Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 407: A verbal battle with the officials in the Golden Palace

The light in King Chen's eyes flashed, but then slowly disappeared: I really wish that you and I could be so honest in my house that day. If I had listened to your words at that time, I might really be full of confidence, but now, I can no longer see hope, the military has been wiped out, it is difficult for the court to intervene, and most importantly, the literary world, which I had placed the greatest hope on, has now become the greatest curse.

The literary world? Who are you referring to?

Qu Feiyan, the dean of White Deer Academy.

Has he become the biggest disaster? Lin Su's heart was pounding.

Do you know how the three commanders I just listed ended up like this? They have military power. If they don't die, no one will dare to touch their families, and it is not feasible to kill them. After all, they are in Who can move the military camp? However, the power of literature and Taoism made the impossible possible, and all three of them died in the literary world. This literary world is called 'Wanfa Guizong', which is the world of calligraphy!

All laws return to the sect, is this the literary world of Qu Feiyan?

Unique signature! King Chen said.

The light in Lin Su's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at the horizon for a long time...

What? Do you have any ideas?

I have also entered other people's literary world, and I know the horror of murder in the literary world... Lin Su said: But murder in the literary world is the most secretive. If you don't want others to discover it, others will not be able to discover it. How can you do it? knew?

King Chen said...

He was his most trusted insider. He had invisibility and could hide beside He Fang in the northwest military city, delivering information to him at any time. At that time, Qu Feiyan used the literary world to kill He Fang. He saw it with his own eyes. Afterwards, he This news was quickly delivered to King Chen, who was also killed just after it was delivered.

Who is this person? Lin Su said.

His name is Zhou Zili, and his father is Zhou Zhang, the third-rank imperial censor of the imperial court. Zhou Zhang committed a serious crime ten years ago, and he should have been executed. But I couldn't bear it and saved his family. So, if we talk about the imperial officials, If there is anyone you can trust, you might as well believe in him.

Lin Su bowed deeply: As I said before, no matter how far you go, don't give up! Farewell!

Silently, Lin Su rose into the sky and disappeared.

Ge Xin appeared in front of King Chen: Your Majesty, have you handed over all the information today?

Every time we meet may be the last time we meet. If you don't say some things, you may never have the chance to say them again. It's better to say them once.

Don't think so. Didn't he say that? You should remain useful. One year will bring changes, and three years will bring three years of changes...

When I was young, I was very passionate, but the world has passed away, and now I know that some things cannot be changed by human beings. King Chen gently stroked Ge Xin's hair: If there is a time of death, don't do it for me. Work hard, if one day you can reach the pinnacle of martial arts and do something big for me to comfort my soul...

The next day, Lin Su was ordered to enter Beijing.

In Zhang Haoran's view, risks and opportunities coexisted when he entered Beijing this time. His information came from his grandfather Zhang Juzheng, and his meaning represented Zhang Juzheng's meaning.

From the perspective of Lu Yi and Sister Chen, it was a happy event. Her husband was about to be promoted, and everyone was preparing to celebrate. To celebrate, Lu Yi showed off her best skill and sang to Lin Su with her king-level singing voice. After listening to The Legend of White Snake once, the singing voice was a whole level higher than what she heard from the recording stone.

Lin Su accepted the joy of his daughters-in-law. He always smiled, praised when he needed it, and relaxed when he needed to. However, when he rose from home, the smile on his face disappeared without a trace. , replaced by seriousness and calmness.

Because he knew that this trip was by no means optimistic.

King Chen’s special warning yesterday was by no means groundless.

Although he had just suffered a disaster in the early stage, he still had extremely secret information sources in the capital, and his information sources were more reliable than Zhang Juzheng's.

It's not that Zhang Juzheng's status is not high enough. The key is that Zhang Juzheng has been exposed. The officials all know that Zhang Juzheng and Lin Su are two men on the same line. If there is a conspiracy against Lin Su, how could he be caught by him? Discover?

King Chen said that the court officials had devised a conspiracy, and that the conspiracy was most likely related to Qinglian's Taoism, so there must be a conspiracy!

However, Lin Su repeatedly took stock of Qinglian's theory, but could not find any point that could give him a fatal blow.

Forget it, let’s take advantage of it!

As Lin Su increased his speed, it took him less than a day and a night to travel three thousand miles.

At dawn, he had already seen the towers of the capital.

With a shout, Lin Su fell from the sky and landed outside the gate of the capital.

This is the rule for officials returning to Beijing. They cannot fall directly in the city, but can only fall on the entrance platform to Beijing.

As soon as Lin Su arrived, the two waiters in yellow in front of the Beijing platform raised their heads at the same time...

Your Majesty has decreed that as soon as Lin Su arrives, he will go to the palace to meet you immediately!

According to the order! Lin Su cupped his hands...

