Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 571: Solve public opinion in one fell swoop (please vote for me)

Lin Su returned to the backyard.

Yuan Ji had dinner with him, but then she accompanied him into the room. Why did she go into the room? It's still early, so let's just talk.

You have brought down the entire Nanshan officialdom. Yuan Ji came to a conclusion.

What does that mean? You understand, I understand, everyone understands.

You, Lin Su, are very subversive. You brought all the dissidents in the officialdom into the same trap as soon as you arrived. After today, similar dramas will be repeated throughout Nanshan. All the officials you personally appointed have been deceived by you, and they will all follow the rules. When doing things in this standard way, the entire Nanshan officialdom is filled with blood and blood. Nanshan officials, they are encountering a ghost...

Yuan Ji was quite speechless about this.

Although she is far away from the officialdom, her father is also a member of the officialdom. Before she was four years old, she had seen her father acting in the officialdom. She was dissatisfied with a certain official and did not dare to say anything. On the surface, she did not respect him. When dealing with other officials, he always has three things in mind, unlike him. If he disagrees, he will directly show his official seal, dismiss the official, and replace him, just like eating a carrot, it is as simple as eating a carrot.

Lin Su laughed loudly: No matter what I do, no matter how displeasing the officials are, they will all have to watch. If an official can be so unscrupulous, why should I not be so unscrupulous?

Yuan Ji really didn't understand: Why?

Lin Su stretched out her fingers to explain to her...

First, I, Lin Su, am not afraid of them withdrawing me, because they dare not! I am the first grandmaster of Qinglian, Da Cang Zhuangyuan Lang, my literary name is spread all over the world, I am a benchmark in literature, and I am still a person who has mixed feelings about the temple. People like me have not made any big mistakes that are brought to the table. Do you dare to remove me from office? Once you remove me from office, you will admit to the world that you have no respect for literature! Where is the temple’s reputation?

Secondly, I was sent to Nanshan with a mission. If the mission was not accomplished, the officials could only swallow it in their stomachs after breaking their teeth. They didn’t want to lose big for a small gain!

mission? Yuan Ji's eyes widened, what mission?

Lin Su smiled mysteriously: This is just a guess of mine, but I firmly believe that this guess is correct. They just want to use my hand to eradicate King Lu Yang!

Yuan Ji was completely silent.

With her knowledge and brain capacity, she really couldn't analyze such a complicated situation.

So, changing the subject…

You have promoted a lot of officials in a blink of an eye today. I understand that. Let those people charge for you. However, I don’t understand why you have to recruit the former prefect to be your master. He, a failure in officialdom, can give you Any ideas? Aren't you afraid that he will take you into a ditch?

This is objectively correct. Cao Li himself is a loser.

The master is there to give advice to the chief officer.

What good insights could he have?

And to be honest, Yuan Ji also felt that her man...well, a man with 22 days left, didn't need anyone else's advice at all, he was as smart as a ghost.

Lin Su grabbed her hand again: I set him up with He Xingong to let them handle the daily affairs of the prefecture. If I don't deal with the daily affairs of the prefecture with a few enemies on their shoulders, how can I do it? Are you just playing around with mountains and rivers and women?

Yuan Ji was completely convinced and sighed deeply: I thought they were victims who were fooled by you, but I didn't expect that the real victim was myself... Okay, it's only 22 days anyway. To be serious, there are a bunch of people surrounding the house, and there are people holding torches and rushing to help under the starry night, what are you going to do?

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips: Do you really think they are just ordinary clan elders?

There was thought in Yuan Ji's eyes: I know there must be someone pushing behind me.

So, I have to give them some time to let everyone arrive. Tomorrow morning will be the time to close the net.

Yuan Ji's eyes suddenly opened wide...

Everyone thought he had fallen into unprecedented passivity.

Everyone is waiting to see his show.

Everyone is waiting for him to solve the problem in front of him.

However, there is no problem in his eyes at all. His focus has never been on this turbulent wave of public opinion. He is just waiting for everyone to arrive, and then catch all the instigators behind!

If this network continues, there will be a new earthquake in Nanshan!

The officialdom, in his hands, turned out to be so unique.

All the complicated things in the world are not complicated in his hands.

Every step he takes is not surprising at all, but before it is revealed, it is all bizarre. Even if you see through every step of his, you still don't know where his next step will be.

What's this?

Absolute control over the overall situation.

The power of simplification that strips away events.

This is another ability that is different from his legendary literature and spiritual practice.

The next morning!

Lin Su's third day in Nanshan!

Nanshan City is in complete chaos...

All the streets are in chaos...

Officials have their own agendas, and the people are confused. Rumors of various crises are flying all over the sky. Business people in Nanshan City have no intention of doing business, and people in the seven counties of Nanshan Prefecture have no intention of doing anything. Everyone is paying attention to the government office and the newly appointed prefect...

Hundreds of clan elders gathered together, and tens of thousands of people of all kinds gathered outside. The government office was like a lonely boat amidst the turbulent waves of public opinion. If it was not handled properly, it would be a civil uprising sweeping Nanshan.

The door of the mansion slowly opened, and a group of officials finally came out in front of everyone's attention.

The person at the front is young and handsome.

Behind him is the chief officer of the fourth division and eighth house.

They are the current heads of the Nanshan Mansion. Everyone is here, not one is missing.

Hundreds of clan elders stepped forward together...

