Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 336 That thing can’t be used again

How much do you know about what happened early this morning?

When Zhang Haoran heard these words, Lin Su regained consciousness, nodded slightly, and understood something...

You have to be careful, the court officials may use this matter as an article for you.

Um? Lin Su was slightly surprised: What does this matter have to do with me?

Everyone knows that it has nothing to do with you, but this matter is taboo. As long as it makes His Majesty Longyan furious, how can the officials not accuse you? And as far as I know, the angle they used to accuse you is still there. Somewhat lethal...

The third prince reported to His Majesty that Lin Su drank with King Chen before last year and got drunk...

The prince reported to His Majesty that Tianjiguan and Dingzhou Hou Dengnan worked together to obtain the secret recipe of Qulin's printing and dyeing workshop, which aroused Lin Su's dissatisfaction. Shortly afterwards, Tianjiguan committed a serious crime. In fact, the child always believed that the Tianjiguan incident Lin Su may be involved in it. This son’s tricks are ever-changing and his thoughts are unpredictable. My father must be more vigilant...

Lin Su was impressed!

Isn't His Highness the Crown Prince too shady?

It was clearly aimed at him, but secretly it was aimed at the third prince. Everyone knew that Dingzhou Hou Deng Nan was the third prince's watchdog! Deng Nan and Tianji Guan had jointly acted. Doesn't that indirectly prove that the third prince had an affair with Tianji Guan?

Tianji Guan is now my father's biggest enemy, and anyone who has an affair with Tianji Guan is a stain.

As soon as something happened to Tianji Dao Sect, the court turned into a mess. The conflict with each other has already begun, and will surely become more intense...

These things could not be finished in a day or a night. After dinner, the two of them put aside the chores in the court and walked along the Liuxiang River. Today is the Lantern Festival, and tonight is the annual Flower Street Parade. The rich and wealthy families in the city have all made floats, and now they have entered an intense rehearsal stage.

How do you arrange the float parade tonight? Should you ask your brothers to accompany you, or your sisters?

This topic is a bit embarrassing...

Lin Su looked at him: Is your sister back?

You know that she can't come back... If she were here, I'm afraid you wouldn't mention her. Zhang Haoran didn't know what he felt in his heart.


Before Lin Su made his final decision, a voice suddenly came from behind: Brother Lin! Brother Zhang!

Lin Su and Zhang Haoran turned around at the same time and saw a young man, Qu Zhe!

Brother Zhe!

Brother Qu!

Lin Su, Zhang Haoran, and Qu Zhe were candidates for the same subject in the palace examination that day. Although their status is now very different, they still use their old names to show that they do not forget their old friendship.

Brother Lin always doesn't go to Qu Mansion when he comes to the capital. My grandfather has some ideas. Otherwise, he will go to Qu Mansion during the Lantern Festival this year.

It’s good to go to Qufu!

At least Zhang Haoran thinks it's okay.

My sister is not here, so the guy in front of me is most likely traveling with those beauties from Xishan. If I am not careful, my sister will be pushed aside. As a brother, it is hard to say anything. There is nothing to do if he goes to Qu's house.

Lin Su nodded: Okay, Brother Zhang, I'm going to Qu's house. You don't have to accompany me tonight. Go with your new and immortal wife!

He and Qu Zhe walked towards Qu's house with a relaxed gait and a relaxed expression. From the outside, it looked like a normal visit to relatives, but Lin Su also knew that Qu Zhe came to invite him this time for something important.

Mr. Qu is a man who has become a spirit. Normally, he will never approach him directly. He will only talk to him about matters through literary communication. If he specially invites him to come to the house, it means that what he wants to say cannot be communicated through other channels. Method - he didn't even dare to use literary communication, which was considered absolutely private by ordinary people.

Entering Qu Mansion, the Qu family butler bowed deeply: Third Young Master, you haven't been here for some time.

Lin Su raised her hand and handed over a small bag: Today is still the Lantern Festival, so I'm stepping on the tail of the New Year to wish you a happy New Year.

Third Young Master is too polite. How could this little old man be so virtuous...

After some pleasantries, Qu Zhe and the housekeeper led him to the familiar study in front.

The study door opened, and Qu Wendong sat cross-legged. In front of him was a tea set. Although the Lin family porcelain is basically used by the Qu family, this tea set is old. It is the one that Mr. Qu has used for decades. .

Qu Zhe said: Brother Lin, you talk to grandpa, I'm outside!

After closing the door, the sound outside was immediately completely cut off. This study was in an absolute state of lockdown...