Above the Golden Palace, it was the morning dynasty. His Majesty listened to the personnel investigation plan of the Minister of Civil Affairs and the report of spring plowing by the Minister of Civil Affairs. During the whole process, the atmosphere was harmonious.

At this moment, a report came from outside: Lin Su has arrived.

His Majesty raised his hand gently: Xuan!

Meet Lin Su! the eunuch next to him shouted.

A person outside the palace gate relayed: Lin Su comes to see you!

In the blink of an eye, the call passed through the Zhengde Hall and reached Lin Su's ears waiting on the steps outside.

Lin Su straightened her clothes, walked step by step along the white steps, and entered the dazzling yet majestic Zhengde Hall.

Your Majesty, Lin Su, see you! Lin Su knelt down.

The two groups of ministers looked sideways at the same time. On the high platform, His Majesty said: Lin Aiqing Qinglian has worked hard on discussing Taoism!

The tone is friendly.

Lin Su replied: Fighting for the country, I dare not speak out about the hardships.

His Majesty said: Well said, when fighting for the country, I dare not speak out about hardships. Qinglian talks about Taoism and promotes the prestige of our country. I am very pleased. Those who have made meritorious services must be heavily rewarded. Lin Aiqing comes forward to accept your official uniform. Official seal!

Lin Su stepped forward and reached the front. A eunuch above held up a golden plate with both hands. Inside was a set of fourth-grade official uniforms and a brand-new official seal. Lin Su returned the original fifth-grade official seal and received a new fourth-grade official seal. Official seal and official uniform, kneel down and kowtow to express gratitude.

His Majesty said with a pleasant look: Lin Aiqing, I have called you to the capital for this matter. This matter is over, you can leave!

Yes! Lin Su bowed and retreated.

Zhang Juzheng on the right opened his eyes suddenly. It would obviously be the best thing for Lin Su to quit like this, but he knew that something would happen at this moment.

As soon as he opened his eyes, someone came out, it was Gao Green, Minister of Civil Affairs.


After saying these two words, Lin Su stopped. Sure enough, it was here!

Your Majesty is not willing to take action personally. He will only be a benevolent king. Naturally, there is someone else who fights Lin Su face to face with gongs and drums.

Gao Green bowed upward: Your Majesty, there was a tragedy in the Haining Jiangwu Department the day before yesterday. There are many doubts. I would like to ask Mr. Lin a few words. I hope your Majesty will allow it.

His Majesty pondered slightly: The matter of the Haining Jiangfu Department is of great importance, so it would be good for the two dear ministers to communicate with each other.

Thank you, Your Majesty! Gao Green turned to Lin Su: Sir Lin, the day before yesterday you made a sudden inspection of the Haining Jiang Affairs Department. I don't know what the reason was?

Lin Sudao: As soon as my official Qinglian returned from discussing Taoism, he heard about a horrifying incident, so he decided to inspect the Jiangwu Department.

A creepy event?

All the court officials in the palace were shocked at the same time...

What kind of big event?

Lin Sudao: The Jiangwu Department, under the leadership of Du Quan, wants to destroy the river embankment in the northern section of Haining. This river embankment is the real key to protecting the Shili River Beach in Haining. Once destroyed, the river will be flooded during this rainy season. The embankment will be destroyed, and the lives of the 300,000 people on Haining's river beach are like eggs. Is this a major event involving 300,000 lives? I don't dare to take it lightly!

Is this happening? A loud shout came from the right, it was Zhang Juzheng.

The voice was extremely serious.

All the courtiers in the palace were also talking about it.

Everyone is a sensible person, and they all know that Gao Gelin suddenly came out today, pointing his sword at Lin Su, to attack Lin Su, but no one could have expected that Lin Su would drop a bombshell as soon as he opened his mouth, pointing the finger directly at Jiang Wusi, and wanted to He killed 300,000 people. Once this accusation is proven, Gao Green will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die.

Reply to Lord Zhang! Lin Su turned to Zhang Juzheng: This is absolutely true. The Jiangwusi destroyed the embankment and the people protected the embankment. Haining Prefect Yang also led people to confront the Jiangwusi. Hundreds of thousands of eyes witnessed it with his own eyes. , how to fake it? Moreover, Jiang Wusi did such evil things and pushed the accusation to the higher level, saying that it was the higher level's instruction. The lower official was about to ask Gao Shangshu whether what your son-in-law did was really yours. Instruction?

At this point, his eyes were like daggers, firmly locked on Gao Green.

Zhang Juzheng also turned around suddenly and stared at Gao Gelin.

Gao Green's face darkened: That's nonsense. How could a son-in-law come from above the officialdom? What does his actions have to do with me?

Although he forcibly untied Du Quan from himself and pulled himself out, he was relieved and for a moment, he didn't know how to continue asking.


Zhao Xun took a step forward: It is rumored that the Yangtze River shipping passing through the Haining section has capsized repeatedly recently, causing countless casualties. The Jiangwu Department has also made inquiries everywhere. Some warlocks said that this is the worship of evil spirits. Perhaps Mr. Du was in a hurry and took the blame. Pointing directly at the cement embankment, although it seems to have been done too hastily, it is for the sake of safe shipping, so it is forgivable.

