
Chapter 1009

hk997 Raphael’s active showdown! I wish the vice moderator, I am happy with Gudu.

Shi Lei is a human being, although Shi Lei appears to be slightly inappropriate when dealing with certain things. However, in dealing with Gabriel and Raphael, Shi Lei is definitely not hot.

Li Jian Nation Time, June 9th, 2:30pm. Xia Nation is still in the middle of the night.

Raphael carries a glass of red wine with a natural smile. He looks at Shi Lei’s expression in a serious and covert way. “Mr. Shi, I have something to talk to.” Raphael actively probed.

Shi Lei in the heart secretly guessed the intention of Raphael, a little thought about it, Shi Lei decided to see what Raphael is going to do. “What is it?” Shi Lei deliberately said in a careless manner.

Raphael is a step forward, close to Shi Lei, Shi Lei is not too nervous Security Issues. Entering Dream Entertainment Company’s event site, after multiple safety checks, it is impossible for Raphael to carry the firearm of the danger or other weapon.

As for Raphael’s close combat ability, Shi Lei is not in the eye. Moreover, Raphael does not dare to do too aggressive behavior against Shi Lei in the case of so many people, so as not to be traced by the power of Official.

Raphael is very close to Shi Lei’s. He whispers: “Mr. Shi, borrowing an old saying from your Xia Nation, there are a lot of people here. If you have stolen the things we talked about, then I will not be suitable.” “”

Shi Lei pretended to look at Raphael seriously, whispered: “Sir, are you?”

Raphael is still whispered: “Mr. Shi, I am Phinney Dulles, I have an information that you are interested in. I don’t know if you can take up a few minutes?”

Phinney Dulles is the Raphael’s False Identity, saying that False Identity is also inappropriate, and Raphael is on the bright side. It does use the identity of Phinney Dulles. And, this identity can be described as a sew.

Phinney Dulles is ‘Raised Identity’, Raised Identity is a virtual Fake Proof of Identity, like a real human being, cultivated from an early age. Starting with the birth certificate, Raised Identity begins to record all kinds of information, including vaccine information, school records, medical certificates, dental records, social security information, taxation, and so on, just like real-life babies.

This Raised Identity is almost like a real invisible person, and it is very difficult to investigate this Raised Identity. Of course. Making a Raised Identity is also very troublesome.

Not only does it take a long time, but in the process, once there is an issue, Raised Identity is immediately scrapped. The investment in the early stage will fall short. So, Raised Identity is easy to use. But there are not many. The price of every Raised Identity is very expensive.

Shi Lei knows that Raised Identity of Raphael is Phinney Dulles!

When ‘formerly’ was in the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei ridiculed Raphael’s Raised Identity many times, along with Gabriel and Uriel, and ridiculed Raphael. Because, the name of the Phinney Dulles Dulles, how to listen to how like Durex.

Shi Lei is not in a hurry to agree to Raphael. If Raphael just said a few words, Shi Lei promised Raphael independent conversation, which is a flaw.

“Mr. Dulles, what information have you mastered. Let me be interested?” Shi Lei shakes the red wine glass in his right hand, pretending to be a wine drinker.

Raphael bowed his head and thought.

Standing in the distance, Gabriel, in the heart secretly called, ‘damn Raphael, 10 million don’t mess up! Although Shi Lei’s performance is not like knowing Raphael, it needs further testing. Raphael This damn Idiot, such a simple thing, can’t do it well! ‘

Shi Lei took a little retreat, opened the distance from Raphael, and looked at Raphael with a puzzled look. “Mr. Phinney, if you are an agent of other online game operators, I don’t think you need to waste your saliva. Our Dream Entertainment Company, which operates in Li Jian Nation, does not choose to work with local online game operators, but operates independently. This is why we established the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division!”

Shi Lei deliberately stated a possible situation and expressed two attitudes. He did not believe in Raphael and did not know the identity of Raphael.

Raphael can’t figure out the aspect, but it’s not Idiot. He understands that Shi Lei really doesn’t talk to him if he doesn’t come up with some real-world information.

‘This Shi Lei, how troublesome! ‘Raphael in the heart, defines a poor contact for Shi Lei.

Raphael thought for nearly half a minute and finally thought of a less reliable but very efficient approach. Raphael takes out the cell phone and quickly typed in three English letters on the SMS interface. [

After the input, Raphael handed the cell phone to Shi Lei, and the small channel: “Mr. Shi, look!”

Shi Lei took the cell phone and saw that the SMS interface wrote the ‘mrm’ three letters. Shi Lei showed just the right surprise. He quickly looked at the Raphael and took a step closer to the Raphael. Channel: “Who are you? If you don’t say it, I don’t guarantee your safety!”