The old man is from Sanlihe Village, Zhangnan County. He is eighty-nine years old. He has been entrusted by the thirty thousand elders of Sanlihe Village and has come to ask the prefect...

The old man was leaning on a cane and spoke tremblingly, and everyone around him was silent at the same time.

Excuse me, old man! Lin Su replied in five words.

Folks, I would like to ask the prefect, do you care about the lives of 5 million Nanshan people?

Lin Su said calmly: Old man, there is no need to beat around the bush, just say everything you have to say!

Okay! I have made it clear. The prefect has forcibly dismissed 48 good officials who were sincerely serving the people. This angered King Lu Yang, causing the Luhu waterway to disappear. The lives of 5 million people in Nanshan are at stake. I dare to ask the prefect, what are your plans? How to deal with it? When the old man said it, he showed no respect at all and his tone was stern.

The crowd was excited, and countless people shouted outside, echoing the old man's words.

Facing the prefect, most people don't have the courage. Perhaps only at this time, they dare to be so presumptuous, because the law does not offend the public.

Lin Su raised his hand suddenly: Where are the others? Do they have the same problem?

Yes! We, the hundreds of clan elders, should ask the same question!

A bunch of clan elders spoke at the same time.

People in the periphery also shouted: Little people ask the same question!

Suddenly, thousands of people shouted together, and the momentum was earth-shattering.

Okay! Since everyone has the same appeal, I will answer them one by one! Lin Su said: First, the issue of the Luhu Waterway that everyone is most concerned about, my answer is as follows: All decisions made by Nanshan Prefecture to pay for water in the past, From now on, all of them will be cancelled. It is impossible for me to bow my head to King Lu Yang and ask for water, let alone spend even a penny to buy water!

As soon as his voice came out, it covered the whole city!

It even goes straight up to the sky, and shoots towards Prince Lu Yang’s Mansion across ten miles of sky!

Everyone below exploded...

He announced such a decisive decision in front of the whole city, leaving no room for error. The matter had reached a desperate situation.

Although everyone was silent, an extremely suppressed wave was about to explode completely.

Sun Lie pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, and veins popped out on the back of his hand. He had a very bad premonition that the civil uprising was about to happen in a moment.

The official seal in Lin Su's hand suddenly appeared, covering the entire audience. Under the golden light of the golden official seal, everyone felt the suppression of their souls, and the urge to riot was suppressed.

Lin Su's second sentence came: Second, there are thousands of you gathered today, and someone behind you is instigating it. I'm here to see who instigated it! What is your intention!...Clean your heart with the way of literature!

A silver light suddenly stretched out from between his eyebrows, covering the hundreds of clan elders in front of him!

Everyone was shocked!

Literature cleanses the mind!

This is a literary power, and it is not an ordinary power. It can only be possessed by a Confucian or above with an extremely literary mind. There are no literary masters who possess this magical power, not even in the entire Zhongzhou. Even the entire Da Cang Kingdom has this power. The legal ones only have ten digits.

The expressions of several people in the crowd changed.

They were the people who had been dismissed from their posts by Lin Su, or they were the people who were instigated by these people.

Wen Dao washes his mind and traces the person behind him on the spot. It's troublesome...

Tell me, who ordered you! Lin Su pointed directly at the clan elder just now.

The clan elder's eyes suddenly became dull: Du Jiuzun, Du Jiuzun said, if I can bring a hundred villagers to the prefecture to cause trouble, I will be allowed 10 taels of silver, and my family will be exempted from taxes by 30%.

Du Jiuzun, the former county magistrate of Nanzhang, was one of the 48 officials hanged up by Lin Su last night.

Everyone was shocked, even the hundreds of people brought by this clan elder. They could never have thought that this clan elder, who was well respected by the villagers, brought them here to make trouble, not for what he said. The people's opportunity to make a living is due to 10 taels of silver and 30% of his family's tax.

For a moment, the feeling of being cheated came over me.

Lin Su pointed at the second person: Tell me, who instigated you?

Li Yiqiu, he promised me 10 taels of silver, and also promised to exempt my family from 30% of taxes... Li Yiqiu was also one of the 48 people.

you say……

Zhang Liyan...

He Shunzhang...

Wu Chenghe...

The names were spit out one by one, and in a blink of an eye, the names involved included everyone who was dismissed last night, and more than twenty people were added!

After the last clan elder finished speaking, he fell softly.

The people were completely dumbfounded.

Things are different than they imagined.

The leader's default goals are different from theirs.

The vast majority of them are actually very simple. They are worried about not being able to survive, and they follow the well-informed clan elders to seek a living. Who would have thought that none of these clan elders are simple, and they are all doing it for the sake of twelve taels. Silver and a 30% reduction in taxes for his family.

They were deceived!

Lin Su held the official seal high in his hand, his face as gloomy as water: Article 125, Paragraph 3 of the Da Cang State Law clearly stipulates that those who maliciously incite villagers to besiege government officials will be dismissed from their posts, their homes will be confiscated, and they will be exiled thousands of miles away. !Come here!”

Here! Sun Lie stepped forward with majesty.

Arrest everyone according to this list! Anyone who resists the order will be killed without mercy! As soon as his voice fell, the official seal in his hand went up to the sky, covering the whole city. In the whole city, all the great power of literature and Taoism was wiped out. .


A large number of government officials passed through the crowd and headed towards the official mansion that had been targeted.

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