Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 412: Public Opinion as a Tool in the First Battle

At this moment, a voice suddenly came into his mind: There is no need to argue, please take the initiative to resign to His Majesty!

As soon as this sentence came into his mind, Zhang Wenyuan's heart suddenly tightened. He heard whose voice it was, Lu Tiancong!

Master Prime Minister, is it really to this extent? Zhang Wenyuan Wen Dao said.

Lu Tiancong said: Have you reached this level, can't you see it? Mr. Zhang, the man behind the scenes is an unsolvable conspiracy!

Zhang Wenyuan's heart was filled with waves...

One piece of paper, one hundred sins!

Flowing throughout the city, tens of thousands of people are targeting...

This is of course an extremely serious matter, but the most poisonous part is not here. The most poisonous part lies in the crimes listed here.

These crimes hardly involve military and national affairs, but only trivial matters. Some people may ask, how lethal can such trivial matters be to people? A hundred mortal sins are not as lethal as one mortal sin. It would be a big mistake to think so.

Because these trivial things refer to personal ethics!

In the literary world, private morality directly reflects character!

The holy way governs the world, and half of the saint's words are about character. If your character is lacking, you are violating the holy way!

Going against the holy way is no longer a trivial matter, it is a serious matter!

You are not worthy of being a human being, yet you still want to be an official?

Zhang Wenyuan's back was instantly covered in cold sweat, and a voice came to Lu Tiancong: Does Mr. Xiang know who is behind this?

Do you still know who it is?

Two words appeared directly in front of Zhang Wenyuan's eyes: Lin Su!

It's him!

It must be him!

It's not just him who has this understanding. Who among the people in the audience doesn't have this understanding? Even Zhang Juzheng, who knew nothing about it beforehand, was the first person who thought of Lin Su when he saw the big-character posters all over the city.

This bastard is going to turn the world upside down!

Zhang Juzheng sighed inwardly, but it was undeniable that he was also happy...

When His Majesty came to court and stepped onto the high platform, his face was also clouded because he had already known about the situation of this big-character poster...

He also locked Lin Su in his heart, and if possible, he also wanted to chop Lin Su into tiny pieces.

However, being on a high platform, he could only press down.

After the official business was discussed, Duan Shangao stepped forward: I am impeaching Zhang Wenyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of War. First, he is unfilial! He committed adultery with his aunt and betrayed human relations. He is worse than a beast! Second, he is unkind! His aunt gave birth to a son for him, but he killed him! Third...

He listed seven deadly sins in one breath, including unfilial piety, benevolence, justice, loyalty, and disloyalty...

As a literary scholar, unlike simply listing crimes on this big-character poster, he can find the corresponding taboos of the holy way in every article...

Deng Hongbo stepped forward to make up for the damage...

Li Yangze stepped forward to make up for the damage...

Li Junfeng stood up...

His Majesty's imperial edict: Zhang Wenyuan, the Minister of War, has violated his personal ethics and is dismissed from his post as Minister of War. The Jingzhao Yin Mansion will comprehensively investigate the crimes listed by the Zhang family and respond to the concerns of the people...

Zhang Wenyuan, the prestigious Minister of the Ministry of War, a high-ranking second-rank official in the imperial court, and a close confidant of His Majesty, was pulled down like this.

At the end of the court, all the officials dispersed.

In Zhongshu Province, the door is closed, and Lu Tiancong and Zhao Xun are sitting there.

Mr. Prime Minister, did this ordinary trick work like this? Zhao Xun let out a long breath.

Lu Tian slowly raised his gaze: Do you think this trick is child's play?

Zhao Xun said: None of these so-called crimes are on the table, they should all be collected from the market...

Yes! These things are not on the table. It's harmless to take them out individually. It's harmless to mention them in a small area. But when they come together and spread throughout the city overnight, it's terrible to hijack the entire city. It's not a child's play. , it has insight into people's hearts! It not only has insight into the hearts of the people in the city, but also... His Majesty's Sacred Heart! Lu Tian followed.

Your Majesty’s Sacred Heart…

Zhao Xun thought about it and completely understood.

This strategy is designed for His Majesty!

It detonated the whole city's people and formed an overwhelming reputation. If His Majesty does not deal with Zhang Wenyuan, the saying the court harbors filth and people's evil will take root among the people. If Zhang Wenyuan stands in the court for one more day, His Majesty will be harmed even more. image.

His Majesty is faced with a choice, do you want your own reputation or Zhang Wenyuan?

So, the first person to stand up to impeach Zhang Wenyuan today is not Deng Hongbo from their faction, but Duan Shangao! Zhao Xundao said.