His words suddenly took the rhythm astray again, bringing it to the dead end that cement is a magic spell.

It is said to be a deadlock because it is His Majesty's decision. If the court dares to impose a cement ban, His Majesty's approval will naturally be obtained later.

Zhang Juzheng felt something in his heart and raised it. He was worried that Lin Su would fall into this trap.

Lin Sudao: Mr. Zhao, you said that the Haining section of the Yangtze River has capsized frequently, but you don't know when and what month? Who owns the ship? How many casualties are there?

Zhao Xun was startled: How can I explain the shipping matter clearly?

Lin Sudao: If you don't understand clearly, you don't have to speak up. When you speak, you need to have reasons and evidence! Please remember, Mr. Zhao, that this is the Golden Palace, and you are facing His Majesty! Making up lies, spreading lies, and misleading His Majesty is a lie!

You... Zhao Xun was furious.

Lin Su raised his hand slightly: Mr. Zhao, if you can't explain things clearly, your subordinates can explain them clearly! In the 17th year of Yuanyou, 32 shipping accidents occurred in the Haining section, with 325 casualties; in the 18th year of Yuanyou, 38 accidents occurred , 482 people were killed and injured... In the ten years before the river embankment reconstruction, an average of 34 accidents occurred each year, and an average of 312 people died each year. However, after the river embankment reconstruction, there was not a single shipping accident on the water surface of Haining forty miles in a year and a half! Why? ? When building the river embankment, Haining scooped up big rocks, rotten wood, and tree roots from the river, dredged and reorganized the river! Those who say that shipping on the Haining section of the Yangtze River has repeatedly capsized in recent days may be ignorant, blind, or have ulterior motives!

Zhao Xun had black lines running across his face. The dignified Dr. Zuo, a second-rank official, was scolded by Lin Su in public and was unable to respond.

Zhang Juzheng gave a thumbs up in his heart. Lin Su did not talk about whether cement was a magic weapon. He just cited some examples and directly refuted the theory of cement magic.

Brilliant, really brilliant!

The two second-grade officials were all silenced by Lin Susan's two words.

Li Zegang, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, stood up and said: My lords, the topic has gone off the rails. Today is not about shipping, but why Jiangwusi's Yamenmen committed a major case of killing court officials. Lord Lin, what do you have to say about this?

Yes, everyone's thoughts are back.

Today's theme is still the massacre of Haining's Jiangwu Division. A formal court organization was left without a single person, creating the biggest official scandal since the founding of the People's Republic of China. This matter should have an outcome no matter what.

Lin Sudao: What Mr. Li said is strange. Why did the Haining Jiangwusi Yamen kill the court officials? Isn't it something that you, the Minister of Punishment, should figure out?

Li Zegang became mute again and pondered for a moment: I thought... Mr. Lin was there at the time and should know some things that others don't know.

It's disappointing to Mr. Li. The lower official is not familiar with the Jiangwu Division. Mr. Gao is both the chief official of the Jiangwu Division and the father-in-law of the Jiangwu Division. So he should know something about the Jiangwu Division. Li Sir, why don’t you ask Sir Gao.”

A ball was kicked back like this again.

Several adults took turns to attack, and so far they were all disgraced.

When everyone looked at each other, they also felt helpless.

Yesterday, a fatal topic they imagined was completely useless!

This topic is criminal theory: No one would rush to put a beheading evidence on his head because he is afraid that others will expose his crime. Therefore, there must be something wrong behind the case of Jiang Wusi's family extermination.

They didn't mention it today because it would be useless to mention it.

Lin Su would not object to this conclusion. He would just follow the pole and say, Yes, I also think there is a problem behind it. Mr. Li, you are the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. You should find out this problem. This is your responsibility.

If His Majesty really issued this imperial edict and asked Li Zegang to solve this case, Li Zegang would definitely have a huge headache.

That's causing trouble for himself!

At this moment, a voice came from outside the Golden Palace: Your Majesty, Wei Xinyu, Wang Chengcheng and other six Qinglian Grandmasters are asking to see you at the same time.

His Majesty was slightly shocked: Six Grandmasters of Qinglian asked to see you at the same time? What happened?

Master Wei said that it involves a serious incident in Qinglian's Taoism...


Wei Xinyu, Wang Chengcheng, Yang Su, Zhou Hongyu, Xiang Yeqiu, Xie Yun... have an audience!

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Juzheng. There were also question marks in Zhang Juzheng's eyes...

Regarding the matter of Haining Jiangwu Division, Lin Su has passed the test so far. When he was pleasantly surprised, this matter suddenly appeared. This was something he did not expect. There was no news beforehand, but he was sensitively aware of it. Come on, this may be another killer move of the other party.

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