Group Pet Little Fat Baby: I Have Four Big Daddies

Chapter 964: Write it all down in the notebook

"What? Is it not to your Highness's liking?" Ye Qianning put the lobster carcass in the bowl and used the handkerchief beside it to clean her hands.

 “Are aquatic products delicious?” Xi Liuyuan asked rhetorically without answering.

“It tastes good, Your Highness, please try it.” Ye Qianning waved to the steward.

 The steward immediately stepped forward and picked up another plate of lobster and placed it in front of Xi Liuyuan.

 Xi Liuyuan looked at it.

Ye Qianning cleaned her hands, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the lobster that had just been prepared, dipped it in the sauce and ate it. Seeing that Xi Liuyuan hadn't moved yet, she said, "Your Highness must not be allergic to aquatic products."

 Xi Liuyuan did not answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

“I told you earlier, give the lobster to the Fifth Princess, and give these pastries and soup to His Royal Highness.”


The steward looked at the soup that the owner had carefully prepared and couldn't bear to part with it. He couldn't help but said: "Miss, you've been boiling this soup for a whole day. Drinking it is good for your spleen and stomach. Do you really think you don't want to drink some?"

“Drink, even His Highness the Prince can’t finish it.”

When the steward heard this, his face became happy and he moved the soup bowl in front of Xi Liuyuan.

Xi Liuyuan had never eaten a meal like this before. He could feel the steward's heartache when he took a sip from a bowl of soup.

“Miss Ye is familiar with Bai Muxun?” he asked.


“The steward is so enthusiastic, I thought Bai Muxun and Miss Ye were related.”

"Don't the prince know Bai Muxun's rules?" Ye Qianning also noticed it herself. How could she not feel her aunt's attitude in taking care of things if she could make this meal?

 “If you have money, you have enough capital.” Xi Liuyuan said.

Ye Qianning laughed, lowered his head and continued eating.

 You cannot win power with money abroad, but in Bermuxun, money is the way to go!

Even if you don’t have the strength to tie the chicken, if you give enough money, the king of heaven will not be able to touch the other party’s hair. Sangyin kept his head buried in eating, listening to the conversation between the two people word for word. The prince of Xilun seemed to be very familiar with this girl.

 My heart is full of doubts.

 Since the person eating at the bottom of the hall recognized him as the Prince of Xilun, the noise also subsided.

Prince Xilun was well-known in the four countries. Both officials and people in the Jianghu were a little afraid of him and did not want to provoke him, so he became a lot more honest for a while.

  It is almost night. No matter day or night, there is always time to eat in Bermuda. It is always so lively at night and day.

 Seventh floor.

Lin Hui got up from her sleep and asked the guard at the door to get some bath water.

The guards took the order and knocked on the doors of the two adults directly, asking for money.

Song Qi and Chen Siqing were counting their money. When they heard a knock on the door, Song Qi subconsciously stood up and took the money into his arms.

"Come in."

The guard walked in: "Sir, Miss Lin woke up and said she wanted to take a bath."

"Bath? She still wants to take a bath?" Chen Siqing hasn't eaten since going up the mountain. Everything in Bermuxun costs money, and the whole group has not dared to order a hot meal until now.

Song Qi understood, and took out a hundred-tael silver note from his arms: "Take it, and invite a female doorkeeper by the way."

The guard took the order, took the money, and turned around to go out.

"Porter? Are you hiring a porter for her? Do you know how much it will cost?" Chen Siqing lowered his head to the table angrily.

"Mr. Chen, we are men after all. We will find out how to take care of her in Bermuda for a few days. We will write down the money. When the time comes, we will return to Beijing to ask for it from the third prince's house." Song Qi said.

"Can the Third Prince give it to me?" Chen Siqing asked but felt it was wrong: "If we ask the Third Prince for money, wouldn't the Prince think we are too stingy?"

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