With this in mind, Shi Lei’s right hand moved slightly to the waist, and pressed inward to highlight the pistol outline that was not at the waist. This action was full of threats.

At the same time, it is also expressed that Shi Lei is wary of Mr. M, and the relationship between Shi Lei and Mr. M is not good.

Looking at Shi Lei’s exposed pistol outline, Raphael is not shocked, he whispers: “Mr. Shi, calm down, I am not a Mr. M person!”

“What proof?” Shi Lei said quickly and whispered.

In the outsider’s opinion, Shi Lei and Raphael talked very much, and the two kept talking quietly.

Raphael in the heart is even more joyful, but he does not relax his vigilance. “Mr. Shi, can we talk independently? Don’t worry, I didn’t carry weapon.”

Shi Lei nodded. “No issue! You go ahead, I will tell you how to go! You go to the leftmost Safe Exit and we will go out from the Safe Exit.”

Raphael was hesitated a little, and according to Shi Lei’s commanding to go before, while walking, the hands were hidden in a gesture, which reminded Gabriel that everything was normal and the action went smoothly.

Gabriel looked at the Raphael’s gesture, significantly sighed in relief. He was just afraid that Raphael would make some inappropriate behaviors and make the whole thing unpredictable. Fortunately, Raphael is still in accordance with the plan’s accomplished Task that is independent of Shi Lei.


Shi Lei and Raphael walked out of the Safe Exit in tandem.

The Safe Exit is the guard of the rgControl Risk Group. They know Shi Lei and Shi Lei tells them to open the door. They open the door without doubt.

The two went from the Safe Exit and went all the way to the roof.

On the roof, Shi Lei blatantly pulled out the pistol at the waist, pointing to Raphael, said with a sneer: “Let’s say! What did Mr. M send you over?”

“Mr. Shi, please listen to me, I am not a subordinate of Mr. M!” Raphael raised his hands and did not do any excessive action.

“Stop!” Shi Lei snorted. “Before coming to Li Jian Nation, I guessed that Mr. M would definitely act. You thought I didn’t know, what kind of Mayorksa Johnson are you with? That Mayorksa Johnson, I have told people to investigate, he works for gmersfrstCompany, but Company knows that he has a handful of people, and there is no personal information left in Company. Both of you are Mr. M’s subordinate Right?”

Without waiting for Raphael to rebut, Shi Lei continued: “If it wasn’t for Johnson, I kept watching me while we were talking. If I didn’t just remember him, I’m afraid I really can’t find your relationship! Okay. Mr. Dulles, tell me now, what does Mr. M send you to do? If you are honest, I don’t mind letting you let go of a little life. If you don’t want to say it, I hope you consider the consequences, even me. There are very many people who kill you and are willing to sin for me!”

Raphael had a touch of sweat on his forehead. This was the natural reaction when pointed by pistol. After listening to Shi Lei’s question, Raphael said again: “Mr. Shi, I am really not sent by Mr. M!”

“What evidence?” Shi Lei asked again.

Raphael bit his teeth: “Mr. Shi, do you know Raphael?”

Shi Lei’s expression was slightly startled. The pistol’s muzzle was slightly offset, not aligned with the Raphael, but it was not closed. “Do you want to say, are you Raphael?”.

Raphael nodded proudly, “Of course, I am Raphael!”

“lied!” Shi Lei once again pointed the muzzle at Raphael. “You are not Raphael! Do you know what identity I am? I am formerly an agent of Mr. M, and Mr. M is the main enemy. First, exact as stated Raphael !Raphael is World’s Top Level Hacker, I am also a Hacker, like the Raphael Top Level Hacker, how can I casually expose identity!”

Raphael smiles, “Mr. Shi, you listen to me, I am really Raphael! If you don’t believe, I can prove it to you!”

“Certificate?” Shi Lei thought about it a bit, took a p from his arms, put it on the ground, and then retreat a short distance, started talking: “Since you are Raphael, then you are the World Summit Grade Hacker. I will give you three minutes, you use this p to invade NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, leaving a provocative information on Mr. M!”

“No issue!” Raphael took a few steps forward, slowly squatting down, extending his right hand and picking up the p on the ground.

Throughout the process, the Raphael’s movements were very slow. This was because Shi Lei held the pistol’s muzzle and pointed at him. Once he had any move, he suspected that Shi Lei might shoot.

After getting p, Raphael checked it a bit and arrogantly started talking: “Mr. Shi, don’t take three minutes, give me thirty seconds!”

(To be continued…)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] small drawer time machine, reward 400

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