Xi Liuyuan's indifferent face had something strange as before. His dark eyes were staring at the box on the stage. The soil was gradually surging, as if it would break out of the ground in the next second.

 “Move, move.”

At this time, there was also movement in the major families. Everyone upstairs stood in front of the railings, staring closely at the changes below.

 A few people could see the soil surging clearly, and heard the screams in their ears. Their eyes seemed to be looking through the box above, not missing any changes.

Although Mr. Feng didn’t have much effort, he was closest to the booth and could clearly see the soil in the box moving.

 Nearly a minute later, the seeds in the box burst out of the soil, and a small sprout caused a sensation among the people present.

 “Grow out, grow out.”

 “There is such a magical soil in the world.”

 “How long does it take for it to bear fruit?”

The people of Wuyangyang went to fry the pot. The germination of the seeds of Liangyi Xiangsheng was surprising enough. What was even more surprising was that the seeds grew out in the blink of an eye.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t believe it to your death.

Xi Liuyuan paused for a moment. She really sprouted. How did she do it in the blink of an eye?

Soil, could it be that the seeds she gave to Nanyuan were all grown in this soil?

Amid the cheers of everyone, the tender seedlings continued to grow, and in a blink of an eye they reached the height of a finger. This height allowed everyone in the museum to see clearly.

A box full of young seedlings are all in harmony with each other. I am surprised and envious at the same time.

"It's really grown. It seems that Liangyi Xiangsheng is no different from ordinary crops." Ye Qianning stretched out his hand and pulled out a young seedling and looked at it carefully.

“Miss Ye, that’s a seedling that thrives in two ways. It would be a pity to pull it out.”

“At this growth rate, how long will it take to see results?”

“Miss Ye, do you want to buy the seedlings of Liangyi Xiangsheng? We are willing to pay a high price for one.”

 “I am also willing to buy one at a high price.”

 Everyone started shouting.

"Everyone, please be patient." Ye Qianning stepped forward. Everyone was silent and she added: "I know you must be very unhappy for not taking the photo of Liang Yi Xiang Sheng. Since Liang Yi Xiang Sheng can be planted, I won't Will be stingy.”

 “Thank you, Miss Ye.”

 “Miss Ye is generous, if you can really...”

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry to say thank you. There are not many seedlings of Liangyi Xiangxian. If you give it away for free, there are so many people here. It will be somewhat offending to whomever you give it to but not to whom. If you really want it, just give it to me in exchange." Ye Qian I would rather spend 100 million for nothing and not feel bad, and I will always get my money back.

"Okay, what Miss Ye said is that even if there is no equivalent item, I am willing to buy it with money."

"Me too."

“Little girl, I will never let you suffer.” Mr. Feng was the most excited.

“Everyone knows that Miss Ye spent 100 million, and our Feiyunmen is willing to spend 20 million to buy a two-dimensional seedling.” Wei Zheng stood up.

“We are also willing to spend 20 million to buy one.”

 “I want twenty million.”

 Too many people come here because of Liangyi Xiangsheng. If you can’t take a photo, you might as well buy a seedling and take it back.

With Feiyun Gate calling out the price first, and people shouting from behind, some big families can afford 20 million, and those without money can only look at it.

“Sir, do you think we should buy one?” Butler Nangong asked from the side.

Nangong Zhen squinted his eyes, looked at the seedlings in the box and shook his head slightly: "It's just a quackery. If anything grows at such a speed in the world, wouldn't the world be in chaos?" (End of Chapter)

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