Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 364 Meeting Qinglian

Of course they are the four most talented women in the capital - including Princess Yufeng.

Princess Yufeng is still gorgeous, Lu Youwei is still delicate, Bi Xuanji is still unchanging despite the weather, the only thing that has changed is Xie Xiaoyan, today she has washed away the lead flowers, picked off the pearl flowers, and looks four or five years younger than before. Years old, only in the wonderful eyes, the ever-changing scenery of the past is still vaguely visible.

Xie Xiaoyan changed because of one thing: she resigned from the building!

She is no longer the top oiran in the Jade Pavilion.

Resigning from the building has been her dream for many years, but every time she proposed it, her mother vetoed it. Cuiyu Pavilion could not live without her. What about now? Four talented women's song The Legend of White Snake sent Cuiyu Pavilion to the top of the brothel in the capital. In exchange, Cuiyu Pavilion returned her freedom.

On the much-anticipated trip to Qinglian, His Majesty personally toasted and sent off, and millions of people gathered in the capital. What an honor this is?

But he didn't come!

Is not being in the capital the reason?

No! The real reason is not this. If he really wants to come, he can still get there even if he is on the border of the North. If he doesn't come, it only means that he doesn't care about it at all!

This is his free and easy, heroic and unique style, but is this all? Not necessarily! Perhaps this also reflects another meaning. After all, he is incompatible with the orthodox literary world!

The former makes several women infinitely fascinated.

The latter made them slightly uneasy.

Haining, Haining rooftop!

An exquisite pavilion, supported by four pillars, with a poem engraved on the pillars: An old friend said goodbye to Haining Tower in the west. Fireworks descended from Quzhou in March. The shadow of the solitary sail disappeared in the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River could be seen flowing in the sky.

These are the Seven Eternal Rules that Lin Su wrote down with a bit of mischief before going to the capital for the imperial examination that day.

His original intention was to let Ding Hai, Yang Zhifu and Baoshan fight.

There was a fight between the three bosses. In the end, Magistrate Yang settled the matter with the official seal and took this original poem with strong regional characteristics into the government office. Ding Hai had no choice but to add a pavilion on the roof of his house. , and engraved this poem on it.

In other words, this poem was engraved here to truly fit the occasion. The scribes on the top floor who went to Haining Tower to dine would come up and sit down after eating and drinking.

Today, two people were sitting in the pavilion.

Ding Hai and Lin Su.

A few months ago, to be precise, after Lin Su returned from Xizhou, he entrusted Ding Hai with a task: to find Yingying's mother!

Lin Su promised Guo Yingying to find her mother. He didn't have much energy on his own, so he handed over the task to Ding Hai. The power behind Ding Hai was Baixiang Tower, but Baixiang Tower Lin Su knew Yes, when he went to Xizhou that day, he took Baixianglou's boat. Cai Zhulian told him that people from the Scimitar Sect did not dare to be presumptuous when boarding Baixianglou's boat. This shows how powerful Baixianglou's power is. .

A few months later, Ding Hai mobilized thousands of people from Baixiang Tower to search the entire Da Cang and the four countries surrounding Da Cang, but to this day, they still haven't found it.

Two hundred years is still too long a time span.

Two hundred years have truly been a time of great change.

The world's situation has long been greatly changed, and the people of the world have long been changed beyond recognition.

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, trying to find a person from two hundred years ago is ten thousand times more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

But there are still clues...

Mermaid Yanji back then was not an unknown person. Her cultivation was so advanced that she was well-known in the world of cultivation at that time. Some people said that she was trapped in the ancient magic circle on Yandang Mountain, because some people had heard her singing in the depths of Yandang; some said that she went to Wuxin Sea, and a top elder of the Bishui Sect saw her in Wuxin Sea with his own eyes; Some people also say that whether it is Yandang or Wuxinhai, it is just a part of her journey. Her ultimate goal is to cross Wuxinhai to find someone, who is her Taoist companion, her lover, or her daughter. biological father.

A bunch of clues were placed in front of Lin Su.

Lin Su was stunned.

Three clues, three possibilities, the first is to judge by sound, the second is to judge by eyes, and the third is to judge by logical reasoning.

No matter which one, there is a certain degree of credibility, but no matter which one, it is not the final answer.

Keep searching. It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen.

Putting the task of finding someone on Ding Hai's head again, Lin Su was ready to set off.

Today is the ninth day of February. The thousands of miles of Poyun Shuttle in the capital may have crossed the border of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, but he is still in Haining.

He has to go.

The next day, the sky was clear. Lin Su got up early. Lu Yi, Sister Chen, and Cui Ying were all there. They gave him a hug and a kiss to see him off. On the attic, an autumn water painting screen sat in the attic. When Lin Su's eyes moved towards her, she looked around and listened in all directions to make sure no one else was paying attention. She put her hand on her lips and gave him a kiss from afar...

