Great Nobleman

Chapter 600 The future of this land

Since then, the capital of King Cardan has been occupied by a coalition of anti-royal forces.

After many relevant countries, including the Kaya Empire, announced the destruction of the Kadan Kingdom.

What many people don’t expect is:

The Bruns Empire directly ordered the withdrawal of all the legions surrounding the former King of Cardan.

It seemed as if he had acknowledged the fall of the Cardan Kingdom and would not pursue the culprits.

This attitude made many forces feel relieved, but they were also very confused.

——When did the Bruns Empire become so easy to talk to?

Just when they were hesitating whether to continue secretly targeting the Bruns Empire.

The Foreign Affairs Department of the Kaya Empire officially submitted a diplomatic visit application to the Diplomatic Department of the Bruns Empire, and the Bruns Empire also expressed its welcome immediately!

After hearing such news, many forces suddenly realized:

The reason why the Bruns Empire simply retreated without further investigation.

That's probably because they and the Kaya Empire have reached some kind of agreement or common intention in private.

The Kaya Empire should have also stopped its actions against the Bruns Empire, and the two sides are preparing to resolve the remaining issues at the negotiation table.

After inferring this origin.

When the Kaya Empire's diplomatic team traveled publicly, other countries that had been targeting the Bruns Empire also followed the Kaya Empire's footsteps and issued requests for diplomatic visits to the Bruns Empire.

——Without the strong support of the Kaya Empire, their actions against the Bruns Empire will encounter many obstacles. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to directly negotiate.

The Bruns Empire also accepted requests from these countries to visit them.

At this point, the stage of real swords and guns is officially over.

Everything is gradually returning to the negotiation table where there is no gunpowder, but no less brutal.

As for Brand, on the afternoon when the Bruns Empire Legion retreated.

Mr. Holland and many other powerful men from the Kaya Empire said goodbye and left.

Because the conflict with the Bruns Empire has entered the negotiation stage.

Many of them have to return to their respective areas of responsibility as soon as possible to preside over the finishing work.

There are also some strong men who have no more tasks and come directly from China to support them.

Some are preparing to return to the country immediately and prepare for the upcoming pioneering war.

Some are planning to take a stroll around the Kingdom of Cardan, while others are planning to join in the fun at the Mages' Festival in the Bruns Empire.

After all the strong men left, Brand also began to deal with the finishing work in his area.

His situation here is also relatively complicated.

Neither Brand nor the Imperial agents under his command belong to this land.

It won't be long before they leave with their loot.

But many locals of the Golden Opera House will stay here and continue their lives.

Since these people have played for him and made contributions, Brand is not prepared to burn bridges, and is even prepared to give them a little help.

Although the Cardan royal family has been overthrown, this land has also escaped the control of the Bruns Empire.

But this place is currently in a state of separatism.

After learning that the Bruns Empire would not intervene in this land in a short time.

Many careerists can’t wait to show their presence, brag about their achievements, and win over people’s hearts!

In this context, in order to make the future of this land a little more peaceful.

Brand held discussions with Rias and some locals from the Golden Opera House.

Finally, he served as the leader of the Golden Opera House and the organizer of the anti-royal coalition.

He was the first to lead a team into the capital of Cardan and captured King Cardan in the war.

Invite the leaders and representatives of various forces of the anti-royal coalition to gather together to discuss the future of this land!

Heard such words of invitation from members of the Golden Opera House.

Many people heard a different taste.

——The Golden Opera House seems not to rely on its prestige to try to become the ruler of this land!

And then, early the next morning.

In a temporary meeting place.

The leaders and representatives of many forces took their seats in an orderly manner under the guidance of members of the Golden Opera House.

After everyone arrived, Brand and Catherine, who still disguised their identities, sat under the stage.

And a local member of the Golden Opera House walked up to the stage in full view of everyone.

Slowly tell the story of the future planned by the Golden Opera House for this land.

It is inevitable that foreign forces will take advantage of the situation.

The alliance of various forces is necessary.

On this point, all the forces and the nobles of the original Cardan Kingdom all agree.

Because Brand brought the Golden Opera House to gain great fame and achievements in overthrowing the Cardin royal family.

Previously, many forces have publicly or covertly expressed their willingness to follow and support on various occasions.

If Brand is willing to take the main members of the Golden Opera House to establish a new "royal family" on this land, there will definitely be support from many people.

But unfortunately:

Brand and the key members of the Golden Opera House do not belong here and will not stay here for long.

Soon they will return to the Kaya Empire one after another and prepare for the pioneering war!

Except for the Golden Opera House, the prestige and momentum of other forces are not huge enough to convince most forces.

So in the end, Brand and others are not prepared to elect a new king on this land.

Instead, it is preparing to establish a "parliamentary system" without a royal family and a king.

The content of this system was originally compiled by Rias, and was modified to a certain extent by Brand and the local top brass of the Golden Opera House.

Finally, they distributed it to every force and force representative at this meeting.

——They are not prepared to make a single decision, but just give a feasible direction for everyone's reference and discussion.

Although the war that destroyed the Kingdom of Cardan did not last long.

But it still took away many people's lives and destroyed many people's homes.

Therefore, in the near future, this place will mainly focus on rest and recuperation.

The "parliamentary system" here is actually just a short-term strategy.

During the process of recuperation, various forces were able to suppress their ambitions and live in peace with each other.

But over time, ambition grows.

Various forces will definitely conflict with each other.

At that time, whether to directly launch a war or sit down and negotiate.

It depends on how the many people in power in this land will choose in the future.

Brand couldn't help much.

After getting the detailed information printed with the contents of the parliamentary system.

The leaders and representatives of the major forces gradually became chatty during the reading process.

Questions are asked from time to time.

The meeting host who had been prepared on the podium also responded one by one.

Occasionally a very controversial issue comes up.

The host will also invite representatives from various forces to express their views and opinions.

The meeting lasted until the afternoon and ended in the afternoon.

——Regarding the future system of this land, various forces have reached a preliminary agreement!

Everyone agreed:

They will have their second meeting here two days later.

In addition to improving and supplementing the system, the next meeting will also discuss further details of "building a new country"!

After making a start and getting things on the right track.

Brand is not prepared to continue to participate in subsequent events.

After all, just think about it and you will know that there are countless troubles inside.

——This is an area that he is not good at and is not interested in!

So after the "long" meeting, Brand directly left the matter to Rias.

Then he took Catherine out to search for "the Maddox family's hidden treasure."

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