Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 320 New Year’s Eve

On New Year's Eve, my wife held a family dinner in the main hall.

Lin Jialiang, Lin Su, Qu Xiu, Yu Lou, Sister Chen, Lu Yi and Cui Ying were present.

The Lin family is really full of happy events this year...

Lin Su is the number one scholar in high school and has everlasting splendor.

Lin Jialiang High School was a holy scholar and honored his ancestor Guangzong.

The two brothers both joined the officialdom, and the Lin family truly became a family of officials. Moreover, this family of officials was different from before. In the past, it was a family of military officers, but now it is a family of civilian officials. It took the Qu family a full hundred years to transform from the realization of a family of officials to a family of officials. Wu Zhuanwen's great turning point, and the Lin family, in just one year, went from being a poor family to a family of civil servants.

In the past two months, Qu Xiu and Yu Lou have given birth to children one after another. The Lin family members have been subtracting and finally adding. For the old lady, this makes her even happier than the previous one.

Also, the Lin family's business is really booming. During the day today, the Lin family's property inventory actually made a net profit of five hundred thousand taels...

All these things came together, and the lady drank five cups of Baiyunbian and became drunk!

When Lin Su and Lin Jialiang helped their mother into the room and onto the bed, the lady suddenly called out: Da Lang...

Then he fell down and fell asleep.

The two brothers looked at each other in the dark...

Lin Jialiang sighed softly: Mom misses my eldest brother!

Brother hasn't come back for ten years, right? Lin Su said.

Yes, I haven't seen my eldest brother for ten whole years.

The eldest brother Lin Zheng, a border general.

Da Cang Lu, a border general, is not allowed to leave the border without orders.

Most people, after ten or eight years, can always get an edict. Either a relative at home is seriously ill, or they have to leave the customs to run some other errands, and come home for a visit, or get married, or...

When Lin Dingnan was the commander-in-chief of Xueyuguan, Lin Zheng, as his son, was only thinking about making achievements. When his father returned home during the New Year, he guarded the border on his father's behalf. He really regarded Xueyuguan as his own.

After Lin Dingnan was killed, he was frustrated and really wanted to go home to reunite with his family, but his boss didn't allow it. Others could ask for family leave, but he just couldn't...

After his mother went to bed, the two brothers no longer had to stay up with their mother. They separated at the entrance of the east courtyard. Lin Su returned to the west courtyard. When he stepped into the west courtyard, a little depression in his heart disappeared, because the Nuan Pavilion was very lively, and the three daughters-in-law drank some wine. , making fun happily. Madam specially asked them to attend this year's Lin family dinner, and they were all very happy.

This means that Madam really regards them as her own family.

Xiaotao is here, Xiaoyao is here, even Xiaoxue is here, and of course, Liu Xinger...

Seven golden flowers gather together, and the spring scenery in the west courtyard is boundless...

Xiaoyao jumped up to Lin Su with snacks in her mouth: Master, tell us a story...

Xing'er laughed beside her: On New Year's Eve last year, it was you who pestered the young master to tell a story. In the end, you were so frightened that you refused to leave the west courtyard. It was Xiaotao who took you away. How dare you make such a request today?

Everyone laughed.

Last New Year's Eve, Lin Su talked about A Chinese Ghost Story. You can't be scared by the dark night, but the others were more or less scared...

Cui Ying just joined the Lin family this year and didn't know what happened last year. She quietly asked Lu Yi: What did you talk about last year?

My husband was so evil. He told a ghost story, which scared Sister Chen so much that she crawled into his bed in the middle of the night... Lu Yi explained to her in her ear.

Before she finished speaking, she was punched on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Sister Chen. Sister Chen faced her with a red face. Sister Chen remembered what happened on New Year's Eve last year too deeply. She really slept with Xing'er, but She slept until early in the morning, and this bad little girl carried her to her husband's bed in the dark night. She really didn't want to get into his bed... but no one believed her.

Okay, okay, instead of telling ghost stories this year, let's tell a fairy story...

Lin Su told the story of The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl...

As soon as the beautiful and touching love story begins, the seven golden flowers in the thermal pavilion are all obsessed...

The Weaver Girl came down to earth and took a bath by the pool...

The Cowherd herded the cow and took her clothes...

Then, the two went home, the man farmed and the woman weaved...

When a bully comes to visit, Weaver Girl uses a clever trick...

Eliminate interference and give birth to a son and a daughter...

Heaven was furious, the Queen Mother descended to earth, the Milky Way was divided, and lovers were not allowed to meet...

Seven years ago, the ox took off its horns and turned into a boat that ascended to the sky...

The magpie uses its body as a bridge to build a bridge for two people to meet. From then on, the seven past years in the world have become exclusive to love!

After the story was told, everyone in the room was intoxicated...

Lin Su clapped his hands: Okay, the task is completed, I will go back to the room...


The whole room woke up and started discussing this story...

