Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha

Chapter 138 The True Effect of Magic (5/12 for subscription)

Chapter 138 The True Function of Magic (512 for subscription)

"Oh? You're back—"

Wu's teleportation target is around Naoshu. When he appeared, Naoshu and the others had not yet reached the village.

And when the four of them returned to the village in the form of a reorganized team, they went to the hospital immediately.

Orochimaru stood at the door, seeing the dusty Wu team, he forced a smile and nodded.

"Teacher Orochimaru, what's going on?"

As soon as Naoki saw Orochimaru's expression, he knew something bad had happened.

Rushing to call them over, could it be...

"Naoki, your sister's lover, Jonin Kato Dan, died of serious injuries during the mission and died."

Orochimaru's words surprised everyone.

Because of the relationship between Nawaki and Nonoyu, the team, including Mikoto, knew that Nawaki's sister Tsunade had a boyfriend, not Jiraiya or Orochimaru, who were also "Sannin" with her, but this Kato Dan .

"How could it be! Big brother... Can't sister save him?!"

Naoki became anxious when he heard that, just like when Jiraiya was pursuing Tsunade back then, he spent a lot of effort to clear his side, this Kato Dan who fell in love with his sister...

Nakoki was still pricking his heart in front of Jiraiya before!

Nonoyu once said that after Jiraiya stayed with the three of Yahiko, Tsunade and Orochimaru led the teams to continue their missions.

Kato Dan is the Jonin who teamed up with Tsunade to carry out missions.

And as one of Orochimaru's few friends, after Kato Dan was seriously injured in the mission, he rushed to support almost immediately.

At that time, Tsunade tried his best to treat Kato's serious injury, but he couldn't treat Kato's serious injury—the trauma suffered by Nawaki was not serious, and some of his internal organs had disappeared!

Tsunade completely lost his sense of proportion.

Watching her lover's life gradually dissipate, fear and powerlessness occupied Tsunade's mind—she was even bewildered, and only knew how to use medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding.

And Orochimaru, who had arrived at the fastest speed, witnessed Duan losing his life.

Originally, Kato Dan was one of Orochimaru's few friends, and he was very pleased that he and Tsunade could look at each other.

After all, although Orochimaru knows Jiraiya's feelings for Tsunade, he and Jiraiya have always been in a wonderful relationship of "can't understand each other and can't kill each other".

Kato Danren is handsome, powerful, gentle, and nice to speak...much better than Jiraiya's pervert.

But the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. As a long-range intelligence and assassination ninja who is good at spiritual ability and specializes in the forbidden technique "spiritualization", Kato's body skills and physical fitness are relatively weak.

But he is a jonin after all, so the battle that he can't deal with can be seen how tragic it is.

Zhishu Youwu patched him in advance, and when the accident happened, Wu was by his side, and he did not hesitate to expose the ice magic, but also used the ice barrier to save him...

Kato broke, but not so lucky.

Although he had Konoha's strongest medical ninja Tsunade by his side, the incident happened too quickly. With such a serious injury, perhaps in a hospital with complete medical facilities, it is possible to save Kato's life.

But on the battlefield where the rain was pouring, even Tsunade couldn't do it—she could only ask Duan to say a few more words.

"Tsunade, she... has been greatly stimulated, Naoki, go and see her, the only one who can help her now is you, my own brother—well, Nonoyu, you can go too."

Orochimaru sighed, Nawaki and Nonoyu nodded quickly, and rushed to Tsunade's office in a hurry.

"Mikoto, you go back first—your Uchiha clan went to the battlefield, and there were a few sacrificed. Uchiha Fugaku is arranging their compensation."


When Mikoto heard this, she also became anxious, bowed to Orochimaru, and nodded to Wu:

"Then I'll go back and have a look... Go-kun, Tsunade-sama..."

"Don't worry, sister Meiqin, I will let you know if there is any situation."

Mikoto nodded and left quickly.


There was an unspeakable silence.

After a long time, Orochimaru spoke:

"Wu, tell me, people, why are you so fragile... Even if you have great strength, you will die so aggrieved in the face of a small trap."

"After working hard for more than 20 years, and even mastering the forbidden technique of Spiritualization, Juan should have a bright future... Not only Duan, in the great war, outstanding ninjas sacrificed too much."

"Life is so fragile, which strengthens my belief - to become the ultimate individual, to be fearless of everything!"

" should I put it?" Seeing Orochimaru's disappointed expression, Enlightenment got a little tangled—he was finally overwhelmed by the stimulation.

"In my opinion, ninja is a wonderful profession."

Satoru's words attracted Orochimaru's attention:

"Wonderful? Why?"

"The existence of ninja seems to be for fighting, but since it is for fighting, among the many ninjutsu, there are very few ninjutsu to protect oneself."

Wu shook his head, and three spinning ice balls rose around him:

"My spells such as 'Ice Shield' and 'Flame Shield' are basically maintained throughout the war zone. Even if I encounter sneak attacks and traps, they can reduce the damage or even completely resist the damage."

"But among the existing ninjutsu, there are almost a handful of ninjutsu that can maintain protection like this, and they are basically secret. Isn't this weird enough?"

Enlightenment looked at the changing eyes of Orochimaru, and spread his hands:

"The offensive ninjutsu is stronger than the other, and there are many medical ninjutsu, but the protective ninjutsu still stays at the level of actively defending only when the opponent zooms in."

"With the relatively fragile bodies of ninjas, those powerful offensive ninjutsu, if you can't avoid them, you will almost die if you hit them. Haven't ninjas been taught a lesson for hundreds of years?"

"The ninjutsu of continuous's too difficult."

Orochimaru stroked his chin, thoughtful, Wu's shield spell was indeed a very special spell, but the principle behind it was also very difficult to operate.

So, it's basically a secret.

"Your enchanting tempering technique..."

Orochimaru's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and Orochimaru has been in contact with magic for a long time. To put it bluntly, enchanting is to strengthen the attributes of something.

It can strengthen attack power and defense power.

Enchanting Body Tempering is to apply this effect on the body.

"Magic, the original function, should be applied to combat uniforms or armor?"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils stared at Satoru:

"During the Warring States period, many ninjas were used to fighting in armor, because at that time ninjas fought more face-to-face."

"But now, the battles of ninjas are gradually turning into the dark. In order to complete tasks with the least cost, espionage and assassination have become the mainstream fighting methods. Few people wear such inconvenient things as armor."

"And the protective effect of the combat uniform is very limited... But if the combat uniform can have a defensive power comparable to that of armor through magic, wouldn't it be..."

Orochimaru got excited:

"If combined with the body tempering technique, the double strengthening of the body and armor, wouldn't it be possible to achieve the effect of continuous protection from ninjutsu!"

Satoru moved his lips, and praised Orochimaru's jumping speed of thinking:

"Indeed, as it should be."

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