
Chapter 1531

HK1511 identity exposed !


The dignity of a Nation is of great importance. If you don’t pay attention, it will cause more trouble. But at the same time, the safety of Nation citizens, especially the safety of the Hundred-thousand people, is a major event.

In the simplest terms, if the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant really has Security Issues, which threatens the safety of Hundred-thousand people, the Prime Minister and the cabinet minister of Wo Sang Nation will definitely resign.

Of course, if you choose to protect the safety of Nation citizens and give up maintaining Nation’s dignity, the Prime Minister will resign with the cabinet minister.

The front is the cliff, the back is the road, they have no more choices. You can only choose a slightly better solution, and strive to gain the sympathy of the people, and will not be stigmatized for thousands of years.

Do not!

In fact, there is still a road, a choice of the best of both worlds!

This choice, precisely as stated, successfully solved the issue of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and the network threatened that the situation did not exist. Then, Wo Sang Nation Government does not need to pay the amount of blackmail or worry about the safety of the people.

In order to successfully resolve the issue, or the Prime Minister and the cabinet minister of Wo Sang Nation Government, they have collectively stood on the edge of the cliff. They have no choice but to give to the Tokyo Electricity Company and the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. , issued a death order, must be resolved before the zero point, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s issue.

Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, all the staff members, whether it is one stop or two stops, are busy checking the Safety of the Nuclear Power Plant.

Not only Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s staff members are busy, but also the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department and the military’s Yamata Security Team, which is stationed in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, inside the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, inspector Industry Control System’s Security Issues.

however. Designed specifically for the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, ParadiseVirus is scientifically hidden and has Decompilation Subsystem and Recompilation Subsystem.

With decompile and recompile, ParadiseVirus has been integrated into the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s industry operating system and is part of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant industry Operating System.

In this case. The security personnel inside Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant cannot find the issue of the Industry Operating System at all. Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department and Yamata Security Team can not find any issues.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s leadership and the Tokyo Electricity Company received reports from the internal security personnel of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and the Wo Sang Nation Government received reports from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department and the Yamata Security Team, who were dissatisfied with the report. In the middle, everything is normal.

but. When the tripartite personnel conducted the investor multiple times, there was still no issue. Even some of Wo Sang Nation Government’s personnel invited Wo Sang Nation’s First Generation Hacker through a special channel. After the internal inspection of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s industry Operating System, the Wo Sang Nation Government finally let go of the issue.

Wo Sang Nation, at night. Just past half past nine.

Wo Sang Nation Government held the Press Conference overnight, all channels of the major Television Stations across the country. An urgent news was released, indicating that Wo Sang Nation Government, after many aspects of investigate, confirmed the previous network threatening letter. Sure enough, it’s just a network threatening letter, without any threat.

Wo Sang Nation Government also made a big splash in the network, also indicating that Nuclear Power Plant does not have any issues, and listed a series of information, indicating that the Nuclear Power Plant’s industry Operating System can not be invaded at all.

Even in extreme cases, the Nuclear Power Plant’s industry operating system is really invaded, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant can also enter the manual control mode at First time, 100% guarantees the safety of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

With the large-scale rumor of the Wo Sang Nation Government in TV news and the net world, the network threatening letter that was previously spread has lost its living space, and the people of Wo Sang Nation have been comforted.

The top management of Wo Sang Nation Government seems to have successfully solved this crisis. But in fact, it is not the case!

Because Shi Lei discovered the situation of Wo Sang Nation, the rapid second time in the net world of Wo Sang Nation, released a new intimidation information.


“Is it really good to deceive the people?” 》

Hello everyone, Wo Sang Nation!

Please forgive us for our atrocities. We are also forced to do so because your Nation has failed us and caused us huge losses. Therefore, we are choosing to target you Nation in the absence of a path.

Asking for forgive again, we didn’t mean to cause disorder, we didn’t mean to cause major civilian casualties. Terrorist Attack, our request is very simple, we only Hope your government, pay us a sum of money.

Regarding your government, in the big news of TV news and net world, we can only regret that they are cheating you!

Wo Sang Nation’s Government, you really refreshed the government’s conscience bottom line, and actually abandoned the Hundred-thousand people’s safety in crisis. Did you really find the issue of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant industry Operating System? Or your Security SpeCIA list has been discovered, but deliberately concealed? Or the Security SpeCIA list was reported, but you did not say it deliberately?

