Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 283 Bidding

The price was not an issue. Lin Su raised his hand and a banknote appeared in his palm. He handed it to the maid: This one hundred taels is your tip.

The tip was one hundred taels, which was enough to buy a mermaid. It was such a generous gesture. The maid was very excited and said: Then, young master, please go to the second floor!

There is another layer above the cave.

Once on the second floor, Lin Su sighed that this environment was completely different from the one below.

On the upper floor there are green mountains and green water, and a large open-air pool. There is a rockery above the pool, half of it is scorching sun, half of it is stars. Under the scorching sun, it is like the summer outside, and under the stars, it is like the dark night outside. These are all formations. The illusion of legal deduction.

Using an array instead of a steel cage gives the fish an illusion of freedom. This is its high-end feature.

The mermaids swim freely in the pool, with unparalleled graceful figures. There are also several mermaids sitting on the rockery, with their tails dragging in the water, looking up at the stars. It is an extremely moving image.

On the rockery where the scorching sun meets the stars, Lin Su saw the familiar long green hair. His heart skipped a beat and he slowly turned around. The mermaid raised its eyes and looked at him quietly. These eyes are pure and flawless, her face is beautiful and fragrant, it's her.

Hello! Lin Su greeted her.

The mermaid still looked at him quietly without responding.

Sir, have you taken a fancy to it? the maid asked, This mermaid was just delivered yesterday, and the red pill is still there. Look at this figure and face. Even if it were brought to the human world, it would be a first-class national treasure. The color is heavenly and fragrant...

How much? Lin Su interrupted her introduction directly.

Ten thousand taels!

Ten thousand taels? You are robbing money! A voice suddenly came from behind: This mermaid is just an ordinary bloodline. Even if it looks better, it is just a skin. Ten thousand taels of silver is enough to buy a piece of gold. A mermaid of blood.”

It was Caizhulian, she just couldn't help it.

She couldn't stand it when you bought a mermaid, and you didn't look like a bargainer during the whole process. You acted so eagerly when you saw this mermaid, and you didn't understand business psychology at all. She was worried about him. I was cheated out of money. Spend ten thousand taels on an ordinary fish, why don't you break your feet?

The maid was anxious: This girl is something that a lot of money can't buy. I really like her. If I miss her now, I won't be able to see her tomorrow. The boss said that top-quality goods like this should be sent to the capital. Maybe tonight, she will be sent to the capital. Send away...

Well said! Money can't buy it. I really like it! Lin Su said, I'll buy it!

Cai Zhulian's eyes widened suddenly, she wished she could kick him into the pool and have a close contact with his mermaid baby...

The maid took the banknote and smiled happily...

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from behind: I want this mermaid!

Lin Su turned around and saw a group of people. The one at the front was a young man in a gorgeous dress, followed by a group of people, old and young, people from the world and scholars. Accompanying the young man was a man who looked like a shopkeeper in a shopping mall.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: The little old man said that this mermaid is beautiful and flawless, and only the young master of Tianquan Villa is worthy of opening a door for her. Come on...

Wait a minute! Lin Su raised his hand: I have already bought this mermaid and paid all the money.

The maid also stood up, holding a 10,000-tael silver note: My boss, this young master has indeed paid the money...

The face of the handsomely dressed young man suddenly darkened: Who else dares to snatch the thing that I, the young master, likes?

Lin Su said calmly: Please see clearly, it was me who paid the money first, and you are the one who is jumping out to snatch it from me!

Who are you? A young man stepped forward: Do you know who my young master is? If you dare to act stupid here, get out of here!

Lin Su said coldly: My boss, your Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce should have some rules, right? After collecting the money, the deal has been concluded, are you still going to regret it?

The owner smiled and said: Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce has its own rules. Once you pay the money, the deal is concluded. But sir, this mermaid can't be bought for ten thousand taels of silver. If the young master pays ten thousand taels, it can't be considered as payment.

What this girl just said was ten thousand taels!

Really? The price has increased now! The price can be increased before the goods leave the market. This is also the rule of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce. The owner told him with a smile.

Cai Zhulian was furious and took a step forward. Although she opposed Lin Sum's purchase of the mermaid and wished the deal would fall through, she also couldn't bear to see others bullying him...

Lin Su raised her hand to stop her, and turned her eyes to her boss: May I ask my boss, how much will the price increase now?

The base price is ten thousand taels, the one with the highest price will get it! The owner said, Do you want to bid, sir?

Eleven thousand taels! Lin Su raised his hand and slapped a thousand taels of silver notes into the palm of his hand...

