Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 521 New Song Night on the West Sea

What could be the intention? Lin Su said: The last stop of the journey is the Mermaid Holy Land. It's a very serious matter. I can see from the expressions of both of you that you are all thinking wrongly...

The two women looked at each other, and both saw huge suspicion in each other's eyes.

Zhang Yiyu pondered: I heard that mermaids can cleanse the roots of the Tao. Lord Lingyun walked a little too fast on the spiritual path, jumped a little too fast, and the roots of the Tao were not stable. Cleaning and cleaning seems to be quite serious...

For the first time, Cai Zhulian didn't sing along with her, but her eyes actually lit up.

I know Cai'er understands the magical effect of this. Lin Su said: The Mermaid Holy Land has two platforms. One has the ancient Yuan Pond, where you can practice martial arts, and you can make thousands of miles with one day. The second platform has mirrors. According to my judgment, it has a certain influence on the will of the Yuan Shen. Wonderful effect, besides, it can modify your combat skills!”

Zhang Yiyu was a little annoyed when he heard the first part, How dare you favor Cai Zhulian?

But when he heard the second part, his heart beat faster: A place like this is the most sacred place for a sect. I'm afraid even the children of this clan cannot use it easily. Can we go there?

Cai Zhulian took a deep breath: It's true that ordinary people can't just go to it, but he is different. He can even go to the mermaid princess. What place can't he go to? Yiyu, can I tell you, that Yuanchi is the same as the one we just drank from? The combination of the experienced Yaochi jade liquid is really amazing. Besides, this time I have to go to the second floor to see...

The interest was completely up.

Their harvest from this trip was huge.

What are the gains?

After drinking Yaochi jade liquid, my combat power has not decreased, my cultivation level has dropped, and the previous puffiness has disappeared. It is the best time to replenish energy, and Yuanchi is the first place to replenish energy.

After seeing a bunch of masters competing, they had countless feelings and urgently needed to retreat for digestion. However, while retreating in the Yuanchi, the spiritual platform was extremely ethereal. Any insight could be echoed by the external energy, and they could achieve enlightenment with half the effort.

There is also the second platform of the Mermaid Holy Land.

Cai Zhulian was not able to go up that day, but this time at the Yaochi Meeting, she challenged her limits and climbed to the fifth floor. She could go up to the fifth floor at the Yaochi Meeting. In theory, she could also go up to the second platform of the Mermaid Holy Land.

The wish I had not made it to the second floor platform can be made up for today.

Zhang Yiyu was also excited.

When the two talented cultivators became excited, they temporarily ignored whether Lin Su would have something to do with the mermaid...

Hey, what identity do you need to enter the Yaochi Holy Land? Cai Zhulian asked Lin Su a question.

Lin Su was a little distressed: I suddenly discovered that on the spiritual path, I am a little too partial to the literary and spiritual path. A top scholar breaks into the mermaid girl's territory. What if she makes her Taoist heart unstable? I'd better resume my status as a spiritual practitioner.

As soon as the voice fell, the costume changed.

Cai Zhulian rolled her eyes at him: What about us? Should we return to female form? This men's clothing is still a bit too small, and it feels uncomfortable to wear it...

She gently held her top, and her plump chest was indeed a bit tight...

Lin Su's eyes suddenly straightened...

Zhang Yiyu looked at Caizhulian, lowered his head to look at himself, and saw his toes...

She was so angry, you shameless little bitch, show off your balls! Your breasts are bigger than mine, but is this something you can show off? My Lingyun Ranking is higher than yours! ! !

Whatever, no matter how our identities change, it's just a temporary need and we can't hide it for too long.

As soon as Lin Su said these words, the wildness in the two women's hearts suddenly disappeared...

Their identities continued to change in the later period, and their ultimate goal was to separate Ling Yun, the leader, from Da Cang Zhuang Yuan Lang. Now everything is going according to plan, and the original idea has been perfectly realized.

But Lin Su said that this could not be hidden for too long.

The potential sense of crisis suddenly filled the hearts of the two women.

Zhang Yiyu ignored the fact that her breasts were bigger than those of Cai Zhulian: You said... your identity will be exposed soon.

Yes! Don't underestimate the various magical powers in the world of cultivation. They will soon know my identity.

What should we do? the two women shouted at the same time.

Lin Su smiled: What should I do? Just do whatever you have to do. The sun will still rise, the moon will still be sentimental, people will still laugh, wine will still be drunk, and flowers will still bloom!

Zhang Yiyu glared at him fiercely: Don't show off. Once the demons know your identity as the leader of Lingyun, they will do anything to you. You can't even think of the methods the demons can use!