Stepping out of the west courtyard, Qu Xiu and Yu Lou hugged their children and bid him farewell. Lin Su hugged the two little ones and kissed them lovingly. Xiao Lin Zhen even giggled and pulled his ears. , everyone laughed, saying that this little guy was so close to her uncle, even closer to her father.

Finally there is the old lady.

The old lady put on a festive dress today. Xiao Tao held a package in both hands and handed it to Lin Su: Sir, my wife has made you a set of clothes and a pair of shoes. Please take it with you.

The package was opened, and a set of scholar's clothes and a pair of cloth shoes lay quietly inside.

The lady smiled, with tears in her eyes: My mother doesn't know how to make shoes. I learned how to make these shoes from Mei Niang. They look very vulgar. Sanlang can just wear them.

Lin Su's heart surged with heat: Mom, I have written poems for countless people, but I have never written one for my mother. Let me write one for my mother today!

Hands together, gold paper comes out.

The precious pen falls and writes...

The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes on the wanderer's body, are tightly sewed before leaving, for fear of returning later. Whoever speaks from the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three rays of spring...The Wandering Son's Song is given to my mother.

When the pen falls, the colored light flows on the gold paper in unpredictable ways.

In the entire Lin Mansion, everyone was staring at this colorful light, and their hearts were beating. Is the poem I wrote before leaving five colors or seven colors?

Suddenly, green light filled the sky and earth, and green lotuses bloomed.

In the blue light, the song Wandering Son's Song rose into the sky and turned into big golden characters across the sky...

Legendary poetry! Green Yi shouted softly.

Legendary... The autumn water painting screen in the attic breathed out softly.

Oh my god... Qu Xiu and Yu Lou looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes. The eyes of the two little guys in their arms were wide open and their hands and feet were stretched wildly. They seemed to be excited too.

The sacred voice came from the sky: The ancient poem The Wandering Son is passed down from generation to generation. The thread in the hands of the loving mother, and the clothes on the wandering boy's body, are tightly sewed before leaving. I am afraid that I will be late in returning. Whoever speaks from the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three rays of spring. The author is Da Cang. Lin Su!

The entire Haining City looked up to Lin Mansion, and the brothel songs suddenly muted...

Outside the courtyard wall, Magistrate Yang, the eight great scholars from Haining Academy, Ding Hai and others all had bright eyes...

The holy voice in the air continued: There has been no filial piety among the ancient poems passed down from generation to generation. You Zi Yin fills this gap. It is really valuable. I will give you the cultural treasure 'You Zi Suo'!

A golden thread shot through the air, one end shot into Lin's mother's eyebrows, and the other end shot into Lin Su's eyebrows. The golden light disappeared in a flash, and Lin Su suddenly had a strange feeling. He could clearly feel his mother's presence. It seemed that no matter where he went, he could know his mother's position in the vast sea of ​​people.

Mother Lin raised her gaze, with tears in her eyes: Sanlang, no matter where you go, mother can feel where you are.

Lin Su opened her arms and hugged her mother gently: Mom, the same is true for children!

Saying goodbye to his mother and the group of great scholars outside, Lin Su rose into the sky and broke into the sky...

Above the sky, a picture passed through his mind...

Two hundred years ago, a lonely figure stepped out of the West Sea, leaving behind a young life, waiting quietly under the sacred tree. Two hundred years later, this young life finally broke out of its shell and was born, but was never found again. The person who left her in the first place.

This is the biggest sadness in Yingying’s life!

What about himself?

On the first night he entered this new world, he understood what mother was! Even though this mother was just his physical mother, she still gave him irreplaceable maternal love.

Each of his literary achievements shocked the world, but brought excitement and glory to his mother. Even the ancestor worship that he didn't like was actually soaked in his mother's deep love.

He flew higher and higher, gradually flying out of his mother's sight.

His mother's guidance to him became less and less, but her secret concern became deeper and deeper.

He heard Xiaoxue say that since the day he entered Xizhou, his mother had been suffering from insomnia. Many nights, she got up in the middle of the night, opened the west window, and stared into the deep sky for a long time.

That is the deepest concern, that is the most pure and pure motherly heart!

Today, I exchanged a piece of Wandering Son's Song for a Wandering Son's Rope. This cultural treasure may not have any practical significance, but it is the gift that Lin Su most wanted to give to his mother.

Clouds suddenly floated ahead, and a lotus platform appeared out of thin air. Lin Su was included in it silently. Lin Su raised his eyes and saw Li Guihan.

Li Guihan smiled lightly: I heard that yesterday, at the gate of the Gongyuan in the capital, His Majesty personally led hundreds of civil and military officials to see off the Qinglian team, which was regarded as the highest honor in the literary world. I regret that you missed this event. Now it seems that it is not necessary. Come on! You wrote a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation to send you off by yourself, which is ten times more high-end than His Majesty’s farewell wine!”

This is true. It is indeed rare for His Majesty to bid farewell with wine, but how many people have passed down the poems passed down from ancient times to the present?

His Majesty's farewell wine can be copied, and his farewell poems handed down from generation to generation are rare.

