Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 464 Li Xiaotian died in battle

The wind rises in the west mountain, and the clouds fly from the sky and the earth.

Lin Su closed his eyes and stood in the wind, his mind in a state of confusion.

Li Xiaotian only met him by chance, so how could there have been many interactions between the two of them?

However, friendship is never measured by how much wine you drink or how long you have known each other.

A true best friend is a collision deep in the soul.

He encountered difficulties that day, and Li Xiaotian stood up to defend him.

When his scientific research path was cut off, Li Xiaotian was so sad and angry that he wanted to risk his life.

After staying at Green Willow Villa for a while, he clearly remembered Li Xiaotian's ambition at that time...

I want to go to the border town and kill millions of enemies!

Zhang Haoran said that more than 300 members of Li Xiaotian's family were killed by Osumi's cavalry. His only dream in this life is to become the nightmare of Osumi's military.

He did it!

He entered Dragon City and trained as an elite soldier in hundreds of battles.

Go to the battlefield, fight with blood without fear of sacrifice.

On New Year's Eve, when thousands of houses were lit with lights, he led 50,000 elite soldiers out of Dragon City at night. After a narrow escape, he recovered the four northern towns. Other soldiers could barely survive, but he knew clearly that he would die because he was a forger. Military orders.

After taking the four northern towns, he stood at the top of the tallest Helan City and told his lieutenant: After I die, bury me at Yanhui Peak, because I have an appointment with my friend first, and when he comes to the border town in the future, he can find me.

The sound and appearance are still as if they were yesterday.

This person has become a dead soul!

The promise made that day has become a promise that can never be fulfilled...

Lin Su's eyes slowly opened, and their eyes were filled with crystal clear...

When he entered this world, he never cried, and now he is not crying, but his eyes are wet with tears...

Ms. sir... Luyi leaned over gently and held his hand.

Lu Yi, you can live in the princess's mansion and wait for me to come back!

Are you going to Dragon City?

I once promised Li Xiaotian to give him a gift. Now that he is no longer here, I will give him the gift in front of his soul!

Bi Xuanji came over and took his sister's hand: Luyi, come with me!

Luyi slowly let go of his hand and followed her sister. Looking back every step of the way, Bi Xuanji's eyes met Lin Su's and he nodded gently to reassure you.

Zhang Haoran and four others took one step at the same time.

Brother Lin, when you go north this time, stay with me!

Lin Su looked at the brothers: I went to the Northland because I am the supervisor, but I am running around the country, and you...

Huo Qidao: My Huo family is in the northwest. I just went to visit relatives.

Qiu Mochi said: There is only half a month left for my wedding. From today on, I will take wedding leave.

Li Yang stretched out his new hand, and a magic weapon flying boat landed on the ground and enlarged: Isn't it just leaving the post without authorization? I am too lazy to make any excuses. You can deduct as much as you like!

Five people boarded the boat at the same time and flew through the clouds and through the sky.

On the roof of Green Willow Villa, Zhang Juzheng raised his eyes and looked at the horizon.

The shadow bowed and appeared behind him: Young master has gone to the north.

It's time to go!

Master, the five of them will really be on the official blacklist from now on.

Zhang Juzheng's eyes flashed coldly: Blacklist? Haha, it seems as if I don't have a blacklist. I want to see if they can make me cut off my descendants, or if I can cut off their future first!

Poyunsuo is Li Yang's new one.

The Li family is a well-known family in the northwest because of its wealth.

Other people's family couldn't afford the magical weapon Po Yun Shuo, but his family could. Of course, this was also a reflection of Li Yangxin's status in the family. Li Yangxin became a Jinshi and a great Confucian, and had a good relationship with Lin Su, so his status in the family was extraordinary. Ordinary.

Speaking of making friends with Lin Su, it's quite complicated.

In the eyes of most people, being on good terms with Lin Su means cutting off the official career. However, among various families, they still feel that being on good terms with Lin Su is a very honorable thing.

Who is Lin Su? The first master of Qinglian's Taoism.

Da Cang Zhuang Yuan Lang.

The Lin family is also the source of a variety of new products.

Being on good terms with the Lin family brings surprises from time to time...

On the Poyun Shuttle, the five brothers were sitting at the table, the breeze blew past their ears, and they were hundreds of miles away in an instant...

The wine has been opened beside the white clouds, and the aroma of the wine is blowing in the wind...

Li Yangxin held up his wine glass: Do you know, brothers, that His Majesty decreed that Zhou Ze was promoted to an official? The Ministry of War even sent He Shun, the right minister of the Ministry of War, to Dragon City to comfort the officers and soldiers of Dragon City and reward them for their efforts in defending Dragon City. Not to mention the 30,000 elite soldiers in Helan City who sacrificed their lives for the country!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was furious!

