
Chapter 1761

HK1739 is a tough victory!


Eight Second Generation Raiders successfully entered the Third Level space, but in the instant of the Second Generation Raider and Titan Giant, two Second Generation Raiders have been turned to the ground by Titan Giant.

Li Cai doesn’t care about the loss of two Raiders. Raider is like a high-powered Assassin with the ability to kill.

Titan Giant also has the power to kill, but Titan Giant also has a powerful defense. The Snow Silver Metal Tower Shield provides Titan Giant with a very high level of defense strength.

So, between Titan Giant and Raider, Titan Giant has a big advantage.

Shi Lei didn’t care about the loss of the two Second Generation Raiders, although each Second Generation Raider costs up to 53.6 Million US Dollar.

“Izual, the North Raing’s ten Raiders, continue to be sent to the Underground space!” Shi Lei commanded, if the first batch of ten Raiders can not beat the Titan Giant, then the Second batch goes on.

Li Cai stopped: “Big Brother Stone, no! The remaining six Raiders can be accomplish Task!”

“Hey?” Although Shi Lei didn’t understand Li Cai’s confidence, the origin of the origin, but still trusted Li Cai, cancelled the order.

Coler-Goldwater Memorial Hospital, North Wing, Underground Space Third Level.

Titan Giant killed two Raiders, but the other six Raiders, at the same time, easily killed the remaining eight Ordinary Genetically Modified Fighters.

Near the connection channel of the Third Level Underground space, only Titan Giant and six Raiders remain. Six Raiders surround the Titan Giant, and each Raider is only less than three meters away from the Titan Giant.

Titan Giant’s eyes flashed a decisive look, and he knew that in the current situation, he was already in danger. That being the case. Titan Giant made the decision to kill as many enemies as possible before dying!

“!” Titan Giant snorted and slammed into the front Raider, while waving a huge Snow Silver Metal shield in his left hand, with a semicircular arc. Protect the position behind you.

The front Raider was killed by Titan Giant’s right hand, Snow Silver Metal Láng Yá Bàng, and the Raider behind it was blocked by the Snow Silver Metal shield.

But the two Raiders on the side flew to the waist and knee sides of Titan Giant!

Faced with the threat of two Raiders, Titan Giant was in danger and his right foot slammed out. Just kicked a Raider and kicked Raider back.

At the same time, Titan Giant reverses his body as much as possible to avoid being attacked by another Raider. However, Raider is very fast. Even if the Titan Giant’s response speed is not fast, the Snow Silver Metal dagger has already pierced the Titan Giant’s knee side.

“dīng dāng ~ !”

“kā chā ~ !”

The Snow Silver Metal dagger is blocked by Snow Silver Metal armor, but the enormous power cannot be blocked, even with the protection of Snow Silver Metal armor. Titan Giant’s left knee still has irreversible comminuted fractures. Whether it is bones. It is still muscle organization, after being subjected to the impact of tremendous power, it is completely destroyed.

Every inch of muscle organization, almost a inch of broken. It is impossible to continue to provide and transmit any power.

“pēng~ ”

When Titan Giant was attacked on his left knee, the Snow Silver Metal shield on his left hand struck off his Raider, and the huge force made the successful Raider of the Destroy Titan Giant’s left knee directly scrapped.

In just seven seconds, Titan Giant’s left knee muscles and bones were completely shattered, covering the Snow Silver Metal armor on the left leg, showing an exaggerated deformation.

Like Li Cai’s inference, Titan Giant has the power to spike Raider, and Raider has the power to kill Titan Giant.

However, Titan Giant exchanged three Raiders for the battle at the expense of one left leg, apparently earning the rhythm.

Titan Giant’s left knee was scrapped. He used the Snow Silver Metal shield on his left hand as a fulcrum, balancing his body, with a look of pride and unyielding in his eyes.

Li Cai sighed. “Good guy, the reaction is really fast! It’s a pity that the left knee is completely comminuted, including the muscle organization, and it is completely broken. The remaining three Raiders can kill him!”

Tao Wenxian Qing Xingdao said: “Fortunately, there are three Raiders left! This guy is really amazing!”

Shi Lei affirmed: “Yes! Let’s take a look at the power of Biological Gene Technology!”

Do not!

It should be said that they underestimated the power of the human wisdom!

Although Raider is very powerful, Raider is Izual. Even though Izual behaves like humans, Izual is just Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

Izual lacks the ability to adapt to the real human wisdom, as well as the fighting imagination of the sky, and the potential for a fight in desperation.

The Raider controlled by Izual, from the beginning to the end of the combat power, will only behave very stable, lacking the volatility of real humans.

That’s why Shi Lei still has to develop Dawn’s in the case of Raider!

In most cases, under the control of Izual’s, Raider may be more powerful than real humans. But Izual’s control can never replace a human driver.

Admittedly, Unmanned Control’s Raider does not have personnel casualties, but Raider does have a gapcompared to Dawn.

