Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1693: I am ashamed of this matter

Bianliang is very hot.

Zhao Shu was a little anxious.

"The Liao people attacked more and more in the north. What did Yelu Hongji want to do? Go south?"

Han Qi is not here, Zeng Gongliang is the lead brother, but his accomplishments in military affairs are really inexhaustible. Wen Yanbo worked as a clerk and said: "Your Majesty, there is a strong city in the Northern Song Dynasty. Have n’t you shipped some artillery recently? You thought If Yelu Hongji goes south, he will definitely touch his head and break the blood. "

"Yes, I have forgotten this." Zhao Shu loosed his heart and smiled: "The power of the artillery is not small. At that time, they used the flock as a contrast. One shot went out. That scene made me also My heart trembles. If the Liao people came to attack the city and encountered artillery, I was afraid that they could only drink under the city. "

Fubi coughed, which implied that Zeng Gongliang was out of work to suppress Wen Yanbo.

Wen Yanbo appeared in Chaotang as the leader of the old party, naturally it is the opposite of Zhengshitang.

"Yes! It's just that the locust plague in Yanzhou now makes me uneasy, otherwise ..."

Zhao Shu's eyes were more sharp, "I feel that Yelu Hongji is looking at Bianliang and looking at me."

This is an intuition.

"He is waiting for my attack." Zhao Shu sneered: "The Northern Expedition, the Northern Expedition, the Song Dynasty has said a lot in the past few years, but it just said nothing."

Is the official family dissatisfied?

Zeng Gongliang persuaded: "Your Majesty, the Northern Expedition is important, you must prepare countless weights, and mobilize elite army to go north ..."

Bianliang's elite forbidden army went north, and the official's family might be a little uneasy in Bianliang.

Therefore, the Emperor Taizong insisted on going to the North Expedition in the past. On the one hand, he felt that he was like a god, and no one could beat the enemy.

"Your Majesty, you have to let people go to the north to inspect and see the movements of the Liao people." Wen Yanbo volunteered to ask, "He is willing to go."

Go back to the north, this qualification is more, and the prestige is more.

When the prestige reaches a certain level, it is not difficult to enter the political affairs hall again.

Zhao Shu glanced at him and said, "Wen Qing is an old minister, so it's fine."

Wen Yanbo was overjoyed and hurried out of the class: "Chen Ding certainly found out the signs of the Liao people in return."

Nodded by Zhao Shu, Zeng Gongliang felt annoyed and knew he had made a mistake.

Just now he should take the initiative to invite tassel, even if he can't go, isn't Fubi still on it?

As long as Wen Yanbo's request is interrupted, this is considered a success.

It just means to disturb some humility.


He suddenly remembered Han Qi.

Han Qi's various methods seem to be arrogant, but at the moment, I think, it is not to maintain the stability of the DPRK.

Yes, no wonder the emperor Xian and today's official family tolerate him, it must have seen the deep meaning behind his domineering.

The old man still missed Han Qi a lot!

This moment Zeng Gongliang felt a bit depressed.

Then Zaifu separated, and when they left the hall, Zeng Gongliang saw Zhang Baian hurriedly came over, and flashed aside, watching the secret agent enter the hall.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shu was looking at the map.

On the map, the northern site looks very large, much larger than that of the Song Dynasty.

"I really want to get it back!"

Zhao Shu looked up, Zhang Baian said: "Guanjia, Yanzhou news, the locust plague has been suppressed."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shu's tired eyes became more excited, and he got up and said: "How did Han Qi and Shen An get it? What did they do after the duck?"

When Han Qi and Shen An went down, the people of the Imperial City Division were mixed in the accompanying team and kept summarizing the news.

"Han Xiang and Shen An negotiated to collect the locust stem for 460 essays."

Zhao Shu nodded silently. Now Song has money and can use money to solve problems, which is not a problem.

"Then people from all over Yanzhou began to kill locusts, and even local officials joined in."

Zhao Shu sighed, "Someone is going to impeach again."

The official did not do his business properly and went to catch the locust. This is a real shame.

But the treatment of Song Dynasty officials is really hard to say.

Those who say that the Song dynasty has been tempted for a hundred years and the treatment is particularly tempting are basically based on generalization.

The income of the officials of the Song Dynasty began to rise from the middle level, and below the middle level, the life is really not easy, otherwise Bao Bao will not die in desperation on his way to office.

So those officials went to catch the locusts, Zhao Shu was annoyed in his heart, but he couldn't attack, just because he knew this.

"Later than Yanzhou ..."

"Wait, let the ministers come." Zhao Shu took a deep breath. "Yesterday, many impeached Han Qi and Shen An. Some people said that they had messed up Jingdong Road. It was just right. Let them listen.


"Later, people outside Yanzhou swarmed to hear the news, Han Xiang sat in the place, Shen Longtu took people to look around, and prevented many fighting ..."

Lü Zhao rounded his eyes.

Can still fight?

This is a locust plague!

How do local people feel like they are carnival?

Zhao Shu said with a smile: "When they went north, Shen An asked if they could use more money, I promised."

