Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 434 Diamond Sutra

That day he sang Man Jiang Hong and was given a Weiyang pen by the Holy Spirit. When it was given to him, it only had three hairs. Only later did he find out that these three hairs were all the result of his borrowing a knife to kill someone plan.

This pen was originally a bald pen with no hair on it.

In the later period, each stratagem was born with three hairs. Now that Thirty-Six Strategies has been written, the pen has 108 hairs, just like a normal pen.

If you use an ordinary precious pen to write scriptures, the precious pen will break if it cannot withstand it.

What about using it?

It is given by the Holy Spirit, so it cannot be fake, right?

With a thought in his mind, the Weiyang pen appeared in his palm, and Lin Su had a strange feeling, and he began to establish a connection with this pen.

Diamond Sutra……

He finally wrote the word 经...

The first chapter of the Diamond Sutra, the reasons for the Dharma assembly. So I heard that for a moment the Buddha was here...

After writing the first article, the Zen room was filled with fragrance, and Lin Su's pen tip seemed to carry a ray of Buddha's light.

After finishing the second piece, a Sanskrit chant sounded...

The third product...

The fourth product...

At some point, all the Buddha statues in Jinguang Temple glowed faintly, and all the believers were stunned.

The presiding master opened his eyes, and the sound of Amitabha shook the whole temple...

At the 18th level, the Zen bell tolled without striking...

On the 30th level, a lotus platform appeared out of thin air on the top of Jinshan Temple.

At the end of the 32nd chapter, a Vajra Buddha statue stands on the lotus platform, lifelike...

The bells all over the temple rang at the same time, ding ding ding, nine times in total. Nine huge lotus flowers bloomed in the Qianli Dongting at the same time, and the whole lake was filled with Buddha's light.

Lin Su handed the gold paper to Shan Ji, who clasped his hands together and said: Amitabha, Donor Lin, are you willing to enter my Buddhist door? If you enter the Buddhist door, today this 'Vajra' Buddha realm will be opened for you. The Buddha's light can be initiated at any time, and you can enter Arhat in one step. territory.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Lin Su quickly refused: I have a lot of wives. If I join Buddhism and they come here to fight every day, it will bring trouble to Buddhism. So, leave and see you!

After leaving the Zen sect, he pulled Zhou Mei and ran quickly. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he dared to break through the air and leave. He was a hundred miles away from Mount Wutai before he stopped. He looked back at Jinguang Temple, where the sky was still full of Buddha's light, with lingering fear.

He is really afraid of this Buddhism.

Writing a Buddhist scripture almost turned him into a monk. I won't do it anymore because I'm afraid of you bald heads.

You seem to be in a panic? Zhou Mei was surprised. This was the first time she saw him so panicked.

Lin Su said bitterly: Do you know what that monk wanted to do? He wanted to keep me as a monk, so I had to lie to them and say that my wife was waiting outside, so I ran away quickly.

Zhou Mei bit her lips very tightly: It seems that I need to give you another warning. If you dare to tease me again in the future, I...I will tease you!


Shouldn't it be hairy?

Why counter-teasing?

Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to your counter-teasing.

Zhou Mei looked at his strange look, feeling quite embarrassed herself, so she changed the subject: Did you get the things?

Haha, this topic is much more comfortable!

Lin Su was in high spirits: Let's go back to Beichuan, I'll kill Zhao Xun's father!

Beichuan, at the foot of Yuping Mountain.

The afternoon sun is already a bit warm.

A group of people came to Yuping Mountain under the scorching sun.

At the front were three officials. Lin Su was walking in the middle, wearing a fourth-grade official uniform. On the left was Li Zhiyuan, wearing a fifth-grade official uniform. Although the official uniform was very shabby, his rank was not affected.

Naturally, on the right is Zeng Shigui, in seventh-grade official uniform.

Behind them, two teams of policemen were walking side by side, with a total of more than two hundred people.

A team of detectives was led by Capt. Li. Although this old man was almost sixty, he walked briskly today for some reason.

The leader of another team of catchers was a majestic man, a man who shook the whole of Beichuan. He was the catcher Yang Dongyang. There is a proverb in Beichuan County: When you hear Zhao in the countryside, you should bow your head; when you meet Yang on the street, you should bow and stand. What's the meaning? When walking in the countryside of Beichuan, when you meet someone named Zhao, or when you meet someone named Yang on the street, you don't have to be ruthless.

This Yu Yang refers to him, Yang Dong.

In the past, Yang Dong always held his chest high, raised his head, and walked in the wind, but today, his face was gloomy.

Walking along the straight road, in front of you is a huge manor covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. On the huge bronze nameplate, there is a huge character engraved on it: Zhao.

The word Zhao has a serious air. It was handwritten by Zhao Xun, a second-rank official in the dynasty. Zhao Xun was also extremely literary. His word, compared to Baoshan, has three points more magnanimity.

