
Chapter 1713

HK1692 defects and errors!


On April 30th, Twenty-three points.

The darkness shrouded Shuangqing City, the environment of Dark, which breeds some untimely behavior. Since Shuangqing City was protected by the SoCIA l Public Safety System, the crime rate has been reduced to the limit in the range of surveillance cameras. But it has not completely eliminated the crime, and some people are taking risks.

Why are there people who dare to commit crimes?

The reason is that Dark’s environment breeds a sinful Shadow!

Shuangqing City’s social public security Surveillance Camera, not all of them have a low-light Night Vision Function, and not all monitoring areas, there are street lights in the night environment to provide Light.

So, when Dark comes, some of the Security Surveillance Camera will lose its effect. Inside these Shadow areas, effectively as stated the criminal’s Heaven!

Shuangqing City Government has gradually solved the night lighting issue in these Shadow areas due to the pressure of the people, but the infrastructure needs to invest a lot of money, and there are some invisible resistance. Therefore, the Shadow area remains, even in the Shuanghu District.

The six personnel who jumped from a well-known fast food restaurant refrigerated transport vehicle hid within the Shadow area and successfully avoided the SoCIA l Public Safety System controlled by Izual.

“Bravo, look at the map, where should we go now?” In Dark, one of the personnel wearing a low-light night vision device asked another person.

“Slightly Wait!” Bravo looks at the electronic map, which shows the latest mapof Shuanghu District, and is also marked with numerous spots, red, orange, and green.

If you are familiar with the location of the Security Surveillance Camera of the Shuanghu District SoCIA l Public Safety System, you can see that the position of those spots is exactly the same as the location of the Security Surveillance Camera!

The light spot of red. On behalf of the camera with Night Vision Function, even if the night falls, it can still work normally; the orange light spot represents the Lighting System within the scope of the camera, although the nighttime imaging effect is not good. However, it can still work barely; only the green spot indicates that there is neither a Night Vision Function camera nor a Lighting System.

“Alpha, I found a Shadow channel and we can go directly to the periphery of the Emerald Building!” Bravo whispered, their target, the Emerald Building.

Emerald Building is the Temporary Headquarters of Mirror Science and Technology Group!

“Very good! Follow the scheduled plan!” Alpha issued the order.

Six people started to act. Under the guidance of the electronic map, they avoided the red and orange light spots, smoothly entered the lakeshore forest of Emerald Lake, and then passed through the lakeshore woods to the periphery of the Emerald Building.

The lakeshore forest does not have the existence of Security Surveillance Camera. Even though Shi Lei, I have never thought of arranging Security Surveillance Camera inside.

This is not Shi Lei’s negligence of the defense, but it is not necessary. If you arrange the Security Surveillance Camera in the lakeshore woods, whether it is wired. It is still wired and can be used by the enemy. Instead, simply do not place Security Surveillance Camera. Anyway, the enemy can’t go directly to the Emerald Lake Building through the lakeshore woods.

“Bravo, prepare for the Second Phase Task!” Alpha commanded, taking off the box behind him. Start assembling a snipe rifle.

The same is true for Bravo, which is also assembling the snipe rifle.

The other four accompanying personnel, some of the rafts stood in place, and no other moves.

Alpha and Bravo are not planning to ambush the lakeshore, waiting for Shi Lei to appear, and then snipe to assassinate Shi Lei. Although this idea is beautiful, it is not Reality.

Because Mirror Science and Technology Group does not have Security Surveillance Camera in the lakeshore, Mirror Science and Technology Group dispatches Shadow Dragon every day to inspect the lakeshore woods near Emerald Square.

Shadow Dragon on-board’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector makes it easy to find them. Even if they use Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, they can’t escape Shadow Dragon’s Optical Detection System.

“Alpha, I am ready here!” Bravo responded.

Alpha also responded: “Your target is on the right, my target is on the left! Do you understand?”

“Understand!” Bravo said affirmatively.

“Countdown, three, two, one, action!” Alpha and Bravo’s sniper rifle fired as Alpha ordered.

The target of the two attackers is the Security Surveillance Camera of the Emerald Building facade. The accuracy of the two people’s attack was amazing, reaching 100%. Just after eight shots, the Security Surveillance Camera on the front of the Emerald Building was completely destroyed. The snipe rifle with the muffler added did not create too much movement.

Basement Fifth Floor.

Ruling Security Company’s personnel, First time found that the Security Surveillance Camera on the front of Emerald Building was destroyed, and Li Zifeng did not alarm Shi Lei. Such an incident was a problem that Ruling Security Company needed to solve, and nothing was reported to Shi Lei, let Shi Lei make the decision.

Li Zifeng, through Izual, controls the two Set-up Shadow Dragons to take off from the roof roof and come to the front of the Emerald Building to prepare for the situation.