Old man! Lin Su cupped his hands.

Sit! Qu Wendong raised his hand gently.

Lin Su sat opposite him...

Qu Wendong said: You finally put it to use.

He was talking about the emperor in the Purple Gold Pavilion killed the emperor...

He told Lin Su about this.

Lin Su used this thing to destroy the sky with three green bamboos that day. After the incident, Qu Wendong once sternly warned him that this thing could not be used again.

But today, Lin Su still used it!

No one in the world linked this matter to Lin Su, except for one person, and that person was Qu Wendong.

As soon as Qu Wendong heard about this, he immediately understood that he was the one who did this shocking thing!

I'm sorry, old man, I violated the agreement between you and me, but please believe that this matter must be done!

I know! Since you want to do it, you have a reason to do it! Qu Wendong sighed: But once you do this, have you considered the unknown consequences clearly?

Lin Su slowly held up the tea cup: I've thought about it carefully!

Tell me, what are the consequences?

Your Majesty will truly make up his mind to eliminate King Chen!

This sentence is earth-shattering!

His Majesty has just issued a decree to confer title and praise on King Chen, and grant him the privileges that only a prince can have. He can come to the capital at any time and pay homage to the clan. That is the privilege of the prince.

However, he happened to say that His Majesty had made up his mind to eliminate King Chen.

And Qu Wendong was not surprised at all, and nodded slowly: This matter will make the absolute taboo public. Even if His Majesty blocks the world's mouth, he can't seal it at all. Only by clearing King Chen can he remove the fuel from the bottom and completely cut it off. The road to restoration. How do you predict His Majesty will act?

His first step will be to comprehensively investigate the power that King Chen secretly controls.

Qu Wendong raised his eyes with surprise: Do you know that King Chen has the power to control secretly?

“I don’t know which ones there are, but I know there must be some!”

King Chen's drunkenness and dreaminess were just an act.

Ge Xin admired King Chen.

King Chen is very well-informed, and he can receive even the top-level news in time. All this shows that King Chen is actually playing a big game in secret.

But Lin Su didn't intend to analyze this with anyone, even if it was Qu Wendong.

Qu Wendong did not go into details, and his topic turned to: What you did last night was to kill two birds with one stone. In addition to separating the Tianji Dao Sect from His Majesty, rescuing Princess Yufeng was also a masterstroke of yours, wasn't it?

It is said that rescuing Princess Yufeng is a real and out-and-out masterstroke. The whole plan has nothing to do with Princess Yufeng. Just mentioning the word Phoenix forced His Majesty to change the imperial edict.

Because Your Majesty cannot confirm the prediction of heavenly secrets!

As long as Princess Yufeng marries into Prince Jin's Mansion in Xunyang, Xunyang heard the Phoenix cry again will be fully fulfilled.

The chain reaction was enough to plunge him into deep quagmire and undo all his previous efforts. If he wants to eliminate the influence, he cannot let Princess Yufeng enter Xunyang!


I have come up with three reasons to save Princess Yufeng, but I don't know which reason is the most important to you...

What do you think……

The first reason is that you are loyal to King Chen! The second reason is that you are showing your sword to Dayu! The third reason is that you personally do not want Princess Yufeng to marry someone else...

Lin Su smiled: The first reason is not valid. King Chen's arms and legs are in danger, so it is not my turn to be loyal to him. The second reason is not valid, I have already shown my sword to Da Yu, no less than this time. The third reason is not valid. The reason is even more untenable. Old man, you are probably committing the old habit of young people, pushing others to your advantage!

Qu Wendong glanced at him and smiled: Then what is your real reason?

The real reason is... I'm playing games with the officials. They make me unhappy, so I make them unable to do anything they want to do!

Qu Wendong squinted at him, not sure whether this boy was telling the truth or a lie.

Generally among young people, he can see the Xiao Jiujiu in young people's hearts at a glance, and he can see even the most hidden ones, but he must also admit that the young man in front of him is an exception.

Okay, okay, forget it...

Qu Wendong added a cup of tea to him and started a different topic...

do you know? The top event of literary and Taoism will be held in the Qinglian Mountain of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, called Qinglian Lun Tao. A few days ago, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom sent its credentials. There are seven places in Da Cang. Don’t you want to fight for it?

Lin Su smiled: Old man, I know you want me to become famous in Qinglian, thereby increasing my weight, so as to attract support from all sides and increase my bargaining chips in the court. But you still think about it with your toes. You know, is this possible?”

Seven places per country.