Lin Su smiled softly: My mother has been a little disappointed in the past two years.

Lost? That's not true, right? Li Guihan expressed surprise: Her son has become the number one scholar in the world, and she is still disappointed?

It's not as you understand. In the past, my mother always scolded us and showed us the way. She was very present. But now, we are flying higher and higher. She can no longer show us the way, and she will be confused. She will be disappointed, and this loss has nothing to do with whether we have met her expectations, but that she has begun to doubt herself, whether she is worthy, and whether she can keep up with her son's footsteps...

Li Guihan's heart was also quietly touched: Actually, I am like this too! Since I became a Taoist, my mother has not dared to train me or give me guidance. Although I feel a lot more relaxed, I still feel a little strange. Parted. Sometimes when I travel far away from home, I see her leaning against the window through the jade cicada... It's a pity that I don't have your talent and can't write such a poem...

This may be a unique relationship between parents and children...

When their children are young, their parents scold and guide them, hoping that their children will be obedient and on the right path.

When their children have truly gone on the road and reached heights that even their parents cannot reach, their parents have changed and they no longer dare to reprimand and guide their children because they know that their position and knowledge are no longer enough to guide them. , they worry that their command is blind, and they worry that they will delay the future of their children. As a result, they lowered their bodies and became cautious in front of their children. They talked less and were less affectionate. However, in the dead of night, when their children were traveling far away, when their children were climbing uphill and overcoming obstacles, they would still say: Concern, just this concern, they no longer talk about it, no longer tell their children, but condensed on the windowsill under the moon...

The floating clouds around the lotus platform were changing. In a moment, they had flown over Quzhou and entered Zhongzhou. Next, was the Pearl River.

Are you in a hurry today? Li Guihan asked him.

No hurry! Lin Su shook his head gently.

Today is the registration day for Qinglian Taoism. The official Taoism discussion will be in three days. You just need to arrive today. There is no rush. They were riding the Holy Treasure Daoxi. Daoxi traveled thousands of miles in an instant. If they spoke fast, they could reach it in an instant.

Then let's swim over slowly like this!

Dao Seal descended from the sky and walked along the water of the Pearl River. Under their feet were countless ships, including official ships and fishing boats. There were fishermen, villagers and literati on them. In the land of the South, flowers bloomed early. On the south bank of the Pearl River, spring flowers bloomed. They open up one after another, making the south bank of Zhushui shine like fire.

Lin Su frowned slowly: Why do I feel that the people below can't see us at all?

They had just passed by a ship, and he clearly saw several people on the deck looking at the scenery, and the seal passed over their heads without blinking.

Li Guihan smiled: The Daoxi is a sacred treasure. How many people can see it when it travels around the world?

Holy treasure!

The Holy Treasure is so amazing! Lin Su sighed.

Li Guihan smiled softly. The holy treasures, the treasures of saints, are indeed magical, but the seal and the cicada are actually nothing. They are just side branches among the holy treasures of literature and art. The real holy treasures of literature and art must be Paper, ink and pen……

Holy pen, one stroke opens the sky!

Holy ink, one touch becomes eternal night!

Holy paper, let me tell you a little story and you will know its horror...

Does Zangzhou know? One of the thirteen states of the Nine Kingdoms, Mianzhou originally had seventy-two valleys. Among them, the Blood Valley gathered a large number of murderers. These murderers transformed the Blood Valley, built cities, and turned the Blood Valley into the world-famous Fierce Valley. Thousands of years ago, , the Confucian sage traveled here, and a piece of white paper flew out, covering the Blood Valley with a radius of three thousand miles. The peaks of the entire Blood Valley disappeared, the valleys were filled up, and it became a big desert. The Confucian sage left a sentence: seal the Blood Valley with a blank piece of paper, leaving it to future generations to draw their grand plans.

Lin Su was stunned. A piece of white paper covered the evil valley with a radius of three thousand miles. From then on, the evil valley disappeared and became a vast desert!

What kind of method is this?

Even worse than gods...

Where's the holy inkstone?

If a piece of holy paper by a Confucian saint embodies elegance, then the holy inkstone embodies domineering power. Do you know Wuding Mountain? Li Guihan said: Wuding Mountain is a bridge between different worlds. If As long as the bridge is not destroyed, people from other lands can cross the border. Three thousand years ago, the Book Sage sacrificed a holy inkstone and smashed Wuding Mountain with one inkstone, destroying this fatal passage. Only then can this world have peace for thousands of years.

Wuding Mountain appeared in Lin Su's mind...

Broken walls and mountains, suspended in the air, were smashed by the calligrapher's inkstone...

Lin Su sighed deeply: Tell me about the holy pen and holy ink...

The holy pen and holy ink are what saints use most. The creation of the world can't be finished in a day or night. You only need to know one thing to understand its power. In the past, the soldier sage cut the dragon gate with one stroke, and a drop of holy ink will The three-thousand-mile sea area has turned into eternal night, and the peace agreement between the sea tribe and the human race is not so much negotiated as it is fought!

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