Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 278 Complex Pattern

But Cai Zhulian was not an ordinary person, so she continued: What are you doing in Xizhou?

There is no clear goal, it's just to gain experience in the world.

Cai Zhulian said: Your swordsmanship is very sharp, and your sword intent is extremely terrifying, but today's Xizhou is an extraordinary place. A person with your skills is like a crucian carp crossing the river. You cannot blindly show off your strength.

Lin Su was so surprised: Do you care about me?

Cai Zhulian blinked her eyes: Are you touched? Then give me some more of the good things you hid...

Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead, got up and went to the deck to look at the scenery...

Caizhulian also came out...

The beauties also came out, and they were all quite depressed. When they passed by Zhongzhou yesterday, they also went to buy perfume, and naturally they were in vain.

After three days of sailing, the boat had passed the boundary of Zezhou, with Xizhou in front of it. The boat was sailing against the current, its sails were blowing in the wind, and it was going very slowly, while the boat coming down the river was much faster. Passing by them, Cai Zhulian had sharp eyes. , this is the cargo ship of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, transporting mermaids, and there are mermaids on the deck.

Lin Su's Qiandu Eyes passed through the space of a hundred feet and landed on the opposite deck. He saw several women pouring wine for a few wealthy businessman-looking people. Their figures were really graceful, with big breasts and thin waists. Weak and powerless, it conforms to the ultimate imagination of men bullying women in the world.

The ship went far away, and the mermaid left the West Sea far away. From then on, it wandered to every corner of the world and became the plaything of thousands of human beings.

Today’s journey will never lead back.

Lin Su suddenly felt water rolling under his feet, with thick blood.

On the last night on the ship, the night was covered with dark clouds, without stars or moon. Only the river water outside the window gently lapped at the side of the ship.

Lin Suda came back from taking a bath in the river after sitting down. The room was filled with fragrance, including the scent of autumn tears perfume from colorful pearl lotus, and another fragrance, the fragrance of vegetables! There was a tray on the coffee table with several side dishes.

Cai Zhulian smiled: I tried that soap, and it's really great for bathing. The things you carry...are really extraordinary.

Did you just try soap? Lin Su looked at her: I also smell the osmanthus fragrance of Autumn Tears.

I have a lot of them. Three or five bottles are enough for my sister, but I can't use them myself? Cai Zhulian glanced at him: These are gifts from you. I am a conscientious person and will bring you some food. , drink with you.

That's really conscientious... Lin Su glanced around, a little puzzled: If I remember correctly, these side dishes should be provided for free on the ship, right?

Ahem... that's not important! What's important is that I brought it. Cai Zhulian raised her glass: Have a drink! You and I will say goodbye...

After three glasses of wine, we parted.

Xizhou is the westernmost state with hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in the blue sky. It is also a state with poor mountains and rivers. It borders the Dachuan Kingdom across the high Yandang Mountains. The Yandang Mountains were also the places where the Black Bone Demon Clan and Jianmen fought against each other thousands of years ago. In the place where the war took place, the mountains were covered with mist and there were countless ghosts. Even the demon clan did not dare to settle here. Occasionally, people from the world of Jianghu entered the mountain, and only one out of ten could come out. Occasionally, they brought back some ancient remnants, confirming this. The territory was once an ancient battlefield.

Such a state is destined to be different from the literary and romantic places like Quzhou.

Literary culture is not prosperous here, and all you can see are the shadows of spiritual practice and martial arts.

Especially after the rise of the mermaid industry, cultivators and warriors from all over the world gathered here. The entire Wufeng City was dominated by cultivators.

Lin Su felt the strong atmosphere of cultivation when he stepped into Wufeng City.

Most of the people walking on the street are warriors. Most of the supplies sold on the street are weapons or various strange materials. In the restaurants, there are also practitioners who talk loudly. What they tell are all Jianghu stories. .

Lin Su sat down at a table by the window, ordered a pot of wine and three plates of side dishes, and listened while eating...

All kinds of information enter his ears, filtered and analyzed...

