Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 436 The mystery of Weiyang’s pen

On this day, Lin Su took Zeng Shigui and Li Zhiyuan around Yuping Mountain and drew a complete topographic map of Yuping Mountain. Under the lamp, the three bosses began to plan residential areas, water points, transportation lines, plantations... …

It's all planned out.

The industry of Yuping Mountain has also been determined: like Yishui Beitan, osmanthus and lavender will be planted, and the Lin family of Hua'er will be responsible for purchasing them.

Anyway, even if the Lin family's perfume production is expanded a hundred times, it won't be able to fill the market vacuum. The Lin family will accept any number of flowers.

Zeng Shigui felt completely enlightened, and Yuping Mountain had become a golden mountain in his eyes.

But Li Zhiyuan has always had a knot in his mind that he has not solved. He frowned several times under the lamp, made several determinations, and finally asked: Mr. Lin, what percentage do you plan to get from the rent of this land? Are farmers living a miserable life? , it depends on how much the land rent is collected. Generally speaking, 30% of the land rent is considered a conscientious land rent, 20% of the land rent is a living Bodhisattva level, 40% of the land rent is universal, and more than 50% of a black-hearted land rent.

Although Yuping Mountain can be allocated to villagers for farming, if the land rent is too high, the suffering of the villagers will still exist.

When this question was raised, Lin Su and Zeng Shigui looked at each other and laughed.

Ground rent is waived!

Li Zhiyuan jumped up and almost knocked over the oil lamp: Excuse me?

What a fuss! Lin Su said: How much is the land rent worth? Not only am I free of land rent in Yishui Beitan? I even paid for the road construction, I bought the saplings and flower seeds, and the villagers planted them When flowers appear, I will still buy them with real money!

Li Zhiyuan stood up in awe, and bowed solemnly to Lin Su for the first time. Mr. Lin had a heart for the world, and his righteous deeds of helping those in need earned Li a lot of respect...

Come on, I'm not doing charity. Lin Su said: It's only been a year since the construction of Yishui Beitan. Do you know how much I earned after excluding the investment? This amount! Lin Su said Hold out a finger.

Li Zhiyuan's eyes widened: Ten thousand taels?

Lin Su directly despised him: Forget it, I can't discuss business matters with a person like you who has no structure... I'll go out and walk around, and you two can perfect these things.

He Shi Shiran went out to admire the moon.

Under the oil lamp, Li Zhiyuan scratched his head gently: Ten thousand taels still have no pattern? Could it be said to be one hundred thousand taels? Is it possible?

Zeng Shigui smiled: What's possible is impossible. It's at least one hundred thousand taels. You don't even know how popular his new perfume from Yishui Beitan is. This perfume is paired with his new words. A bottle of one hundred taels of silver depends on it. Steal it!

Li Zhiyuan was stunned. He used his mastery of addition and subtraction within ten to figure it out over and over again, and suddenly felt that one hundred thousand taels seemed really possible.

No one thought that Lin Su's one refers to one million taels.

No one would have thought that Lin Su himself had laid a huge ambush for the one million taels he had said so casually...

Lin Su stepped under the faint moonlight, and it would be false to say that he was not a little proud.

Zhao Xun and Zhang Wenyuan were wearing the same pants. When I was trying to take advantage of myself, there were three key figures: Qin Fangweng, Zhang Wenyuan, and Zhao Xun. Qin Fangweng was responsible for provoking accusations, Zhang Wenyuan was responsible for convicting, and Zhao Xun was responsible for inciting the emperor in front of the old man. Together they caused the decline of the Lin family.

Now you know karma, right?

Qin Fangweng's family was wiped out, and Zhang Wenyuan's whole family was wiped out. Now it's your turn, the Zhao family. I'll drive your hometown out of your homeland first. I'll disgust you to death!

But you must not think that things end here...

Suddenly, his gaze was fixed forward.

Under the faint starlight ahead, there was a dark figure lying on the ground.

Lin Su's first reaction was, does the Zhao family want to cause any new destruction?

Soon, his thousand-degree pupil deciphered that the person in front of him was actually her, Li Zhiyuan's sister. Why was she lying on the ground? You're not peeing, are you?


The girl was lying on the ground inspecting a chopped peach tree, gently scraping the soil with a knife, very seriously...

Miss Li, what are you doing?

A voice came from behind, and the girl jumped up suddenly, her eyes fell back, and her face experienced a big change in an instant...

Frightened, surprised, nervous, shy...

Lin...Brother Lin, it's you...I...let me see if this peach tree can still survive. She answered nervously, pinching her sleeves and rubbing them gently.

So do you think it'll survive?

Yes! The root is still there. As long as the upper break is sealed with wax to prevent it from rotting, it will be able to grow new branches next spring.

