Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 686 Friend or Enemy

“The wind blows and the clouds move and the sky does not move, the water pushes the boat to the shore and does not move, the knife keeps cutting the lotus root silk, the mountains are high and the water is far away and the love is never separated...

As soon as the four lines of the song came out, the cold air in the ship was swept away...

Zhou Mei's raised mouth fell down immediately, and her breathing stopped for a moment...

She wants to hear his song!

This is true all over the world.

However, she never expected that the song Lin Su sang to her would be such a divine song! Yes, in her limited vocabulary, this is the only word that can be used to describe it.

The melody is so beautiful, it is exactly the opposite extreme from Hanjiang Guying just now.

The lyrics are so fresh and timeless that they smooth out the extreme weather changes in just a moment, bringing the country thousands of miles north to the misty south of the Yangtze River in an instant.

The wind starts to blow, which is the spring breeze, and the rain starts to fall, which is the spring rain.

Lin Su's singing continues...

The rain is continuous, the love is lingering, how many stories are in my heart? The misty rain in March sings the songzhou, a coincidence of a hundred years is surprising!

On the distant boat, Liu Tianyin quietly watched their big ship. Although they were traveling far away, they also monitored everything on the ship.

This song sounded to her ears, and her eyes became misty.

She had heard Lin Su's song with her own ears.

She didn't miss a single one of Lin Su's songs.

But it was the first time I heard him singing in person.

For once, her heart was confused.

Can a person who can sing such a wonderful divine song, who has such a peaceful mind, and who can be grateful to his hometown, really be the chief culprit of the disaster?


What is destiny?

Is destiny really unbreakable?

She didn't realize that since she had this idea, her eyes of destiny were no longer clear. Just because of one thing, she had something to hope for...

Go back!

Return? The expression of the old man next to him changed slightly.

It was just a temporary stop.

Now it’s back!

Returning is definitely not the same concept as temporarily stopping.

Stopping temporarily means not having a direct conflict with Luo Wuxin.

Reply means the action is cancelled.

My Eyes of Destiny have cracks and need to be cleaned carefully. Wait until the cleaning of the Eyes of Destiny is completed before observing the Destiny.

The boat turned around and re-entered the capital.

No one knows that Lin Su escaped this fateful sentence by relying on two songs. The first song is called Hanjiang Guying, and the second song is called Misty Rain and Mengmeng Singing Quzhou.

The first song temporarily stops the plan to avoid the edge.

The second song made the plan cancelled, and destiny reached its first turning point.

No one knew that above the floating clouds, Luo Wuxin had a smile on his face...

Everyone thought he had left, but no one knew that he was actually still there.

Sir, his song is really unexpected, isn't it? Jun Yue also had a look of fascination in his eyes.

“This man’s poems are unexpected, his songs are unexpected, and what’s even more unexpected is his person!”

What do you mean, Master?

He knows I'm here! This song was sung to me! Luo Wuxin said: The wind does not move the clouds and the sky does not move, the water pushes the boat to the shore and does not move, the original intention is still there, why fear the wind and clouds of the world? Okay? Songs, good lyrics, good tunes, good thoughts... I never expected that the new Temple Changxing would be such a person.

So, there will be one more good subordinate in the Young Master's Temple?

Who can tell whether he is a subordinate or an opponent? However, even if he is an opponent, he is an interesting opponent. Let's go!

Silently, the night light turned slightly, collecting all the light in the sky and disappearing invisible.

The corner of Lin Su's eyes glanced at a ray of light above the window sill. The light disappeared, and a smile appeared on Lin Su's lips: Everyone is leaving, let's go too!

Silently, the two men rose into the sky, leaving the big ship galloping in the mist and rain.

A boatload of people was also left messy in the wind.

Today, they are very lucky and can be said to be the luckiest group of people.

They heard the song Lonely Shadow on the Cold River with their own ears, and saw with their own eyes that the thousands of miles of water outside the window changed into the scenery of the Northland in the four seasons.

They also listened to a song that was so beautiful that it turned the scenery of the North into the South of the Yangtze River.

Changing and changing, like a dream.

But this song allowed them to experience the most extreme cultural enjoyment.

The music is still stretching and swirling in the river, the songs are still lingering around, and the two music masters are drifting away...

What a literary legend?

No one knows that this is not just a good story.

Behind the two songs, there are unknown twists and turns of the plot.

This plot will become a literary legend that will amaze everyone in the temple...

On the Haining River, a hundred miles away.

The two of them walked on the waves.

Zhou Mei took a deep breath before she really came out of the song. She raised her eyes and looked at half of Lin's handsome face. She still felt a little addicted. She shook her head to get rid of all the distracting thoughts and said: You just said something that was quite mysterious...

Which sentence? Lin Su turned his eyes.

You said, if they all leave, let's leave too! Zhou Mei said: You mean, when you sang just now, they actually haven't left yet?

Lin Su smiled: So I like you, you have a very keen intuition!

Zhou Mei was so happy: How do you know they haven't left?