In order to poke your lies, we decided to take a little sincerity, Hope you can understand.

The first is three and a half open to the public semi-confidential information, have to say, you are really shameless, obviously need to announce the news, but in the secret open to the public way, continue to keep confidential.

First, 2005 8. 7.Level 2 earthquake caused the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to contain two pools of radioactive waste. This piece of news, you have no large-scale open to the public, isn’t that right? You are only reporting on the 7.Level 2 earthquake, which caused a lot of losses and deliberately concealed the situation of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Second, 2006 year, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant one stop, No. 6 unit has a radioactive material leakage accident, and you have not reported Detailed? Even if it is an internal record, there is only a record of the year, there is no detailed record.

Third, last year, Tokyo Electricity Company, concealed the recognition that since the beginning of 1977, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant one stop Number One unit, formerly modified 28 safety accident information, and also modified other Nuclear Power Plant numerous safety accident information, isn ‘t that right ? This incident even led to the resignation of Tokyo Electricity Company Director-General, but how do you explain it?

These three-and-a-half secret semi-open to the public information, just our warning, perhaps the big man of Wo Sang Nation Government, you think this is just that we have stolen some insignificant information, not real threat.

So, let’s show you some important things now!

Next, we will release dozens of images and several surveillance videos, indicating that we have taken control of a part of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Security Surveillance Camera. At the same time, we also control some of the industry Operating System.

We are still in Hope Wo Sang Nation Government, and we will import a designated account into a Hundred-billion US Dollar before zero today. We are very kind, and have not increased the amount of extortion because of your non-cooperation. We Hope, you follow the rules of the game, do not force us to change from Hacker to terrorist.

Finally, once again, kindly remind people, people near Fukushima Prefecture, please leave the relevant area as soon as possible, so as not to be innocent.


Shi Lei has released Second Network Intimidation Posts, and Second Network Intimidation Posts are more scary than First Network Intimidation Posts.

Because, First Network Intimidation Post, there is no evidence at all, just like a prank, simply warns Wo Sang Nation Government. If it is not the Cyber ​​Security Specialist of Wo Sang Nation Government, the address of the network threatening letter cannot be traced. At the same time, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant itself has an issue. Then, Wo Sang Nation will not pay attention at all.

Now, the contents of the Second Network Intimidation Post are more real, not only listing the semi-open to the public semi-confidential information, but also listing thirty images and three videos.

Thirty pictures of information, including the time node information, the same is true for the three-segment video. It is proved that these pictures and videos are now synchronized, which proves that the post-published Hacker does control one part of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. System.

With the release of the Second Network Intimidation Post, the Wo Sang Nation people living near the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant finally no longer believe in Wo Sang Nation Government. Because Wo Sang Nation Government has deceived them once, at least they think it was Wo Sang Nation Government who deceived them.

In the face of this situation, Wo Sang Nation Government was both shocked and angry, smashed the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department and the Yamata Security Team, then told them to continue to check the issue and told the Tokyo Electricity Company to resolve Fukushima Nuclear Power. Plant’s Security Issues.

It is not a problem to solve the Security Issues of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant!

Only the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is required to enter the comprehensive Manual Operations Plan to shield the impact of the Industry Operating System. Nuclear Power Plant’s safety is very high, even after being invaded by Hacker, there are solutions.

Full access to the Manual Operations Plan, and a big issue!

Manual operation can indeed solve the intrusion of the Industry Operating System, but in this case, why not use the more manual manual operation at the beginning?

the reason is simple!

Nuclear Power Plant is a huge system that wants to use all manual operations. It is a very complicated operation process, not only the numerous personnel, but also the high degree coordination between each other. Otherwise, it will definitely lead to disaster, and the result of that disaster will not be much better than the result of the Industry Operating System being controlled by Hacker.

Based on this situation, Nuclear Power Plant always prioritizes the use of automated control of the industrial operating system, rather than manual manual operation.

The top management of Wo Sang Nation Government is anxiously awaiting news from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the Yamata Security Team, and the internal security personnel of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

However, the three parties had a bad news, and they still did not find the issue inside the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant industry Operating System.

However, Yamata Security Team, another good news came, they found the identity information of the poster!

(To be continued~^~)

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