Great Power Technology

Chapter 65 An unexpected helping hand

On August 7, at 3 a.m., the construction site of temporary highway No. 1 in Miyagi.

"Quick, quick, everyone, work harder! Pay attention to the excavator around you, and don't stand in the construction area of ​​the excavator!"

"We still have 3 hours to complete the roadbed construction before the first layer of asphalt dries!"

"If you can still work, keep working. If you don't have the energy, come down and take a rest. Give up the work surface. Don't show off! Trying to show off will actually affect the overall efficiency!"

The man holding the horn is the on-site project manager of this temporary highway project. His name is He Su. Although he is not directly involved in physical labor, he has been running around in various sections of the entire highway to direct and dispatch the work since the start of the project. At this time, his voice has become completely hoarse. , and his physical strength was almost exhausted to the limit.

"I know, I know! Lao He, what's happening to your voice? Stop talking about us and take a break yourself!"

One of the people working there raised his head and said, "Although it has only been a short day, almost everyone on the construction site has already gotten to know this man named Lao He."

"Leave me alone, you see your hands are shaking, come down quickly! It's time to change!"

"Who are you changing? They just changed a group of people. It's less than two hours. Let the young people rest for a while!"

He Su opened his mouth but said nothing.

The construction lasted for nearly 20 hours, and almost all the manpower originally mobilized was overloaded. Some people had even worked continuously for more than ten hours, approaching the limit of physical exhaustion.

They desperately needed a break, but they couldn't.

This temporarily built highway itself has not undergone comprehensive preliminary exploration work, and the difficulty of expansion of each road section has not been well evaluated. In addition, Miyagi County is located in a typical karst landform, with a lot of rocks and gravel in the soil. It is very difficult to build.

This has also resulted in manpower consumption far exceeding initial expectations. The work that could have been completed in only two rotations in their plan has now been postponed to the fourth rotation.

He stood under the spotlight, frowning as he looked at the list of various construction teams recorded on the pad in his hand. Each of these teams has 40 people. Each two teams is responsible for the construction of a road section of nearly 150 meters. The overall construction area is close to 900 square meters. Mi, their work includes but is not limited to cutting down trees, moving stones, backfilling depressions, draining water, and carrying materials. Each of them is heavy physical labor.

Now almost all teams have red tags hanging behind them. Each red tag means that they have exceeded their original working hours by more than 4 hours.

4 hours may not sound like much, but anyone who has really done heavy physical labor knows what this means.

What's more, the members of these teams are not even professional workers. Their physical strength has long declined from years of clerical work.

But no one backed down.

He Su sighed and flipped through several pages before finding a few groups that only had yellow tags on them. After seeing the numbers on them clearly, he got in the car and rushed to their work section for dispatch.

As soon as he got off the car at the place, a woman's figure came up to him. Lao He knew this woman named Wanwan. When the construction just started, he used a pickup to pull a truckload of materials to the site for voluntary distribution, and he even took some of them himself. She had several bottles of water.

"He Gong, have a drink of water. I just brought you a late-night snack. There are noodles and porridge. Do you want some?"

"Thank you, I won't eat for now. Where is your husband? Hasn't he come down to rest yet? Their 114th group has seriously overtimed. I just asked them to rotate, why haven't they changed yet?"

"No, no, their team has been rotated, but there are a few people who can't do it anymore, so he took a few more people to do it."

He Su's brows furrowed. He unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip. Then he shouted sternly in the direction of the ongoing construction:

"Where is the leader of Group 114? Come here immediately! How do you manage personnel? Replace all the people who should take a break!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man dropped his tools and ran over, took out a crumpled cigarette case from his pants pocket, took out the cigarette with a smile and handed it to He Su.

"Old He, stop talking nonsense here. Look, where are there people now? I can work for a while longer. The time is coming soon. We can't finish the work on the roadbed, and the whole road will suffer by then. Impact, I don’t want to lose this person.”

"This is not something to be ashamed of! You are not professional workers to begin with. If you continue to do this, problems will arise!"

"We have it, we have it! Don't worry, Lao He."

As he spoke, the man lit the fire for He Su. He Su took a puff of the cigarette and sighed deeply.

"Then you should take care of yourself. I really have no choice. I will send a report to the superiors later to see if the construction period can be extended a little."

This is the only way. People do have subjective initiative, but subjective initiative cannot solve all problems.

If these people suffer irreversible physical damage due to overwork, no one can afford this responsibility.

He walked back to the special patrol car, and the woman standing at the plate had thoughtfully handed him a bowl of powder in a paper bowl.

"He Gong, take a bite. You haven't eaten in a long time."

"Okay, I'll eat it later."

As He Su spoke, he stepped onto the back of the pickup truck. He just put down the powder in his hand, and when he raised his head again, he suddenly saw dots of lights flashing at the end of the road.

It's the vehicle's lights.

Judging from the number, there seemed to be no less than 10 vehicles.

He Su looked in that direction doubtfully, took out his walkie-talkie and started calling the sentry personnel outside.

This road construction area was originally located on the edge of a town in the county. There were no residents around it, and the road had been temporarily closed. No one should be coming from that direction.

"Report to the sentry, I saw someone coming this way, stop them and ask them what they are here for!"

A moment later, the sentry's reply came over the intercom.

"Gong He, they are already in front of us. They are villagers from nearby villages. They heard that roads are being built here and want to come over and help."

"Persuade them to go back. The project is confidential and they cannot be allowed to participate casually."

He Su is indeed continuing to replenish manpower, but this does not mean that he can just pull people over from nearby towns. If that were the case, there would be no shortage of people for this project from the beginning.

The walkie-talkie made mixed noises, and after a moment, the voice of the sentry on the opposite side rang again.

"He Gong, these people have a special status. I can't persuade them. Why don't you come over here?"

He quickly patted the roof of the car, and the driver turned his head steadily and drove towards the light in the distance.

A few minutes later, He Su saw the figures of those people crowded in front of the sentry post.

At this moment, I understood what the sentry meant by "special status".

They were old and young, and their clothes suggested that they came from different social classes. Some even wore suits that they had not had time to take off.

However, these people have one thing in common.

They all have a small red badge on their chest.

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