Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 276 Night Boating on the River

Just when she realized this, the door slowly opened, and Cai Zhulian stood by the door, startling the maid.

The girl is here too? Lin Su greeted warmly.

Cai Zhulian nodded slightly.

What a coincidence. I didn't expect that after we parted ways at the inn, we could actually go together on the boat...

Caizhulian said: It's not such a coincidence. I had no intention of getting on the ship, but suddenly I thought of a past incident and changed my mind temporarily.

Lin Su's heart was slightly shaken, a past event? It can't be that one, right? …

The maid spoke: I wonder if the girl has a room, if necessary...

No need! Cai Zhulian looked around and said, This room is just fine.


The maid was stunned.

Lin Su was also stunned. He was basically certain that that matter seemed, seemed, definitely... had been exposed...

Cai Zhulian's eyes were fixed on Lin Su's face: Young Master Su won't care, right? should I put it? How about... Lin Su suddenly caught the change in her eyes and quickly changed his words: People in the world don't stick to trivial matters. The girl is willing to enjoy the river view together here. How dare you disobey her?

Okay, Su Shaoxia just agrees! Cai Zhulian waved her hand gently: You go out, I will talk to him about something...

The maid's eyes moved to Lin Su. Lin Su nodded slightly to her. The maid went out, somewhat disappointed. What do you mean? Seeing that this man is about to take action, what do you mean by jumping out to disturb other people's good things?

The door closed, Lin Su raised her hand and poured Cai Zhulian a cup of tea.

Caizhulian took the answer and sat opposite him: I once asked you if we had met somewhere. You said it was Xijing? Are you sure it was in Xijing? Not in a cave?

Lin Su held the tea cup without making a sound, her eyes turning quietly...

Cai Zhulian said: You said that the children of Jianghu are informal, but have you ever heard of another way of saying it? The children of Jianghu are open-minded and can do certain things as soon as they are done. How can you be a man if you are secretive?

Lin Su slowly raised his head, his face full of confusion: Okay, okay, I admit it! I admit it! The person who saw you in the cave last year was me!

Cai Zhulian stared at him: Why didn't you admit it just now?

Lin Su complained: Do I dare? Sister! Just now, you killed the young master of the Scimitar Sect because he saw you practicing Kung Fu, and you killed him until his flesh and blood were scattered. Do I dare to admit it? Are you looking for death?

Caizhulian's face tightened: That bullshit young sect leader just wanted to see, but didn't look...

Yes, he just wanted to see it without looking, so he changed his body and head. But I am serious...

At this point, Cai Zhulian looked unkind, and Lin Su quickly turned to her: Sister, you are such a beautiful fairy, you must be reasonable, right? I accidentally apologized to you that day, and you still used your hair to I hung under the waterfall and washed away, all my clothes were washed away. I was more embarrassed than you. Besides, you also said it yourself later, as long as I go into Wuding Mountain to help you do that, our place Even if it breaks the story, it will turn over...

This is too convincing.

At that time, he accidentally looked at her.

But she also looked at him, and she looked at him while hanging up.

She did promise that as long as he broke the formation that imprisoned the Holy Girl of Wushan, the story would be over. In fact, he did it, because on New Year's Eve, Wu Xue appeared and saved Wushan from danger.

As children of Jianghu, it is normal to hate evil as much as hatred, and decisiveness in killing is an advantage, but you can't go back on what you have said personally...

Caizhulian really had no choice but to shake her head gently:

How come I met you, a shameless person! Well...who are you?

Lin Su's eyes rolled quietly. Could it be that she didn't know that she was Lin Su, the number one scholar in the world? Aren't she and Wu Xue in the same system? Wu Xue knew that he was Lin Su, and even the bird knew...

Stop turning your eyes and making up stories! You told me at first that your name was Zhang Haoran, but now I know that you are not!

Huh? How do you know?

I have been to the capital and met Zhang Haoran with my own eyes!

Depend on! You guys are really systematic and your work style is very solid. It seems that you have traveled thousands of miles to conduct on-the-spot verification...

Cai Zhulian said: Today you told me another name, Su Lin! How reliable is this new name?

Lin Su immediately replied: 100%! Every word is true! I swear on the reputation of my ancestors for eight generations...

This oath is relatively tough.

Cai Zhulian looked at him, wondering whether he could be trusted.

There was a sudden noise below. A group of literati came out of the room and came to the large platform on the second floor. The person at the front was wearing a scribe's uniform and had long hair shawl. You could smell the smell of alcohol even from such a distance.

Behind him was a group of young scribes, including several people who boarded the boat with Lin Su.

Brother Huo is a poetry-mad man. He rode a boat across Duzun Mountain, how could he not leave a poem?

This sentence was so loud that it was heard by everyone on the upper and lower floors of the ship. Perhaps it was meant to be heard by others. Suddenly, countless heads emerged from the window sill, full of surprises...