The people at the next table came from a small village called Wuyunzhai. If nothing else, it was a den of bandits. In other state capitals, bandits would keep their necks down, but here, they were high-spirited. In the past, they robbed some Passing merchants have struggled for several years and been suppressed by the government for several years. Brothers died one after another, and they didn't have a few taels of silver on hand. When they got here, Jane was really their golden treasure. Ten days ago, they I caught two mermaids and sold them for more than a thousand taels, and each of the four people shared more than two hundred taels, which was better than being a robber in that small ravine.

These people also accused one of the one-eyed dragons, saying that if the one-eyed dragon hadn't ruined one of the mermaids on a whim, the mermaid could still be sold for eight hundred taels more - the mermaid lost the red pill, the Dao root was damaged, and the price plummeted. .

The one-eyed dragon also regretted it. He didn't know there was such a taboo. Otherwise, how could he do it? Eight hundred taels was enough for the four of them to live in drunken dreams in Zuixiang House for three whole months. Wouldn't it be nice for him to play with a hundred brothel girls? It’s all caused by not understanding the market...

Lin Su listened for a long time, turning over and over again the things about the mermaid, oh, and the past heroic deeds of these scumbags...

Suddenly a voice came from the front, a loud and rough voice: There are no seats on the first floor, so if you arrange for me to go to the second floor, won't it be over?

Lin Su raised his eyes and saw a rough man throwing a tantrum there. The first floor must have been full, but the waiter rejected him and made him angry.

The waiter said: I'm sorry, brother, the second floor is reserved for literati. Those literati don't like to be disturbed by us gangsters. Brother, I'd better wait for a while. There will be seats available soon...

Why? The man was furious: If you open a restaurant, you should have a special seat for literati? I, He Laosan, was born and raised in Wufeng City, and I have never heard of your stinky rules...

Suddenly, Lin Su stood up by the window: Brother, I find it boring to eat alone. If you don't mind, how about sitting at the same table with me?

As soon as these words came out, the waiter was relieved, and He Laosan was also happy and came over to sit at the same table with Lin Su.

Lin Su added a jar of wine, a few side dishes, and clinked glasses with He Laosan, who became friends with him.

Little brother, are you here to catch mermaids?

That's not true... I just went to Lifu to do something. Lin Su said: Brother He, you are a local, do you know how to get to Lifu?

Li Fu... He Laosan smiled: I really believe you now. You are not here for the mermaid.

What's the meaning?

He Laosan explained that of the eight prefectures in Xizhou, only Li Prefecture banned mermaid fishing.

Banning mermaid fishing? Why?

Because there is a trading market in Lifu to trade with the sea people. This market is promoted by Ren Taiyan, the governor of Lifu. Through this market, the human race can obtain various seafood from the West Sea and the profits are huge. In order to protect this market In normal operation, Magistrate Ren issued a ban on mermaid fishing within his jurisdiction. Once anyone is found hunting mermaids, he will be guilty of the same crime as murder.

Lin Su pondered: Are there many people who oppose this ban?

He Laosan took a sip of wine: That's natural. On the side of the West Sea, mermaids are caught and sold for money. It has existed for many years. How many families have become prosperous? The prefect's ban has cut off the financial resources of these people...

Lin Su's heart really brightened up, and he found out the real reason why the squire told the government.

The prefect's arrest warrant touched their cheese!

So...what does Lord Zhizhou think?

Zhizhou? Haha, he is different. The biggest force that hunts fish is Tianquan Villa, and Tianquan Villa is the guest of Lord Zhizhou...

Tianquan Villa, what kind of villa is it? Is it very powerful?

Tianquan Villa is very mysterious. It is rumored to be related to many big forces. It does a lot of business and does all kinds of business. The daily needs of the garrison in Yandang Mountain are all delivered by Tianquan Villa. Tianquan Villa delivers a large amount of goods. Transportation, often sending troops to escort, is very impressive, and what's even more terrifying is that the mistress of Tianquan Villa is a member of the Holy Family.

Holy Family? Which Holy Family? Lin Su was slightly surprised.

Little brother, is this really your first time in Xizhou? Which other holy family is there in Xizhou? Of course it is the Taoist Holy Family in Hangu.

The Taoist Holy Family is located in Han Valley. It is said to be a valley, but in fact it is thousands of miles away. There is more than just one valley?

It has almost become a huge country.

Hangu is on the border of Xizhou. From the perspective of political jurisdiction, it belongs to Xizhou. However, the local officials of Xizhou cannot control the Daosheng Family. Hangu does not listen to the imperial power and forms its own system.

