“The mutual reciprocity of the two rites is extremely precious. Although everyone wants to get it, it is a hot potato when everyone is watching.” Xiang Minghou couldn’t figure out the meaning of her doing this.

"If I want to return to Beili in an honest manner, I will become the target of public criticism." Ye Qianning said.

  murmured to Marquis Ming: “It’s too risky.”

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cub. Moreover, the person sitting in that position is not of royal blood. There is no guilt in pulling him down." In the past, Ye Qianning felt that Emperor Beili was too ruthless and had too many small market tricks. group.

"You..." Xiang Minghou was a little surprised, and then said: "Dad must go to Beili with you."

 She had such intentions, and he was even more worried about letting her go alone.

Ye Qianning thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, if everything goes well, Master can also go to Beili together."

  Master Zhang’s tragic death cannot be delayed for too long.

"Okay, no matter what you do, don't hide it from dad. Leave all dangerous matters to dad." Xiang Minghou could never guess what she wanted to do next.

 Afraid that she would be too conceited and put herself in danger.

"I know, as for the Bermuth Black Market, we only have half a month left, and we will set off tomorrow." The fastest time to Bermuth without sleep is more than ten days.

 “Okay, I’ll have people prepare the horses in a moment.”

Ye Qianning nodded and looked at the dumbfounded Gu Shuo: "Father Gu, there is no need to follow."

 Gu Shuo couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. His mind was filled with thoughts about what Ye Qianning had just taken out the items from the air. The details were all in the details. It seemed that the scene at that time was repeated dozens of times in his mind, and he finally came up with a result that was not dazzling.

 “Daddy Gu?”


“Dad Gu, you stay in the town to pick up the master. Counting the time, Dad Qian and the master will arrive in two or three days.”

 “What did you just say?” Gu Shuo didn’t hear clearly.

 Xiang Minghou was cold-hearted. It was rare to see Gu Shuo be so careless. He was as smart as a fox on weekdays and could not escape his ears even if he spoke from several rooms away. How could he be so deaf?

“My father and I went to the black market in Bermuda to take photos of the couple. Father Gu is here to pick up Master and Father Qian. When the time comes, he can take Master to the border of Bei Li to wait for us.”

Because of the tragic death of Master Zhang, Ye Qianning changed his original plan. If he wanted to enter Beili, let's all go together. "That's alright, I'm going too." Gu Shuo suppressed his heart and refrained from asking about what happened just now.

"What can you do with your skills?" Xiang Minghou said coldly.

“I have money. My daughter can buy whatever she wants. Do you have money?”


Gu Shuo saw that he was deflated and said coolly: "In Baimuxun, money speaks for itself. No matter how good your skills are, if you don't have money, you may not be able to come out of it intact."

 “Who said I have no money?”

"How can I, Gu Shuo, be as rich as I am?" Gu Shuo narrowed his fox eyes and seemed to be smiling.

He glared at Marquis Ming: "He smells like copper."

“No, it smells like wealth.” Gu Shuo said proudly.


Ye Qianning laughed and said, "Dad Gu, I have enough money, and we won't be in Bermuda for long. I took a photo of the couple and left immediately to join you."

"Girl." Gu Shuo looked at Ye Qianning and hesitated.

“Dad, do you want to ask about the relationship between the two spirits?” Ye Qianning expressed the question in his mind.

Gu Shuo nodded.

“Don’t think it’s so precious to have two rites, but I actually have a lot of them.”

Gu Shuo asked: "How many are many?"

 Ye Qianning: “Countless.”


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