Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 313 Announcement of Xizhou Anmin

In this case, the only right choice is to live peacefully with the mermaid.

This is helplessness, this is compromise!

However, there is a skill to this compromise. You can't just tell everyone in the world that the mermaid clan is very tough and I can't bite it, so forget it...

So here comes the usefulness of the Confucian scholars in the court.

They are responsible for making excuses!

They cited scriptures, uncovered the heroic past of the mermaid clan, reprimanded the Jianghu people for hunting the mermaid clan, and admitted that those officials had lost their official character. Finally, they gave His Majesty the title of benevolence and righteousness and put the matter to rest. lay down……

Haha, benevolence and righteousness!

If the mermaid clan is a soft persimmon, do you think they will still be so kind and righteous? !

This benevolence and righteousness is a fig leaf for a bitch...

Sister Chen was stunned and looked around. Her husband had drunk too much and was going crazy. These treasonous words could not be heard by outsiders...

Three thousand miles away!


The previous snow has not gone away, but there is another heavy snowfall...

Having just experienced a massacre by the mermaid tribe in the early stage, Wufeng City was still shrouded in extreme unrest.

Cai Lie, as the only remaining high-ranking official in Xizhou, was extremely uneasy.

All kinds of information from the DPRK are flying all over the sky, and it is extremely confusing. Some people say that the DPRK is gathering a large army, ready to enter the Western Sea to fight with the mermaid clan at any time. Others say that the imperial court has sent countless spies to control Xizhou. When the army enters Xizhou, , all officials who have colluded with the mermaid clan will be caught in one fell swoop. Some even say that he, Cai Lie, is the number one person closely controlled by the imperial court. The imperial court suspects that he is colluding with Lin Su, and that he is also the key figure in promoting the mermaids to land. , otherwise, why are officials of the fourth rank and above in Xizhou almost being blamed, but you, a third-rank official, are the only one who remains unaffected in all weathers? …

Cai Lie couldn't sleep all day and night, wondering whether he should send his family members out of Xizhou before the Spring Festival, and then wander around the world, running away one by one...

His daughter, Cai Zhulian, was going to have the ultimate disciple competition on New Year's Eve. She was supposed to return to Wushan early, but she didn't leave. She stayed with her father and endured suffering that the family had never experienced before. She persuaded her father countless times :Dad, don’t worry, didn’t he say that? Nothing will happen to the Cai family, but it will be a blessing in disguise.

Cai Lie said that he had heard this advice a few times before. Although he did not answer, his eyes lit up.

But today, Cai Lie still couldn't hold back and gave her a hard lesson. The Cai family was a blessing in disguise. Come, come, come, tell your father, where is the blessing? Think for yourself with your toes, is this possible?

Don't think that what your pretty boy with oily hair and pink face says is right. He is nothing in the officialdom? This nonsense is just an old man who hangs himself because he thinks he has a long life. He does a lot of things on his own, then walks away and sends me to the frying pan. A bastard like this still wants to be my son-in-law? If you dare to visit Cai's house again in the future, I will skin you...

After being scolded, Caizhulian's face turned red and white. She wished she could take off on the spot and ignore human affairs from now on...

At this moment, Cai Lie's official seal was shaken...

As soon as the official seal was opened, a phantom appeared in front of him, wearing a first-grade court dress, sitting in the memorial pavilion...

Cai Lie's heart was shocked, and he knelt down with a bang: Cai Lie, the training envoy of the Xizhou Regiment, pays homage to the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong was the head of the hundred officials. Although Cai Lie was a member of the officialdom, he had only met the Prime Minister twice. He never expected that the Prime Minister would contact him personally.

Lu Tiancong smiled slightly: Master Cai, the situation in Xizhou is complicated. I won't be polite to you anymore. I will give you the order directly.

Prime Minister, please give me your orders! The cold wind blew in Cai Lie's heart, and the war drums beat. All the rumors in the early days will be lifted today. No matter what kind of convincing channel information is, it can't be as good as the Prime Minister's words. The Prime Minister , is the final decision.

Lu Tiancong said: There are changes in the officialdom of Xizhou, and the people are waiting for help. The regimental training envoy Cai Lie, fair and accessible, is of great use. From now on, he will temporarily take the post of governor of Xizhou, command officials at all levels in Xizhou, restore official order, and promote trade and benefit the people. , take Anxi Prefecture...

Chae Yeol was confused.

Cai Zhulian, who was eavesdropping from behind, was also confused.

As soon as Cai Lie sat down in the magistrate's office and the announcement of peace of the people came out, the whole Xizhou was confused.

In the Lin family in Haining, a figure suddenly appeared through the sky. Ren Taiyan fell from the sky and landed in front of Lin Su. There was a hint of red on his face: Master Lin, have you received the news? His Majesty has made a final decision on the matter in Xizhou and said... …”

Sit down! Lin Su interrupted him: I have already read the Anmin notice, you don't need to repeat it.

Ren Taiyan sat down: don't seem to be surprised at all.