Lin Sudao: If they don't know that I am the leader of Lingyun, won't they do anything to me? Are you too underestimated, the first master of Qinglian?

Zhang Yiyu and Caizhulian looked at each other...


He is the first grandmaster of Qinglian, and he is a superstar in human culture!

He himself is the target of assassination by the demons at all costs!

There is the leader of Lingyun, he is.

Without the leader Lingyun, he is still.

Therefore, the title of Lord Lingyun, whether it is worn on his head or not, does not affect him... he will never be saved!

After they figured this out, they felt relieved, and there was no way they could help but feel relieved. People only have one life, and being sentenced to death once is the same as being sentenced to death ten thousand times...

However, what they couldn't understand was how this person, who knew he would be targeted by the demons in various ways, could still laugh and be as proud as a big rooster...

Zhang Yiyu took a deep breath: You are right. No matter you hide it or not, you will be damned. However, have you ever thought that once they know that you are still the leader of Lingyun, the way they target you will be more careful. It will close all loopholes.”

Yes! Cai Zhulian said: Generally, the method used against literati is to cut off the channels for literati to communicate with the holy way. If they don't know your cultivation attainments, it is easy for them to capsize, but once they know, this will They will close every loophole.

What the two women said were golden and good words.

No matter how much they suppress Lin Su or run against him in their daily words, when the real thing comes, they still treat him sincerely, just like after the Yaochi meeting, Lin Su was seriously injured and entered Yaochi, waiting for him in Yaocheng, There were only six of them, and they were the ones who worried about them the most.

Lin Sudao: You are right! But do you know? To defeat the enemy's plan, the best way is not to gamble on whether others know your details, but to refresh yourself! If the enemy knows who I am today, it may not be Know who I will be tomorrow!”

The two women were shocked at the same time...

The best way to break the opponent's plan is to refresh yourself!

Let the person you are today be better than the person you were in the past!

Let your tomorrow self be better than your today self!

Let yourself constantly jump out of the other person's default framework. Even if the other person knows you in the past, they will not know you after development and changes!

This kind of change is the most effective weapon to break the strict plan.

For example, Ji Wen brought someone with the realm of Xiang Tianfa and Earth to deal with the Lord Lingyun who was at most half a step up to Xiang Tianfa and Earth. He was determined to win, but this Lord Lingyun jumped out of his understanding and changed. A master of body and art, both civil and martial arts are integrated into one, and he can defeat his ambition with just one sword.

Today's leader Lingyun is very strong.

However, the two women know that he has great room for improvement, because he is currently the peeper!

As long as he steps out of the sky, he will be in another realm!

It is very difficult for cultivators to constantly refresh themselves outside of the knowledge of others. The higher they reach the top, the higher they climb. However, they also know that the magical man in front of them has only been in the cultivation world for a short time. Surprisingly, his talent is so high that it is astonishing in the entire spiritual path.

Okay, now that I have straightened my mind and calmed down, the moon is so bright, the air is so good, and the beauties around me are so touching. How about Lord Lingyun reciting a poem? Cai Zhulian smiled like a flower.

Are you sure you are reciting poetry? Do you want to change to something else? Lin Su said.

As soon as these words came out, the heartbeats of the two women soared to one hundred and eighty...

Forget it, I won't recite poetry. You have already written a poem tonight. It's not good to always force you to write poetry. Let's sing! Cai Zhulian immediately changed.

Zhang Yiyu's face turned red: Sing me all the songs you and I sang after we parted. If you dare to save one, I'll kill you!

Lin Su sighed, I am really prescient. After I separated from you, I sang quite a few songs, which have already begun to spread all over the world, and I can’t even hide them. If I don't sing to you once, I'm really worried that you'll kill me.

This is like taking a vaccination.

Lin Su was thinking: The moonlight is so beautiful today, let's sing Night on the West Sea...

The beautiful night is so quiet, and my singing is left on the Western Sea. I want to write a letter to the girl far away, but unfortunately there are no swans to convey my love...

The song Night on the Prairie was re-formed, and the beautiful notes that made people's hearts tremble penetrated into the ears of the two women. The two women closed their eyes at the same time and stopped breathing at the same time...

Lin Su grabbed the two jade hands and walked on the waves...

The waves of the West Sea are as gentle as the waves in the eyes...

Even the moonlight becomes infinitely gentle...

I don't know when, under the West Sea, countless clams collided with their shells, but the sound they stirred up was reluctant to reach the surface...

Countless fish accompanied them all the way...

In the distant mermaid holy land, Princess Yingying sits on the tip of a green willow tree. Under the boundless beautiful moonlight, in the distant horizon, the lake is gentle, and her big silver tail makes ripples on the sea. , also flows into the distance with the western sea water...

