Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 439 The sick young man in the hospital garden

The sick man has no winter plum blossoms.

Mei Wudong can be called one of the four great lords in the capital, which is naturally extraordinary.

He has been sick since childhood, and his legs were paralyzed as an adult. He can only use a wheelchair to accompany him, but he still controls a large escort agency: Shengwei Escort Agency.

It is obviously against the rules for a disabled person to control a world-famous escort agency, but it is extremely normal for it to happen to him. People in the world have said that Mr. Neverwinter is unparalleled in resourcefulness, has a wide circle of friends, and can handle both black and white. Even on the red road, he can enjoy it. What is the red road? Officialdom!

This garden of his was carefully constructed and devoted to officialdom!

Most of the big officials in the officialdom are guests in the garden!

Lin Su and Bi Xuanji appeared silently outside the backyard of the hospital. There was obvious surprise in Lin Su's eyes. Could it be...

Bi Xuanji's eyes moved over, and a voice penetrated into his ears: The person we are looking for is the sick young master. Isn't this a bit subversive of imagination?

Lin Su's eyes flashed slightly and he sighed: That's quite subversive!

Bi Xuanji smiled sweetly: Follow me!

Her figure suddenly disappeared and she entered the hospital...

The night in the hospital is quiet.

The flowers, plants and trees in the hospital garden have a morbid beauty under the faint moonlight.

At the innermost side, there is a mottled wooden building with a lamp like a bean inside. A young man is sitting under the lamp. The night wind blows, his disheveled hair is floating gently, and a piece of writing on the wall is also gently turning.

It was still late at night, and he had no intention of sleeping.

Maybe in his world, many things are subverted, including sleeping. He has been in a wheelchair for half his life. Sitting is actually sleeping. He is the sick son Mei Wudong...

The moon disappeared into the clouds again.

Mei Wudong slowly moved his gaze to the window on the left. At this moment, his eyes were very bright.

In front of the window, two people suddenly appeared out of thin air, a man and a woman. They were Lin Su and Bi Xuanji.

Mei Wudong's eyes were firmly fixed on Lin Su, and Lin Su also looked at him quietly.

He is about 27 or 28 years old, handsome and elegant, with a sparkle in his eyes, which fits all the positioning he has for that person...

Mei Wudong also interpreted Lin Su in an instant...

Brother! This is Lin Su! Bi Xuanji bowed slightly.

Lin Su's heart also jumped slightly. She called her brother. All the curtains will be opened tonight!

Mei Wudong raised her hand gently, slowly uncovered the layer of cloth on her knees, stood up slowly, and walked slowly towards Lin Su...

Lin Su stared at his legs, her heart pounding...

The sick young master Mei Wudong has disabled legs and will be unable to leave a wheelchair for the rest of his life. This is something that the entire capital knows. But tonight, the first moment he met Lin Su, he stood up and exposed his biggest secret.

He is not disabled!

He is a normal person!

Are you a little surprised? Mei Wudong said with a smile: Sick Young Master Mei Wudong actually has normal legs! don't actually have to tell me! Lin Su murmured.

Yes, I don't have to be exposed, but I still want to be exposed. Do you know why? Mei Wudong sighed: Because I want to tell you, how wonderful it is to meet someone in this world who doesn't need to hide secrets. Congratulations...Brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

With the word brother, the relationship between the two suddenly became closer.

Brother Huida! Lin Su held hands with him.

Brother, please sit down! Mei Wudong's hand was warm and strong.

The two sat down, and Bi Xuanji poured three cups of tea with his own hands...

Mei Wudong held up the tea cup: Thirteenth sister, her name is Lu Yi now, right?

Yes! This is the beginning of revealing the trump card.

I'm not sure how much she told you...

When she left you, she was just ten years old. She didn't remember too many military and national events, but she still remembered that she had a brother and a sister. She said that the sister would step into the Taoist gate and return to her homeland as an immortal. , Brother, will lead thousands of troops back to his homeland to avenge the bloodshed of his parents, but she herself is not on the road to recovery for her brothers and sisters. They only hope that she will marry and have children in Da Cang and live her life!

After a long conversation, Mei Wudong and Bi Xuanji's eyes sparkled...

After a long time, Mei Wudong smiled softly: That day outside Yanmen Pass, I watched her leave. Although I told her to let her get married and have children in Da Cang for the rest of her life, I also knew that a lonely and helpless weakling would not be able to survive. A woman steps into the sky like a little sheep into the unpredictable dark jungle. She never thought that she would meet you, let alone that you would be so kind to her. Have a drink...this drink , I respect you!”

Bi Xuanji also raised his cup, and the three of them drank from the cup together with tea instead of wine.