This story is so beautiful. I have never heard such a beautiful story...

Needless to say? All of your stories are beautiful, even the ones about ghosts, let alone the ones about immortals...

He has to write this story down, otherwise someone else might want to take over it...

Yes, yes, the man in green hurriedly went to tell the young master...

But the man in green seems to be yearning for something far away...

Cui Ying touched her gently: What are you thinking about, so fascinated?

Lu Yi breathed out softly: I suddenly thought of a poem...

Which one?

Magpie Bridge Immortal! The clouds are making tricks, the flying stars are spreading hatred, the silver man is traveling far away in secret, the golden wind and jade dew meet, and they are defeated, there are countless people in the world... Do you feel that this poem is different from what the husband just said? The story is so detailed?

yes! The seven golden flowers all agreed that this poem was so in tune with this story.

It's almost like a melon grown on a vine...

Then the question comes... Lu Yi said: Does the story come first and then the poem? Or does the poem come first and then the story?

All the girls were stunned...

Does it matter?

Lu Yi nodded: It's a bit important! If the story comes first and then the words, my husband is very good at hiding it. He actually hid such a good story from us for a whole year! Who knows how many other good stories he has hidden?

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they wished they could pull Lin Su back and tell him all the stories in his belly...

What if the words come first and the story comes later? Cui Ying asked.

Lu Yi said: If he is thinking about this word and is worried about it, he makes up a story, it means that he... well, you can experience it for yourselves...

Cui Ying was stunned: He misses that little witch?

All the girls were stunned, their expressions were a little strange.

You have a bunch of wives in the west courtyard, haven’t you been fed yet? You are actually playing with the one in your arms and missing the one far away. How addicting is this?

Xiaotao's face turned a little red, and a wish that was firmly pressed in her heart bubbled up...

People in the West Courtyard may have some resentment towards Young Master's addiction, but she was different. She hoped that Young Master's addiction would be bigger and broader. It would be great if she could escape from the West Courtyard and face the entire Lin Mansion...

Where did your husband go? Are you really asleep? Luyi leaned into Sister Chen's ear and asked quietly.

You can go if you want... Sister Chen responded in her ear.

No, I'm thinking... is it possible that he ran to Qingqiu overnight...

What are you thinking about? Sister Chen glanced at her: My husband is really in the room. He hasn't gone anywhere. He is just dazing in front of the window...

Oh my God, I'm staring blankly at the window. It seems I really miss the little demon girl... Let's go to accompany him tonight. Let's see if the three of us sisters can bring our husband back...

Sister Chen was speechless and swallowed...

With all conscience, Lin Su really didn't miss Jiu'er.

He was in front of the window, but he was not in a daze.

He just left his soul, and his physical body left in front of the window could not move.

In the space inside the peach tree, the peach demon was sitting in a large peach blossom, staring at Lin Su who floated in: Is something wrong?

Lin Sudao: I brought you a jar of wine, but I can only put it on the window sill. I don't know if you can drink it.

On the small peach tree, a branch suddenly flicked and penetrated into the jar of wine. The wine in the jar on the windowsill quickly decreased, and a pool of crystal wine appeared on a large flower in front of the peach demon.

She can drink!

However, it’s not drinking from a cup in the conventional sense.

Are you just going to bring me a drink today?


There must be other things, right? It's okay to just say it. The peach demon raised his hand, and a peach leaf turned into a wine glass. He filled a glass of wine and brought it to his mouth. This is the human gesture of drinking.

I really have nothing else to do! Today is New Year's Eve, I'm here to accompany you!

The wine in Tao Yao's hand reached her mouth, and she stopped suddenly. She raised her eyes, a little complicated: New Year's Eve, I know it is the most important holiday in the world. You should reunite with your family.

They have friends, relatives, and sisters. They have people to talk to, play with, and stay up late with, but there is no one around you!

The peach demon's ancient heart, which had been imprisoned for thousands of years, was warmed by these words without any warning...

The Northern Frontier on New Year’s Eve.

Heavy snow falls in Dragon City.

The dark city wall is engraved with the wind and frost of the years, and is also engraved with the marks of the battlefield, including arrow marks, marks from flying stones, and blood marks. The blood of the ages has become a witness to the vicissitudes of this iron-blooded pass and has accompanied it. This magnificent pass has existed for hundreds of years. Even if it snows heavily, it can't cover it all.

Under the city wall, a large group of men and horses were ready to go, with a total of 50,000 people.

Black armor, bright silver weapons, the man stood silently, the horse was silent.

The Eight Riders slowly walked out of the city, passed through the long army, and walked all the way to the front. Stop!

The heads of the eight men and horses turned around, revealing eight resolute faces. It was none other than Longcheng General Li Xiaotian and his seven lieutenants.

My fellow soldiers, today is New Year's Eve, and the capital must be brightly lit, but we choose to go on an expedition at this time! Do you know why?