Huo Qi jumped on the case and said, Li Xiaotian's 30,000 elite soldiers died in Helan City. Isn't it because of Dragon City's ineffective rescue? No reward for merit, and reward for fault. How can this be unreasonable!


The destruction of Helan City and the death of people are certainly the norm on the battlefield, but Dragon City is the rear of Helan City and shoulders the important task of supporting Helan City. If Helan City is destroyed, Longcheng cannot escape the blame.

As for the defense of Dragon City in the later period, that is your duty.

In the decades of border wars, Dragon City has been the last line of defense for Da Cang. It has never been lost. How can it be considered a great achievement to repel an enemy attack?

Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, and Qiu Mochi became more and more excited as they talked.

Lin Su, on the other hand, kept his eyes closed the whole time...

What was lingering in his heart was something that would explode if he told it...

Before he entered the capital, he had just met with King Chen. King Chen told him that there might be changes in the northwest border city...

Beware of court officials being traitorous!

What kind of traitorous law?

Give the four northern towns to Osumi again!

The four northern towns were originally gifts from His Majesty Emperor Da Cang to Da Yu. Li Xiaotian, a stupid young soldier, came out of Longcheng and took back the four northern towns despite violating military orders.

This seizure is very difficult for His Majesty the Emperor.

Don’t admit it, it’s hard to go against public opinion.

Admit it, if Osumi can't get through it, maybe the shady story of losing power and humiliating the country will be revealed. How can the emperor still be a king?

Therefore, King Chen sensitively reminded him to guard against the traitorous curve of court officials fighting openly and selling secretly.

He has never believed that the king of a country and his courtiers could be so shameless and have no bottom line.

But now, Li Xiaotian is dead, Helan City is lost, and the four northern towns have returned to the embrace of Dayu. King Chen's prediction that day has completely come true!

Could he not suspect that there was a conspiracy?

If there is really a conspiracy...

Just if...

Brother Li, your spirit in heaven is watching how I smash this ugly world to pieces!

With a shout, Zhang Haoran stood up suddenly, raised his head and drank down the glass of wine in front of him. He raised his hand and the gold paper broke through the air...

He chanted in a long voice:

The wind blows,

Back then, I left hatred and returned to my hometown.

Return to hometown,

Red clouds are like blood,

The setting sun is like catkins.

I can't bear to drink my hurt,

You can only know the taste if you travel thousands of miles across the world.

Only then can you know the taste,

The scholar wakes up from his dream,

Zheng Husband has tears.

The title of the poem is Yi Tianlang, which is sent to the Dragon City flying general Li Xiaotian!

When the pen fell and the holy light rose, the song Recalling Tianlang he wrote went straight up to the sky and turned into a golden road ten feet wide...

Lin Su was suddenly startled, Kai Wenlu?

Zhang Haoran started his literary career and wrote a new ci pai Yi Tian Lang. He has been studying the rules of opening ci pai that Lin Su gave him as a wedding gift for a long time. Now, stimulated by the news of Li Xiaotian's death in battle, Finally, he opened his ci card and wrote a sad, angry and passionate song Yi Tianlang.

Kai Wen Road? Qiu Mochi, Huo Qi, and Li Yangxin stood up and shouted excitedly.

The holy voice came from the air: On top of the Ci Dao, a new card is opened, called Yi Tianlang, the founder of the Ci Dao, Da Cang Zhang Haoran.

Above the holy path, the words Yi Tianlang were engraved in the sky, visible for hundreds of miles. A thick silver light pillar fell from the sky and landed on Zhang Haoran, and his whole body turned silver.

Zhang Haoran, on the shuttle setting foot on the northern land, broke into the Wenlu realm.

The news reached the capital at a speed comparable to the speed of light. In Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhang Juzheng rose into the sky and looked north, hahahaha, and laughed three times, shaking the entire Wenyuan Pavilion.

In the memorial pavilion, Prime Minister Lu Tian's face was gloomy, and for a moment his mood was extremely bad.

Before the palace examination last year, his son Lu Yujing was still ranked higher than Zhang Haoran.

After the palace examination, Lu Yujing became a Holy Scholar, and his status was completely different from Zhang Haoran.

But what about today?

Lu Yujing was dismissed from his literary position by Zhang Juzheng and became a literary loser.

And Zhang Haoran actually broke into the literary world and became a figure on the same level as himself!

Comparing people with each other is so irritating. Zhang Juzheng is so happy, but Lu Tiancong hates it. Perhaps it was not until this moment that he and Zhang Juzheng were truly on opposite sides.

Zhang Haoran opened his literary career, and his trip to the North, which was as depressing as suffocation, revealed a glimmer of spring.

Baiyunbian opened another jar of wine, and everyone congratulated Zhang Haoran.

Zhang Haoran, however, held up the wine glass and was the first to respect Lin Su: Brother Lin, the reason why I opened Wenlu today is because you gave me a wedding gift. I respect you for this glass of wine!