It's really not surprising! You shouldn't feel surprised, let alone pleasantly surprised.

The blush on Ren Taiyan's face quietly faded...

Lin Su reached out and poured him a cup of tea: I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that since His Majesty has given the verdict on the Xizhou incident, it means that what you did was right. You want to ask me, what are you doing? Can you return to officialdom, right?

Ren Taiyan exhaled softly: I'm not nostalgic for officialdom, I just...

You are just reluctant to part with the trade that benefits the people for half of your business. You firmly believe that this road will benefit the country and the people and benefit both ethnic groups. You see hope in His Majesty's notice to calm the people. Do you feel that in the next new situation in Xizhou, you will You can achieve great things.”

Ren Taiyan nodded solemnly: His Majesty's notice of peace and security made it clear that the situation in Xizhou will be achieved through trade with the mermaid clan. As for the trade with the mermaid clan, who else would the officialdom of Xizhou be?

There are eight mansions in Xizhou and seven mansions are fishing for mermaids. Only leaving the mansion has found a new path, which is to trade with the mermaid clan for mutual benefits. Now His Majesty has made trade and mutual benefit a national policy of the Great Cang. This is what he, Ren Taiyan, has done. Road, this is Ren Taiyan's highest honor. In the great changes that will follow, how can he, the founder of national policy, be absent?

This is Ren Taiyan's logical train of thought.

It was also the source of his excitement today.

No wonder he is excited. After so many years, the direction he has insisted on has finally been truly recognized. His political philosophy has risen to the level of national policy. Which official is not excited?

Lin Su smiled softly: Brother Ren, brother Ren, what do you want me to say about you? You understand the Anmin Notice, but do you really understand what is behind the Anmin Notice? Do you really think that this Anmin Notice is His Majesty's original intention? ?”

What's behind? Your Majesty's original intention?

Lin Su sighed and explained the profound things again, and Ren Taiyan's heart slowly cooled down...

At this moment, Ren Taiyan received another piece of news. As soon as this news came, his heart, which had slowly become cold, suddenly became warm again: Cailie? Is he the temporary governor of the state? He is really not a court official. He is entrusted with a heavy responsibility by a faction. Could it be that the direction of the wind is still...

Lin Su shook his head: Don't have any undue hopes! Cai Lie, you are also wiping their butts...

With the current mess in Xizhou, do the officials dare to send people from their faction?

Aren't they afraid that a new governor will take office and die inexplicably while in office?

Only Chae Yeol makes it possible.


Cai Lie is incompatible with the orthodox officialdom of Xizhou. If...just if, if the sudden change in the officialdom of Xizhou is related to Lin Su, then the mermaid clan will definitely look at Cai Lie differently. If he dominates Xizhou, then the mermaid clan will Only by buying him three points of thin noodles can he straighten out the current mess in Xizhou.

When everything is sorted out, it's time to put the grind to rest!

Cai Lie, you will see great scenery in front of you, but this scenery also comes at a price!

The greater the role he plays in the current chaos, the more he will become a target and a thorn in the side of the court officials, and he will also endure greater storms in the future.

Therefore, Cai Lie and Ren Taiyan should give up their fantasies!

Ren Taiyan's heart was completely cold...

After drinking a cup of scalding tea, he slowly raised his head and said, As long as the traitors in the court are still there, all the grand plans will be in vain. What can I do?

With a long sigh, I returned to Haining University...

After he left, Sister Chen came over and said, Master Ren, your heart is not cold yet.

Yes, officialdom has ravaged him thousands of times. He treats officialdom like his first love. This is both sad and cute about him... Come with me for a walk.

Where to go?

Just take a walk...

A carriage, driven by Sister Chen herself, wandered out of the city and onto the official road in front.

Although Lin Su said he wanted to take a casual walk, Sister Chen still knew what he was thinking, and the carriage drove all the way to the river beach.

On the river beach, the snow has disappeared and the road has dried. After being washed by rain and snow, the cement road is clean and straight, like a long sword pointing straight into the distance in the middle of winter.

The horse's hooves can be heard, breaking the tranquility of the river beach.

This was an ordinary carriage, and the people on the riverbank didn't know that the Third Young Master they had been waiting for day and night had come to them again.

Sister Chen, we haven't traveled like this for a long time.

Sister Chen smiled sweetly: My husband is already a great scholar, and you can fly thousands of miles with just a lift of your legs. You no longer need me to drive you.

Who said that? No matter how high the kite flies, it can't forget the thread under its feet. No matter how far the boat travels, it can't forget its harbor. Sister Chen, your arms will always be my harbor.

Sister Chen felt extremely sweet in her heart, and the wind on the river embankment suddenly turned into a spring breeze...

The spring breeze came slowly, bringing with it a misty fragrance. Lin Su opened the car window and looked at the distant peaks: The plum blossoms in Meiling are blooming.

Well, it's not just Plum Ridge. Plum blossoms are also blooming from this side of the Great Smoky Mountains to the plum path in the middle of Plum Ridge...

