Due to the order of registration, Ash also conducted a practical test before Cirone.

And the dream that Ash got is very interesting, or is it extremely good?

Ash randomly got exactly the Rockets trio's Pokémon: Weezing, Arbok, Meowth, and against the examiners is the evolution of Eevee's three evolutionary stones: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon.

With the Rockets' many wits, Ash made it clear that two of the dreams besides Meowth, Weezing defeated Flareon with the explosion of gas, but Arbok made the binding invalid because of the spike of Jolteon. Damage to yourself is defeated, as for Meowth…

Ash is the first time to know that Meowth also has combat power! The Rockets' Meowth is obviously not going to talk anything!

At the beginning of the battle, Ash used Weezing to make good use of Flareon's Flamethrower to defeat the opponent. It was very worth seeing, but after Arbok's judgment mistakes, there was no chance to save. Meowth's words…Do not say anything.

Should I say that James's use of Weezing's skills is bigger than Jessie's command of Arbok to Ash Help? Or is James also a senior Trainer? Cirone is thinking about this.

At the end of the actual battle, Ash's score can only be regarded as a good rule. If the theoretical test is even better, Ash can qualify for Badge.

But to say it is a little bit, it is a scorpio for Ash.

After the exam was over, Ash was not discouraged. After all, he was a person who was always positive.

"Cirone, come on!"Ash shouted at Cirone and ran to Misty Xiaogang.

Cirone also waved at Ash and walked to where Ash stood before.

“Get Started!"The examiner said to Cirone with a smile.

"So, it is up to you!"Cirone took the first Poké Ball from the belt!

It is Gloom!

Well, my choice is this!

Vulpix debut!

"Sure enough, every time the examiner chooses Attribute's dominant treasure to play against, just to be afraid of defeat is too ugly."Cirone has already guessed this routine.

"The other party is a fire system, then I will…"

"Cirone is not a grassy dream?"Xiao Gang asked Ash.

Ash stunned and thought carefully: "I remember Professor Oak said that Cirone has Charizard, Butterfree, Spearow (I don't know it has evolved), Nidorino, Glaceon, Dratini, and the ancient treasures that last time the Big Stupid conquered. It seems that there is really no grass!"

Misty looked at Cirone in the field and said with concern: "The Cirone is not in trouble."

Ash waved his hand: "Don't worry, Cirone knows very well about the grass system."


"Well, I don't know."

Reverse Xiao Gang and Misty also have nothing to say about Ash.

"Pikapi?"Pikachu glanced at Ash and looked at it.

"Gloom, Sleep Powder."

For unfamiliar grasses, the Powder tactics are relatively safe.

Gloom shook his body and spread an orange powder from the center of the flower.

Of course, there is also its own smell that has spread.

"Ah! So stinky! ”

"I can barely take it anymore!"

"Why there is Gloom!"

"Ah, vomit…"

The opposite examiner is also a bit unbearable for this taste.

All candidates and examiners' Poké Balls are all uniformly distributed by Alliance. He doesn't know what kind of dreams he has. He only knows that his level is higher than the opposite level.

But watching Vulpix in the field, I can't stand it anymore!

"Vulpix, make Flamethrower!"The examiner uncle held his mouth and nose and ordered Vulpix!

However, it is too late!

Vulpix has been hypnotized when he was disturbed by the stench!

"The first game is over."Cirone said to the examiner.

He is obviously the closest person to Gloom, but it seems that he is not wrapped in a smelly Normal, just like nothing. This is also the reason why the surrounding audience did not leave because they felt stinky.

"Gloom, Petal Dance!"

Gloom didn't move.

“Petal Blizzard !”

Still not moving.

"Then use Razor Leaf."

Gloom successfully made the Razor Leaf! Effect Normal! Vulpix didn't wake up!

Gloom uses Razor Leaf again! Effect Normal! Vulpix fell!

"Vulpix, come back."The examiner licked his nose and mouth, and his voice was weird. After withdrawing Vulpix with one hand, he found the next Poké Ball. "Next is you!"

What appears is Pidegeotto!

"Come back, Gloom."Cirone took back Gloom and the scene was "relaxed".

Finally lived again! The onlookers burst into tears.

"Next, it's you!"

Vine blame!

Are they grasses? They are also restrained by the opposite side. But since it is a grass system, I will not lose!

Since Cirone replaced Pokémon, the first attack right has come to the examiner's uncle.

"Pidegeotto, Wing Attack !"

"Vine Whip, Vine Whip, bind each other!"

Pidegeotto wings Flash, all of a sudden flew to the vines before hit!

When the vines made Vine Whip, Pidegeotto had already re-launched.

"The choice of moves should also take into account the basic conditions of the quality of both sides of the two sides, not just thinking about hits."Observing the gap between the speeds of the two sides, the uncle who is consciously won't be defeated again decisively wants to show his reputation.

"Pidegeotto, Encore Wing Attack !"

"Vine blame, use Vine Whip on the left!"Cirone observes the Pidegeotto's Flying trajectory and orders again!

Pidegeotto rushed away, and the wings hit the vines again! However, just as it tried to return to Soaring in the sky, the two Vine Whip suddenly pulled out and tied it!

"Pidegeotto, break free of it!"

"Vine blame, Absorb!"Cirone also Absorb the lesson, using Absorb that will never fail!

Pidegeotto fell under the Vine Whip and frantically Absorb.

The examiner took back Pidegeotto and said to Cirone in a complicated way: "With your written test scores and just two wonderful battles, you have already qualified for Badge. But I still hope that I can compare all the actual combat. ”

If the candidate is using the candidate's treasure to reverse the Attribute, he will be sent to other remote places. I don't want it!

In the end, you still have to rely on your own treasure! Win at least once!

The examiner did not choose the exam that he had received before, but he took his Poké Ball out of his pocket: "Please, Arcanine!"

"Come back, the vines are strange."Cirone also took out the last Poké Ball, "Please, please!"

Ivysaur debut!

Actually it is really three lines of grass!

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