Great Nobleman

Chapter 566 The only one he can be afraid of is the Bruns Empire!

As soon as he chatted with Chris, Brand unconsciously temporarily put aside the affairs of the Cardan Kingdom.

A good friend got what he dreamed of, and Brand was in a very happy mood.

Because the empty screen is not suitable for conversations involving the secrets of Kris' inheritance.

So Brand asked about his personal residence.

Brand is not surprised that Kris is now living in his house.

Because his residence was large and had many spare buildings and rooms, before leaving, he told his servants and guards:

If his friend is interested in moving in and living there, he should treat him well and stay as long as he wants.

At this point in time, Brand has been away from the Kaya Imperial Capital for a month.

He is more curious about the construction progress of his personal residence.

After hearing Brand's question, Chris smiled and answered:

"This afternoon, your teacher, Ms. Celine, was leading the craftsmen to decorate the pond.

The landscape in other places has now been basically completed, leaving only some details to be polished.

In another half month, your new home will be completely built.

If your affairs over there don't end, I will take the first step to help you enjoy this carefully constructed place of yours! "

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help feeling helpless.

——The situation on his side really cannot be over in half a month!

Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but tell Chris about the complicated situation on his side.

Then asked Chris if she had any good suggestions.

After hearing Brand's story, Chris also fell into deep thought for a short time.

Then, she asked Brand about the purpose of his trip.

After learning the goal of this operation from Brand's mouth.

Chris thought about it and said:

"So what is hindering your actions in the Kingdom of Cardan now are the Bruns Empire Legions stranded in the Kingdom of Cardan and its surrounding areas, right?"

After hearing what Chris said, Brand felt a little confused.

——Isn’t what he has to deal with now the intrigues of the Cardan royal family and the disputes and conflicts between civilians and powerful people?

And then, looking at Chris's natural and confident expression.

Brand quickly made an expression of deep understanding and said:

"Yes, that is indeed the case!

Because the Bruns Empire's legions are eyeing them, a head-on encounter would be very troublesome.

So I feel a little constrained in whatever I do. "

Almost the moment Brand finished speaking, Chris spoke again:

"Then how about creating something so that they have no time to take care of it?

Like the Cardan Palace was attacked or something?

In the entire Cardan Kingdom, the only force that supports the Bruns Empire is the Cardan royal family and the forces under the royal family.

Once there is a problem with the Cardan royal family, all the plans of the Bruns Empire in the Cardan Kingdom will be severely frustrated!

At the same time, because there are not too many Bruns Empire legions currently stranded in the Kingdom of Cardan.

So just make a noise.

Their legions will surely gather to protect the Cardan royal family.

In this way, you will be able to remove the tentacles of the Cardan royal family bit by bit in other places and bring the various forces together bit by bit.

The final battle with the Cardan royal family!

After the decisive battle is won, your mission in the Cardan Kingdom will be over.

If you are free.

That could also lead the Cardan Kingdom to unite with the countries surrounding the Moraiton Desert and force the Bruns Empire to withdraw from the Moraiton Desert.

In this way, you can also get a share of the profits from Elemental Storm. "

After hearing what Chris said.

Brand couldn't help but feel a little confused again.

——Why can this guy make things so simple and natural?

Then, Brand also fell into deep thought.

Attacking the Kadan Palace or something... is not impossible.

Although the Cardin royal family certainly holds a variety of cards.

But they don't really want to directly kill the Cardan royal family or capture the Cardan royal palace.

——That’s just to divert the attention of the Bruns Empire Legion!

Just make a symbolic attack on the Kadan Palace, and then make the noise louder and cause them to panic.

From this perspective... there seems to be nothing wrong with Chris's plan.

Wait for the Bruns Empire Legion to run to the royal city to protect the Cardan royal family.

He can then freely gather forces and prepare for the final decisive battle.

As for the conflict between nobles and common people...

If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to have much to do with them.

After all, they are anti-royal neutralists!

No matter how sharp the conflict between the other two factions is.

As neutrals, they only need to set off a wave first, continue to gather strength, and then overthrow the Cardan royal family.

In this process, both the anti-royal civilian and noble factions should support them.

If there are those who do not support them, they are their enemies and need to be attacked and eliminated!

Thinking of this, Brand suddenly understood why Chris didn't mention the conflict between civilians and powerful people at all.

——As Chris said, the only thing that Brand and the Kaya Empire can be afraid of is the Bruns Empire.

——The local forces in the Cardan Kingdom are actually only qualified to follow!

After thinking about these things, Brand smiled and said:

"It seems that if I encounter such a complicated matter again, I should seek help from our beautiful and intelligent Ms. Chris earlier!

It also saves me the time of slowly formulating strategies alone! "

Hearing Brand's praise and compliments, Chris smiled and said:

"Well, respected Boss Brand, now that I have solved the trouble for you, should you give me a reward?"

Because he was in a good mood, after Chris asked for a reward, Brand nodded generously and asked:

"Tell me, what do you want? A spell scroll or a knight golem?"

After hearing Brand's words, Chris shook her head and then said:

“Can the house I live in now be given to me?

Next, I want to concentrate on practicing for a while and need to find a place to live permanently.

In addition to being very beautiful, the various building and decoration materials are of the highest quality, and the various elements are also very rich.

Many places are also very suitable for me to practice. "

After hearing what Chris said, Brand nodded cheerfully and said:

"Of course! As a reward, from now on, this house will be exclusive to Ms. Chrissy Romine!"

Seeing Brand so cheerful, Chris asked as if unintentionally:

“My qualifications are somewhat poor, and it will take me a long time to practice before I can escape the help of the external environment.

So I may stay here for a long time. You won't kick me out then, right? "

Upon hearing this, Brand waved his hands grandly and said:

"My family has many empty houses. In contrast, I am relieved that you are not running around."

After saying this, Brand looked at the blond lady dressed in an aristocratic dress on the barely empty screen, and smiled again:

"The current outfit suits you better!"

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