“Big Brother Stone, we must get the relevant data of this creature weapon, we can also cultivate the creature weapon!” Tao Wenxian said excitedly. “With the technical strength of Little Jian and the equipment on the side of Dragon Risen, our 100% can replicate this powerful creature weapon!”

“Yes! Stone, I think so too!” Raphael added.

Coler-Goldwater Memorial Hospital, North Wing, Third Level Underground.

The three Raiders are surrounded by Titan Giant in three directions, and Izual currently calculates the appropriate offensive opportunities.

Titan Giant is low and open, “Adult, sorry, I let you down!”

Dr. Revan via Security Surveillance Camera. I also saw the situation of Titan Giant. Although Titan Giant has broken out seven Raiders, Titan Giant is currently injured, apparently not the remaining three Raider opponents.

“The enemy’s strength is too strong, I don’t know how to win, please forgive my choice.” Titan Giant leaned down and spoke to Dr. Revan while observing the three Raiders.

Dr. Revan still did not respond. Just listen to Titan Giant.

“They all think that I should quietly die, not like now, they don’t understand me, but that doesn’t matter!” Titan Giant held the right hand of silver Láng Yá Bàng tight.

“Adult, I am sorry again, I can’t confirm. Can I protect you. But I will fight to the last moment of my life!” Titan Giant’s eyes condensed, his eyes showing a decisive look.

“Maybe, I should be peacefully dead as they say, instead of choosing the current situation to live. But, adults, thank you, give me second time life, thank you for creating me!” Titan Giant has already saved Dead mind.

Dr. Revan still did not respond to Titan Giant. I saw Dr. Revan pouting and his teeth biting. With both hands clenched, the nose is a bit heavy.

“Adult, if there is an afterlife, I am still willing to protect you!” Titan Giant said lowly. Then there was no sign of one of the Raiders.

Although Titan Giant’s left knee has a comminuted fracture, with the support of Snow Silver Metal armor, Titan Giant seems to ignore the fracture of the left knee, and the speed is still fast.


Silver Láng Yá Bàng hit Raider’s left arm and drove Raider out.

Izual’s erroneous determination of Titan Giant’s left knee injury, human outbreak in the Despair situation, once again defeated Izual’s Logical Judgement.

Another Raider, under the control of Izual’s, used Snow Silver Metal to dagger the head of Titan Giant, but Titan Giant leaned over and let Snow Silver Metal beheaded so that the Snow Silver Metal dagger stabbed the left shoulder.

Great power, penetrating Snow Silver Metal armor, Titan Giant’s left shoulder, whether it is muscle organization or bone, is completely destroyed in a huge force collision.

Snow Silver Metal shield, which was originally as light as nothing, fell on the ground, because after the left shoulder was destroyed, it could not provide and transmit power.

However, the forces acted on each other. Raider hit Titan Giant’s left shoulder. The huge force destroyed the muscle organization and bones of Titan Giant’s left shoulder, but also caused Raider’s right arm to deform and the entire body. When subjected to reaction, a brief period of rigidity occurred.

Titan Giant did not know the pain, turned suddenly, Láng Yá Bàng in the right hand, hit Raider’s head in a stiff state.

Fortunately, Raider is a robot, not a human, even if the head is severely deformed, it only affects the Optical Detection System and the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, as well as the Sonar Detection System and the Radar Detection System, without letting Raider completely strike.

At this time, the Underground Space Third Level, only one Raider left, and the Titan Giant was seriously injured, the left and left shoulders were hit by Raider, and the muscle organization and bones were completely shattered.

Titan Giant stared at the last Raider. The Titan Giant was inconvenient. He only had to wait for the Raider attack. However, Titan Giant found that Raider didn’t seem to have an attack’s opinion.

Titan Giant face slightly changed, he decided to take a chance, only to see Titan Giant facing Raider, throwing the right hand Snow Silver Metal Láng Yá Bàng, but Raider calmly avoided the sneak attack of Láng Yá Bàng.

Now, Titan Giant doesn’t threaten Raider’s weapon. Izual controls Raider to rush to Titan Giant, trying to use Snow Silver Metal to attack Titan Giant’s head.

Titan Giant seems to be scared and stupid without any dodging action, or because the left shoulder and left knee are injured and there is no way to move.

When Raider was about to hit Titan Giant, Titan Giant suddenly raised his right hand, elbows outward, attack Raider.

“dīng dāng ~ ”

“pēng~ ”

The Snow Silver Metal dagger hit the head of Titan Giant, even with the protection of the Snow Silver Metal helmet, but the enormous force is transmitted through the helmet, enough to smash the Titan Giant’s brain into a paste.

However, Titan Giant’s right elbow hit Raider’s neck and almost rip Raider’s neck. Raider’s neck showed an exaggerated angle and slowly fell backwards.

Titan Giant’s eyes gradually lost their luster, his mouth slightly rising upwards in a curve, and the invisible sound came out of the Titan Giant’s mouth.


(To be continued~^~)

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