Lin Su put down the cup and stared at the wall.

He was familiar with the words on the wall. It was the legendary poem Poppy Beauty that he wrote during his scientific research...

When did the spring breeze and autumn moon come? How much do you know about the past? There was an east wind in the small building last night. My hometown...


There is one word that is different from his word. The word Garden in Guyuan is clearly 国!

The motherland cannot bear to look back at the bright moon!

The characters were written in a cursive style, and most people wouldn't even notice the difference between Garden and Country, but Lin Su could naturally notice it, and he was deeply moved when he noticed it.

This poem was copied from Emperor Li's original version, which is Motherland.

He did not dare to write homeland and changed it to hometown.

But now, Mei Wudong copied it again and changed the hometown into the hometown again!

This change has a very different artistic conception.

This is your word! Mei Wudong said: I changed one word!

I noticed it! Lin Su said: I have to tell you something.

you say!

Lin Sudao: I regard Lu Yi as my closest relatives, and you are also my closest relatives! I can do my best to help you get revenge, but I will not help you 'restore the country'!

Mei Wudong said slowly: Brother, you are wrong! In my world, there is no such thing as the word restoration! The Jin Dynasty has died, and it deserves its due. How dare you restore it? What I ask for is also It’s just revenge!”

That's good!

Three cups of tea collide again.

With this touch, the tea in the tea cup rippled, and a great curtain sweeping the world officially began tonight.

Lin Sudao: Brother, what do you think?

My idea is the same as yours. The first step is to control the dark fragrance. However, this matter is quite difficult. I also want to ask you for advice...

Anxiang is a huge force.

If they have a big force like Anxiang, they have a basic base.

But the problem is, the dark fragrance is extraordinary...

The scariest thing about dark fragrance is the tightness of its organization.

Mei Wudong is the leader of the Suzaku Hall among the nine halls. He can only control the Suzaku Hall and the five altars affiliated to the Suzaku Hall. The total number of people is no more than three thousand.

There are eight halls that are tied with him in status. He knows who the leaders of the other eight halls are, but he does not know the specific composition of the other halls.

And above them, there was another person, Xiang Fei.

He didn't know who Xiang Fei was.

This is the special nature of the Anxiang organization. Everyone is a small platform. You can only see the people who are on the same platform as you and your own subordinates, but not the higher-level platform.

In this case, no one who rebels can shake the foundation of Anxiang.

Mei Wudong only accepts instructions from Xiang Fei, but if there are instructions, they must be executed.

So, how did he receive the order?

Xiang Fei holds the Xiang Fei Order and comes with her face covered. When she sees the order, she will execute it immediately no matter what the order is...

What would happen otherwise?

This is the issue that Lin Su is most concerned about...

Mei Wudong told him word for word: If you don't accept it, the Xiangfei Order can stimulate the poisonous insects in my brain and kill me instantly!

Lin Su was shocked and stared at Mei Wudong's head, which actually contained poisonous insects.

Bi Xuanji spoke: The poisonous bug in my brother's brain must be the most mysterious bug in Yaowang Mountain. It is invisible and invisible. I have tried many methods, but I can't find it.

I'll try! Lin Su tried. The rejuvenation seedling that had always been unfavorable in the past failed at this moment. He saw that there was an abnormality in Mei Wudong's brain, but he couldn't find the abnormality at all. This mysterious poison , beyond the scope of efficacy of rejuvenation seedlings.

Bi Xuanji looked at his frown, and the expectation in his heart slowly turned into disappointment.

She knew that Lin Su had treated Lu Youwei before, and she also knew that this was a kind of literary power. She hoped that Lin Su could create a miracle on her brother, but now the facts showed that Lin Su could not create this miracle even with limited manpower.

So, where are the opportunities for breakthrough?

Mei Wudong kept his eyes on Lin Su's face, and he was quite hopeful. He actually knew Lin Su quite early. During Lin Su's provincial examination, he had studied Lin Su's On the Four Kingdoms and was very interested in this literary genius. He has some kind of recognition, because the views in Lin Su's On the Four Kingdoms hit his heart.

Afterwards, Lin Su passed the imperial examination and the palace examination, becoming a super star in the literary world. At the same time, the antagonism between him and the court officials was so obvious that he had the idea of ​​recruiting Lin Su, but he did not dare to do it. , because he knew that there were countless pairs of eyes staring behind Lin Su, and anyone who came close would be set on fire. He did not dare to deeply bind himself to Lin Su, so he forcibly suppressed the urge to meet Lin Su.

However, just last month, Bi Xuanji came to him and told him that Thirteenth Sister was not dead. She had grown up, now called Luyi, had her own life, and had found a man who was the best to her. The man is Lin Su!