Twelve thousand taels! said the handsomely dressed young man.

Lin Su raised his eyes: Your Majesty, you only bid with your mouth? Don't you need to show your banknote?

The handsomely dressed young man smiled: I, Chen Haibo, are the banknotes! Mr. Sun's family, right?

The boss said with a smile: That's natural. Young Master is in the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce. I dare not say that there are many, but you can still get 350,000 to 50,000 taels of silver notes on credit.

The group of people behind Chen Haibo all laughed.

Of course they know that if the young master wants this mermaid, then it has to be decided. As for the bidding, it is completely child's play. The young master just said it casually, just force the man in front of him to leave, and then negotiate a real price with the owner.

Lin Sudao: I dare to ask my boss, how much credit do you have to give this young master according to your authority? You should give a real number, thirty thousand or fifty thousand.

Everyone was surprised, what do you mean?

The owner's eyes flashed: Fifty thousand! How about that?

Okay, I'll pay you 60,000! He doesn't even have the credit limit, so there's no reason to follow him anymore, right? Lin Su said. He raised his hand, and five silver notes appeared in his palm, all worth ten thousand taels each.

Everyone around was shocked.

Can you still play like this?

It doesn't matter if your boss has any trouble with others, just use your banknotes to smash it!

You just say a number, and they get paid in real money!

Cai Zhulian's mouth suddenly opened wide, she couldn't believe it at all...

You have long said that you are a prodigal, and I can accept that you are a prodigal, but how big is your family fortune that can be ruined like this?

Chen Haibo's face slowly turned blue...

The owner's eyes wavered, and he felt a little uneasy as he stared at the 60,000 taels of silver notes in front of him...

Sixty thousand taels. If we continue to squeeze and squeeze out the culprit in front of us, wouldn’t the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce suffer a big loss?

Although he wholeheartedly wants to help the young master of Tianquan Villa, everything must come at a cost. The loss of this business is too great, and it is not cost-effective...

His eyes moved to Chen Haibo, a little confused...

But Chen Haibo gave him a fierce look.

The boss licked his lips: This young master, actually...actually the young master's credit one hundred thousand taels!

Okay! I'll pay you 110,000! Lin Su held his hands together and added five more 10,000 taels of silver notes.

Cai Zhulian jumped up: Are you crazy?

Don't worry!

Cai Zhulian stamped her foot: You don't care, you can die!


Lin Su looked away from her back and turned to his employer: Okay, that's it. If it works, I'll take away the 110,000 taels of silver. If it doesn't work, I'll leave!

The boss's eyes moved to Chen Haibo, and a smile slowly appeared on Chen Haibo's face: It seems that it is not convenient for me, my young master, to block the boss's way of making money. Please take my leave!

Turn around and leave.

All the people dispersed.

The light and shadow of the formation flashed, and the mermaid was sent out by the formation, appeared in front of Lin Su, stepped onto the land, her tail turned into human legs, and she stood gracefully...

May I have your name?

The mermaid still didn't answer.

I'll take you back to the West Sea!

This earth-shattering sentence should shock her, right?

But the mermaid still looked at him quietly, seeming to be more interested in his face than anything else. Lin Su also paid attention to her eyes, which were calm and unruffled, as clean as autumn tears...

Lin Su collapsed a little: Are you stupid or deaf? I spent 110,000 taels of silver...

Someone next to me said: Sir, how about sitting in the tea room?

It was the owner, and the maid from before was standing next to her. The maid had a look of embarrassment on her face and bowed her head slightly to Lin Su.

Lin Su said: My boss thinks I haven't emptied my body yet. Are you going to use your wrist to pluck it out?

How dare you... My boss smiled like a chrysanthemum blooming.

My boss, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce did something very unethical in what happened today.

How can the young master say that? All this is done voluntarily by the young master...

Yes, it was all of my own free will! Lin Su said: My boss, have you ever thought about why I volunteered? I know you are cheating me, why am I willing to be cheated? Do I look so stupid?

The boss was slightly startled...

Lin Sudao: Just because of one thing, I will use 110,000 taels of silver to issue a declaration to the world, letting people understand that anyone who dares to bully me will pay a heavy price.

The boss smiled: Young Master is threatening me, right?

Wrong again! This is not a threat! It is a real ban from the mall! Lin Su held his hands together, took out the gold paper, put down his pen, and wrote a line:

Shopping Mall No. 1 Banning Order: All products of the Lin family will be banned from the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce!

Write the word 雁 at the end, and the wild goose will pass the message!

