The days are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Every day, with the Pokémons, special training for the Conference, Cirone can clearly feel the improvement of everyone's strength.

Occasionally civil wars, Cirone will also make comments.

When I went to the town to replenish food, Cirone also brought dance and wind cream, but the dance couldn't stand the cold environment. The wind frost seemed to have some secrets. After a while, I went back to Pallet Town.

But to say the biggest improvement is Draini Dragon.

Two weeks later, Cirone felt that he had reached the edge of rapid evolution, and that he could evolve into Dragonair with only one chance.

Longer is also eager to evolve, but always backfires and barely manage to complete.

Cirone really didn't expect animation to bring such powerful power to Pokemon.

Or is Longer a special case?

However, for the entire two weeks, the Agility of Longer and Flame was also in the realm of Cirone's seemingly reluctant teacher.

Although it still does not reach the magical power, it is already an advantage over Articuno.

Because, Cirone discovered a habit of Articuno.

Agility always stops on the left.

Or like to head to the right to attack or dodge.

This flaw is left to the end of the battle, which is the key to determining the outcome.

Cirone told the flames of the news, and the flames did not indicate the last moment, and they were never exposed.

Special training has also entered the next stage.

That's about the reaction of the flame to the command of Cirone.

During this time, the flames also truly realized the authenticity of what Cirone called “double the strength.” In his eyes, the weak Bao Ke dream was extremely weak under the command of Cirone, but the strength was indeed stronger than that during the civil war. Much more.

But the flames did not give up on their own thinking and only listened to Cirone's instructions. Cirone has not yet received his approval as Trainer.

And if the flames and Cirone can't trust each other to exert the greatest strength, definitely beat Articuno.

This is the key.

Cirone doesn't have much to do with this.

I am not Elite, just a Rookie Trainer, and every step of the way will encounter new problems. But this problem is obviously superb.

Coming to the flames, Cirone asked, "Can you fly me for a while?"

The flames shook their heads subconsciously, but looked at Cirone's sincere eyes, thinking about getting along with them during the day, and nodding their heads for a long time.

"Yeah, great!"Cirone cheered with both hands clenched!

Riding on the legendary treasure, I wonder if it will trigger a special event?

"Getting achievements: riding the Trainer of Moltres. Is the reward reduced by 10% for Fire Type damage?

No, the key now is not this. It is most important to find ways to gain recognition from the flames or find other ways to defeat Articuno.

The patted face smashed the strange thoughts in his head, and Cirone told the other Pokémons that he got a response and climbed onto Moltres' back.

Moltres' wings and the flames on his head didn't hurt Cirone, and Cirone was still very moved.

Just like the flame Normal behind Ponyta and Rapidash, only the people they truly recognize ride on the back, the flame won't burn.

In fact, the flames, the heart is also recognized.

Jiujiu!The flames turned to look at Cirone.

Cirone smiled at him: "So, let's go!" The goal is the sea of stars! ”

"Jiu…Waving wings, the flames flew up!

But Moltres, who flew off the snowy mountains, always feels a little wrong?

The flame carries Cirone, flying all the way, flying and flying. Flying very high, flying above the clouds.

Cirone couldn't see the scenery under the clouds, and the people on the ground couldn't see them above the clouds.

I don't know where the flame will take me. Cirone also chose to believe him, without asking.

Even the speed of the flames has been flying for a long time, and it is imaginable that the destination is far and far.

After a long time, Cirone finally felt the decline of the flames. After crossing the clouds again, the flames quietly stopped in the air.

Cirone looked down and turned into the sea.

The flames actually took themselves from the inland to the beach!

Below is the beautiful Beach, but no one is playing, it should be a hidden place.

Looking in the direction of the depths of the sea, there should be…

Orange Islands?

However, Cirone did not expect that he said casually that "the goal is the sea of stars", and the flames really brought themselves to the beach.

I was preparing to explain the meaning of "Stars and Seas" to the flames, but Cirone did not expect the flames to open.

"What are your dreams?"Cirone was a bit surprised because he always thought that he was very clear about pursuing his dreams.

The flame nodded.

Cirone, who is strictly speaking to himself and strictly speaking to the people of Pokémon, wants to know.

"Speaking of dreams…"Cirone smiled embarrassedly. "At the beginning, I was just a Magikarp."

Looking at the astonished look of the flames, Cirone said: "Everyone, no, every life must have a past, but look forward."

"At the time, I met a treasure that changed me, probably the feeling that Magikarp evolved into Kyogre. Kyogre, you know? ”

The flame nodded. I know Kyogre myself, but it is the first time that Magikarp has evolved Kyogre.

"So, I want to be a Pokémon Trainer and then travel with her. But still can't do it now. I just thought that I must become the master of World's Mightiest, perhaps not the strongest, and must be strong enough to be strong enough even without relying on Pokemon. But now, it’s still a long way off, hahahaha. ”At the end of the day, Cirone laughed.

"However," Cirone's voice went down again. "I learned after the trip that the world is actually cruel. For Bao Ke dream, for human beings. I hope to be friends with all Pokemon dreams, and I hope to save those Pokémons who are suffering, and hope that human beings and Pokémon can live in harmony. ”

“So I need a lot of Help.”Cirone rides behind the flames, looks into his eyes, and sincerely extends his right hand. "Would you like to help me?"

The flame turned his head back.

Cirone was a bit disappointed, but it wasn't surprising. After all, he was just an ordinary Rookie Trainer, and the other, but the legendary treasure.

The flames began to fly again.

Cirone thought he was going to take him back, but the flames just lowered the height and stopped at the beach.

The flames used their eyes to signal that Cirone came down from the body.

Shouldn't it be a routine to leave yourself behind the beach? Cirone thought about it, but he still jumped.

Looking at the front is barely his own Trainer's Cirone, the flames thought about it, or began to tell their own story.

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