At that moment, for the first time, this man, whose country had been ruined and whose family had been ruined, and whose face had already collapsed, but whose appearance remained unchanged, became confused for the first time.

There is ecstasy and even more anticipation...

His sister also told him that this man is absolutely trustworthy, and he is also the best at solving problems. His wisdom is unparalleled in the world!

Tonight is their first meeting.

Tonight, each other's veil has been lifted.

Tonight, he hopes to see the unknown side of Lin Su, which is his wisdom!

Lin Su slowly raised his head, the light flowing in his eyes...

Mei Wudong's heart skipped a beat. This was the light of inspiration. He was also a wise man. He once heard his confidante say, Whenever you have this light in your eyes, I feel at ease.

He could not see the light in his own eyes, but Mei Wudong saw the light in Lin Su's eyes...

The most terrifying thing about the Anxiang Organization is its tightness. However, things in the world are so wonderful. The scariest places are often the most likely places to break through!

Say it! Mei Wudong and Bi Xuanji said almost in unison.

Lin Su gently placed the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table: A Xiang Fei Order can command the nine hall masters. What would happen if a Xiang Fei Order was forged and ordered to some other hall master to do something big?

Mei Wudong's heart was pounding wildly, forging the Xiang Fei Order?

This move is so imaginative that it can even be said to be daring!

You can't underestimate Xiang Fei. If such a thing really happens, she will definitely be able to find out. Once found out, the forger will be looking for death!

This is a fact!

The Xiang Fei Ling is not an ordinary token, it is a token for facing the Nine Hall Masters. It can be said that in the entire Anxiang organization, only the Nine Hall Masters know what the Xiang Fei Ling looks like.

Once a forged Xiangfei Order appears in the outside world, be it Xiangfei or the Nine Hall Masters, they will immediately understand that the traitor is someone in this small circle. It is too easy to find a traitor among the nine people. Once found, kill the troublemaker. For Xiang Fei, it was just a thought.

Lin Su smiled: If we let her search, she will naturally find her, but have you ever thought that I am actually looking for her too?

Mei Wudong and Bi Xuanji looked at each other, each seeing surprise in the other's eyes...

The most terrifying person in the Anxiang organization is Xiang Fei.

The scariest thing about Xiang Fei is that she is invisible. No one knows who she is, but she can give orders to the nine hall masters at any time, control tens of thousands of secret fragrance killers, and control the lives of the nine hall masters. .

Therefore, Lin Su's accusation of pointing the finger at a certain hall master was false. What he really wanted was for Xiang Fei to show up!

As long as Xiang Fei shows up, he can capture Xiang Fei, obtain the real Xiang Fei Order, and then use the real order to control An Xiang!

That night, the plan to lure the snake out of its cave was officially launched...

Mei Wudong made a fragrant imperial concubine order with her own hands. Bi Xuanji put on a special mask and appeared in a manor in the east city.

Qinglong obeys the order and kills Zhao Xun!

As soon as the eight-character command was given, a dark shadow left the manor at the darkest hour before dawn. The next moment, it blended into the night. About half an hour later, Zhao Xun, who was sleeping in the study room, suddenly woke up. As soon as he woke up, he saw the man in front of the window. Dark shadow.

Zhao Xun was startled and grabbed the official seal beside the pillow. The official seal was faintly shining.

It's me! The person in front of the window said two words in a hoarse voice. At the same time, his face appeared against the eastern dim light.

The light of the official seal in Zhao Xun's hand went out: What plans does Your Highness have?

Yes! The black shadow slowly approached Zhao Xun.

Say it!

His Highness's arrangement kill you!

Chi! A black sharp blade slashed across Zhao Xun's neck. Zhao Xun's eyes suddenly opened wide in complete disbelief...

At dawn, the old housekeeper of Zhao Mansion knocked on the door softly: Master, it's time for duty.

No one inside responded.

The old housekeeper knocked on the door again, but still no one answered. The housekeeper pushed lightly, and the study door opened. The housekeeper stepped into the study. Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering scream, and the housekeeper crawled out of the study. Shouting: Come here, the master has been killed...

The entire Zhao Mansion exploded.

Zhao Ji pushed away the maid in his arms, rushed out of the room, and came to the study. When he saw his father's head on the ground, Zhao Ji's face turned pale instantly, and his eyes suddenly went black...

In the palace, His Majesty had just gotten up when he heard the news. As soon as he heard the news, His Majesty's face turned pale and his breathing seemed to have stopped. During the detailed report by the Ouchi Chief, His Majesty stood still without moving. The sweat has been flowing in the back ditch...

With a bang, the footboard in front of him flew high into the sky and smashed against the wall: Check! Let's see who did it!

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