Lin Su and his party came to the Zhao Mansion and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes stood by the door: Everyone, you officials have arrived, but you are not welcomed at a distance. I don't know what's going on?

Zeng Shigui took a step forward: Please come out, Mr. Zhao!

Mr. Zhao, Zhao Zhengyan, and Zhao Xun's father are already over eighty years old. Not to mention Beichuan, even in the provincial capital Zhongzhou City, everyone calls him Taiye wherever he goes.

The middle-aged man bowed slightly: The master is old and has just taken a lunch break. It is difficult to wake him up. How about you wait here for a while, and when the master wakes up, how about I come and report back immediately?

Zeng Shigui was directly hit by a soft nail. He turned his eyes to Lin Su, somewhat unsure of what to do.

Lin Su spoke: I and my delegation are here to perform official duties. Are you sure your master won't come out?

His voice was low and his tone was serious.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: Sir, why did the villain never say anything? It's just that my master is old and is taking a lunch break...

Lin Su raised his hand: Here comes someone!

Li Captou stood up straight: Here!

Push the door open, enter the inner room, and bring Zhao Zhengyan out to me!

Captain Li rushed out with a group of agents, and with a bang, the door opened.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically: You are so brave, you dare to break into a private house...

Snapped! A loud slap hit the middle-aged man's face. The middle-aged man flew out and hit the courtyard wall. A mouthful of blood spurted out. All his teeth were lost. When he got up, his face changed completely. He had an expression of complete disbelief. .

As the housekeeper of Zhao Mansion, he was the only one who slapped others. How many times had he been slapped by others?

Everyone around Lin Su was also shocked. Do you really have to be so tough? This is Dr. Zuo’s home!

Officialdom is about face, you respect me a foot and I will respect you a foot...

Lin Su's face sank: Why are you standing there? Didn't you hear my order? Bring Zhao Zhengyan out to me. Anyone who obstructs the execution of official duties will be punished according to national law!

This time the order is stricter!

Those detectives were sweating on their backs. They entered the Zhao Mansion and arrested Zhao Xun's father? How could there be no obstacles? There are thousands of servants in the Zhao Mansion, and there are only two hundred of them. If they really want to fight, they will suffer immediate losses.

Others are afraid of being killed and caught quickly, but his family is not afraid!

Everyone is an expert in reasoning and teaching.

Mr. Li shouted loudly: Brothers, follow me!

After rushing into the courtyard, the police officers behind them looked at each other in confusion. Some followed, but most of them looked at Yang Dong. Yang Dong did not move his feet, so they did not move. The police officers who finally followed Mr. Li and rushed into the courtyard were probably More than seventy people.

Lin Su didn't seem to notice the division of the police, and stepped over the courtyard wall with Li Zhiyuan and Zeng Shigui.

The policeman outside looked at Yang Dong eagerly, and Yang Dong's expression changed...

The police officers entered Zhao's house. A group of people in front blocked the way, all holding knives and guns. The person at the front roared: Stop, do you know where this place is?

The policeman walked forward step by step, no one paying attention to him.

The man's face was extremely gloomy: If you take another step forward, you will be killed without mercy!

As soon as his voice fell, Lin Su shouted loudly: County Magistrate Zeng, what about those who resist the law with force?

Article 127, Paragraph 3 of Da Cang Law, those who resist the law with force will have their limbs cut off and their cultivation will be ruined. If they are serious, they will be executed on the spot! Zeng Shigui raised his hands and the official seal of the county magistrate suddenly turned over. , a holy light covered the hundreds of people in front: Break!

The golden light of the official seal flourished, and hundreds of people in front of them had their hands and feet broken at the same time, and fell to the ground at the same time...

The first batch of blockers from the Zhao family were all eliminated.

More people behind were shocked. Are you serious?

Lin Su waved his hand and was about to give the order to enter the room. Suddenly a voice came from behind: Sir, sir, this is the inner room. Why don't we let the villain come in and invite Mrs. Zhao out.

It was Yang Dong. He came in, and more than a hundred police officers behind him finally followed.

Lin Su nodded: Very good! Yang Captou, let's go!

Yang Dong strode to the opposite side with ten policemen. The Zhao family members on the opposite side slowly got out of the way with their faces changing. About a quarter of an hour later, the Zhao family team separated, and a white-haired old man strode out of the inner room. Although this old man His hair is all white, but his waist is not bent or his back is not bowed. He is very energetic and looks around like a tiger looking at the mountains.

He is Zhao Zhengyan.

Zhao Zhengyan was not born in literature, but in martial arts. Rumor has it that thirty years ago, he was the island owner of Crescent Island in Dongting Lake. He traveled thousands of miles across Dongting and no one dared to mess with him.

Some people also say that the island owner is just a water pirate leader.

Of course, all of this disappeared with the rise of Zhao Xun's officialdom. Zhao Zhengyan no longer interfered in Jianghu affairs, and An Xin regarded him as a wealthy man. People did not dare to mention his bravery in the past and would only call him old man.

