Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 549 A treat from the Hanlin Academy scholar

As a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, Chen Geng was a high-ranking official, exactly the same as Zhang Juzheng.

It is a strange thing for a person like him to invite a fourth-rank official, and it is even more strange to invite him to his home instead of the Hanlin Academy.

You need to know that when court officials treat guests or invite people into their homes, they are not open to the public!

Lin Su nodded: Master Li, please!

Li Qingyang smiled happily: Mr. Lin, the Chen Mansion's carriage is waiting outside the door, please!

The two walked out side by side, with Li Zhiyuan following a few steps behind. Lin Su waved her hand behind her, signaling him to go back on his own and get on the carriage.

The horses' hooves clattered as they galloped towards the south of the city.

Chen Geng's Chen Mansion is under the city wall in the south of the city, surrounded by ginkgo trees. At this time of year, the ginkgo has long lost its greenness and golden color, but it cannot stand up to the tall and neat ginkgo trees. The fallen leaves around Chen Mansion are also neat and tidy. There is some scenery.

The carriage stopped and Lin Su got off the carriage.

In front of the gate is a huge gatehouse. On the gatehouse, there is a line of large characters engraved: Grand Scholar's Palace, with the word Chen below.

The middle door slowly opened. Inside the middle door, an old man looked at Lin Su with a smile on his face.

This man was only wearing casual clothes. His hair was already gray, but his mental state was excellent. He had very few wrinkles on his face. Although the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were deeper, they were symmetrical and neat on both sides.

Lin Su strode past and bowed deeply: Student Lin Su, please see the Grand Bachelor!

He met the great scholar with the etiquette of a scholar. Because the great scholar was not wearing official uniform at the moment, and he was meeting guests at home, it was only etiquette to meet him with the etiquette of a scholar.

Chen Geng returned the greeting: Grandmaster Lin has come to his humble abode in person, and the walls will be illuminated! Please!

This is the difference between literati etiquette and official etiquette.

If it was an official gift, Chen wouldn't be able to give him a gift in return, as their levels were too different.

But it's different for literati. Just one sentence from Master Lin brought the two of them to the same platform.

Lin Su felt these details.

Including the detail of the wide opening of the center door, he also felt it.

All this pointed in a direction, and Chen Geng sent him a signal, or an olive branch.

Lin Su followed him through the nine-curved corridor and went straight into the study.

As soon as Lin Su entered Chen Geng's study, he immediately felt that the surroundings were completely quiet.

The study doesn't look big from the outside, but it's surprisingly big inside.

Countless books were stacked on top of each other, seemingly stretching from their feet to the end of the sky. They were all very old, and the whole house gave off an air of vicissitudes of life.

Grandmaster Lin, please sit down! Chen Geng gently guided him.

Lin Su thanked him and sat opposite him.

Chen Geng gently pressed his hand, and the small red clay pot began to boil water, and the fragrance was fragrant. This fragrant tea fragrance was completely different from ordinary tea, and it was full of richness.

Grandmaster Lin, do you have any feelings after entering this place? Chen Geng smiled faintly.

I really feel that the study room of the great scholar is full of vicissitudes and richness of history!

Exactly! Chen Geng said with a smile: This study is three hundred years old, the books on the shelf are at least a hundred years old, the chair you are sitting on is four hundred years old, and this tea set is eight hundred years old! The fragrance of tea you smell , is not today’s tea, but the essence of tea ceremony for hundreds of years.”

Chen Geng gently opened the lid of the teapot, and something surprising happened.

There are no tea leaves in this teapot!

It’s just a pot of clean water. Once the water is boiled in this pot, the tea will have its own aroma. This is because this teapot was made eight hundred years ago and the tea dirt inside has accumulated over time...

Lin Su felt a little bit sour in his teeth, but he forced himself to hold it back.

He really wanted to tell the old man in front of him that some things are indeed better as they get older, but that doesn't include tea. I still like to drink fresh tea. I don't drink overnight tea, let alone tea that has been 800 years old. .

Chen Geng raised his hand and poured the boiling water from the pot into the teacup in front of Lin Su.

The rich fragrance filled the whole study room.

Lin Su still has to owe her ass to show her gratitude...

Master Lin, I am a historian. People who compile history are particularly sensitive to historical materials. But do you know that people who compile history are also painful people?

Lin Su's heart moved slightly: Where is the pain?

Chen Geng said: Eight years ago, I started to retreat to the world of enlightenment. In these eight years, I only came out of retreat seven times. During the seven times I came out of retreat, I saw only a dozen people. It's embarrassing to say that even your Majesty, I We only met a few times by chance eight years ago. At that time, His Majesty was just Prince Ning. The world has changed, history has changed, romance has gone with the black hair, and endless sadness has accompanied the gray hair. Isn't it painful?

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat.

What does this convey?

He, Chen Geng, is not from His Majesty’s side, and he has absolutely nothing to do with His Majesty!

It can even be said that he hates being in court!

However, facing such a high level of bachelors, it was not easy for Lin Su to test easily.

Chen Geng raised his eyes: When I came out of seclusion this time, I was surprised to hear that a top literary genius had emerged in the world. I was very relieved, so I sent someone to invite him. It was not until today that I really got my wish. I am very happy.

How can a student dare to be such a great scholar? Let's take tea instead of wine and give a toast to the great scholar! Lin Su held up the tea cup and took a sip.

He really didn't dare to taste the eight-hundred-year-old tea, but when the tea entered his throat, a completely different aroma lingered on his tongue for a long time. It seemed that this eight-hundred-year-old tea was really not what he imagined. …

People say that Grandmaster Lin's poetry is peerless, but what I am most interested in is Grandmaster Lin's erudition. Chen Geng smiled softly.

