Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 280 Mermaid Secrets

Lin Su smiled lightly: Are the Zhang family, Li family, Li family, and Yang family considered local people?

The four families he listed casually were all local squires, and the petitioners told the government that these four families were the leaders.

Ren Taiyan's eyes bulged, and finally he could only admit that the four of them were naturally considered local people...

Lin Sudao: If you build this market, will the interests of the four of them be harmed? Is it considered as exploiting them? In addition, if you set the law that killing mermaids is the same crime as murder, is it considered as protecting the mermaid clan?

Yu Ji's eyes shone with cold light. For the first time, she saw the shamelessness of high-ranking human officials...

Ren Taiyan stood up suddenly: The so-called desire to inflict a crime is useless. Your Excellency insists on showing off your power and confusing right and wrong. Are you not afraid of being ashamed of the holy way?

Lin Sudao: Master Zhifu, I'm not trying to show off for the powerful. I'm just telling you that you have your own arguments, and others have other people's arguments. You think the truth is on your side, but others can also push the truth to the other side. , if you only think about traveling around the capital and convincing the court, you will end up in a war of words, which is meaningless.

Ren Taiyan was surprised: What do you mean, sir?

Lin Sudao: My point is very simple. If you want to truly realize your ambition, you must give up the idea of ​​traveling to Beijing and focus on breaking through from the bottom.

How to break through?

For example, you and I work together!

Ren Taiyan's whole body was shaken, and Yu Ji's face suddenly changed. A ray of red suddenly appeared on her completely colorless face...

grown ups……

Lin Su said slowly: In your inertia of thinking, the inspector of the capital must be in cahoots with the court officials. It is impossible for him to stand on your side and plead for the people, right?

Ren Taiyan's eyes flashed...

Lin Su added: That's because you don't know who I am.

Who is your lord?

Lin Su said: Haining Lin Su!

Ren Taiyan's eyes brightened: The man who captured Qin Fangweng, forced the third prince away, and nailed Zhang Wenyuan to the pillar of shame with just 'Luocheng Wags the Tail'?

Lin Su said: Exactly!

Yu Ji, bring some wine and food over here...I'll have a drink with Mr. Lin. Ren Taiyan said.

Yu Ji is overjoyed...

Use my wine! Lin Su raised his hands and a jar of wine appeared on the table, next to the Grade A white clouds.

Yu Ji brought the wine glass and side dishes, and stood by to wait on her. At this moment, she was more excited than ever before, because the inspector had arrived, but the script had gone awry. The inspector who came had made it clear that he would follow her husband. Stand together, there is hope! Finally there is help! God opens his eyes...

Lin Su held up his wine glass: Master Ren, I'd like to propose a toast to you.

Why do you respect me?

Because of the eight mansions in Xizhou, only Lifu can have a vague glimpse of the true face of the Holy Way!

Ren Taiyan's heart suddenly felt hot. After so many years, he finally received recognition from the officialdom, the only one!

He held up the wine glass and his eyes flashed: Mr. Lin, you have heard the conversation between me and Yu Ji. If the situation gets out of hand, I will travel to Beijing. Do you know who my first lobbying target is?

who is it?

It's you, my lord!

Lin Su was slightly surprised: Why? I'm a man of few words.

My lord, although your official position is only the fifth rank, but entering the literary world, ruling the world, and entering the officialdom, there is a clear stream, how can it be that you are insignificant? How can you be gentle?

Yu Ji interjected: Mr. Lin, what my husband admires most is your ability to govern the world. When he heard that Haining River Beach has become a paradise under your rule, he said many times that he must go to Haining to see and learn from your ability to govern the world. The art of.

Lin Su smiled: Okay, let's communicate with each other, and I will also learn from the adults how to make friends with foreign races...


Ren Taiyan and Yu Ji were both stunned. What do you mean? Asking for guilt?

Lin Su added: I have a confidante from the demon clan. I haven't made up my mind whether to take her in. Today I will learn from the adults' ways of doing things and take her in when I get back. What do you think? Does this count as applying what you have learned?”

