Great Nobleman

Chapter 272 The Tenacious Orc

Originally, Brand didn't really want to make a move.

After all, it was always necessary to give them a little sense of involvement with Andy.

And Brand also saw that the strength and speed of these wild boars in their berserk stances were almost the same as those of the overloaded knight golems.

In every confrontation, the knight golem can leave scars on the orcs with "textbook fighting skills".

With the help of Andy and the others, it was only a matter of time before the wild boar lost.

——Even if the berserk posture can make them ignore ordinary injuries, fatal injuries such as beheading and piercing the heart must not be ignored!

However, as the battle continued.

After constant observation, Brand found that his previous judgment was a bit hasty.

Although the wild boar is rather reckless and doesn't like to think, the battle is straightforward.

But these wild boars in front of them are still the "elites" among the wild boars.

In terms of specific performance:

Although their fighting methods are relatively rigid and unflexible, they are under the textbook-like attacks of knight golems and the assistance of Andy.

Although the wild boar was injured, the injury was not serious!

——They avoided all the attacks aimed at the vital points!

So although the knight golem has a superficial advantage, this advantage is not that great.

And if the battle continues like this, if the wild boar realizes the rigid attack method of the knight golem and stops fighting head-on with it.

The situation will take a huge turn!

So, when he discovered that a wild boar no longer responded head-on to the knight golem's attack, but chose to retreat, Brand made a move!

Since the knight golem was right next to him, Brand couldn't use his signature spells of mass destruction.

Instead, Brand used a less powerful spell that he had modified.

——Thunder Long Spear Bursting Version!

The original version of the Thunder Spear was an intermediate spell, but after the transformation, the complexity of the spell model had reached the level of an advanced spell.

Compared with the original spell, the modified spell can create multiple "Thunder Lances" by injecting excess magic power.

After Brand's spell model was constructed, his right hand was held empty, and the bright blue light began to extend back and forth!

When the bright blue spear wrapped in thunder took shape in his hand.

Around Brand, five similar long spears also took shape simultaneously, with the tip of the spear pointing upwards, floating beside him.

When he raised the spear in his hand, the spears beside him also turned forward in unison.

When Brand threw the long spear in his hand towards the enemy, the long spears floating beside him followed one by one.

Under the control of Brand's mental power, a series of thunder spears shot towards the wild boar who noticed the abnormality in the distance!

Facing the siege of the thunder spear and the knight golem, the wild boar immediately prepared to dodge.

He did avoid the first spear, but this spell can be detonated!

Under Brand's thoughts, when the Thunder Spear was about to intersect with the Wild Boar, the Thunder Spear exploded into countless thunders, involving the Wild Boar.

And taking advantage of the moment he was paralyzed by the thunder, under Brand's control, the subsequent thunder spear hit the wild boar in the chest.

With the attack power of the Thunder Spear, it couldn't do much damage to the wild boar.

Brand could feel that the thunder spear pierced on the wild boar's skin suffered a lot of resistance.

However, apart from the Thunder Spear, there were also Knight Golems attacking the Wildboar.

When the quilboar was paralyzed by the thunder, the senior knight golem who was already approaching raised his sword and stabbed.

Passed through the throat from behind, and then swooped down with a sword!

——Brand won the first kill with the knight golem!

Noticing this scene, the first one to have a special reaction was not the wild boar who was further enraged by the death of his companion, but Yersin.

Out of the corner of his vision, he saw Brand achieve the result.

He instantly changed his fighting style!

Change the dexterity before, and start to fight the wild boar head-on!

Facing the wild boar's attack, the light of fighting energy on his body flickered slightly, and with a light wave of the shield in his left hand, he pushed aside the attacking mace.

And at this moment, the long sword in his right hand slashed horizontally.

With a slash, the scenery in the field of vision began to be slightly dislocated.

Separated with this dislocation, apart from the air, there was also the huge body of the wild boar in front of him.

In front of the regular meeting, the wild boar man who had been cut in half by him and whose face was still filled with endless bewilderment.

Yersin turned his footsteps, and charged towards the remaining wild boar with a vicious look on his face.

Seeing that both Brand and Yersin had achieved victories, Andy and Finn were in a bit of trouble.

After all, they are just "normal" intermediate-level mage apprentices, and they don't know many intermediate-level spells, let alone advanced spells.

And the mid-level spells without any variable bonuses are just a short-lived limit for these wild boars in a berserk posture.

Even if the two of them cast spells together and inject super magic power into the spell model, the limited time of the spell will not increase much.

Because there are no additional variables, the quality of the spell limits the upper limit of its ultimate power.

Under such a background, after they exchanged a glance, they all turned to Emir, the junior mage of the Judgment Division.

Two mage apprentices are not enough, but if you add a full-fledged mage with the extra variable of elemental affinity, then there should be no problem!

So when Emil was still trying to limit the movement of the wild boar, Andy and Finn came to his side, pulled him and started to cast spells together.

Seeing that the balance of victory is already in their favor.

Brand simply took Catherine to the wild boar who was like a sword owl by the knight golem, ready to check the spoils.

At this point in time, because the wild boar is dead, the berserk stance has been lifted by itself.

Without this special extraordinary state, the injury that has been suppressed has exploded.

In the cold environment, thick white mist of blood flowed from the wound, gradually converging into a pool of blood under the wild boar man.

The smell of blood in the surrounding air made Brand and Catherine frowned.

After briefly looking at the wild boar's corpse, Brand walked away quickly.

——He decided to come back to clean the battlefield later.

Following him, besides Catherine, was the knight golem that was stained bright red by the blood of the wild boar.

The shield in its left hand, because it has withstood the most attacks, is now dented and deformed, and the armor on its body is also damaged in many places.

——These are only superficial damages. Under the overload state, its inner structure must also be damaged.

After exiting the overload state, its walking posture was slightly abnormal.

If the battle lasted a little longer, it might even be in danger of being scrapped directly.

Aware of this fact, Brand couldn't help turning his gaze to the knight golem who was still fighting the wild boar.

At this time, Andy, Finn, and Emil are jointly casting a spell to restrict a wild boar.

The knight golem who fought against it also seized the opportunity to cause great damage to it.

As for the other knight golems, after many battles with the wild boar, their movements have become somewhat out of shape, and they are no longer as standard as they were at the beginning.

Seeing this scene, Brand suddenly realized:

If the fight continues like this, the defeat of the Knight Golem may only be a matter of time!

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