Duan Shangao is not involved in party disputes and is only loyal to His Majesty. When he stands up for impeachment, you should understand that Your Majesty has made a choice!

Zhao Xun was sweating faintly on his back: Prime Minister, if this person opens this door, there will be endless troubles.

No one in the court is a sage, and everyone has their own shortcomings. No one has made a fuss about these things before. Firstly, the fuss was not big, and secondly, it was not on the stage. However, what happened today told them, There is a way to make these things bigger. Once they are made bigger, the quantitative changes become qualitative changes, and the results will be completely different.

Yes! It can easily overwhelm the public opinion of the city and form a subversive tide of public opinion, opening an extremely dangerous door. Today it is Zhang Wenyuan, tomorrow it may be you and me, but what about the day after tomorrow? Is it possible that it will be...? He He pointed his finger lightly towards the sky.

Zhao Xun stood up suddenly: Prime Minister, does your Majesty know the seriousness of this matter?

How could your Majesty not know? Lu Tiancong said: Go back!

When the whole city was trampling the reputation of eight generations of Zhang family's ancestors under the mud, Lin Su finally woke up, pushed open the door of the inn, leisurely went downstairs, had something to eat, and went to work along the street.

Yes, he still has classes to attend, the Inspection Department.

Now he has been promoted to the fourth rank, but it is only a change in rank. The place where he works has not changed, and the errands he does have not changed - it is still a matter of bad eyesight.

When he entered the Supervision Department, he felt the different looks in the eyes of the people around him. What kind of looks were they?

The look in someone's eyes that talks behind someone's back.

When Lin Su turned around, those people were doing their own things, with expressions of nothing on their faces, but Lin Su turned his back, and the weird eyes behind him came again.

He enters his office.

The chief follower Li San came over immediately and knelt down: See you, sir!

Li San is really a very special person in the Supervision Department. The most special thing is that he is free!

Other senior officers were busy following their superiors, but he had only met his superiors three or four times in a year and a half. Lin Su's office almost became his exclusive office.

What about the second one? He is also very moisturized.

Other Changsui earns more than one tael of silver a month, but what about him? Lin Su gave him money twice, one hundred taels and one thousand taels. The task he gave him was: spend money on me!

Since Lin Su left Beijing during the Lantern Festival, Li San has been working hard to spend money.

With this kind of gameplay, can you keep Chang Sui alive all over the world?

Lin Su finally returned to the Supervision Department again, and Li San was so excited that his face flushed: Master Qinglian has made great achievements in discussing Taoism, and the villain already knows...

Let's put the flattery thing aside! Lin Su said: Tell me, what happened today? Why are everyone in the department so weird?

Li San's expression was also a bit strange: Sir, news just came that His Majesty issued an imperial edict to dismiss Zhang Wenyuan from the post of Secretary of the Ministry of War, and asked Jingzhao Mansion to investigate the Zhang family's problems.

Lin Su was so surprised: Is this happening? What is the crime?

Li San took out a piece of paper and handed it to Lin Su with a strange expression...

Lin Su opened it and looked at it, her eyes were huge: Master Zhang is very open-minded. He even fucked his aunt and even had a son. This is unheard of. What should I call this son? It's really a question. It's not appropriate to call him daddy. It’s not appropriate to call me brother…”

His scream was loud and came out through the crack in the door. People in the nearby offices all showed expressions as if their teeth were sore.

Even Li San had the urge to close the door.

Sir, can you be more hypocritical?

Never heard of it? Everyone in the city suspects you did it!

To be disrespectful, even I think so!

If you didn't act so exaggeratedly, I might still suspect that I'm suspicious of someone behind the scenes. If you act so exaggeratedly, it must be you! Because there is no way you only know about this now. There are tens of thousands of such papers posted all over the city. Wherever there are people, everyone knows about it. How could you not know?

Lin Su put away the paper in his hand: Close the door! This kind of matter that concerns the court officials should not be spread after leaving the house. Mr. Zhang is shameless, and we have to have some face.

Yes! Li San ran to close the door, and Lin Su sealed it with his hands!

Okay, tell me, how have you been these past few months? Lin Su sat down lazily, with his feet raised on the coffee table.

Li San's face looked like a flower blooming...

In the past two months, Li San had been feeling like a dream...

He has never had money in his pocket, and he has never had the experience of being able to help others at will. Chang Sui is actually at the bottom of society. The dirty work, hard work, and dark work are his, and he is the one who takes risks and risks. There were no benefits, but under Lin Su, it was completely overturned.

There is no dirty work, no tiring work, no dark work, no risk, only scenery.

Invite people to dinner, give people gifts, ask others to borrow money when they have no money, and always respond to requests. This is not a long-term follower, but an uncle...

