Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 476 Ding Jiye, the Accused One

Above the city, it was extremely lively.

As soon as Li Xiaotian came back, he was directly knocked down by the four brothers. No, there were still three thousand troops outside. Some cried, some screamed, some threw away their swords and guns, and some knelt on the ground and cried loudly...

Brother Li, you are actually still alive...

Brother Li, what you did is so amazing. Our Grandmaster Lin just wrote a colorful poem for you yesterday, 'You buried your bones in the mud under the spring, and I sent you to the world with a head full of snow.' Such a wonderful poem , whether to spread it to the world or not has become a big problem now. If you spread it, it will be a curse to death. If you don’t spread it, this poem is so wonderful that I really can’t help it...

Li Xiaotian directly punched Li Yangxin, who was shaking his head, to the edge of the city.

While everyone was laughing, Huo Qi spoke: Brother Li, have you received the gift that Brother Lin gave you?

A gift? Li Xiaotian smiled and said, Then come to Baitan Baiyun! My brothers and I will get drunk before we rest!

Baiyunbian? How many jars of wine is your plan? Zhang Haoran sneered: Tell me how you feel about his art of war.

When the art of war was mentioned, all the brothers and more than a dozen generals became silent, and the tips of their noses started to sweat a little. There was nothing they could do about it. The word art of war touched them too deeply.

Li Xiaotian was so surprised: The art of war? What art of war?

Wow, Brother Lin, you haven't told him yet. Let me tell you, don't fight me. I've been talking for a long time. I have to come and shock our Dragon City flying general... Li Yangxin was the first to run. Come over.

This shock made Li Xiaotian look scorched and tender...

In just three days, with only 3,000 remaining soldiers, he used his military skills to kill the invading army of 120,000 people, and his own losses in the battle were less than 100!

Oh my god, does this subversion have a formula?

Lin Su smiled slightly: Brother Li, I promised you that I would give you a gift within three years. Today, this gift is delivered to you. It is whatever you can understand!

A stack of gold paper was handed to Li Xiaotian, with seven or eight pieces in it.

Li Xiaotian took it tremblingly...

The Thirty-six Stratagems are about encircling and rescuing oneself, and The Thirty-Six Strategies are about creating something out of nothing...

Understanding the art of war cannot be achieved overnight. You won't be able to understand it for a while. I will explain it to you... Li Yangxin came over again and pulled Li Xiaotian to explain. Of course, his explanation was mainly a story-based explanation, about the art of war. What will be the effect of using it, such as in Qiyang Pass, Liehuo City, Doufang City...

Before Li Xiaotian could finish speaking, he soared into the sky, climbed up to Yanhui Peak, and took out the golden page...

That night, Li Xiaotian sat at the top of Yanhui Peak and did not come down the whole night...

His whole body and mind were occupied by the eight-page art of war that Lin Su gave him...

Encircle a secluded person to save a lonely person, create something out of nothing, kill someone with a borrowed knife, stand up for a dead peach, capture a thief and capture the king, take the lead...

The moves are unexpected, and the moves are in line with the essentials of military doctrine...

In the early morning, as the sun rose, Li Xiaotian descended from the top of Yanhui Peak and came to Lin Su, extremely excited.

Before he could express his thoughts on the art of war, Lin Su spoke first: Brothers, now is the time to do big things!

Exactly! Take down Zhou Ze and eliminate the national traitors!

Dragon City, the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion.

Zhou Ze rubbed his eyelids. Why did he always feel like his eyelids were twitching?

He Shun, the right minister of the Ministry of War, who was sitting next to him, gently held up his tea cup: Commander Zhou, don't worry. This change is not a bad thing. Perhaps Marshal Zhou can go one step further and grant Bo the title of Marquis.

Zhou Ze suddenly raised his head: Master He, are you serious?

The four towns in the north were lost half a month ago, and Li Xiaotian took the blame on you. Now, you are sending a large army to retake the four towns and regain your homeland. How can your Majesty not express your gratitude?

Zhou Ze's eyes widened, is it true?

Not to mention, this is really possible!

The four northern towns were lost half a month ago, but he could blame Li Xiaotian. Since Li Xiaotian was dead, there was no way he could crawl out from the ground to confront him.

But now, he sent Du Yuting's troops out of Dragon City.

His original intention was to send Du Yuting to meet Li Xiaotian, and take Lin Su with him on the way.

Who would have thought that such a simple thing would lead to such a huge mistake. Not only were these three thousand people not destroyed, they also fought all the way to Helan City and recaptured it.

His plan was obviously defeated from start to finish.

However, things can take an incomparable turn. No matter how great the contribution these three thousand people made, it was Zhou Ze who sent them out. The credit for recovering the four towns belongs to him!

If you regain your homeland, you can become a marquis!

He, the town border uncle, might be able to become the town border marquis!

After thinking about it, his whole body was electrified. Sure enough, there was someone in the court who wanted to be an official. No matter whether things were successful or failed, he would be rewarded.

Lord He has come to Dragon City from afar, and I would like to offer you a small gift...

Zhou Ze took out a banknote and stuffed it into He Shun's sleeve, and He Shun also had a smile on his face...

