Great Nobleman

Chapter 760 Our supplies are even more dangerous!

After adjusting his mood, Mr. Mesa also talked about the macro intelligence he had gained here:

“In addition to our station, many other stations have been attacked, this time on a larger scale than last night.

Even some well-defended stations were attacked by a combination of Night Crow and Leopard Men, and there were certain casualties.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is the issue of supplies. "

Having said this, Mr. Mesa asked:

“How long will our food last?”

Lord Robert responded:

"If we save a little, we can still get through the week."

Mr. Mesa nodded and said:

"The Claude Mage Group will be able to return with the next batch of supplies in three to five days.

So this is not a big problem, as long as the remaining supplies are protected in the next few days.

In addition, the methods of the orcs have been exposed, and we can also target them to a certain extent. "

Having said this, Mr. Mesa hesitantly turned his gaze to Brand, who was a little distracted.

——To be specific, the safety of food and materials still needs to be ensured.

——And compared with many other legions, they have a simple and expensive method here!

After a while of hesitation.

After all, Mr. Mesa couldn't help but said:

"By the way Brand, it seems that the barrier in your library camp has also withstood the corrosive toxin attack that has a similar demon-breaking effect, right?

But your barrier seems to be fine in the end? "

Hearing these meaningful words, Brand couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and his spirits lifted a little.

Obviously, Mr. Mesa has an idea for his "advanced barrier"!

——In the morning, I was still indifferent, but in the evening, I was so pestering...

After various thoughts flashed through his mind, Brand said nonchalantly:

“Maybe, who knows?

In front of the sublimated level runic array interface that I made with my own hands, no trace of any poison was left behind.

Not to mention that the barrier was intact, but two elite orcs lost their lives in vain. "

After describing the powerful effect of the barrier without leaving any trace.

Brand also quickly thought about how to sell the rune circle barrier in his hand at a high price!

And then, Mr. Mesa tentatively said:

"I see that your library camp is quite spacious. It shouldn't be a problem to put down some supplies, right?"

Hear these unexpected words.

After being stunned for a moment, Brand stated with a gentle and kind expression:

“We currently don’t have much space left in the library camp.

But our enchantment can actually expand by increasing resource investment.

So if the legion doesn’t need to store much supplies, I think they should be able to put them down! "

At the moment when several elders showed surprise.

Brand duly added regretfully:

"But in this way, the consumption of the rune array will also increase 'many times'!

Although this is suspected of being a waste of resources, if the extra part is borne by military expenditures, I have no objection! "

Hearing "increasing many times" is an obviously "abnormal" term.

The joy that the elders at the scene had just felt quickly disappeared!

——Obviously, Brand not only will not bear the extra consumption, but also wants to take this opportunity to make a lot of money!

After flashing thoughts, Mr. Mesa said:

“I think the ‘many times’ here needs to be discussed carefully!

After all, our military expenditures are somewhat tight, and we still need to continue to support the next pioneering war. "

Hearing this, Brand shook his head helplessly and said:

“This problem cannot be solved by simple negotiation, but it is the fact!

If you want to use it for a long time, I still suggest that it is most appropriate to purchase a protective rune circle directly from me.

After all, when the subsequent supplies arrive, even if the barrier is expanded to the maximum, it may not be able to accommodate it.

The resting place for our library members still takes up a lot of space.

And I happen to have two slightly less effective rune circles in my hand right now.

Even if they are not as good as our library's current wards.

But it’s also sublimated!

It is no problem to block the attacks of ordinary big orcs, so any poison is obviously not a problem! "

That's what it says.

But several big gentlemen were not willing to buy it at all.

Based on their understanding of Brand, this is a masterpiece of "sublimation".

Then it must be exchanged for rare resources or meritorious deeds that cannot be bought on the market!

Paying such a price is just to protect the food, grass and various materials that can be purchased with magic gold coins.

This is obviously not cost-effective!

As Lord Mesa pondered what he wanted to talk about "many times over."

Brand suddenly added with a nonchalant expression:

"If you are really strapped for money, I will also accept a fixed-time lease with a high amount of magic gold coins!"

As soon as these words came out!

After a short silence, Mr. Robert was the first to relent.

I saw him saying helplessly:

"No matter what, in the next pioneering war, we should face many combined attacks by leopards and nightcrows.

Although it is a bit too extravagant to use a sublimated masterpiece to protect food and supplies.

But we have no other better means for the time being.

So I think we still need to rent a rune circle barrier from Brand.

Of course, if you, the great knights and magisters, are willing to guard the warehouse every night without sleeping, I have no objection. "

After hearing this, the other three elders who were still a little hesitant quickly became shaken.

Of course, some things still need to be discussed.

I saw Mr. Mesa looking seriously and looking towards Brand, saying:

"Then let's discuss the rental fee now!"

After a bloody "fight", both parties reached an agreement, the lease contract was signed, and the rune circle barrier and magic gold coins were handed over.

A long time has passed.

Brand left the material warehouse with Catherine and Hisari in a happy mood.

Only a few unhappy elders were left in the sublimated rune circle barrier.

After taking a sip of hot drink to relieve his mood, Mr. Robert spoke resolutely:

"In order to protect the safety of this batch of supplies, I decided to sleep in the warehouse for the time being!"

After hearing this, after hesitating for a while, Mr. Mesa nodded and said:

"Let me come too. One more person means more strength. The issue of supplies is indeed very important!"

After saying this, Mr. Mesa quickly ordered the guards:

“Build a few more tents with a more ordinary appearance to confuse the orcs.

In addition, the number of guards in the warehouse also needs to be further increased!

We must not let the orcs succeed again! "

Hearing the two people's bright appearance, they were full of sincere words on the inside.

The powerful Mr. Holland said with a teasing face:

"Compared to food and supplies, you are the more important target of the orcs, right?

If the orcs know that you are hiding here, our food and supplies will seem to be even more dangerous! "

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