There is a difference between normal natural light and lamplight. Even if this night lamp is a cultural treasure, since it emits light, it still cannot escape this law. They left with the lamp, but the light is still there.

This look made Zhou Mei convinced!

However, she also somewhat didn't understand: What do you think of this Luo Wuxin?

What about you? What do you think?

Zhou Mei thought for a moment: I think he looks a lot like you.

Oh? Which places are similar?

He is obviously superior in literature and his music is unexpected. He is also a very proud person, unique and independent. At the same time, he is also smart... Why do the more I talk, the more I feel that you two are exactly the same?

Lin Su: It's a pity that we still have differences after all.

for example?

For example, when it comes to abducting women, that Jun Yue is no longer a virgin and has obviously been abducted by him. But what about the people around me? They haven't been abducted to this day yet. Human beings are indeed incomparable. Comparing people with each other will directly make people angry...

Zhou Mei beat him for half a minute, and finally let out a long sigh: You are indeed different. At least you are thicker-skinned than him. He is so shameless that he can't catch up with you even with his cultural treasure 'Night Light'. Go... To avoid huge risks, I’m leaving!”

Silently, Zhou Mei disappeared, and a voice came from the air: I forgive you this time, because you haven't had sex with a woman for two months, so you are probably hurt! Go home and release your passion, Maybe you’ll be normal next time we meet.”

she left.

Holy shit!

Are you calling me abnormal?

Lin Su looked at the sky...

The meeting between him and Luo Wuxin was not as simple as Zhou Mei thought.

The similarities between him and Luo Wuxin were not as simple as Zhou Mei thought.

At least Zhou Mei had one biggest thing in common that she didn't see.

Because she was not a literary person, she didn't know what the badge on Luo Wuxin's waist was.

Lin Su knew that he also had one of these waist badges, which was the regular badge of the temple.

That day at Hongyun Tower, he used this sign to scare away Ji Wen and Ruan Bin.

Now, he did not take off the sign to meet Lin Su, and he was sending the same signal. We are on the same road, we are on the same level, and of course we should be friends.

In addition, he also conveyed another piece of information. He was from the Jin Dynasty and his ancestral home was Lingdingyang!

He probably also knew that Lin Su had a unique view of Da Jin.

If Lin Su is indifferent to this, he has another step that is more straightforward. He helps Lin Su fend off the pursuit of destiny!

Putting everything together, his appearance today conveyed to Lin Su only five words: Be friends with me!

It's a pity that Lin Su is in a bad mood today.

He didn't understand something that was so easy to understand.


Because Luo Wuxin in Lin Su's eyes is not like Long Wentian in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Long Wentian is like a jar of wine. He can see it clearly at a glance, while Luo Wuxin is like the candle shadow under the Ying Ying , with a bit of erraticness and a bit of unreality.

Lin Su himself is not innocent.

However, he likes simple people.

He didn't really like doing brain-burning arithmetic problems on strange creatures like humans.

Luo Wuxin, on the other hand, likes to ask questions too much. Every word, every move he makes is a question, and it is quite brain-burning.

Therefore, Lin Su planned to let go of the so-called favor Luo Wuxin gave him today.

Because he was not sure whether this kind of favor was a real favor.

People and things in the world are definitely not as simple as what you see with the naked eye...

Fortunately it's close to home.

Everything at home is simple.

Everyone in the Lin family compound was very simple to him.

He didn't need to think about what they would say or do. As long as he stepped into the house, he could completely relax his nerves. After two months of traveling around the world and five or six days of calculation and weighing, he was actually a little tired.

And home is always a haven where you can relax...

A boat traveling thousands of miles will eventually find its way back.

The boat entered the harbor, lowered the sails, and let the wind and waves rise, and I became drunk...

Returning to the Lin Mansion, he pushed open the courtyard door, and Xiao Zhou's shout echoed through the entire courtyard...

Mother Lin stood in the mist of drizzle, Xiaoxue held an umbrella for her. Judging from her posture, she had been standing for a long time...

Lin Su stepped forward and hugged her mother's shoulders: Mom, my strategy this time is right. I won't go home suddenly in the middle of the night. I will go home during the day. Mom will stand here and wait. It feels comfortable at least. some.

His mother punched him on the shoulder: You know mom is waiting for you, so why don't you hurry up.

That's right! Xiaoxue said from the side: Madam said, you rushed home early in the morning. You should have arrived at noon, but you had to wait until after dinner, causing Madam to wait for at least an hour longer. .”

Xiaoxue, you're being unreasonable. It's three thousand miles from Beijing to Haining. I'll set off in the morning. Is it too slow to arrive at this time? Come and fly three thousand miles for me. If you can get there in a month, I will reward you ten thousand taels. !”

Young master, you are unreasonable. You are Wen Lu. When you were Wen Xin, you only needed half a day to travel three thousand miles. You bullied Xiaoxue...

When the two of them started arguing, the girls next to them all laughed...

The lady also smiled: Come on, prepare dinner for the young master...

Madam! Xiaoxue interrupted immediately: Either...or...let the young master go back to the west courtyard for dinner.

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