Ha ha……


The two of them were both happy, and with one sentence, the distance between them was reduced to zero...

It is an official taboo for Taiyan to take a mermaid as his concubine.

This kind of behavior is not explicitly prohibited by law, but in the hands of people with ulterior motives, it can make a big fuss. Therefore, Yu Ji usually does not show up to avoid giving people excuses.

Today Lin Su sneaked into the study and saw all the actions of Ren Taiyan and his concubine. The relationship between the two was irrefutable, which was a bit embarrassing.

Lin Su's words eliminated the embarrassment.

That is to tell them directly: I also have a concubine who is a demon clan, and we are from the same family. You don’t have to be embarrassed, and I can’t use this as an article for you...

Ren Taiyan took a long breath and held up his wine glass: I didn't expect that the Supervision Department would actually send you, Mr. Lin, to check on me.

Lin Su smiled mysteriously: I thought of it a long time ago.

Ren Taiyan was slightly startled...

Lin Sudao: Sending me to Xizhou is a game of chess on their part! You and I are both pawns on their chessboard.

Ren Taiyan's expression changed: to deal with it?

There is a saying in the art of war: know yourself and your enemy, and never slack off in a hundred battles. Tell me about the relevant situation...

Related situations...

Ren Taiyan said...

In the officialdom, Zhang Chun controls the overall situation. In the three months since he took office, he has eliminated dissidents and installed cronies. Almost all of the Zhizhou Prefecture and the Seven Prefectures except Li Prefecture are his people, and the only few are not under his control. , was also suppressed by him in every possible way, and had no real power.

On the rivers and lakes, all the wealthy merchants from all walks of life are vested interests in the mermaid industry chain. Behind them is Tianquan Villa. Tianquan Villa's strength is unfathomable and there are no taboos in its actions.

Among the people, the influence of the Taoist Holy Family is unprecedented, but the Taoist Holy Family is on Zhang Chun's side. The Holy Family believes in nature is supreme, existence is reasonable, and governing by inaction, and the people feel that Catching merfolk makes sense.

Military, don’t forget that there is another military. The garrison in Yandang Mountain said that it was to guard against the invasion of the Dachuan Kingdom. In fact, it is nonsense. The Dachuan Kingdom has no reason to cross the Yandang Mountain. You need to know that Yandang Mountain is haunted by ghosts and strange beasts are rampant. Anyone Passing through the mountains is a narrow escape, and it is basically a forbidden area for marching. As long as the generals of the Dachuan Kingdom are not crazy, they will never send troops into the country from here.

This garrison should have been transferred to the demon battlefield a long time ago, but Zhang Wenyuan stayed behind. Why? Make him money! The military's array of mermaids has been extremely effective in capturing mermaids. In the past three years, this army has captured more mermaids than all the people in the world combined.

Yu Ji was beside her, her lips trembling slightly. The officialdom, the people, the world, and the military were all enemies of the mermaid tribe. Who could she rely on? There were only two people in front of her, one was her husband and the other was the inspector from the capital.

Alone and alone!

It’s hard to sing alone!

Who can reverse the world?

The hope she had at the beginning was almost gone.

After Ren Taiyan said this, he let out a long breath: I know what you mean, I want to borrow some power. Unfortunately, except for the tens of millions of people who live in Lifu, where can we borrow power?

Lin Sudao: Not necessarily! After all, he has some power.

Who? Ren Taiyan said thoughtfully...

He already had the answer in his heart. He guessed what kind of power Lin Su wanted to borrow. Could it be the state officials who were suppressed by Zhizhou? For example, Cai Lie and others? But the power these people have is actually the power of the officialdom. Under the premise that Zhizhou controls the officialdom, the power of these people is not power at all...

Lin Su raised his eyes, somewhat mysteriously: I heard that the mermaid clan is also a big alien race in the world, but I don't know why it has fallen into this situation. The military, officialdom, squires, powerful men, Jianghu people, and even some cats and dogs are all here. Come here, catch them and sell them...