Suddenly, the door of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion opened with a bang...

The two people sitting above them suddenly separated, and the smiles on their faces froze at the same time...

Outside the gate, a group of people came in, and the person at the front was Lin Su.

Lin Su's face was extremely gloomy. Behind him were Zhang Haoran and others...

Zhou Ze stood up with a smile on his face: Mr. Lin...

Suddenly, his voice stopped because he saw someone, someone he never expected, Li Xiaotian!

At the end of the team, followed Li Xiaotian!

He Shun's eyes suddenly opened wide and he looked at Li Xiaotian as if he had seen a ghost...

Li... Li... General Li... Zhou Ze's fingers cluttered, his face changed drastically, and his voice trembled...

Commander Zhou, the last general was not killed in the battle, but the commander is quite disappointed? Li Xiaotian said coldly.

Insolent! Li Xiaotian, since you didn't die in the battle, why didn't you return to Dragon City? Could it be that you have surrendered to the enemy? Zhou Ze shouted in a deep voice. At this moment, he regained his demeanor as a commander-in-chief.

Lin Su raised his hand suddenly: Dragon City Commander Zhou Ze takes the order!

The official seal was taken out, and the golden sword flew across the sky, full of endless majesty.

Zhou Ze moved his eyes away from Li Xiaotian's face and took two steps: Commander Zhou Ze, commander of Longcheng, receive the supervision order!

Lin Sudao: Li Xiaotian reported you that when Helan City was besieged by the enemy, you had liaison with the enemy, shut down the Helan military flag, and intended to send Helan City to Da Yu. Is this possible?

A cold feeling ran through Zhou Ze's heart. Ever since Li Xiaotian appeared, he knew there would be this question. However, his battle-hardened qualities took effect, and his face was full of anger: This is absolutely not the case. , Li Xiaotian dared to accuse Shangguan, criminals are punished by nature and should be killed according to the military law of Da Cang!

Lin Su said coldly: Education cleanses the heart!

A ray of light rose from between his eyebrows, covering Zhou Ze, and Zhou Ze's eyes suddenly became dull...

Presumptuous! He Shun, who was sitting at the top, jumped up and shouted angrily at Lin Su. This sound was full of literary power.

However, Zhang Haoran raised his hand gently, and a ray of silver light appeared, blocking out the sound: Master He, what do you want to do? Are you worried that Marshal Zhou will say something that is not good for you?

He Shun scolded again: How can it be dignified to easily use literary methods to cleanse the heart of a commander-in-chief?

It is indeed unseemly, but it complies with the law of supervision! Zhang Haoran said: In addition, Sir He, please believe that soon, this commander will no longer be the commander-in-chief of Dragon City.

He Shun wanted to stop him, but he couldn't break through Zhang Haoran's protection.

He is a great Confucian, and Zhang Haoran is already a literary scholar.

It only took half a quarter of an hour, and it was too late for him to stop him, because Zhou Zequan had already moved...

He received a secret order from Ding Jiye, Secretary of the Ministry of War. When Helan City faced an enemy army attack, he sealed off all the military flags in Helan City. Once the military flags were abolished, the commander of Osumi's army marched straight in, and Helan City was destroyed and people were killed.

This is how the four northern towns were lost.

This is how thirty thousand innocent souls came about.

He Shun was trembling all over, with cold sweat running down his back...

He is also a wise man. Even when Lin Su jumps out of the chessboard and plays a trick that no one expected, he can quickly find a countermeasure.

However, the situation has now taken a turn for the worse.

The appearance of Li Xiaotian was a terrible change that they had not expected.

Zhou Ze told the truth under the supervision order, and Zhou Ze was already beyond redemption, and the target was directed at Ding Jiye, Minister of the Ministry of War. As the right minister of the Ministry of War, He Shun had a very terrible premonition...

Outside the door, more than a dozen generals roared in unison...

Inside the door, the six officials' faces were ashen...

All suspicions have been confirmed!

Thirty thousand troops from Helan City died in battle, but the real culprit was the commander of Dragon City!

He was originally the biggest supporter of the expeditionary soldiers, but now, he stabbed them in the back, and it was a fatal blow!

It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

Zhang Haoran raised his arms and said: Brothers, I want to repay His Majesty clearly, what about you?

Report to Your Majesty clearly!

Lin Su slowly spit out two words: Ming Bao!

No! He Shun shouted, his hair flying wildly on his forehead. Naturally, he knew how terrifying it was for His Majesty Ming Bao. All officials in the country would know about this Ming Bao, and this storm would soon become a wave sweeping the country. There will be a big turmoil, and the Ministry of War will be involved in it, and it will be disgraced.

Get out! Lin Su yelled angrily, and He Shun flew high into the sky and hit the wall behind...

At this moment, any third-grade official or Minister of War is all bullshit!

Six people, six official seals, activated at the same time...