Grandmaster, you're welcome!

Chen Geng said: Historical data are both lessons and revelations today. What happens today will also be historical data next year. There is something new that happened, and I would like to ask Grandmaster Lin for help.

Grand Master, please speak.

Chen Geng said: In July of the eighth year of Yuanjia, the city of Da Cang Helan was lost, and the souls of 30,000 elite soldiers were cut off at the border. This was caused by the collusion between Zhou Ze, the commander of Long City, and Da Yu. Ding Jiye, then Minister of War, was sent to prison for this reason. There was no solid evidence in this year. On the 19th day of the winter lunar month, he was acquitted and the official was restored to his original position! I don’t know how future generations will comment on this statement when it is printed in the Da Cang Major Events.

Today is the eighteenth of the winter lunar month, and tomorrow will be the nineteenth of the winter lunar month. When he said that Ding Jiye was released on the nineteenth of the winter lunar month, he was talking about tomorrow.

Grandmaster, don't worry. Lin Su smiled softly: Da Cang's Taishi Ling is smart and capable, and his writing is brilliant. How could he make such a low-level mistake? The history recorded in his pen cannot be expressed in this way.

Chen Geng's face became a little gloomy: How would you describe it?

In his writings, His Majesty made decisive decisions, killed traitors, drove out enemy bandits, restored four towns, and saw thousands of miles away, pardoned the wise minister Ding Jiye who was unjustly imprisoned... The people of later generations were moved to tears, and everyone respected this fengqing. In this great era of righteousness, I regret not being born in this generation.

Shi, can you whitewash it?

Historians are human beings too!

The question is short, and the answer is also short. Two sentences, adding up to ten words.

There was a sudden vibration in the study room...

Countless books are swaying...

There are only two people, like sculptures, sitting quietly among thousands of history books.

Chen Geng's face was as dark as water, and his eyes were changing.

He is a historian, and he regards history as his life. He does not dare to despise every word in the history book. But with Lin Su's short words today, his worldview collapsed!

He suddenly discovered that the history he had studied all his life might not be the true nature of history at all.

This disturbed his literary foundation!

He had already reached the edge of the literary world, but now he has retreated. With this retreat, the literary world is nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, there were many strange images in the Grand Scholar's Mansion, and countless historical figures were rolling up and down in the air, constantly collapsing and reborn.

In the backyard, a window suddenly opened, and a young woman was surprised: Is grandpa’s literary world going to be established?

The girl next to her has bright eyes. It must be that the master has been in seclusion for so many years and it must be a good sign that he has this vision.

But in a study room in the middle courtyard, a young man's face was full of horror. Because he was a scholar, he knew clearly that this was not a good omen at all, but a bad omen. Grandpa's literary foundation suffered a fatal blow.

The situation in the Grand Master's Mansion is just a strange sight, not a strange sound. Ordinary people around Nancheng are completely indifferent, and everyone in the city is also indifferent, but not including the top literary experts.

On the hill behind White Deer Academy, an old man raised his head and stared quietly in the direction of Nancheng: The history book collapsed, the history was destroyed! What kind of disaster did Bachelor Chen Geng encounter?

Silently, a middle-aged scholar in white appeared in front of him: Thank you, my teacher, Lin Su entered the Chen University Scholar's Mansion half an hour ago!

Lin Su! The old man spit out two words from his throat: First destroy our White Deer Academy, and then destroy the Hanlin Academy. Does this guy really want to sweep the literary circles of the capital?

At Green Willow Villa, Zhang Juzheng and Qu Wendong were drinking tea. At this moment, they looked up at the same time. They had the same feeling. Lin Su entered Chen Geng's residence. In the blink of an eye, such a collapse of history appeared in Chen Geng's residence. What does the vision of destruction mean? This shows that Lin Su has already taken action. He points directly at the literary foundation of Bachelor Chen Geng. He wants to destroy Chen Geng!

Capital culture has four pillars.

Three courtyards and one pavilion.

In the early stage, he fought the White Deer Battle and completely suppressed the White Deer Academy. To this day, the White Deer Academy is leaderless.

Now, he destroyed Chen Geng of the Hanlin Academy again.

He wants to sweep all the mainstream literary and moral circles in the three courtyards and one pavilion by himself!

Could this be his preparation for Ding Jiye's release from prison tomorrow?

He swept across the four pillars of the capital's literary establishment, and forcibly elevated himself to the top of the capital's literary establishment. With such great authority, he commanded the support of the people in the city, and disrupted the situation in Tianlao?

In Chen Geng's study, pieces of history books collapsed. Chen Geng's white hair seemed to have increased by half in an instant. However, the two of them still sat quietly, seemingly completely blind to this spectacle. They also ignored the arrival of countless people outside the study. Totally turning a blind eye...

Historical records are drawn up, and everyone likes them, respects them because of their virtues, hates them because of their traitors, gets their blood boiling because of their grand ambitions and hegemony, and sighs because of their treacherous ministers and rebels. Countless people participated in it, including holy lords, famous generals, celebrities, and ordinary people. The public, all living beings... Lin Su's voice seemed to have been repeated thousands of times in the history books, and his topic suddenly changed: But do you know, as a great scholar, that everyone is a participant in history, and everyone is actually a participant in history? The founder, the Holy Lord is, the famous general is, the celebrity is, you and I can be too!

Chen Geng slowly opened his eyes: What do you mean?

We can't choose history, but we can create history. Instead of waiting for others to whitewash peace, why not write a history without regrets yourself?

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