
Chapter 1297

HK1280 Splitting Waves: Depart from alone!

In the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, the range of N235 Metal was detected and Pirate suddenly appeared. In this case, there is absolutely a greasy look, and Pirate is definitely not a real Pirate.

According to Shi Lei’s speculation, these so-called Pirate Ships are very likely to be the official force of other Nation. Especially in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, the Great Britain EmpIRE is frequent. The Bermuda Islands belong to the Great Britain EmpIRE, and their Navy is in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

In addition to Great Britain EmpIRE, Li Jian Nation is also active in the Bermuda Triangle region. However, Li Jian Nation is active in this area, usually the Scientific Expedition Ship.

Li Jian Nation’s scientific community is convinced that there is a natural secret that science cannot explain in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

‘Not Li Jian Nation, that is Great Britain EmpIRE! ‘Shi Lei in the heart locks the target.

Emerald Lake Building, the top floor, Li Cai’s temporary R&D base and manufacturing center.

Shi Lei is extremely satisfied with the Laser Weapon of the Li Cai currently test. The power of Laser Weapon even exceeds Electromagnetic Weapon. Only one Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat equipped with Laser Weapon, Shi Lei has the confidence to resolve the Pirate issue in the Bermuda Triangle.

“Big Brother Stone, give me one day if I only need one boat!” Li Cai replied and explained, “Big Brother Stone, the only time it takes a day, can be accomplish, because all the pre-work , already ready.”

Shi Lei nodded and said that he understood.

“The new Power Source’s Second Phase Application Plan has successfully manufactured the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator. However, miniaturized and miniaturization require further research. Currently, it can be successfully applied. Only Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and Lion d Combat System’s Fearless. Dawn is not working for a while, I will study the miniaturized Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator that matches the Dawn model as soon as possible.” Li Cai explains the situation in detail.

“Laser Weapon basic test accomplish, the most extensive-scale Ruby Laser Artillery, can be mounted on the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, the secondary can be carried in the cabin of The Steel and Iron, and the first Grade, by Dawn Equipped. Most miniaturized. Just a toy for entertainment.” Li Cai explained the situation of Laser Weapon, “Right, Big Brother Stone. Laser Weapon has not yet been named, what do you think is better?”

Shi Lei thought a little, “Calling ‘True Red Guard’! According to the size of the power, from small to large, it is i-type. Type ii and type iii.”

Li Cai nodded casually. He doesn’t like to name the product. If you let Li Cai order it, it is estimated that it is ‘Small-scale Laser Weapon Equipment’, ‘Medium-scale Laser Weapon Equipment’, ‘Large-scale Laser Weapon Equipment’, there is no point at all. Artistic sense.

“Well, Big Brother Stone, I am going to start making Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. After making accomplish, I will inform you tomorrow! Right. Big Brother Stone, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s operation Control System. Have you written accomplish?” Li Cai asked.

Shi Lei nodded, “No issue!”

Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s Control System, Shi Lei’s is accomplished, rewritten from The Steel and Iron’s FCH System, and Shi Lei has long been accomplishing the writing work. Or, with the help of Izual’s, how could Shi Lei not have accomplish?

Time passed by, and it was already in Twenty-seven on July. At seven o’clock in the morning, Li Cai was full of bloodshot and looked at the assembled accomplish Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is only available in high-end models, which are named ‘Splitting Waves’.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat has a full length of 1980mm and a maximum hull width of 800mm. The overall spindle design has a maximum design speed of 700 km per hour and a standard cruising speed of 500 km an hour.

However, Li Cai modified some of the design of The Splitting Waves, such as the design of the energy cabin, from the original 0.1 cubic decimeter design, promoted ten times, to the extent of 1 cubic decimeter.

The ten-fold energy tank design means that the energy reserve of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat has reached ten times the previous amount. According to theoretical calculations, the theoretical design of the Splitting Waves has reached 605,600 kilometers, enough to surround Earth one and a half times.

To put it another way, any sea on the exact as stated Earth, there is no place where The Splitting Waves can’t reach!

Accomplished Li Cai, the newly designed The Splitting Waves, can’t wait to call Shi Lei’s, but now it’s just after seven, how could Shi Lei get up so early?

“Hey, Big Brother Stone, The Splitting Waves is finished!” Li Cai called the phone after the call was connected.

But on the other end of the phone, there was a voice from a middle-aged man. “Hello, Mr. Li, here is Izual, Mr. Shi is currently sleeping, is it awakening Mr. Shi?”

“Come on!” Li Cai didn’t notice the time.

Izual wakes up Shi Lei according to Li Cai’s instructions, “Hey, Little Plum?”

“Big Brother Stone, the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat you want, has been made accomplish!” Li Cai said directly.