However, when the two Set-up Shadow Dragons just appeared, they were directly destroyed by Alpha and Bravo!

The two Set-up Shadow Dragon were directly destroyed, and Li Zifeng’s face was a bit ugly. In this case, it was apparently an armed attack.

“Zheng Tao, Shi Mayi, ready to fight!” Li Zifeng reminded that both Zheng Tao and Shi Mayi are member of Li Zifeng Squadron and now become the independent Little Captain.

“Received, Captain!” Shi Mayi responded, even if it became the Captain of Thirteenth Squadron, Shi Mayi still calls Li Zifeng Captain. Not only because Li Zifeng formerly is his Captain, but also because Li Zifeng is Mid Captain, and it is possible to become a Great Captain.

“Okay, Boss!” Zheng Tao also responded, and he is also very respectful to Li Zifeng.

Li Zifeng told Izual to start two of The Steel and Iron and prepare to fight at any time instead of participating in the battle immediately. Now that the monitoring equipment has been destroyed, Li Zifeng is cautious in the case of the enemy, and no further temptations are sent to avoid being annihilated by the other party.

In the lakeshore woods, after Alpha and Bravo wiped out the two Set-up Shadow Dragons, the two took the other four and rushed to the Emerald Building.

When the six arrived at the door of the Emerald Building, Alpha took out a silver-white metal disc from his arms, slid it onto the Bulletproof Glass door at the door of the hall, and quickly hid it on the side of the ladder not far away.

“hōng ~ ”

The violent explosion shattered the Bulletproof Glass door and the six entered the hall smoothly!

The violent explosion in the hall alerted Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian of the Basement Fifth Floor. Shi Lei immediately asked: “Izual, what happened outside?”

“There are intruders!” Izual responded, synchronizing the security monitoring records in the lobby to the Virtual transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

Shi Lei expression startled, “Invaders? Six? Determine whether they are Genetically Modified Fighter!” Shi Lei’s face is a bit unsightly, just after he and Tao Wenxian, received the warning from Jehovah, Jeehova’s revenge, come so fast?

“Yes, Sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei, “System Temporary Unable to Judge Intruder’s Identity Information, and Unable to Judge Intruder is Genetically Modified Fighter.”

“Shit!” Shi Lei was a little annoyed. “Activate all Raider! In addition, activate four Third Generation Dawns and control them over!” Shi Lei told the rainy day.

In case the six intruders are all Genetically Modified Fighter, with four Third Generation Raiders, Shi Lei is not afraid of them.

“Understand!” Izual responded briefly.

In the Emerald Building lobby, six intruders came to the elevator, Alpha started talking: “Bravo, see you!”

Bravo nodded and quickly opened the control panel of the elevator and connected to the tablet computer EQ uipment that was carried with it via two data lines.

“wait a moment, I am currently cracking the elevator’s operating parameters. The other’s Defense System is very powerful, I need a little time!” Bravo said.

“How long?” Alpha’s tone, with an anxious taste.

The other four people accompanying them did not have any emotions, and quiet stood next to them.

“About a minute, I am currently bypassing each other’s Defense System and directly controlling the elevator equipment!” Bravo explained, but the movements on his hands did not stop.

Emerald Building’s IoT System, which is connected to the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s network system, is protected by the Endless Defense System. Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to be broken.

But Bravo was in direct contact with the elevator’s control panel route, which was an internal intrusion. He spent a lot of effort to bypass the protection of the Endless Defense System and successfully control the opening of an elevator.

“Well, this elevator will send us directly to the Basement Fifth Floor. According to the gentleman’s information, our target is on the Basement Fifth Floor!” Bravo reminded.

“What are you waiting for?” Alpha apparently trusted Bravo and went directly into the elevator.

Bravo also followed, and four other members came in one after another. The elevator was running down with six people, less than half a minute, six people came to the Basement Fifth Floor, Shi Lei in the Old Nest of Shuanghu District!

The elevator door slowly opened and Alpha glanced at Bravo. “Are you ready? Brothers!”

“No issue!” Bravo also glanced at Alpha. “Please rest assured, brothers, we are about to accomplish Task!”

When the two men walked out of the elevator with the other four, they immediately found the issue. Because the layout of the Basement Fifth Floor is inconsistent with the intelligence message!

The information obtained by the two people indicates that there is a Bulletproof Glass curtain wall on the Basement Fifth Floor, which can block the attack of the snipe rifle and the individual RPGrocket launcher. So, the two carried a shoulder-mounted portable Small-scale Guided Missile.

With the power of the portable Small-scale Guided Missile, the Bulletproof Glass can be blasted. But now, they are not in front of the Bulletproof Glass curtain wall!

(To be continued~^~)

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