Li Xiaotian's voice turned into thunder and rolled over the 50,000-strong army, and everyone could hear it.

The deputy general Du Yuting next to him raised his arms and shouted: For the shame of the great blue, for the blood of men, for the tears of the four towns!

Well said! Li Xiaotian said: The four towns were originally my Da Cang territory for thousands of years, and the 57 million people in the four towns were all my Da Cang compatriots. The slaves of Da Yu Desolate occupied my four towns and killed thousands of me. Tens of thousands of compatriots, and even tens of millions of sisters, fell into the hands of Osumi, became prostitutes in the army, and were ravaged day and night. Today is New Year's Eve, and everyone celebrates it, but how do those sisters who live in foreign lands celebrate? How do the tens of millions of souls who died tragically at the hands of desert slaves rest in peace? ?”

Kill the Huang slaves and take over the four towns!

Kill the Huang slaves and take over the four towns!

Fifty thousand troops roared together...

The flag in Li Xiaotian's hand suddenly raised: The four suppressions of shame are still not over, and the hatred of the ministers, when will it be destroyed? Drive a long chariot through the gap in Helan Mountain... Let's go!

The army is dispatched, the clouds are rolling and the wind is flying...

The invincible Flying Dragon Legion, which was invincible in attacking Dragon City, came out of Dragon City on this New Year's Eve. Like a sharp sword, it tore through the snow curtain and the silent New Year's Eve, pointing directly at Qiyang Pass...

New Year's Day.

The same schedule was repeated last year. Mother Lin gave out a round of red envelopes to all the maids and servants in the hospital, with each person receiving at least five taels.

Sister Chen, Lu Yi, and Cui Ying from the West Hospital represented Lin Su and gave another round.

Quxiu and Yulou of the East Courtyard saw that the girls in the East Courtyard had received red envelopes twice, and felt that it was unreasonable not to give out a red envelope, so they also gave out a round of red envelopes.

On the first day of the new year, there were three rounds of red envelopes. Each girl and servant received more than ten taels of silver. They were all so happy that they almost went crazy. They wished they could go home immediately and give these red envelopes to their parents.

But they can't leave because they know that this year is different from previous years. This year there will be distinguished guests visiting the house to pay New Year's greetings.

The two young masters are both officials, one is the county magistrate and the other is the capital inspector. Of course there will be New Year visitors.

Soon, the New Year greeters arrived.

The first one to come was a county magistrate!

Zeng Shigui brought Xiuniang over, and Lin Su and Lin Jialiang greeted them at the same time. They hadn't seen each other for a few days. Xiuniang had grown plumper and had a rounder look, but Zeng Shigui revealed the truth in one sentence: Xiuniang is pregnant. Yes, the delivery date is estimated to be in autumn.

The two Lin brothers congratulated each other at the same time.

Xiu Niang bowed shyly: My husband and I have been together for eight years. In the past, our family was very poor and we didn't dare to give birth to a son and a half for my husband. Now that everything is peaceful, I have this thought.

Accompanied by the brothers, the couple paid New Year's greetings to the old lady. Then, Zeng Shigui accompanied the two brothers to listen to Jiang Ting's talk, while Qu Xiu and Yu Lou accompanied Xiu Niang, chatting about women's talk and childcare, and having fun. Two little guys, lots of fun.

The second person who came was a bit unexpected, it was Yang Tianze, the prefect of Haining.

Lin Su, Lin Jialiang and Zeng Shigui came out to greet him at the same time. Besides Yang Tianze, there was another person in the yard, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, Yang Chun!

As soon as Yang Chun saw Lin Su, he knelt down with a bang: Disciple Yang Chun, wish Master a happy New Year... Dong Dong Dong...

Then he turned and faced Lin Jialiang: New Year's greetings to my uncle! Dong-dong-dong...

I'm a little confused when it comes to Zeng Shigui. I don't know him. Please introduce me...

Lin Su scratched his head: This is Master Zeng!

New Year's greetings to Master Zeng... Dong-dong-dong...

Lin Su held up a red envelope, and Lin Jialiang held up a red envelope. Zeng Shigui touched everything all over his body, his face was a little red, and there was no red envelope on him...

Lin Su quietly handed him one, and then he successfully got over the embarrassment in front of him.

Three red envelopes were handed to Yang Chun. Yang Chun was so happy: Master, I'm going to pay New Year's greetings to my wife...

Get up and run to the west courtyard...

He went and the scene became normal...

Lin Jialiang bowed deeply to Magistrate Yang: Mr. Yang, you are older than our brothers and your position is higher than our brothers. You come to the government in person, how dare my brother be? It should be our brothers who come to the government to pay you New Year greetings... …”

Am I here to wish you brothers a happy New Year? You are so beautiful! Yang Tianze turned around and walked towards the main building carrying a small bag: I am here to wish the old lady a happy New Year!


The three of them were left looking at each other...

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