The golden paper turned into a swan and flew away...

The owner's brows furrowed sharply, Welcome!

The man in front of me in warrior uniform is a scholar. Who is he?

Before he could clear his mind, Lin Su had already pulled the little mermaid and left...

The hall outside the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce was still buzzing with people. Cai Zhulian finally joined her sister. Her sister and the two girls were all extremely depressed.

They divided into three groups to grab the goods.

The first route was the Spring Tears perfume. Yatou was disappointed. Most of the Spring Tears perfumes were pre-orders. Caijia pre-ordered two bottles in the early stage and has already received them. If you want to re-order, you have to wait until the next batch. Yatou talked to the shopkeeper inside. After talking for a long time, he said that the young lady was getting married soon and was waiting to be used. If it could be used in advance, they didn't bother to tell her more and kicked her out directly.

The second route was soap. The girl was quite confident at first. She thought that many people in Xizhou had never heard of this soap. Today was the first time it was sold by the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, so there shouldn't be many people grabbing it, right? She still underestimated the value of the words Produced by the Lin Family. When she heard that it was a new product produced by the Lin Family, more people came than the perfume store. She squeezed and somehow managed to squeeze out. When she went in again, , they announced that today’s quota is over, please come early tomorrow...

Cai Xinlian herself went to Baiyunbian Winery.

You only get married once in your life, so what woman doesn't want to be more glamorous? My sister has great magical powers and got three jars of top-quality Baiyunbian. My father was very happy, but the three jars of wine were too little after all. If a guest got drunk and the Cai family couldn't get the wine, wouldn't they offend the most noble one? guest? Therefore, she wanted to add a few more altars. She put aside her dignity as the eldest lady and joined the snatching army. Unfortunately, she was not good enough. As the eldest lady, she was destined to not be able to squeeze in and squeeze among the crowd like others. Only Because of her connections, she went to the liquor store and talked a lot, and the shopkeeper agreed to give her three jars. There was no need to think about Grade A and Grade B, Grade C! And it’s not in stock yet, so you have to wait half a month.

I came here excitedly, but after an hour, I got nothing!

The three of them were very depressed, but Cai Zhulian didn't have a good face either...

Sister, what's wrong?

This bastard... Cai Zhulian stomped her foot fiercely. Seeing that this foot would create a big hole in the ground, Cai Xinlian almost closed her ears. Fortunately, Cai Zhulian put her foot down gently, and her chest Ups and downs, obviously holding back a lot of breath.

What exactly is going on?

Caizhulian said: Sister, you have never seen such a person. I don't understand how there could be such a person. He would spend 110,000 taels of silver to buy an ordinary fish. I reminded him that this is a trap. That Even a three-year-old can spot this bullshit trap, but what about him? He just won’t listen! He just won’t listen!”

One hundred and ten thousand taels of silver? Buy a mermaid? OMG……

Cai Xinlian was struck by this number, and was a little confused about the value system for a moment... One hundred and ten thousand taels? Not eleven taels? Dad's salary is not low. A third-grade official has an income of one hundred taels of silver per month. If he spends eleven taels to buy something, it must be a big deal. What is the concept of 110,000 taels? The total assets of the entire Cai Mansion only amount to less than one hundred thousand taels...

In her opinion, the transaction of 110,000 taels of silver was simply something from another world...

But what does this have to do with you?

She moved her eyes to her sister: He... who is he?

Anyone you meet on the road...whoever he is, just go to hell! Cai Zhulian vented her anger.

The person I met on the road...could it be the one who gave you a bunch of gifts? Cai Xinlian's heart moved.

Who else but him? He's just a prodigal! Not only is he a prodigal, he's also a fool...

Is it him? Cai Xinlian raised her eyes and stared at a person who had just come out of the mermaid area. This person was holding a mermaid's hand and had a smile on his face.

Cai Zhulian followed her finger and looked at it. She was so angry that she really bought it!

Still holding her hand...

What a bad guy!

Prodigal son!

Stupid people!

Are there any other curse words? An ancient brain collection...

Lin Su saw them and walked over with a smile. Cai Zhulian turned around and gave him a slap on the back of the head...

Miss Cai, right?

Yes! Cai Xinlian bowed slightly: Young Master is...

Her friends in the world! Lin Su nodded at Cai Zhulian...

Cai Zhulian detonated on the spot: Who is following you...

Okay, okay, I know you have good intentions! Lin Su raised her hand and handed a bag to her: Twenty level A white clouds, let me apologize to you, okay?

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