Even Cai Zhulian, who was next to Lin Su, had a look of surprise on her face: Huo Donglai, a poetry madman of the generation?

Lin Su looked at the surprise on her face and was a little confused. Is he a poetry fanatic? Are you still a poetry fanatic? The name is very resounding, but what does it have to do with you? You are a practitioner...

Huo Donglai stretched out his hand: Here comes the pen!

A bookboy next to him held up a pen with both hands, and another bookboy held up a large piece of cardboard with both hands. Huo Donglai held a brush and looked at the Duzun Mountain on the side of the ship. The people around him were like stars holding the moon, and there was silence...

Jiang Feng Xunxun blew his hair into the air. To be honest, his style really resembled that of a poetry fanatic, similar to Li Bai's attitude of the emperor cannot get off the boat even if he calls for it, and he claims that he is a wine-drinking immortal.

Huo Donglai suddenly dropped the pen in his hand, and with one swipe, the pen danced like a dragon and a snake!

A poem appeared on a large white cardboard. It was also like a dragon and a phoenix. Most people couldn't recognize it at all. It was a very rare font in this era, and there was a faint prototype of cursive script...

Someone next to me read loudly:

The autumn water has gone into the sky, leaving only one mountain in the sky. One mountain divides the Western Lake, and two rivers go to the south of the Yangtze River. I listen to the autumn geese in the wind, and boats are walking on the river. The apes are silent on the cliffs, and there is no word on the golden beach.

The poem ends, and the sound is like thunder...

A student next to him said: Brother Huo's poem is informal, free and unconventional. It integrates autumn water, autumn wild geese, autumn rivers, cliffs and golden beaches. It has a lofty artistic conception and is worthy of a generation of poetry enthusiasts!

Yes, yes, a bunch of people agreed, a mountain separates Western Ze, two rivers lead to the south of the Yangtze River, this is an eternal quatrain!

Cai Zhulian's voice came to Lin Su's ears: Hey, what's the fifth sentence? Can you recognize it?

Lin Su turned sideways, so surprised...

There was a pamphlet in front of Cai Zhulian, and she was copying it. She copied the first four sentences, but the fifth sentence was really sloppy and she didn't recognize it. Lin Su could only tell her that the fifth sentence was Listen to the wind. Qiu Yan, but by the seventh sentence, she didn't know it. When she asked Lin Su again, Lin Su shook her head: I said you are a practitioner, and you carry a small notebook with you to record poems? Don't you think it's a bit subversive..., Chapter 1 The seven sentences are: The ape's voice is silent on the cliff...

The ape's voice is silent on the cliff... Caizhulian wrote and replied to him: What do you know? This is the charm of literature! What about the eighth sentence? The character of Shi Kuang is really hard to recognize...

“Weiyu Golden Beach!”

Caizhulian finished copying all the poems, picked up the poem, read it over and over again, and chanted it over and over again, her face full of intoxication...

Lin Su couldn't help but asked: Do you like this poem very much?

Cai Zhulian nodded: I never expected that during a trip to the world, I could witness the birth of a wonderful poem with my own eyes. It's really a worthwhile trip!

What a wonderful poem? What's so good about it?

Caizhulian was slightly startled: ...haven't you seen that even those literary geniuses are praised?

It's other people's business to applaud others. If you think it's good, there must be a good reason. Tell me, what's so good about it?

Cai Zhulian was annoyed: You don't understand poetry at all. What is there to discuss with you?

Lin Su was stunned and speechless.

He couldn't tell her that in his opinion, the standard of this poem was still very low, right?

Poetry Maniac, from the perspective of style, has learned seven points from Li Bai. His writing style also follows Li Bai's path. Poetry does not care about meter. Unfortunately, he has not learned the essence of Li Bai. Although Li Bai's poems are wild and free, they are not He is metrical, but logically rigorous and consistent in artistic conception. Therefore, he is the poet!

For example, this poem is not bad in terms of a single sentence, but when combined, it makes no sense, lacks a sense of picture, a sense of hierarchy, and a sense of progression. If it were written on gold paper, Lin Su dared to assert that even the golden light would The standards of poetry are not even met.

The people below were still boasting and reveling. Duzun Mountain was far away and the discussion was still going on. Huo Donglai, a poetry maniac, sat on the chair in the middle and accepted congratulations from all directions. Lin Su was speechless about this. Duzun Mountain, which has been raved about in poetry, is also speechless...

What made him even more speechless was that Cai Zhulian disguised herself as a maid, blended into the group of maids outside, and brought Huo Donglai a cup of tea...

You majestic Wushan saint and Taoist master, do you have any bottom line?

As the sun set, Caizhulian came back, looking very excited.

Lin Su asked her angrily: What? Did you have an intimate encounter with your idol?

