second Generation Raider as a hidden Bomb and Destroy the Secret Base of Organization. If Duke is now selling it, he acts as Bomb himself and enters Shuangqing City. Are you ready to give us a fatal blow?”

“This…” Tao Wenxian paused.

Raphael seriously considers Shi Lei’s issue. It is true that, as Shi Lei said, Duke’s situation is very wrong.

Duke’s sincerity, it is really possible that Duke chose to sacrifice himself and prepare to make an earth-shattering explosion in Shuangqing City.

“Big Brother Stone, we can restrict Duke to enter the arts of transportation in Shuangqing City! We let Duke take the airplane to Shuangqing City! According to the strength of the Airport of Li Jian Nation, Duke can never bring explosives into Shuangqing City.” Tao Wenxian said affirmatively.

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled, “Liquid Bomb? Jazz, wanting to deceive Airport Security check, is not a difficult thing. Even if you can’t deceive the instrument, you can also buy the Security personnel of the Airport, so that you can smoothly pass the customs. ”

Tao Wenxian was hypothesized by Shi Lei’s that he was not speaking for a while.

Raphael thought about it before asking: “Stone, then how do we deal with Duke? If you don’t accept Duke’s sincerity, I’m afraid Duke will be pushed to our opposite.”

Shi Lei hā hā laughed, “It doesn’t matter! Anyway, through Logical Analysis, Duke is more likely to be an enemy than 80%. As for the way to handle Duke, I have an idea.”

This one data is the result of Izual’s automatic analysis.

Tao Wenxian looked at Shi Lei, an expression of anxious expression, scratching his head: “Hey, Big Brother Stone, what do you have, you say it!”

“It’s very simple, we accept Duke’s sincerity!” Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile.

“What?” Tao Wenxian opened his mouth and looked surprised. Did Shi Lei just say a lot, isn’t it just doubting Duke’s sincerity?

Since I doubt Duke’s sincerity, why should I accept Duke’s sincerity?

Raphael is also surprised: “Stone, you…”

Shi Lei explained in detail, letting Tao Wenxian and Raphael finally understand Shi Lei’s opinion. The two in the heart are amazed at Shi Lei’s bold, but have to admire, Shi Lei’s treatment program will completely solve Duke’s troubles.

Tao Wenxian swallowed saliva and said, sighed: “Big Brother Stone, is it too costly to handle Duke like this?”

“It’s worth it!” Shi Lei nodded affirmatively and then told Izual to send Duke an E-mailinformation in the Dream Entertainment Company open to the public mailbox.

Shi Lei didn’t try to track the network address that Duke sent E-mail. Although Shi Lei can track it, Shi Lei also knows that Duke just picks a Zombie transit point and tracks a Zombie Server location. For Shi Lei In terms of it, there is no value.

Izual built an E-mail in accordance with Shi Lei’s order and replied to Duke.

Distant Li Jian Nation.

Duke received a reminder from the Organization Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Butler that he had set up an email address of interest and received an E-mail.

Duke didn’t immediately open the E-mail, but built a huge Zombie protection network, and opened the E-mail to view the content when Butler mobilized Amon13 protection.


Esteemed’s Duke:


We are very honored to say that we are willing to accept your participation!

Whether it’s Mirror Science and Technology Group or Organization, you will be honored to join us!

In order to express our sincerity, we have prepared a special plane for you, you can notify us anytime and anywhere to discuss the specific boarding situation.

We are waiting for you at Xia Nation!


The E-mail replied by Izual indicates Shi Lei’s attitude, willing to accept Duke’s sincerity, and willing to accept Duke’s proposal.

After reading the contents of the E-mail, Duke showed a faint smile on his face. He was indeed prepared to meet Shi Lei in person at Shuangqing City.

Duke was surprised that Mirror Science and Technology Group had smashed three Core members of Organization.

Even though Mirror Science and Technology Group got the data provided by Jehovah, it shouldn’t be so easy to find the location information of the Organization Core Member.

‘, Shi Lei, Raphael, and Mysterious Hacker, I have prepared a Great Gift for you! ‘Duke in the heart.

For Mirror Science and Technology Group and Organization, Duke in the heart is full of curiosity. Duke wants to see, Destroy has Angel Parliament, and Shi Lei, who has half-disciplined the organization, who is it!

As for the true purpose of Duke’s commitment?

Whether it is good or malicious, I am afraid no one knows except Duke himself.

“Butler, reply to E-mail, tell Shi Lei, I can go to Xia Nation Shuangqing City tomorrow. However, I have my own conditions!” Duke told the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System of Organization.

(To be continued~^~)

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