Lin Su was surprised.

The upper fracture is sealed with wax to prevent the trunk from rotting from above, and the tree can grow new branches. This is a modern cultivation technology. In modern times, it is usually sealed with plastic film. There is no plastic film here, and the same reason applies to wax.

How does she understand this?

Brother Lin, there are many peach trees in this mountain that can still be saved. Can you tell them to stop digging them? I promise that they can be revived.

The girl looked at Lin Su with pleading eyes.

Lin Su stared at her: Do you know these techniques?

Well, I planted a lot of trees in the Black Marsh. People said many of them were dead, but I still saved them. How many years did it take for this peach tree to grow such big roots? It's a pity to dig them up like this...

Lin Su glanced over, and under his thousand-degree pupils, he saw at least hundreds of peach trees. The trees were cut down, but the roots were still there...

May I have your name?


Xiang'er... Lin Su said: Rescuing these peach trees is actually of little use. The peaches are everywhere and they are not worth much.

Li Cuixiang was so disappointed. When she first came to Yuping Mountain, she wanted to contribute, but he rejected the thing she was good at.

Well, you change it! Lin Su said: You connect the branches of the plum tree to this peach tree.

ah? Li Cuixiang's eyes suddenly widened: Is this okay?

This is a new technology called harvesting. Plum branches are connected to peach branches, and they grow very quickly. In addition, the fruit that will be harvested will be a new variety and can be sold at a good price in the market.

He stretched out his hand, and a plum branch a few feet away fell into his hand. A handleless flying knife appeared in Lin Su's hand, cut the peach tree trunk into one bevel, cut the plum branch into two bevels, and inserted it in …

There are a few key points to remember. First, the cut surfaces of the two trees must be in complete contact. Second, the tops must be wrapped. The wax you mentioned is good. Third...

While he was operating and explaining, Li Cuixiang nodded repeatedly, her face flushed.

In the air behind Lin Su, an invisible man opened his eyes wide and observed carefully. The key point was whether he would take advantage of the lack of people to mess with the girl.

Please! You are the number one scholar, you are an official, but you know nothing about farming? If you want to seduce a woman, can you come up with a convincing excuse?

But strangely enough, he was very well-behaved.

Play hard to get? Are you being reserved? Zhou Mei really wants to remind him that your time in Beichuan is very short this time. If you don’t seize the time to come up with something groundbreaking, all your pretentiousness may be in vain...

Lin Su had finished teaching. He clapped his hands and returned to the hut. He said hello to the two of them: Lao Li, your sister has come up with a new idea. I think it's good. Don't dig up these peach tree roots. What do you do? Just listen to her...

The two of them nodded together, not doubting that he was there.

Lin Su went on to say: I won't care about the subsequent land allocation and the project launch. Brother Zeng, you can send a message to Haining and ask Uncle Deng to send someone to help you, including the cement used for building houses and roads, Gray bricks, you owe them first, and when the people become rich, you can pay them back.

With these words, Zeng Shigui dispelled all his worries and laughed loudly: Brother Lin, you are already a living Buddha of thousands of families in Haining, and from now on, you are also a living Buddha of thousands of families in Beichuan.

Don't come here! I'm here to develop an industrial base. If you ruin my reputation as a profiteer, I won't be done with you... leave!

Lin Su jumped into the air and broke into the sky.

In the hut, Zeng Shigui and Li Zhiyuan laughed, feeling endlessly happy.

In the night sky, a figure appeared in front of Lin Su. Under the starry sky, her figure was vague. She seemed to be invisible, but she seemed not to be.

Zhou Mei's eyes were a little complicated: Is Beichuan's matter finished?

Beichuan is just a small county after all. How much can it do? It's already been done.

It only takes three and a half days to come and go. In your eyes, it is just a trivial matter, but in exchange, 300,000 people have a new life. I feel a little unworthy for my father...

What? Lin Su was so surprised: What does it have to do with your father?

Zhou Mei said: My father always said that his career as an official has been mediocre and he has never done anything proud of him. But you did just this in three and a half days...

So, after you go back, you can talk to your father and ask him to advance and retreat with me in the future. I can't guarantee anything else. I can guarantee that his official career will no longer be as plain as water...

Zhou Mei sighed like a groan: I truly believe in this, and everyone in the world knows that officials who share your position tie their heads to their belts and risk their lives, how can they be ordinary?... I beg you. , just kidnap me, but don’t reach out to my dad, my dad is old and can’t stand being frightened.

Lin Su laughed.

Zhou Mei also smiled. Now that the matter is done, should we go back to Beijing or Haining?

Return to Beijing!

What to do?

