"Ash player has been defeated by two treasures, and the Cirone player has not lost! The current situation is extremely bad for Ash players! 鈥?/p>

"The next treasure dream of Ash players is…Pidegeotto! Cirone players did not hesitate to take back Nidoking who was not too hurt, and chose to fight with Dragonair! 鈥?/p>

"Next, it is Soaring in the sky!"

"Pidegeotto, use Quick Attack!"

"Dragon, fight down, tie your body with your body!"

The two treasures in the air confronted each other suddenly began to fight!

Pidegeotto turned into a light and rushed to the robust Dragonair, hit!

When Dragonair is attacked, he will entangle Pidegeotto with his own tail, and Pidegeotto will immediately get out of the distance!

"Do well Pidegeotto! That's it, Encore Quick Attack! 鈥?/p>

鈥淚s it so simple? Longer, Agility! 鈥?/p>

Pidegeotto rushes to Dragonair!

Hit, ghost!

Dragonair has disappeared!

"Pidegeotto, it's behind you!"

Pidegeotto hurried back and saw Dragonair not far behind!

"Dragon, Slam!"

"Quickly avoid!"

However, it is too late!

Pidegeotto flaps his wings and wants to fly away, but Dragonair's tail has been wrapped around its feet!

Under the power of Dragonair, Pidegeotto did not change the position of a centimeter, and then was thrown off Ground!

"Ice Beam."

"Pidegeotto is flying fast!"

But just after a strong slam, Pidegeotto hasn't slowed down yet, and Ice Beam hits it!

"Pidegeotto loses combat power!"

Retract Pidegeotto, Ash numbly pulls out the next Pok茅 Ball…

"Pikapi!"Pikachu next to him suddenly rushed into the venue!

"Pikachu ……"

Pickup truckPikachu is pointing at Ash, "Pika Pika!"

"Yes, we haven't lost yet!"

Looking at Ash, who was re-ignited across the street, Cirone smiled a little.

This is the Ash he wants to play against.

"Dragon, please call you again."

"Ash player chose Pikachu, Cirone player…Cirone players did not change Pokemon! Yes, Pikachu and Dragonair's Attribute have no restraint! 鈥漈he explanation was agitated, and finally it was not a one-on-one game that was constantly changing.

Although this is in line with the rules of the game, only one side of the battle is really impossible to make people feel the joy of fighting!

Pikachu is playing, and Ash feels like I have changed someone!

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"Ash's voice is eight degrees higher than before, and the enthusiasm inside is also infecting the audience, cheering for Ash!

Cirone knows that this is the charm of Ash!

"Dragon, fight down! Bundle it! 鈥滳irone is also consciously influenced by Ash, raising the voice!

Cirone doesn't think Pikachu is as fast as Agility's Dragon, Pikachu will definitely be tied, and then only need to use…

But the facts are again face!

Or Ash and his Pikachu are not normal to judge!

Pikachu ran at an unscientific speed and changed position. Longer didn't have the desire to attack it, just waiting.

"Quick Attack hits! Dragonair's tail is also entangled and appears to be intended to limit the movement of Pikachu. Pikachu used a short forelimb to support the orb on Dragonair's tail, avoiding Dragonair! Pikachu took advantage of Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt hit! Dragonair looks so badly damaged! 鈥?/p>

Cirone didn't expect Pikachu to be so fast, and the power of the move was so great!

Defeat Pidegeotto, the Dragon's Contest Condition is basically intact, but only two attacks can't stand it.

Cirone knows the power of Longer and can only say that Pikachu is stronger!

Or, under the command of Ash, Ash's Pikachu is stronger!

"Dragon, make out…"

The Dragonair in the field suddenly twitched.

"Pikachu, make Thunder trick!"

"Pika, Qiu!"

"Dragonair loses combat power!"

Cirone didn't expect that the previous Thunderbolt had just had a paralytic effect.

Even luck is on the side of Ash?

There is a Pok茅 Ball in the hands of Cirone: "Poison King, please call you again!"

"Pikachu, come back."Looked at the strong Nidoking, Ash said to Pikachu.

Pikachu looks back at Ash and he has recovered his usual appearance.

Pickup truckA cheerful scream, Pikachu squatted back to Ash's feet.

"Ash player finally defeated a Pioneer of the Cirone player. In the face of the newly-emerging Nidoking recalled the Attribute unfavorable Pikachu, the initiative of the game finally reached the hands of the Ash players! But if you want to win, you have to win the battle! 鈥?/p>

Cirone looked at Ash and guessed what the other would make.

Squirtle ? Or Krabby?

"Come out, Tauros!"Ash throws Pok茅 Ball!

The three tails "Pound Ground", the three points on the forehead and the sharp corners, combined with the hum of their own Rage, let Nidoking unconsciously step back!

"Oops, actually forgot the thirty Tauros! I used to use them only as mascots. 鈥滳irone feels a little bad.

If nothing else, Professor Oak will definitely train this Tauros well!

And the Normal Type's Tauros restraint Attribute is only Fighting.

Fortunately, this Tauros is intimidating the Ability rather than forcing it, otherwise it may be suddenly stunned by the other party's "outburst"!

When Ash chose to replace Pok茅mon, the first attack was also in the hands of Cirone.

"Poison King, Earthquake!"

"Tauros, you also make Earthquake!"

Nidoking and Tauros lifted their feet together under the Bulldoze, and the quartz stadium seemed to vibrate together!

The two tricks of the same dream are not offset, but instead form a more powerful group attack!

The enhanced Earthquake seems to have become Fissure, and the battlefield is split, pulling Nidoking and Tauros all into the attack!



Both treasures are screaming in pain!

Nidoking is twice more restrained by the Ground system, and the injury is even bigger. Cirone feels that he will fall down at any time.

This round is his judgment mistake!

"Tauros, that's it! Make a Take Down to Nidoking! 鈥?/p>

"Poison King, Double Kick!"

Tauros rushed to Nidoking with an amazing momentum, and Nidoking opened his hands, trying to block each other!

When Tauros reached the attack range, Nidoking decisively reached out and grabbed the feet of Tauros. After being pushed for ten meters, he stopped the other party.

Right now.Cirone shouted!

The poison king will not waste the opportunity, Double Kick kicks on the belly of Tauros!

Cirone thought that Tauros would stop, but the reality once again gave him a surprise!

Feeling the damage of Fighting skills, Tauros eyes suddenly became red!

"Hey!"With a loud bang, Tauros lifted his head and lifted Nidoking, who still grabbed the double-corner, and chose a direction to speed up!

"Poison King, let go!"Cirone shouted!

If the poison king does not listen, he has already seen the ending!

When the poison king heard Cirone's words, he disobeyed his orders for a long time, and he grabbed the sharp corner of Tauros with more effort and slammed his head into the head of Tauros!

Look, look, look.

Only three times, because Tauros has rushed to the edge of the stadium, smashing Nidoking into the wall!

"Nidoking loses combat power!"

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