My ministers Lin Su, Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, Qiu Mochi, and Li Xiaotian report clearly to Your Majesty: Zhou Ze, the commander-in-chief of Longcheng, has secretly collaborated with the enemy. When the 30,000 defenders of Helan City faced the enemy's attack, they blocked the city. The flag of the Cang Army caused the death of 30,000 heroes on the battlefield. Under the supervision order, Zhou Ze confessed, saying that Ding Jiye, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, instructed him to do this evil deed. The fundamental purpose was to send the four northern towns to Da Yu. Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze are ministers of the Cang Army. , betrayed the Cang, brought trouble to the border town, forgot about his ancestors, and is not worthy of being a human being. The six ministers and others have given their advice according to the facts. Please ask your Majesty to remove him from his post, decapitate him, and kill his clan!

Almost at the same moment, the official seals of all officials in Da Cang were illuminated at the same time.

Zhou Zhang took action...

Deng Hongbo soared into the sky and entered the Golden Palace...

Li Zhiyuan, who had just returned to the Supervision Department, stared at the official seal, his face as gloomy as water...

Zeng Shigui, who was far away in Beichuan, slapped the newly built Yuping Mountain fence down three feet...

Lin Jialiang, who was far away in Sanping, went up to the sky and stood at the highest point of Liehu Mountain, looking at the capital...

At the Ministry of War, Ding Jiye suddenly jumped up, the official seal in his hand flickered. Even though he was cunning and cunning, he was completely frozen at this moment...

In the palace, His Majesty was discussing matters with two first-rank officials. Suddenly, upon receiving this news, the three of them all froze. There was a deathly silence in Zhengde Hall...

Zhang Juzheng suddenly stood up: Your Majesty, Ding Jiye, Zhou Ze betrayed Da Cang and brought disaster to the country and the people. If we don't punish the nine tribes, it will not be enough for the people to be angry. Your Majesty should quickly order the execution of the nine tribes!

His Majesty's eyebrows beat lightly, but he did not express his position.

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong stood up slowly: Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. We cannot destroy the nine tribes of these two officials with just a report.

Based on just a piece of paper? Zhang Juzheng said coldly: Can the prime minister see clearly? This clear report is followed by Zhou Ze's confession under the purification of literary principles!

Lu Tian followed the road: Cleaning one's heart with liberal arts is not foolproof. You need to know that after the incident in Xizhou that day, Lin Su also received a cleansing with liberal arts in the Golden Palace. Did you ever ask anything? The great scholar asked Lin Su to discuss it in Wenyuan Pavilion. On the day of Taoism, Qu Feiyan also came to the scene in person and used Wen Dao to cleanse Lin Su's heart. Has anyone found out that he was related to Zhang Wenyuan's death? It can be seen that the law of Wen Dao's heart cleansing has long been ineffective on Lin Su. As the head of the Wenyuan Pavilion, a bachelor should be upright and selfless. How can he lose his sense of fairness and destroy the nine tribes at every turn just based on a clear report from your grandson and Lin Su? Where is the order in the officialdom? What is the law of the heaven? Where is it?

These words are logically reasonable, but they convey several layers of meaning, which are extremely sinister.

First, he used literary enlightenment to lead to the Xizhou incident and Zhang Wenyuan incident. Lin Su had experienced literary enlightenment in both cases, but neither of them was exposed. However, who in the world would not recognize it? These two things were done by Lin Su! Therefore, literary enlightenment is not foolproof.

Secondly, he pointed out that Zhang Juzheng advocated the killing of Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze out of selfish motives. Because among the six people in Mingbao, one is your grandson, and the other is Lin Su, who has an ambiguous relationship with you.

What about the third one? It’s even more sinister! The names Lin Su, Xizhou, Zhang Wenyuan, and Qu Feiyan all aroused His Majesty's anger. As soon as these names were heard, His Majesty's face turned green...

The inclination in His Majesty's heart was now obvious. His eyes slowly moved towards Lu Tiancong: In the Prime Minister's opinion, what should we do?

Lu Tiancong said: Your Majesty, I believe that Zhou Ze should be summoned to the capital immediately, and the three departments will interrogate. The truth cannot be faked, and the fake cannot be true. The court cannot let traitors go, but it must not allow a few officials to go against the current and frame us at will. Chao Bureau.

Zhang Juzheng was furious, but he had no words to reply, because Lu Tian was so righteous from these words that no one could find any fault with him.

His Majesty's expression softened slightly: The Prime Minister's words mean...

At this moment, someone outside shouted: Your Majesty, hundreds of court officials gathered outside the palace, begging your Majesty to kill Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze immediately!

Presumptuous! His Majesty was furious: Is this a forced marriage?

The Golden Palace was buzzing with vibrations...

The ministers outside were silent...

At this moment, Ming Pao comes again...

Li Xiaotian came from the northern border town: Your Majesty, Li Xiaotian, has reported to your majesty that one hundred thousand troops from Longcheng have jointly signed a letter, requesting your majesty to kill Ding Jiye and Zhou Ze immediately. All the sergeants said that the soldiers are fighting in the front, and the military and commanders in the rear are traitors. Isn't my heart chilling? ? If this thief is not eliminated, the army of 100,000 will be disarmed!

As soon as this clear report came out, His Majesty's expression suddenly changed.

What does it mean for a hundred thousand troops to disarm? Not a mutiny, but better than a mutiny!

He stood up...

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