Lin Su held up the wine glass: Brothers, Brother Zhang has given you the rules for opening Ci cards. You must hurry up. The world is changing, and every strength is worth your capital!

Brother Lin was the first to cross the Wen Road. Brother Zhang has already followed. I, Huo Qi, will strive for third place.

Why are you? Can't I do it? My father has said that if I step into the literary world, I will no longer be restricted from going to a brothel. Li Yangxin said plausibly.

Damn it! You actually opened a literary path just to go to a brothel. Tell yourself, is this considered blasphemy against the holy way?

Hey, Qiu Mochi jumped in directly: Can you make way for me? I'm getting married soon. Don't you think that Wenlu is the best wedding gift I can give to myself?

When they started making trouble, the atmosphere became completely lively.

Zhang Haoran smiled softly: Perhaps Brother Li originally hoped that when the brothers went to see him, they would be as happy as before.

Yes, people are like water flowing in the east, and the dead are like a husband. Even if the situation changes, we still remember the old appearance. Let's put down our grief and anger, let go of our heaviness, and see him with his former appearance!

In the northern land, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

Cangshan is vast and the river flows south.

Between the mountains, there are occasionally groups of apes, and on the land, there are sometimes wild wolves wandering alone.

Huo Qi pointed downwards and told them that this place was originally a prosperous place, but due to the unstable war situation in the north, people did not dare to live here, so the houses were empty and there were hordes of wild beasts.

From here to anywhere close to a thousand miles away, everything is like this.

Lin Su shook his head gently: After the border city, if there are no people, it is like water without a source. Without a foundation, it will be difficult to defend the border city.

That's right! Zhang Haoran said: Grandpa said, this is called 'the people don't believe that the soldiers can defend, and the soldiers don't know who to defend'. Fortunately, the army of Dayu seems to have no intention of crossing the Dragon City. Otherwise, relying on the dragon alone The city’s 100,000 troops may not be able to defend this northern pass.”

Huo Qidao: It is extremely dangerous to depend on the safety of a country on whether the enemy country wants to invade. It is a pity that the high-ranking officials in the court only focus on their own fertile land and beautiful families. How can they really care about the country's crisis?

When it came to state affairs, all five people lost their spirits.

The king is like this.

This is what court officials do.

They are just angry young men in the officialdom. Can they change the overall situation?

Poyunsuo moved forward all the way. As expected, the places he passed were all remote areas. Occasionally, he could see some refugees. They came from the north. Refugees do not have fixed goals in the first place. They just follow wherever they go. The refugees settled down at the foot of the mountain, competing with the wild animals for the right to survive. Some refugees are still on the road to exile, aimlessly.

The speed of Poyun Shuttle was actually not very fast. It took two days and two nights. Finally, when the sun set on the third day, they saw the big blue war flag flying above Dragon City.

Lin Su finally saw this northern border town up close.

The border town is mottled and the huge bluestones are scarred, showing that this border town has often experienced wars.

There are many soldiers on the border city, but they are all in low spirits and seem to have not woken up. They are really not the same as the elite soldiers of Nanwang.

The five Lin and Su shuttles fell from the sky, and immediately a general-looking man came over with a group of soldiers. They bowed at the same time: Where are you coming from, gentlemen?

He didn't know the identities of Lin Su and others, but it was an eternal practice to look at people and their clothes. Lin Su and others were all wearing official uniforms. The highest rank was Lin Su, fourth rank, and the lowest rank was Qiu Mochi, who also had seventh rank. .

This is the advantage of being a Beijing official. Promotion is faster.

Even a seventh-grade civil servant can alert the general when he goes to a border town, let alone a fourth-grade civil servant?

I am Lin Su, the inspector of the capital, where is the general? Lin Su did not report the official titles of the other people, because it was somewhat against the rules for them to leave the capital for the border town.

He was the only one who had nothing wrong with him, because he was originally the inspector who investigated problems all over the world.

The general bowed deeply: It turns out to be the Inspector. The General is currently receiving the Minister of War at the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion. How about the young general taking the Lord over there?

If there is no right minister, General Zhou Ze must come out to greet him.

But with the right servant, the general does not have to go out to greet him, because the right servant of the Ministry of War is a third-rank official, two ranks higher than Lin Su. As a master, he cannot leave his high-ranking boss and come out to greet the low-ranking master.

Is Mr. He, the right servant, still in Longcheng? It's time for me to go down and pay my respects first...General, please lead the way.

When Lin Su and his party entered the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, they smelled the aroma of wine from a distance...

In the Commander's Mansion, maids shuttled back and forth. Looking at the Commander's Mansion alone, it was difficult to connect it with the border city that had been reborn after many calamities. When the door of the Commander's Mansion was opened, everyone became even more angry...

A group of officials and generals were disheveled and drunk.

Each one held a woman in his arms, most of whom were half-dressed.

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