Cai Zhulian didn't understand what an idol was, nor what an encounter was, but she still understood the meaning. She said, Huo Dong came here to Xizhou to attend a wedding banquet. Do you know whose wedding banquet it is? It happened to be her family's wedding reception.

Lin Su's eyes widened: Are you going to get married?

Cai Zhulian glared at him: What nonsense are you talking about? It's my sister! My sister will get married next month. Do you know who she is marrying? A genius in literature! That day, I won the third place in high school in the Xizhou General Examination!

Wow, that's amazing! Lin Su cheered: What about the imperial examination? Where is he?

Cai Zhulian was unhappy: I'm talking about being able to take the exam. What kind of palace exam are you talking about?

Just a casual question...

Although he failed in this imperial examination, he will definitely be on the list three years later. He will be a famous scholar and scholar!

Depend on! You said it with great joy. I thought I was already on the list, but it turned out that I was off the list. Haha, the people on the list are all stepping under my feet. Who are those who are not on the list...

The river boat travels at night, the moon and stars are sparse...

The students on the second floor returned to their rooms, and a few maids also followed them in. The tricks of play are not enough for outsiders to know. The literati in this world are really carefree when they go around the world, just like Liu Lao P visited a brothel in the Song Dynasty, no You can have fun spending money.

Lin Su is not currently a scholar and cannot enjoy this treatment, so he can only spend money.

He spent a high price of five taels of silver to get a luxurious room with a dedicated maid. He could have had fun without spending money, but Cai Zhulian took a certain share of his house. The poor little boy The maid had no choice but to step aside.

Lin Su and her went through the whole process of accidental encounter, crisis budding, crisis resolution, and then transitioned to normal chatting, and gradually became familiar with her...

She didn't need to go to the world of martial arts. Why would a Taoist master go to the world of martial arts? By flying directly through the sky, you can reach every corner of the sky.

But she just chose to put her feet down and walk around the world. Why?

Following Zhang Yiyu through the world is one of the reasons.

She has now reached the ultimate state of Dao Flower and is faced with the choice of Dao Fruit. Everyone is different about Dao Fruit. Understanding the various situations in the world, grinding oneself and finding the right direction is what everyone who wants to pick Dao Fruit can do. A path chosen.

Therefore, she took the opportunity of attending her sister's wedding to walk home from her master's school.

Her hometown is in Xizhou, and her father is still an official in Xizhou Prefecture. She also has a brother who is also a scholar. However, this brother has been spoiled since he was a child and cannot bear the hardships of studying. So far, he has barely passed the exam. A scholar.

She looks a lot like Zhang Yiyu...

He is in the Taoist sect, his brother is in the Wendao, and his father is in the officialdom...

It's just that the Zhang family has gone further than her family in both literary and official circles...

Cai Zhulian has a true love for literature. She worships poetry, lyrics, and articles. She is practicing Taoism while her heart is wandering in the literary world...

Her sister was married to a literary genius. She was even prouder than her sister. Lin Su, a person who met halfway, mentioned countless times that she wrote all her brother-in-law's poems in a small notebook and read them to Lin Su. At that time, when Lin Su yawned, she got angry and despised Lin Su as a rotten tree that cannot be carved.

Lin Su didn't show any talent in literature during the whole process. She spoke in the most straightforward manner. She was confused when she heard the poems. When it came to officialdom, he didn't understand because of her identity.

She is not only a practitioner, she is also a second-generation official.

When I go to Xizhou, I want to be an official in Xizhou. Can I tell her that I am an imperial envoy? She sleeps with tens of millions of knives - if her hair is really knives.

The next morning, Lin Su, who was meditating on the terrace, opened his eyes. In one night, another seventy or eighty small meridians were opened. These meridians were very tiny. Although there were not many impurities in them, they still gave him a strange feeling all over his body. Feeling overwhelmed, Lin Su looked at the bright sky, jumped down from the terrace, and entered the river. The cool river water, along with the soap, washed away the dirt all over his body, and he returned to the third floor deck again.

The autumn wind comes slowly, blowing away the mist all over the river. A red sun rises from the distant river surface, and it is a new day.

Suddenly, there was a scent in the air, a very familiar scent, it was the scent of osmanthus perfume that had just been released.

Lin Su slowly turned around, and a stunning woman walked out of the room. She was wearing a long skirt, her hair was tied high, revealing her white jade-like neck, she was noble and elegant.

Several more women dressed similarly to her came out of the room. One of them sniffed lightly: Kexin, what kind of perfume are you wearing? It smells so good.

Autumn tears. The woman named Kexin spit out two words.

Autumn Tears? I know about Spring Tears, but I have never heard of Autumn Tears...

I have heard that the Lin family has just released a new product called Qiu Lei. Junior sister, can you take this Qiu Lei with you? Let us take a look...

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