Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 587 Changes in Border Town

That night, it didn't matter who brought the tea. What mattered was that on the morning of the first day of the new year, Lin Su woke up in Sister Chen's bed, while Lu Yi and Cui Ying were lying on Lin Su's bed, sleeping deeply. sweet.

Sister Chen had already woken up, and her lips gently touched Lin Su's lips: Happy New Year, sir.

If you are happy, I will be happy! Let's have fun now... Lin Su hugged her waist.

Sister Chen smiled softly and avoided it: Ms. sir, it's time to get up. It's the first day of the Lunar New Year, and there will be new year visitors later.

Lin Su got up, Sister Chen got up too, Lu Yi and Cui Ying finally got up too, looked at each other with blushing faces, and quickly got dressed...

By the time they met Sister Chen and went out to hand out red envelopes, red envelopes had been distributed for several rounds in the Lin Mansion.

After breakfast, New Year greeters came to the door.

Like last year, Zeng Shigui was the first to come to the door.

He took Xiuniang with him, and Xiuniang was holding a baby. Under normal circumstances, it is not appropriate to hold a baby when going out to celebrate the New Year. Doesn't this prompt others to give red envelopes? But in the Lin family, it was subverted. The Lin family had so much money that they didn't know how to use it, so they didn't care about the small money. Zeng Shigui didn't notice anything, and went directly to the door with his son in his arms.

Several women gathered together, Quxiu, Yulou, and Xiyuan. This year, Princess Hongying was added. Princess Hongying spent the New Year at the Lin family for the first time. Everything was new, and she was with several women. , flying with joy.

Magistrate Yang came to the door with his youngest son Yang Chun. Yang Chun first wished Lin Su, Lin Zheng and Lin Jialiang New Year greetings, and then went to the west courtyard to visit some mistresses to pay New Year greetings. Lin Su reminded him that these mistresses were We are not in the West Courtyard at that time, so you can go to the East Courtyard. There are a lot of people in the East Courtyard. You can kowtow to everyone you meet, and you don’t have to call them by name. You are guaranteed to earn back your father’s salary for a year.

The little guy ran away happily.

The three Lin brothers and Zeng Shigui all laughed.

Magistrate Yang's beard trembled a few times, and he finally smiled. His smile faded in the middle of the smile: Third Young Master, my son is entrusted to you anyway. Are you, my master, going to teach him arithmetic or something weird like that? Physics, I don't care, but don't forget that you promised him to make a difference!

Regarding this son, Magistrate Yang was really confused.

He sent his son to Lin Su's sect, aiming for the golden sign of being the number one scholar. The goal was very clear from the beginning, hoping that Lin Su would make his son's scientific examination road smoother.

However, things quickly went awry.

Lin Su didn't teach him anything about the scientific examination, so he pushed Yang Chun into the art class and struggled for a whole year.

After finally getting through the expiration of the martial arts class, Lin Su started a new second grade in the martial arts class, and I don’t know what kind of delusion he gave his son. Anyway, this little guy is now holding a copy of Physics and forgetting to eat and sleep, which makes this father I really don’t know what to say. Comrade Lao Yang has really read this Physics, and some of the knowledge in it is completely unknown to him. It seems to be unfathomable, but no matter how advanced this thing is, it is not something that can be tested in scientific examinations...

Are you still bent on letting him take the scientific examination? Lin Su asked Lao Yang, holding the tea cup.

What do you mean I am single-minded? Shouldn't you be single-minded? Magistrate Yang was angry: You are his master!

Okay, okay, you and I have the same idea on a broad level, both for him to become a successful person. So, which scientific examination do you want him to take?

Magistrate Yang said: This is the current session!

This year is another year of scientific examinations. In February, the county examination will select children, in June, the township examination will select talents, in October, the general examination will select candidates. Next May, it will be the palace examination that attracts the attention of the whole people.

Yang Chun is only 14 years old, right? Don't you think it's a little early?

Magistrate Yang shook his head: How can it be early to talk about the scientific examination at the age of 14? Isn't it the right time?

Next to them, Lin Zheng, Lin Jialiang and Zeng Shigui also deeply agreed, because it is not too early to take the scientific examination at the age of 14. This is actually the case throughout the country. Most students take the first scientific examination at the age of 15. Before, there were 14, 13, and even 9-year-old prodigies.

Everyone's usual understanding is that the road to the scientific examination can be started early because the road behind it is too bumpy. Three years have passed for the provincial examination and the first test, and another three years have passed. Some people have passed the palace examination. More than ten times, the interval every year is three years. Just like this, the three years pass by step by step. On the day when I am a Jinshi, I may be thirty or forty years old.

You can see 14-year-old children everywhere, but Mr. Yang, have you ever heard of a 15-year-old Jinshi? Lin Su asked.

Magistrate Yang, Lin Jialiang and Zeng Shigui all shook their heads.

In the entire Cang Cang, so far, in the span of a thousand years, there has never been a 15-year-old Jinshi.

Do you know why it's easy to get a 14-year-old student, but hard to find a 15-year-old Jinshi? Lin Su said: It's just because the test for children is only about talent, and the next three tests are more about experience. A 14-year-old child can What great insights does he have on military and national affairs? What thoughts do he have on people's livelihood? Therefore, I do not recommend that Yang Chun take the scientific examination this year. I would rather that he slowly improve his knowledge system in the fields he is interested in. Jiang Tan slowly increases his experience. In the next term, he will be 17, his character is established, and his experience is in place. I will teach him the skills of scientific examination, and he will hopefully complete the entire process from the county examination to the palace examination in one and a half years. !”