Suddenly, the wicker under her body suddenly positioned itself...

Suddenly blue waves rippled in Princess Yingying's eyes...


She jumped up, entered the West Sea, and galloped silently into the distance...

The singing had stopped. Lin Su led the two girls and stood in front of Yangguan...

Yangguan, a restricted area for the mermaid clan.

Yangguan, foreigners are not allowed to enter.

There are three waves rising one after another in Yangguan...

Separate slowly.

A beautiful girl walked toward them with her tail as a fulcrum: When I heard your singing, I knew that the person I had been waiting for two hundred and forty-seven days and nights has finally arrived.

The eyes are full of water, like spring water.

Her voice was also so soft, so soft that even though Cai and Zhang were a little jealous, they forgot to inspire them.

The time she mentioned was based on Lin Su's farewell on that day as the starting point. It was not a day short!

Yingying, I still haven't found any information about your mother. Lin Su walked past the waves and stood in front of her.

I know you're looking for it, and you've tried your best to find it. This is more important than anything else.

We are here today...

Yingying interrupted him gently: I know your reason for coming. The mermaid cloud world is a restricted area for others. You can enter at any time, and the same goes for the two sisters... You don't have to think about what you can give in return to the mermaid clan. You are a mermaid clan. What you have done is worthy of the mermaid clan’s lifelong devotion to you!”

Her inner pupil still existed, and she could see everything just by looking into Lin Su's eyes.

Including Lin Su's purpose of coming, but also Lin Su's thoughts deep in his heart: he must do something to help the mermaid clan in the future.

Caizhulian quietly told Zhang Yiyu about Yingying's possession of the Heart Pupil, and Zhang Yiyu sent her a voice message: I think this Heart Pupil is really a good thing. At least it can make people understand easily some things that are difficult to say.

A close friend! Cai Zhulian sighed inwardly, I was just about to say this.

Cai'er, is she the mermaid he bought with 110,000 taels that day?

Yeah, do you think it's worth it?

Whether it's worth it or not depends on the person. For a rich bull like him, it's meaningless. Zhang Yiyu's reply came: There is one thing that is beyond my expectation. This mermaid Daogen Pure, clearly the red pill is still there.”

Cai Zhulian glanced at her: Don't you think this focus is a bit biased?

Zhang Yiyu said: You don't know that that day in the Golden Palace, facing His Majesty and all the courtiers, he vividly described his experience of picking the red pills from the mermaid, and proudly said that he could spy on people with this skill. territory……

Cai Zhulian had a sour expression on her face: This stinky person is shameless...

My grandfather was subverted by him at the time, but now it seems that things are more subversive than imagined... He seems to have exposed himself to shame under the purification of culture, but in fact he did not do that scandal at all, everything is his plan.

Caizhulian said: I think you seem to be stimulated by this story. You seem to have committed the same problem as the little saint of Yunxi Sect. You still want to find the label of a gentleman from this pervert? I can tell you, he The fact that I didn’t touch the mermaid has nothing to do with his character, it’s just because I acted quickly!”

Zhang Yiyu's eyes changed: What do you mean you strike quickly?

Cai Zhulian was startled: Oh my God, you are thinking wrong again... I mean, I acted quickly and brought him out of the Mermaid Holy Land. Otherwise, do you think he would have done that bad thing? Once you enter the Mermaid Holy Land, you have to keep an eye on him for twelve hours a day. If you just make a quick move, he can do it once, do you believe it?

The two women looked at each other, both feeling a heavy burden on their shoulders...

Lin Su and Yingying walked on the waves in front, side by side without speaking, but there was no need to speak. Yingying's eyes were the translator. I know what you want to say.

I blushed, and you knew my knowing.

Lin Su dared to think about things that she couldn't say out loud on weekdays. Thinking of this, the tip of Yingying's tail turned a little red, and the Western Sea in autumn seemed a bit hot.

This kind of chatting method is unparalleled in the world.

This way of chatting made Yingying feel like she was in trouble. Her pure heart was ruined by him...

The chat between the two women at the back was also unconventional. They observed the beautiful figure of the little mermaid in front of them and tried to figure out what was going on when their eyes met. Finally, Zhang Yiyu said helplessly: I want to correct my previous statement. This heart pupil, Still a bit hateful.

why? If one dares to think, the other dares to read. This kind of thing is beyond the realm of spiritual practice...

It was still polite, because they didn't do anything or say anything.

The inner thoughts are a bit wild, human freedom, right?

It has never been illegal in all dynasties, right?

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