Five thousand miles in the air? Or take a boat and play again to lure the enemy to assassinate? After Zhou Mei's thinking jumped for a while, she asked a new question. It is said that you are already a literary master, and writing a word casually is the treasure of literary masters. Otherwise, you can write boat and we will sit on the boat you wrote. , flying across the sky on a moonlit night, it’s very beautiful to think about.

Lin Su glanced at her: I already told you, this matter must be kept secret! Don't you want to catch Qu Feiyan off guard?

Zhou Mei was persuaded, then... what to do?

Lin Su smiled softly: There is really a good thing. Let me try to see what mysteries it has...

He raised his hand, and a pen appeared in his palm. The word Weiyang shone mistyly under the starlight.

His literary spirit was injected into the pen, and the pen slowly enlarged into a giant pen. The two of them stepped onto the pen, flying to the capital like a boat. And as Lin Su's literary spirit continued to be injected into it, the ship's The speed became faster and faster, and after a while, it was already incredibly fast, even several times faster than Lin Su's body.

Zhou Mei was shocked: You can't be a Wenlu treasure, could it be a world treasure?

Lin Su was also shocked. His shock was completely different from Zhou Mei's.

What shocked him was that this pen could hold literary energy almost without limit. The literary energy injected into him seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg. With this pen, the mystery began to appear, but he could not touch the end of the mystery.

As his injection of literary energy decreased, the speed of the pen dropped rapidly. He completely stopped injecting literary energy, and the pen flew slowly, with a flying speed comparable to that of a flying eagle.

However, it didn't matter. At this speed, it would only take two days and two nights to fly to the capital. They were not in a hurry.

Lin Su sat down on Weiyang's pen.

Zhou Mei was lying on her back, with her legs spread apart and lying on the pen. This posture was quite inelegant, but Lin, based on the basic guiding ideology that if the heart is not dirty, the world will not be dirty, regarded this as not see.

The stars are like water, and the floating clouds are under your feet.

He had flown like this across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers once before. It was the time when he stepped into the mortal world. He was sitting on the hairpin of Mengzhu, the little saint of the Yunxi Sect. The Yunxi Sect was in Dachuan Kingdom.

After he left the Yunxi Sect, he seldom thought of the former sect.

Because that practicing sect is from a different country and path from him.

Apart from the third elder and Mengzhu, he has no acquaintances in Yunxi Sect.

But tonight, he suddenly thought of them.

He was very popular in Da Cang Wen Dao, and the people of Yunxi Sect definitely didn't know about it - even if they knew the name of Da Cang Zhuangyuan Lang, they would never have thought that this person was an abandoned disciple of Yunxi, and they would only regard him as the same person. Same surname.

He didn't know what was going on with the Yunxi Sect.

He didn't quite understand why his father had to send him to the Yunxi Sect that day. Even if the three paths were unified, he had to step into the Taoist sect. It wasn't necessarily just the Yunxi Sect. There were countless practicing sects in Da Cang. Why?

His father was gone and he had no way of knowing the real reason.

He vaguely felt that maybe this was his father's good intentions. He might have already guessed that there would be a disaster in the Dingnan Hou Mansion, and sent him to the Immortal Sect in a foreign country thousands of miles away in advance. His fundamental purpose might be to keep Dingnan. A part of the Hou family’s bloodline, right?

The stars were dim and no one could answer his questions.

Suddenly, a pair of wonderful eyes appeared above him...

I have been observing you for a long time! Zhou Mei said: Are you thinking about something? Are you thinking about how to capture Zhao Xun?

You have a dark mind. Lin Su said, Why do you have to think about harmful things when the stars are like this at night? Wouldn't it be nice to think about things before the flowers and under the moon?

Zhou Mei was so happy: Before the flowers and under the moon? Don't you want to sing? Come on, sing one!

Holy shit!

I suspect you have a premeditated plan!

I'm as smart as a rabbit, can I be fooled by you? Don’t sing!

Why? You ignore Buddhist taboos when you enter other temples and sing love songs to seduce women. There are no taboos here. Why don't you sing?

Because the songs I sing are a bit destructive, I'm worried that you won't be able to bear it and will be kidnapped by me...

Zhou Mei bit her lips: Try it! I'll accept my fate if I'm kidnapped.

Don't try!

You're not a man if you don't dare to try!

You try to provoke me again!

You should come.

Would you like to start with a less lethal one?

Come directly to the most lethal one! Zhou Mei was sweating on the tip of her nose and her face was red. She was so excited that she couldn't sit still...

Lin Su's mouth opened, but there was no movement for a long time, and he fell down: Your old man sent you to protect me with good intentions. It's a bit unkind for me to abduct you. Forget it, I'll go to sleep!

Zhou Mei wished she could kick him down...

Who is it...

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