This Great Song has its custom, but everything that can be solved with money is not a problem. In the past, the disaster victims were converted into box troops, and the old coins were used in exchange for peace.

Consortium congratulations.

Zhao Shu's expression gradually faded.

"The locust plague was suppressed and there were donations everywhere, including Xianyuan County ... that family donated 120,000 yuan."


The hall was full of exclamation, then pride.

That family is like a brand, and his family can be so atmospheric. Everyone can't help but feel proud and proud.

Zhao Shu looked at this scene, some inexplicable thoughts turned in his heart.

"There are as many as 120,000 yuan, Your Majesty, as a reward."

Luo Zhu looked straight, but secretly complacent.

Although that family never expressed its stance on North Korean politics, it was naturally a supporter of the old party. If these 120,000 people were thrown out, it would be a major victory for the old party.

The officials of the old party looked at the spirit, Zhao Shu looked at it, and suddenly said: "I am also ashamed to export this matter ..."

The official family is ashamed of exporting, so Chen Zhongheng naturally took the blame. He came out and said: "Shen An and a certain Lang Jun of that family met in Xianyuan, and that person actively invited Shen An to drink ..."

Is this product crazy?

Luo Hu felt that the family was really too weak.

Shen An is not a good bird! You even asked him to drink, which is no different than asking him to come home.

Bao Zheng dryly coughed and said: "Shen An is also a party of benefit this time, and the family is grateful to drink alcohol."

The **** is getting shameless.

Everyone knows that the family is a card at home, and it is a bit self-respecting, and it is not very detailed about the outside world, so Shen An is regarded as a white rabbit.

"Shen An moved with affection and made sense, and the man gave generously and promised to donate 120,000 yuan."

Is that simple?

Shen An moved with emotion ... Didn't he prefer to threaten people by breaking others' legs?

As far as the truth is concerned, everyone knows the truth, and they can let their family donate all their families, and few are willing.

That family is really my role model!

Why did the official family say that they were ashamed to export?

Everyone is puzzled.

Zhao Shu suddenly felt a headache and waved his hand: "Let's go."

Everyone came out of the hall, and some people said: "Then Shen Guoguo took a lot of little ladies and donated a lot. For this matter, the family may want to be unwilling to be willing to be.

Everyone praised for a while, they all felt that the grandfather's descendants were really good.

By the afternoon, there were more strangers in Beijing.

They went straight to the houses of several old party gangsters and waited for the gangsters to get under the government.

After Lu Xiaxia, he walked home slowly.

Bianliang is prosperous, the more prosperous, the more disappointing and rich you are.

"This is wealth!"

Luke said that wealth is not money, but this prosperous scene.

After arriving at home, the family talked about the situation of the coming person, Lu Zhu frowned: "I donated 120,000 yuan, too much, is his family not ready to live?"

The family at the moment was just a little bit better, than I could not get the Xuan He in the Ming Dynasty, 120 thousand Yuan, I was afraid that I might be hurt.

Went all the way to the study, Lu Zhao called someone to invite the man to come.

I feel something is wrong when I meet Lu.

Why does this mean something sad?

Came to salute, and then said sadly: "Lv Zhiza, my family Lang Jun was tricked by Shen An."

Luo Huo had a chuckle in his heart, and then had some thoughts of gloating.

You even thought that Shen An's big worm was a harmless white rabbit, and he didn't get fooled.

"say clearly."

The man said: "My family Lang Jun invited Shen An to drink. He has always been persuading him to let him know the general trend, and he is willing to lead him for a match and shake hands with those people. But Shen An ..."


Actually persuaded Shen An and the opposition of the New Deal to reconcile?

That man ... Was that man a mallet?

Lü Hu does n’t think there is any sympathy for this matter, but on the contrary, he is a little happy.

He looked at the door and really wanted to have a song and dance now!

The man continued: "But Shen An actually tricked my Langjun with deceit ~ ~ My Langjun drank more and signed a loan document. What did he do? A total of 120,000 yuan. "

Is really fierce!

Luo Zhao asked with some curiosity: "How did he deceive your Langjun?"

120 thousand yuan, this is not a small number, how did Shen An get it?

The man looked up, "He and my family Lang Jun Guan Pu, put three bowls upside down, put a bean bubble into one of the bowls, then the three bowls continued to move, and finally let my family Lang Jun guess which bowl the bean bubble is in.

This is very interesting!

The Song people always had an extraordinary passion for gambling. Lü Zhao asked people to get three bowls, but instead of making beans, they used a stone ball instead.

"But what?"

"No, it's three bowls, it's always a row." Lai Ren started to move the three bowls quickly.

"That's it?"

The three bowls are constantly moving on the table.


Lü Gao unveiled a bowl, "It's here."

Sure enough, the stone marbles are below.

"Your family Langjun ... 120 thousand Guan, who gets the bowl? How much do they bet?" Lu Hu was really curious. What a big bet did the man lose 120,000.

The face of the comer suffocated, "It is Shen An who gets the bowl, once in a thousand times."

"So ... even if you get rid of nine out of thirteen, your Lang Jun has lost almost a hundred times?"


Luo Zhao sighed in the sky.

This kind of game that children can win, can you lose?

Can even lose so much?


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