“Well? So fast?” Shi Lei originally thought that I would have to drag it until the evening to make accomplish. “Little Plum, is the Ruby Laser Artillery True Red Guard installed on the patrol boat?”

“Of course! Big Brother Stone, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, where do I go?” Li Cai said, yawning. “After delivery, I am going to sleep! I got an all-nighter and finally accomplish!”

Shi Lei, Li Cai, is this brat staying up all night? For Li Cai’s dedication, Shi Lei has some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. However, Shi Lei in the heart is also moving.

“Little Plum, you have to go to sleep! Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, I will contact Li Zifeng.” Shi Lei responded to Li Cai.

Shi Lei is going to let Li Zifeng, with Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, take the airplane to the coastal city. Then, in the coastal city, put the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat in the ocean and let Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat go to the waters of the Bermuda Triangle alone.

The Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is very fast, with a limit speed of 700 kilometers per hour, starting from the coast of Xia Nation. The total range exceeds 20,000 kilometers, which is approximately 30-35 hours according to the predicted time calculated by Izual. Only in the relevant sea areas of the Bermuda Triangle area.

“Okay!” Li Cai hit a significant yawn, “Big Brother Stone, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is on the workbench, you let the staff of the Ruling Security Company handle it!”

“Good!” Shi Lei replied with a short answer and then called Li Zifeng to let Li Zifeng lead his Squadron. Handle this matter.

Shi Lei explained in detail how to deal with this matter and said it for seven or eight minutes. After explaining everything clearly, Shi Lei asked: “Zifeng, do you understand?”

“No issue! Boss, this Task is very simple. Guarantee accomplish!” Li Zifeng said affirmatively.

“Yeah. Act now! Company has booked your ticket for you, the nearest flight, direct flight to Nanhai Province.” The destination is Shi Lei, as long as it is a coastal city, as long as the time is just a flight, exactly As stated Shi Lei The destination of choice.

After telling Li Zifeng and others to act, Shi Lei continued to lie down and sleep. Near the noon 12 point, Shi Lei sits in front of the Number One Server. Currently modifying Interweave Net Miwang’s Core Source Code.

Li Zifeng’s phone dialed, “Boss. We arrived at the destination and accomplished the Task!”

Shi Lei immediately struck a series of commands on the keyboard, Izual positioned The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, and from the Optical Observation System of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, Shi Lei discovered Li Zifeng et al.

“Well, let’s go! Right, if you want to play in Nanhai Province for two days, you can play happily, and the cost is borne by the company.” Shi Lei pulled the hearts of the people.

Li Zifeng refused: “It doesn’t matter, Boss, we will return immediately, and Company has a lot to deal with.”

Shi Lei is not reluctant, “This time Task, everyone rewards Five Thousand!”

Don’t think that the Five Thousand bonus is not much. The key is that this Task is very simple, just take the airplane with The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, then to the destination, then carry The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat It is put into the ocean.

What other tasks are simpler than such a Task?

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei brought a Wireless headset, “Izual, again retrieve ecbSystem for logic bugs!”

ecbSystem is a ported version of the FCH System for the operation of the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

Izual quickly debugged the eccSystem again, and the sound of ice-cold unfeeling responded to Shi Lei, “Sir, everything is ready, no logic bugs found!”

Shi Lei continued to ask: “target Coordinate Points, set Right?”

“The specific latitude and longitude Coordinate Points have been determined!” Izual shows the specific Coordinate Points on the screen of Number One Server, which is the storage point coordinates of N235 Metal in the sea area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle.

“Start! Keep the maximum speed and get to the destination!” Shi Lei issued the final order.

In the far-flung Nanhai Province, on a remote shore, a pale-blue, fully enclosed dinghy suddenly burst into the roar of the Turbine Engine and then rushed out.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, basically does not have the depth of draft, so you are not afraid of the reef. Unless it’s a reef that is out of the water, it can cause trouble for The Splitting Waves.

However, The Splitting Waves’ advanced hull design and Outstanding’s sturdy materials, the Ordinary’s coral reefs and ice cubes, can’t help but the The Splitting Waves, but will be smashed by The Splitting Waves!

In other words, exactly as stated, The Splitting Waves can sail freely in the Worldwide Ocean.

After the Splitting Waves was launched, Izual displayed a satellite mapon the Number One Server screen, marking the location of The Splitting Waves with a green spot.

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, The Splitting Waves has sailed more than Three Thousand kilometers, and Izual suddenly issued an alarm.

“Alarm! The Splitting Waves is locked by the radar, and the current analysis radar locks the origin, which is determined to be Yinni Nation Sea Defense Radar …”

(To be continued.)


——— —

The vice moderator came to Gudu, and finally stopped coming to Gudu. In the last two days, Dabaojian is very good!

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