Lin Su raised his glass and toasted He Laosan, whom he had met by chance.

Several character clues slowly converge...

Tianquan Villa, where the army was stationed, and Zhang Chun, the magistrate of Xizhou, happened to be connected to the Taoist Holy Family who had a close relationship with the Zhang family.

After he entered Xizhou, his opponents were very tough...

The highest local administrative chief Zhizhou...

The Taoist Holy Family can be compared with the royal family...

The troops stationed in Yandang Mountain...

The Minister of the Ministry of War who made accusations remotely in the capital...

Tianquan Villa, the leader of the poaching gang that integrates people from all over the world...

Any one of these five mountains can crush anyone into powder!

The capital of Xizhou is called Wufeng City. This name is not very auspicious. Is it the Wuzhi Mountain that overwhelms his grandson?

By the way, Brother He, is there an official named Cai in the state capital?

Yes! General Cai Lie, the training commander of Xizhou Regiment, does my little brother have a relationship with General Cai?

I only had a chance encounter with his young master... What kind of person is he?

Let’s toast to He Laosan again...

He Laosan said that General Cai and Zhang Zhizhou were at odds with each other during the regiment training. I heard they had a big quarrel some time ago. General Cai stopped going to Zhizhou Mansion on errands from now on. What he said to the outside world was that he was peacefully preparing for his daughter's marriage. Regarding marriage, this is indeed true. His daughter will get married next month...

Lin Su finished his glass of wine and said goodbye to He Laosan.

He spent a tael of silver in the restaurant and roughly felt the pulse of Xizhou...

He figured out his opponent.

He also had a general understanding of Cai Zhulian's father.

Now, he needs to go to Lifu for a visit

To the west of Wufeng City, there is a large manor. This is the manor of Cai Lie, the regiment commander.

Cai Lie, whose achievements in martial arts were astonishing, was granted the title of training envoy of a state regiment, commanded 100,000 state soldiers in Xizhou, and was responsible for the security of the entire city. It was said that he held a high position of authority.

But like all the warriors in the world, he couldn't get into the circle of literati. Not long ago, he had a fierce quarrel with Lord Zhizhou. Lord Zhizhou got up and rebuked him in person. Cai Lie never entered the Zhizhou Mansion again.

His daughter's wedding was approaching and preparations were in place, but he suddenly felt uneasy.

Master Zhizhou, please try to ease up. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. Zhizhou can choose not to attend his wedding banquet. If he doesn't come, how many officials from across the state would dare to come? Being squeezed out in the officialdom, he was a bit unable to gain a foothold in Xizhou, but if he was asked to take the initiative to submit to the magistrate, he felt that he could not pull off such an old face. He had never been insulted like last time in his life...

Just when he was in a dilemma, a colorful light flashed in the sky, and a figure appeared, accompanied by a loud shout: Daddy!

Cai Lie suddenly looked up and saw his little daughter, Cai Zhulian...

Facing her little daughter who fell from the sky with a look of joy on her face, Cai Lie turned a blind eye and her face even sank slightly.

Cai Zhulian was embarrassed...

She knew that her father was still angry with her. Ever since she refused the proposal of the legitimate son of the Taoist Saint Family on the grounds that she was a Wushan saint and devoted herself to the Tao, her father had never said a word to her again.

Cai Zhulian held up a small box with both hands and brought it to Cai Lie: Dad, this is the Qi-enhancing Pill that my daughter brought back from her master's school. She made a special trip to honor her father...

Cai Lie waved his hand and turned his back.

Dad...are you still angry with your daughter? My daughter is really...

Cai Lie interrupted her: Since you are devoted to the Tao, why did you come back?

Dad... I know that dad is still angry about his daughter's rejection of the legitimate son of the Holy Family, but dad, that legitimate son is really a waste. In the name of the Holy Family, he actually knows nothing about Yu Wendao. You don't believe it, he I can’t even read a bunch of Chinese characters! What else can my daughter do if she refuses on the grounds that she is devoted to the Tao?...

Cai Lie interrupted again: You know nothing! Go away... stop bothering me!

Cai Zhulian's joy at returning home suddenly plummeted...

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