Lin Jialiang's eyes brightened: Master Yang, I think what the third brother said makes sense!

Zeng Shigui said: Yes, Mr. Yang, Brother Lin himself completed the entire journey in one and a half years. He entered the scientific examination at the age of 19 and became famous all over the world at the age of 20. This is a matter of accumulation. If Yang Chun is the next one, To have completed the entire journey is simply another miracle in the world, an 18-year-old Jinshi scholar, breaking the millennium record!

Although Magistrate Yang still felt uneasy in his heart, he was still dazzled by the beautiful picture painted by the two people. He stretched out his hand and took out the Lin family's silver pot of wine: Come, Third Young Master, I have made this gentleman's agreement with you. ! Don’t expect Chun’er to be a Jinshi in the next term. If you can be in the next three terms, the Yang family will build a shrine for you...

Damn! Come to me for the Chinese New Year...How can I drink this glass of wine?

When there was a commotion, Xiao Tao came over: Sir, Miss Ge Xin from Prince Chen's Mansion just came to pay New Year's greetings to Madam and gave her a very heavy gift.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Prince Chen’s Mansion sent someone over to pay New Year’s greetings?

You need to know that the power of feudal ethics is still strong and the rules are still very strict.

New Year greetings are the culmination of all kinds of etiquette.

The superior officials do not give New Year greetings to the subordinate officials first, and the elders do not give New Year greetings to the younger ones first. Even if they are of the same generation, there are elders and younger ones. For example, Lin Su must first pay New Year greetings to his eldest brother, and then to his second brother, and not the other way around. Regardless of his status, No matter how high he is, no matter how convinced his brothers are of him, they can't overturn this.

In addition, the first day of the first lunar month is the year of close relatives.

People who generally socialize will arrange New Year greetings after the second day of the first lunar month. Those who pay New Year greetings on the first day of the first lunar month are all on a family-like basis.

King Chen sent Ge Xin to pay New Year's greetings today, which was a subversion.

Although he himself did not come, and although Ge Xin was just a girl, Lin Su knew that Ge Xin was King Chen's confidante and could almost represent King Chen himself.

This courtesy is a bit too much.

Magistrate Yang said: Third Young Master, this annual gift from Prince Chen is a bit heavy. Third Young Master must go to Prince Chen's Mansion to pay homage today.

Okay, I'll go right away!

When he walked out of Tingyu Pavilion, he bumped into Sister Chen, who had just sent Ge Xin away...

Sister Chen, let's go to Prince Chen's Mansion.

Sister Chen nodded, returned to the west courtyard, picked up the gifts that had been prepared, Lin Su jumped into the air, carried Sister Chen across the sky, and flew to Meiling.

The weather is fine today.

But the snow in the surrounding areas has not disappeared.

Especially in Meiling, the red plum blossoms are in bloom, and there are some snowflakes on them. The whole Meiling is pure and delicate in beauty.

The gate of Prince Chen's Mansion was also pasted with red couplets...

The first couplet: Thousands of miles around the East River from Meixi; the second couplet: Lingnan sinks in the north wind for thousands of years.

The dialogue is extremely neat and full of charm.

It seems to be just a description of the scenery, but it cleverly connects the southeast, northwest, and reveals a heroic spirit.

In the past year, King Chen has changed a lot, and he has become heroic!


The door of the palace opened, and the old housekeeper stepped out: The third young master is here in person, how dare you accept it? The third young master has auspicious New Year.

You are so lucky! Lin Su replied: How is your prince feeling?

Haha, look at what you said, Third Young Master. As soon as you arrive, the prince's mood will naturally be as bright as spring... Young Master, please, please!

Walking along the 18-turn garden of the palace, feeling the subtle fragrance of plum blossoms floating in the cold wind, in front of you is the small lake in the palace. A figure is sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, with the curtains hanging low. This person's hand Holding a wine glass, he looked quietly to the west, the wind blew by, and his hair rose with the wind, but his body did not move, the glass did not move, and his eyes did not move, as if he was wandering in the sky.

Your Majesty is over there. Young Master can just go there on his own.

This is the specialness of Lin Su.

Normally, when people see the prince, they have to notify everyone at all levels, but when he arrives, no notification is required. The butler will point out a place and you can go by yourself.

Lin Su stepped onto the Huxin Pavilion step by step, but King Chen didn't seem to notice at all...

Lin Su came behind him and smiled softly: The New Year has arrived, the remaining snow has not disappeared, the surrounding fields are picturesque and poetic, but you frown deeply when you see it?

No honorifics, no politeness, just relaxed and comfortable.

King Chen slowly turned sideways, his eyes falling on his face: Have you noticed that snow is really a very strange thing.

What's weird? Lin Su sat down next to him, her heart wandering, and poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and also poured a cup for Sister Chen who was standing behind Lin Su.

The four of them don't need to avoid it at all, not from the beginning.

This snow looks extremely holy and seems to have no impurities. However, it covers up the filth. No one knows whether there is an undercurrent surging under the calm snow surface.

Sister Chen's heart moved slightly, King Chen was about to get to the point.

Lin Su naturally understood better: Something happened?

Something did happen, just last night! King Chen said, It's related to the Northern Territory!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. What happened at the northern border on New Year's Eve yesterday? He clearly remembered that on New Year's Eve last year, a big event happened at the border of the Northern Kingdom. An unparalleled event. Li Xiaotian forged military orders and sent troops out of Longcheng, causing an uproar. As a result, the structure of the court changed, and the alliance in Luo City changed. The four towns in the north have changed because of this, and this New Year's Eve will be recorded directly in the history books!

Li Xiaotian played a big one again this year?

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