Great Nobleman

Chapter 836 The Endless Sea!

Although Jonas and Roberto looked a little strange.

But Brand didn't think much about it.

Instead, they immediately recounted their experiences.

In this, he also concealed some details, such as the existence of little Kaiya, such as the secret communication with the blue bird.

After learning about the library’s previous experience.

The expressions of the old gentleman and Roberto became serious.

Brand also concluded solemnly:

"If I guessed correctly, today's scene should be prepared for the monsters in the snowy mountains.

But because of our appearance, the orcs changed their purpose.

Although the orcs fell short in the end, we even killed a titan orc!

But no matter what, as far as we are concerned, the actual situation has not improved in any way, and has even become worse!

Orcs will still hinder our journey north.

In addition, because our identity is exposed, we will most likely not be able to continue pretending to be Warcraft.

So next, our library will seize the time to get closer to the endless sea and reach the destination.

Then make further decisions based on the actual situation! "

After hearing the end, Roberto frowned and said:

"Brand, since the monsters no longer regard you as the same monsters.

Then you should return immediately and join us.

It is simply too dangerous to continue to act alone. "

Brand shook his head and said:

“The orc reinforcements are coming from the southwest.

Then the most likely situation is:

In the past two days, they have deployed some forces in the south.

So I think that if you go back south, you might encounter an accident.

In addition, we are already halfway through our journey to the Endless Sea, and it is a pity to return.

In addition, we have a good chance of reaching the Endless Sea before the monsters spread the word.

In this way, the problem of Warcraft can be basically ignored! "

Hearing this, Roberto wanted to say something else.

But the old gentleman suddenly interjected:

"Brand, when do you expect to arrive at the coast of the Endless Sea north of the Snowy Mountains?"

Brand immediately responded:

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to reach the Endless Sea late tonight."

When I heard that I could reach the Endless Sea late at night today, I also thought of the issue of consumption.

Roberto immediately wanted to say something more.

But the old gentleman interrupted again:

“If that’s the case, then go ahead and do it boldly!

The good news we are waiting for! "

Brand smiled and said:

"Then I will wait for you in the Endless Sea. I feel that we alone should not be able to destroy the orcs' arrangement."

The old gentleman smiled and nodded:

“I think so too, so we will follow as soon as possible.

When the time comes, we will work together to destroy the orcs' arrangements and pave the way for victory in the pioneering war! "

Having said all that needs to be said, consider that the table next to Brand is already filled with delicious dishes.

The old gentleman took the initiative to end the communication.

Immediately afterwards, Roberto asked doubtfully:

"Why did you interrupt me just now?

Didn't I tell you about consumption before?

If the library maintains its previous speed and marches into the night, it will indeed reach the Endless Sea.

But in this way, their consumption will also be amazing!

If something unexpected happens along the way, it will be difficult for them to defend themselves!

This is a very irrational behavior! "

After hearing this, I thought back to Brand's leisurely look.

The old gentleman patted Roberto on the shoulder, and then said meaningfully:

"As far as I know, Brand is not a risk-taker.

The decisions he makes are often not beyond his capabilities.

So the most likely scenario is:

There is a misunderstanding between you! "

Hearing this, Roberto frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that this guy still didn't understand, the old gentleman explained tactfully:

“You should also know that nobles are sometimes more reserved when speaking.

So at some point, when they say they consume a lot, it doesn’t necessarily mean they consume a lot.

Maybe it’s just an exaggerated way of describing it! "

Hearing this, Roberto couldn't help but be a little stunned.

And then, he hesitated and said:

"But Earl Claude and Earl Cecil also talked to me about similar issues. Their remarks and Mr. Brand's remarks..."

Speaking of these two great men, I gradually recalled the personal relationship between each other and Brand.

Roberto fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Mr. Brand's appearance and age are so confusing!"

That night, the legions throughout the Northern Expedition ended their military operations one after another.

Originally, everyone should pack up and prepare to rest.

But what's different from usual is:

Many senior leaders of the Pioneer Corps are paying close attention to the intelligence map of the War Information Room.

Even those who did not have movable blank screens still held magic communication devices and listened to the oral narratives of the intelligence personnel.

——The library will be the first to touch the Endless Sea late this night, and the matter has spread among the top leaders of the coalition forces!

The command camp where Lord Mesa is located.

On the empty screen in front of the high-ranking army officials, Brand was complaining:

"You don't have a good sleep at night, and you still ask me to play a live broadcast for you? Are you too busy?"

Hearing this, Mr. Claude, who was in the Snow Mountain Expeditionary Force but also joined the chat room, smiled and waved his hand:

"Everyone is so familiar with each other. It's just a live broadcast, so it won't be too much trouble!"

While speaking, in addition to the existing members of the chat room.

Yersin, who was far away in Hollandburg, was also asked by Brand to join the chat room.

Seeing how lively the chat room was, Yersen scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Good evening, everybody!

I happened to have some insomnia today, so I wanted to chat with Brand! "

Hearing such poor cover-up words, everyone smiled meaningfully.

And then, maybe it was because it was getting closer and closer to the endless sea.

Everyone wants to witness this historic moment.

The number of communication requests sent to Brand also increased.

Andy and Finn, who were at their family castle, joined in.

There are also Celine, Chrissy and Ivy who are at Brand’s house.

Sonia is still working in the Foreign Affairs Department of the Imperial Capital.

Jonas and Roberto of the expeditionary force, etc.

After passing the communication requests from these acquaintances one by one.

Brand spread his hands and said:

"The chat room is full. It seems that no one else has the chance to witness the vastness of the endless sea with us!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel glad that they came earlier.

Next, while chatting with everyone.

Brand also cooperated with the library members, Catherine and Hisari to control the Phoenix along the way.

From a certain moment, in Brand's perception.

An indescribable vast water elemental aura suddenly appeared in the north!

Brand immediately stopped chatting.

Under his control, the lens of the empty screen turned to the front of Phoenix.

Seeing this, everyone began to look forward to it unconsciously!

And then, they moved forward for some distance.

After bypassing a huge snow mountain.

The view ahead suddenly becomes wider!

——Under the bright white moonlight and twinkling stars.

——The dark blue endless sea is sparkling.

——The vast and endless water element elves are having a carnival in the ocean world!

The library was in this Northern Expedition and pioneering war.

Be the first to touch the endless sea!

Thanks to book friend "Yu Feiyu" for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend "Wolf Doll" for your monthly ticket

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