The mermaid clan was the power Lin Su really wanted to borrow.

All their struggles revolve around whether the mermaid should be killed or saved. The mermaid clan is a pawn in the human chessboard, but why? The mermaid tribe is itself a large alien race and has existed for countless years. Don’t they have the ability to protect themselves?

Why should I become a pawn of mankind?

If the mermaid clan has its own power, then the power of their protecting mermaid faction will have the strongest support from the root.

Yu Ji stood up slowly: Sir, can I answer this question?

Okay, tell me!

Yu Ji took a deep breath...

The mermaid clan, a foreign race in the world, once dominated a generation thousands of years ago.

When it enters the West Sea, it is so majestic that it forces the Dragon Palace of the West Sea to draw a line and rule.

When he went out to the West Sea, he fought side by side with three thousand warriors of the Sword Sect. He pointed his sword at the Black Nether King and killed tens of millions of demon soldiers. His strength was extremely tyrannical...

Lin Su was shocked. The mermaid clan was actually a force that fought against the demon army back then. They fought side by side with Jianmen. Could it be that its decline was the same as that of Jianmen? The higher-ups were wiped out, leaving the clan empty?

No, Yu Ji told him that was not the case. Although the mermaid clan also suffered heavy losses back then, it did not shake the foundation of the clan. More than 800 years after the catastrophe of the founding of the country, the mermaid clan was still half the overlord of the West Sea, drawing a line with the West Sea Dragon Palace. And to cure it, even the Dragon Palace can't do anything about it. How can practitioners in the world dare to go wild in the Western Sea?

The real problem came two hundred years ago...

Two hundred years ago, something went wrong with the sacred tree in the Holy Land.

The holy tree is the foundation of the holy land and the source of the mermaid's power.

When the sacred tree dies, the consequences will be devastating.

If you can't break through at the top, your cultivation level will decrease step by step.

If you cannot break through the middle level, your practice will become increasingly difficult.

Newborn mermaids are prone to disasters and illnesses, and their bloodline gradually loses spirituality.

Later, once the mermaids came ashore, they were unable to mobilize their cultivation and became useless. The entire mermaid clan was trapped in a corner of the Western Sea.

Another hundred years later, the situation became more serious. The sacred tree further dried up. Not only could the tribesmen not be able to land, but they could not even stay away from the holy land. The circle of survival was shrinking step by step. Now, even high-level leaders cannot go hundreds of miles away from the shore. As long as they enter hundreds of miles away, If you enter the circle of death, you are in danger of being caught.

Is there any solution to the dryness of the holy tree? Lin Su asked this key question.

Yu Ji shook her head gently: For more than two hundred years, the clan has conceived countless methods, but none of them worked. The clan also often sends young talents to travel around the world to seek advice from wise men and spiritual masters in the world. These released people Humans are called 'green lanterns', and to be honest with you, I am also a green lantern...

Green lantern? Lin Su pondered: Burn yourself and illuminate your tribe. Is this what you mean?

Sir Huida! This is exactly what I mean! Yu Ji said: Every green lantern is a spark of hope released by the mermaid clan. When we step ashore, we have no intention of looking back. We only hope to be scattered all over the world. At that time, I was destined to find a glimmer of hope for the mermaid clan...

Ren Taiyan held her hand and said softly: I sincerely hope to find an opportunity for you, but unfortunately I still don't have the ability. I'm sorry.

Yu Ji gently held her hand back: Master, don't say that. I know that you have been to Daoshengsheng's family, Yaochi, and visited every corner of Li Mansion. You have visited all kinds of strange people and failed to find an opportunity. It's just that God’s providence, you have also personally built a safe haven for the mermaid clan, allowing thousands of mermaid clan to avoid the fate of being arrested upon landing. Who in the clan knows your kindness to the mermaid clan?”