The power of recommendation rests with the court boss, and the power of decision rests with His Majesty.

Would they recommend him?

Even if it is recommended, will His Majesty agree?

Think about it with your toes, it’s impossible, okay?

Qu Wendong nodded heavily: I also know that this is impossible, so I asked you, don't you have many ways? Think of a way to try?

I'm really too lazy to think about this method. There are a lot of things to do this year. I will go on inspection tomorrow.

Inspection? Qu Wendong jumped slightly: Which Zhizhou is so unlucky? If you leave, I'm afraid that people will fall on their backs again...

Lin Su rolled his eyes and stood up directly: I really have nothing to talk about with you. I'm going to talk to Brother Zhe about poetry...

In Qu Zhe's study, Lin Su corrected the poems that Qu Zhe had written these days. Qu Zhe was so happy that he would not say that his poems were mediocre, but his poems were top-notch in the capital circle. He also It's really hard to find someone who can review his lyrics, and the person in front of him can do it.

Sure enough, the words that had been polished for many days were still full of loopholes in Lin Su's eyes. Once he gave instructions, Qu Zhe immediately felt like he could clear the clouds and see the sun.

After correcting the words, Lin Su asked another question, how is the review of Commentary on the Holy Words going?

When he left Beijing that day, Lin Jialiang left all 13 Notes on the Holy Words written by Lin Su to Qu Zhe, and told him to study them carefully, but never show them to others.

Qu Zhe strictly followed the instructions and studied hard for most of half a year, but no one in Qu's family knew what he was studying.

Qu Zhe habitually looked out the window and quietly approached Lin Su's ear: Brother Lin, I'm really curious as to which master wrote these thirteen volumes of sacred annotations. I think even the dean of White Deer Academy , may not even be able to be written.”

I'm asking, how did you read? Lin Su glared at him.

Qu Zhe sighed: How was your reading? How should I put it? There is only one sentence: I feel that all the books I have studied for more than ten years have been in vain!

This sentence is the answer!

Even after just reading the thirteen volumes of Commentary on the Holy Words for more than half a year, he felt like he had read all the previous books in vain! These six months were the most important part of his academic journey.

Okay, I'm leaving!

Lin Su left Qu Mansion and when he stepped out of the courtyard, he looked back at a window. There was a person inside the window, about a foot away from the window. From the outside, it was almost invisible, but Lin Su knew that, He is Qu Jin.

The former Jin Gongzi is now a down-and-out man. He has been haggard for more than half a year. Has he come out of the shadow of the past?

Don't know, don't care!

Anyway, no one is counting on him as the third generation of the Qu family.

As God testifies, these six words no one counts on him are Qu Jin's biggest injury in the past six months.

In the past, wherever he went, he was the only hope for the third generation of the Qu family. His grandfather had high hopes for him, his father was proud of him, and the proud men of the Lingyun Poetry Society also regarded him as a person of the same level. They all looked down upon the world and inspired him. When writing, there is also a kind of pride that everyone is indifferent and only I am a flower.

But now, grandpa doesn't even have him in his eyes!

My father’s face also lost his pride!

The members of the Lingyun Poetry Society in the past became officials, fell into poverty, and broke the literary world. All of a sudden, they were completely changed beyond recognition.

The coordinates of his life were completely lost.

His young heart was already filled with the bleakness of the world.

Grandpa asked his father to tell him that only by getting out of the shadow of the past can he face his own life.

He really did this. For more than half a year, he studied poetry and books diligently without leaving home. He was no longer high-spirited and bossy to the girl. He thought that he had slowly come out and was no longer surprised by the favor and humiliation. But today Lin Su suddenly came to the door. He stood at the study window and looked outside, and suddenly felt that he was irritable again.

At night, the Liuxiang River is rippling with blue waves, illuminated by the red lanterns of tall buildings on both sides, making it as beautiful as a dream.

The moon is also at this time, rising from the distant top of Bailu Mountain, like a huge white jade plate.

The floats were moving on the streets and the crowds were buzzing.

Above the brothel, the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard faintly in the wind: People looked for him thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, he was there in the dim light...

This song The Sapphire Case will be sung throughout the entire world tonight, even in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States.

Just because it is a handed down poem written about the Lantern Festival.

The literary world has concluded that there is no other word after this word about the sapphire case on the Shangyuan Festival.

At the corner of the street, two people stood together. One was Lin Su. He was wearing a purple scholar's uniform and a purple turban. Damn, she is not a man, but a beautiful girl, Lu Youwei, one of the three most talented women in the capital.

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