Zhao Zhengyan strode over, and Yang Dong behind him seemed to be his follower.

Zhao Zhengyan came to Lin Su and cupped his hands: My lord, I wonder which yamen he comes from?

Zhao Zhengyan, there's no need to pretend! Lin Su said, You already know that I am the capital's supervisor, Lin Su.

It turns out that he is the top scholar who is a genius and a genius as Xun'er said! Zhao Zhengyan said: I wonder what Mr. Lin is doing when he comes to my manor?

Come to your manor? Lin Su sneered: Are you sure this manor really belongs to you?

Zhao Zhengyan's face suddenly sank: Master Lin, what do you mean?

Lin Su raised his hand: You see clearly, this is the land deed of Yuping Mountain! From now on, Yuping Mountain no longer belongs to the Zhao family!

Following his voice, the land deed hung in the air under the projection of the official seal, clearly visible.

Zhao Zhengyan's expression finally changed, Yuping Mountain Land Deed!

This is what he has been looking for for many years, but has never found it. Over the years, he has finally let go of this matter. As long as the land is surveyed again next year, he can legitimately transfer the Yuping Mountain land deed to the Zhao family. On that day , even if the original land deed appeared, he was not afraid. However, just before the last step came, the land deed appeared, and it appeared in the hands of Lin Su, who was on the opposite side of the officialdom from his son Zhao Xun. Things were in trouble...

The faces of all the people in the village also changed...

No! Impossible! Zhao Zhengyan said: Yuping Mountain is a barren mountain, and it is recorded in the county annals...

Records in the county annals? Are the county annals more important or the law more important? Lin Su sneered: According to the second paragraph of Article 129 of the Dacan Law, those who seize other people's land must move immediately. Those who refuse to move, the officers and soldiers can Forcibly relocate, and at the same time, punish those who block it with thirty magic staffs! Zhao Zhengyan, I am asking you now, do you want to move?

Sir Lin! Zhao Zhengyan's forehead was dripping with sweat: The grassroots' century-old foundation is in Yuping Mountain, I hope you...

You mean not to move, right? Lin Su interrupted.

Zhao Zhengyan sweated even more: I really can't move it now. Mr. Lin, please come in...

He is soft!

He had to use the last resort, which was also his most helpless one - to surrender to Lin Su and spend a lot of money to buy him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Su didn't listen to him at all, and raised his hand: Those who refuse to move will be given thirty staffs! Someone, capture this old thief and execute him!

Everyone was shocked.

Including Li Zhiyuan.

Who is this? Father Zhao Xun, when you slapped his father in public, have you ever thought about Zhao Xun’s feelings?

If this fight continues, he and Zhao Xun will directly become enemies of life and death, and there is absolutely no possibility of turning around.

Zhao Zhengyan's whole body was shaken, his joints were rattling, and his true energy was flowing wildly.

He had never felt that angry in his life.

When he was young, he was always willing to take revenge, and he would draw swords and kill people when they disagreed. When he got old, his son became a high-ranking official in the capital. He also put away his old charlatanism and became a pampered grandpa. When he encountered difficulties, When things go well, there are fewer cases where you just draw the sword directly, but what happens now? Do I still have to get a beating from you?

court death!

Lin Su stared at him coldly: What? You still want to resist the law? Zhao Zhengyan, I warn you, if you resist the law, I will kill you directly! If you have the guts, give it a try!

Zhao Zhengyan's hand was fixed on his chest, motionless, he didn't dare to gamble!

The person in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person. He seems to dare to do things that others dare not do. Moreover, he has obtained the Aoki Order of Wen Dao. Even if he is killed on the spot, the imperial court will not be able to sanction him. This is too terrifying.

Come here, take it! Thirty staffs will be charged! Lin Su ordered.

Mr. Li took the first step forward, he didn't care about that much.

Anyway, he wants to be angry today!

Suddenly, a person stood up, but it was Yang Dong who was standing behind Zhao Zhengyan just now.

Yang Dong saluted Lin Su: Master Lin, Mr. Zhao is old. If you have to blame him for the thirty staff, I am willing to take his place!

As soon as these words came out, the entire Zhao family suddenly felt that the dignity that had faded away was back.

Look, your boss has violated the orders given by your superiors.

What qualifications do you have to show off your power?

Lin Su's eyes moved to Yang Dong: Okay! Since Yang Captou is so sincere, as he wishes! Execution!

Yang Dong lay down, and the two detectives picked up their staffs and started beating!



With ten sticks in a row, Zeng Shigui's face turned black!

He felt a deep humiliation!

What is this thing called? It was originally a solemn law enforcement, but this Yang Dong jumped out and caused a stir. Moreover, his two detectives clearly knew his intentions. They raised the board high, which seemed to be a heavy responsibility, but in fact they could not even break the skin.

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