Lin Su looked at the two people holding hands, no, one was a foreigner and the other was a foreigner... His heart was filled with ups and downs.

They are in a desperate situation and release a large number of mermaids every year. They know that only a small number of these mermaids will be able to step out of Xizhou freely. Most of them will fall into the human race's trap and become their playthings, but they still do so.

Why? I just hope that these mermaids living in other places will have a chance to find an opportunity to save the entire clan.

Is this hope possible?

Maybe it really will!

Yu Ji found Ren Taiyan and set up a safe haven for the mermaid clan.

Maybe someone will find a unique person who can really solve the mermaid tribe's danger of annihilation...

This hope is slim, so slim that it hurts.

When each green lantern steps out of the clan, it is impossible to know who they will meet, nor their own destiny. The moment they step out of the West Sea, they are like tops, being whipped by the whip of fate into the unknown distance. …

A wandering with only a starting point and no end, carrying a fate that may always be despair...

Year after year, generation after generation, batch after batch...

Suddenly, there was a slight sound in the well outside, and Ren Taiyan and Yu Ji were startled at the same time. There was a secret passage leading directly to the West Sea. Usually few people came there. Once someone came, it would be an emergency.

In the well, an old man stuck out his head. There was not a single hair on his head, but there were deep wrinkles. Each wrinkle was covered with green moss. It was obvious that he was not a human race, but an old fish. He was quite old. kind of.

Yu Ji was shocked: Elder, why did you personally...

Yu Ji, Master Ren... huh? The old man's eyes suddenly gleamed, and he locked eyes firmly on Lin Su at the door of the study.

Elder, he is a good friend of the master, from our side! Yu Ji stopped immediately.

The light in the elder's eyes slowly disappeared...

Ren Taiyan said: Elder, don't be nervous, this lord can definitely be trusted.

The elder nodded: Sir Ren, I don't dare to use the conch horn to send a message today. I took the risk and came here just for an extremely serious matter...

you say!

Princess Yingying was caught!

What? Yu Ji's face suddenly turned pale: Princess Yingying? could she come out?

It's hard to explain in words! The elder said: Sir Ren, I beg you, no matter what, we must rescue the princess. The mermaid clan may lose tens of millions of clan members, but Princess Yingying cannot make any mistakes.

Don't be anxious, tell me everything... Ren Taiyan's face was solemn.

The elder took a long breath and told them the truth.

Princess Yingying came out privately. No one knew that she had infiltrated the caravan and came to the market. The incident happened so suddenly. By the time the elders found out, it was already too late. She had already been taken away...

Ren Taiyan said: Who did it?

From the Yang family! the elder said.

Okay! Ren Taiyan said, Elder, please go back first. I will go to the Yang family to rescue the princess.

Sir... the elder said: In order to do illegal things, the Yang family has recruited a large number of martial arts masters, and they believe that they have the support of court officials. They have been quite disrespectful to you in the past. I'm afraid it won't help you to force yourself. It's better for you to take the money. Buy it, the mermaid clan will provide you with the necessary property tenfold or a hundredfold.

Buying the princess with money is the best way to solve the problem. The Yang family doesn't even know that the person they are capturing is a princess, so they can't ask for a high price. If they buy it, the problem will be solved.

However, Ren Taiyan's face was full of confusion.

Buy it with money?

Capture is clearly prohibited, but if he spends money to deal with the magistrate, doesn't he indirectly acknowledge the legality of capture? So what does the arrest warrant he issued count?

Purchasing with money will encourage hunting. I will never negotiate a deal with thieves! Ren Taiyan said: Elder, you go ahead. I will set off immediately after I order the arrests!

A voice came from behind: There is no need for arrest! Let me come, I will act as a guard for you!

Ren Taiyan was overjoyed: That's great, sir, please!

They broke through the air and disappeared into the night.

The elder looked at the sky, with a strange color on his face...

He never expected that this man dressed in the clothes of a Jianghu man was actually a member of the officialdom and a literary scholar.

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