We're not going to take the car. How about we climb back to Meiling from this side?

Sister Chen placed the carriage at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains, and the two of them walked up the stone steps. These stone steps were very old. They were not built by the people on the river beach, but by the previous government.

It’s still for Meiling.

At that time, Meiling was the palace of the emperor, and the palace of the emperor was naturally extraordinary. Not only were various pavilions and pavilions built in Meiling, and a bluestone walking path was built, and the Great Smoky Mountains that ran through Meiling were also A twenty-mile-long bluestone road was built.

After the death of the late emperor, the Meiling Palace became Prince Chen's Mansion, and Prince Chen's Mansion became a taboo structure with no official connections. This road was basically abandoned.

Now, a new situation in Jiangtan has unfolded, and the lower part has become Jiangtan Town, which represents wealth and tranquility. In the Great Smoky Mountains, dignitaries have come one after another to build courtyards, and this bluestone road has once again appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

When the plum blossoms are in full bloom, many literati and elegant people go up the stone steps. Occasionally, they become inspired by poetry and write verses on the bluestones on the roadside. The bluestone road gradually becomes one of the famous river beach sceneries.

My husband, you have to write a lot. If you meet a like-minded literary genius, you won't be able to escape with a poem about plum blossoms. Sister Chen's face was slightly red and she was very excited. She hadn't been alone with her husband for a long time. Since her husband won the first prize, most of the time she and her husband were together were in bed. It was completely different from the time when she was driving the car and her husband was sitting in the car. Women are always nostalgic for the past. I am longing for the sweetness and warmth of the past. Today, it is almost the same as before.

It was just her and him, walking in the deserted wilderness.

Do you still need to write poems about plum blossoms? This is actually true. There are not even a thousand but also eight hundred poems about plum blossoms that Lin Su has memorized in his mind. How many literati and poets have never chanted plum blossoms?

Sister Chen smiled softly: Then write one now.

Okay! Lin Su said: It seems that I have never sent you a poem alone, so I will give you this poem!

With one hand, the golden paper comes out, the precious pen falls, and it's all done in one wave...

Plum Blossoms in the Heavy Fog

Qiongzi is only in Yaotai,

Who is going to the south of the Yangtze River?

A noble man lies in the snow-covered mountains,

The beauty comes under the moonlit forest.

The sparse shadows of the bamboos are scattered in the cold sky,

Spring covers the remaining fragrance and moss.

Since I left Lin Lang, I have no good words to sing.

How often does the east wind melancholy bloom?

The poem is completed, and the colorful glow fills the entire jungle...

Sister Chen's face also bloomed like a colorful ray of light. She looked at it carefully and chanted softly. Then she folded the gold paper carefully, threw it into her arms, and hugged Lin Su tightly...

The two hugged each other tightly in the jungle. On the mountain peak in front of them, a beautiful woman's eyes suddenly brightened, staring at the jungle filled with colorful lights.

Ten breaths, twenty breaths, Lin Su slowly held Sister Chen's face, with two lines of tears hanging on her face...

What's wrong? Lin Su gently wiped away her tears.

I miss my mother... I really hope my mother can see this scene with her own eyes and see how happy her daughter is...

Lin Su said softly: Tell me... about your parents.

Sister Chen shook her head gently: Ms. sir, I followed you, everything about me belongs to you. Just don't ask about this one thing, okay?


Because this matter is too big and I don't want to affect my husband...

Lin Su waved his hand gently: Now I have blocked this world with my power of literature and art. No one in the world can hear the conversation between you and me.

Sister Chen still shook her head...

Lin Su sighed: Sister Chen, you don't want to talk because this matter is too big, but you may not expect that I already know some things...

Sister Chen suddenly raised her head...

Lin Su spoke slowly...

I have already learned about the Qianjimen. It is rumored that the Qianjimen was destroyed because the Qianjimen secretly collaborated with the enemy and leaked the secret of making Da Cang's military weapon, the Cloud Penetrating Slave, to Dasumi. Therefore, His Majesty was furious and issued an imperial edict to destroy it. The Thousand Machines Gate.

but it is not the truth.

Your Majesty issued an imperial edict to destroy the Thousand Machines Sect only because of another thing...

Qianjimen participated in the construction of Mingling Tomb! ! !

Sister Chen's whole body was shocked: Ms. sir, did you know?

Lin Su hugged her gently: You and I are one husband and wife, how can I not care about your affairs? Although the affairs of Qianjimen are top secret, as long as you are good at analysis, you can still find clues about it.

Sister Chen breathed out softly: Everyone in the world says that Mr. Xianggong is a different kind of officialdom, but of course I understand that Mr. Xianggong is truly sober in the world... In fact, my parents were also sober when they took over the task of building Mingling Tomb. Today will happen, so my parents fabricated my heinous crime and kicked me out of Qianjimen...The real purpose is to keep me out of the Thousand Machines Sect when it is destroyed...

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