Thousands of words condensed into one sentence: The care and love of adults will never be forgotten in this lifetime...

Lin Su smiled: Have you spent all the money?

As soon as these words came out, Li San felt a little embarrassed: Sir, this is where I can't help you. I spent more than 800 taels of money, but there are not many useful messages.

He unscrewed the long sword he was wearing, took out a few pieces of paper from the hilt, and handed it to Lin Su.

Lin Su unfolded it and was a little surprised...

This piece of paper records the stains of several people, including Zhao Xun, Zuo Kuanzhou, Lu Tiancong, and Li Zegang. Of course, the one with the most stains is Zhang Wenyuan. Zhang Wenyuan recorded four stains, three of which were On this piece of paper today.

Li San, you know your stuff!

Lin Suzhen, the conscience of heaven and earth, did not arrange a specific task for him, so he only gave him one thousand one hundred taels of silver, but he just collected a bunch of clues, and the people who collected the clues were all his enemies in the officialdom. A long-term follower who deliberately makes friends with other long-term followers naturally serves his parents, and Li San obviously knows Lin Su's intentions and has already handed him the test with practical actions.

These are nothing, what’s even more awesome is that he actually knows who Lin Su’s real opponent is!

Not to mention Zhang Wenyuan and Zhao Xun, they are on the table. Almost everyone in the capital knows that they are Lin's opponents.

But Zuo Kuanzhou and Li Zegang are not known to ordinary people.

As the prime minister, Lu Tiancong was the leader on the left side of the court. In the eyes of ordinary people, he was not involved in factions or party disputes. Even the officials were difficult to determine. Lu Tiancong had ruined Lin Su, a controversial figure. Some are more famous than others.

Li San actually knew!

Lin Sude thinks highly of this long-term follower, what a talent!

Talent should be rewarded!

Lin Su raised his hand and handed another three thousand taels of silver to Li San: Li San, actually I just have more money and a better heart. I really don't want to make trouble with anyone. With this money, you Take whatever flowers you want...

Li San held the three thousand taels in his hand, and for a moment he didn't know where he was.

Three thousand taels, sir, are you really not afraid that I will take the money and abscond?

Lin Su took a sip of tea and asked a question casually: Do you know the eldest son of Zhou Zhang's family?

Li San was suddenly startled: Sir, are you talking about...Xingtai Yushi Zhou Zhang?


There was a bit of surprise and a bit of doubt on Li San's face, but he still spoke: Sir, Yushi Zhou is dying.

Lin Su was slightly shocked: I'm about to die? What do you mean?

Zhou Zhang is about to die, and the coffin and white silk are ready. Maybe today, or maybe three or five days later, Zhou Zhang will die. Yesterday, Li San met with Zhou’s parent, and the elder said with emotion, Lord Zhou is a What a good master. If he leaves now, I wonder who he will follow in the future...

Lin Su frowned and asked, is there any illness?

Li San said that Zhou Zhang's illness was really strange. Even his personal attendant didn't know what was going on. You must know that one month ago, on his birthday, Zhou Zhang had written Half life is full of wind and rain, half life is wave, half life is without life. The poem Words are made in vain, at that time, he was high-spirited and full of energy. But who would have thought that in less than a month, he would reach the point where he needed to prepare a coffin?

Lin Su left the Supervision Department.

As soon as he left the Supervision Department, at a window on the second floor of the Supervision Department, Zhu Shiyun gently lowered the three-inch curtain and turned to Lei Zheng opposite.

Lei Zheng was sipping a cup of tea: Leaving?

Let's go! Zhu Shiyun raised his hand and frowned: Sir, I still feel that what happened today was probably his fault.

Nine times out of ten? Haha... Lei Zheng said: There is no need to be so conservative.

Nine times out of ten we are still conservative, this is 100% certain!

Zhu Shiyun fixed his gaze on Lei Zheng's face: Sir, use public opinion as a knife to hurt others and yourself. If this trend is not eliminated, everyone in the officialdom will be in danger.

Yes, who would have thought that once the public criticism that everyone will experience is magnified to the extent that everyone in the city knows about it, it will turn into an unsolvable murder. This child has opened an extremely dangerous door. If anyone follows this However, in the officialdom, who can ensure that he is alone?

Yes, sir, we cannot allow this troublemaker to mess up the officialdom and put everyone in danger.

Lei Zheng: Your Majesty and Prime Minister, can't you see this? The problem is that this person has just obtained the Wen Dao Aoki Order. The most powerful means in the officialdom are completely ineffective against him! This person received Wen Dao Aoki Order yesterday. Ling, you showed your fangs unscrupulously today, you really judge the situation and advance and retreat in a measured way...

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